Happy Sunday friends!!  You’ve made it through week one!!  So crazy proud of you all for being here, for showing up each day, for crushing your workouts, and for all your comments here!

Today is rest day.  We’ve all earned it.  We did a lot of heart pumpin’ this week!  Take today rest and recover.  Do some stretching.  Some yoga.  So foam rolling.  A nice bubble bath or epsom salt bath.  Recover and get ready to go again!

What happens tomorrow?  We head into week 2.

The daily exercises actually stay the same.  Our Monday workouts are always the same 3 moves.  Tuesdays are the same, and so on.  So you actually already know all the moves for the rest of the challenge.

BUT – our time, intensity and rounds change.

For week 2 – we’re upping in. 

20 seconds of work at MODERATE intensity … immediately into 20 seconds of HIGH intensity.

Then 20 seconds of rest before moving to the next exercise.

In moderate intensity – remember how you felt.  We want to start off the same today.  You can still talk and carry on conversation – but breathing is a little heavier.

Then after moderate for 20 seconds, CRANK IT UP!  Head into HIGH intensity.

High intensity is vigorous activity and it should feel challenging. It’s only 20 seconds – you’ve got this!  Here are clues that your exercise intensity is at a vigorous level:

  • Your breathing is deep and rapid.
  • You develop a sweat after only a few minutes of activity.
  • You can’t say more than a few words without pausing for breath.

Take your rest today.  Do some recovery work.  Because starting tomorrow – we’re taking our heart pumpin’ party to a new level!  Enjoy today and get excited for tomorrow 🙂

How are you spending your rest day today?  Let’s hear your plans …