Day 17 – Full Body Burn

Let’s start the burn in the legs, then move it to the upper and core.  This is a FUN one!  Today’s workout:

  • 45 second Wall sit
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Push to side plank
  • Repeat x2

Move 1 is a wall sit – upping the time this week to 45 seconds

Move 2 is squats.  It’s going to feel just fabulous after that wall sit.  (You’re welcome)

Move 3 is push to side plank.  You will do 1 push up (modified or full, whichever is your level) … then open to a side plank and hold it strong for a few seconds.  Roll back to plank with control and repeat.  1 push up, then open to a solid side plank.

Full body burn!!  You ready?! Go rock it and let us know how you do …