YEAY – It’s time!! Let’s get the TIGHTEN your TUMMY party started!! Day ONE – let’s get it …
Today’s workout:
Let’s chat about the HOW-TO’s for these moves:
The most basic of all the core moves and a perfect move to start with.
Lye on your back with your knees pulled up. Place your hands by your ears, but do NOT use your arms to pull up! Let them just rest there.
Tuck your chin to your chest and take a giant exhale, pressing your belly button into your back, and lift your shoulder blades off the ground.
Then, still bracing the core, lower back down to repeat.
You’ve got 10 crunches today – blast them out!
Next up … the PLANK!
Had into your plank and HOLD for 20 seconds.
Repeat these 2 moves 1-3 times. And that’s day ONE! How did YOU do with it? Comment below when you’re done …