DAY 20

Day 20!!  WOWZERS we made it!  Today is our final workout day!!!  Let’s get right into our workout and then let’s chat about what’s next after this challenge ..

Your final workout:

  • Reverse Lunges
  • Beast to Plank
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Power through your final 60 second exercises!
  • In those last 10 seconds, really truly GIVE IT EVERYTHING!!!  Feel your cardio.  Feel your heart.  Feel your strength, your improvement, and really how far you’ve come over these last 20 days.  OWN YOUR HEART HEALTH.  OWN your fitness.  Own your life!!!

FEEL PROUD as you crush this final workout!!

OK – and then what?  What’s next?  Tomorrow, like every Sunday in this challenge, is rest day.  But then what?

I’d love to chat with you about all the options available for you to keep the fitness party rockin!  I have a few upcoming fitness programs that I know you’ll love!  My fitness programs dive in deeper.  They’re strength.  They’re endurance.  They’re mobility.  We work on all aspects of fitness through my full programs.  AND – the workouts are full follow along workouts 🙂  We walk through the whole workout – from warm up to cool down – together.

Want to learn more?  Reach out and let’s chat about my next fitness program.  I’d love to share the deets with you.

But first – crush today’s workout!!  Comment below with a sweaty selfie when you’re done – and let us know how PROUD you are of YOU!!!

You.  Are.  AWESOME!