Guess what, friends? You get SUNDAYS off!!! Whoop and your welcome! You’ve been doing absolutely amazing – and we all deserve a day of rest. Take it. You’ve earned it.
And on this rest day – I recommend you take some time to reflect. How are you feeling? Are you sleeping better? How are your energy levels? How is your mood? Overall – how are you doing? Take some time and make some notes – either mentally or go ahead and journal it. Start noticing what’s happening in your body – in your mind – in your health.
We’d love to hear from you. This step is optional, but we really DO want to cheer you on and support you in your journey. Let us know how you’re feeling. How you’re doing. Were you successful getting up all week and getting your wake up workout done? Did you struggle? Did you succeed? Whatever it is for you – we’re here for you. Let us know in the comments below.
And enjoy your day off!! Stay tuned for Day EIGHT’s message.