Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation

Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation

A Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation

Chronic constipation can be hard to control or eliminate, since the colon can become weak.  In most cases it will have to actually be retrained on how to have a bowel movement.

For those of you that have mild constipation, prevention is always better than cure. So, here is a morning smoothie that will help activate your colon.  This smoothie is packed with nutrients that your body will use to regenerate your colon and body. I have been making this smoothie for a few years.  I make enough to drink right away and to put into my thermos to drink around 10am.

When I make this smoothie, I just started by putting things in the blender without too much measuring. You can do the same and make adjustments as you go. It’s not really essential to get everything spot on and you may prefer a little more or less of something so I’ve left it a little free to do as you feel.

But below is a basic guestimate…

  • *    one to two peeled bananas
  • *    4-5 strawberries or other type of berries, or fruits
  • *    one tablespoon of lecithin granules
  • *    one – two teaspoons of flax seed oil
  • *    half and half almond milk and apple juice

In a coffee grinder, grind up around a teaspoon or less of the following:

  • *    brown sesame seeds – are high in lecithin, vitamin C, E, and Calcium. They improve liver function and help in constipation
  • *    sunflower seeds – are high protein, Calcium, and iron. They are one of the best natural foods which feeds the entire body.
  • *    flax seeds or linseeds – are high in fibre and provide bulk for your stools.
  • *    almonds – use around 5-6 no more. They are high in Calcium, Phosphorus and have some B-vitamins. Only eat a small amount. They are high in calories.

After grinding the seeds, place them in the blender and blend everything till smooth. If you need a little sweetness, you can add a small amount of stevia or agave nectar. I find this drink plenty sweet without any though. Sometimes I will add the powder of a few acidophilus capsules.

If I don’t add the almonds, I just put all the tiny seeds into the blender without grinding them up in the coffee grinder first.  The blender will break them up easily. In fact if you have a powerful blender it will probably do all the nuts, seeds and everything in one go. This is a powerful smoothie to give you morning power and to activate your colon to get moving.




A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer.

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer.

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer.

Ideas and recipes.

The popularity of herbal remedies is rapidly causing traditional medical practitioners to recognise the useful properties of the hundreds of thousands of known herbs that are able to heal and prevent many human and animal illnesses, as well as enhancing mental attitude, appearance, and performance.

Many centuries of experimentation by many cultures, including Indian herbal medicine (Ayurvedic), Chinese herbal medicine, and Western herbal medicine, have led to a variety of uses for plants, either singularly or in compounds. Herbal remedies can encompass anything from teas to complex preparations of herbal compounds used in hospitals or clinics. Many types of formulas are available such as pills, capsules, creams, and gels.

Your home may already contain some of the following herbs as food:

  • * Garlic – Reduces cholesterol and is a natural antibiotic
  • * Cinnamon – Lowers blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels
  • * Ginger – Reduces blood clotting risk and prevents motion sickness
  • * Chamomile Tea – Soothes nervous tension and helps relieve digestive problems
  • * Peppermint – Beneficial for digestion and digestive problems

To achieve a specific result, these herbs can be combined with other natural products.

While traditional medicine is extremely useful for diagnosing and treating emergencies, traumas, and surgeries, it is rarely adequate for preventing disease. Due to the ever-increasing cost of medicine, the increasing waiting times for doctor appointments and the difficulty of obtaining prescriptions from doctors, more and more people are turning to natural remedies.

There are many adverse effects associated with traditional medicines. As with conventional medicines, natural remedies are not always safe and may cause unwanted side effects. However, a large number of the population have been using herbals, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids for many years with very positive results.

Herbal products can be used by adult, child, and pet to treat countless medical conditions ranging from Angina, to Arthritis, to skin care, thyroid treatment, urinary tract infection, and an endless list of others. The development of new products has expanded beyond curing disease to address a variety of conditions, such as quitting smoking, removing unwanted hair, and eliminating wrinkles among others.

You may find your answer in one of the many natural herbal remedies.

Ayurveda provides numerous simple recipes for treating a wide variety of disorders. You will find below, some recipes that are highly recommended to those suffering from digestive problems. These are simple and effective remedies that can be made at home easily to help correct a digestive disorder and replenish nutrition that has been lost.

I hope you find some healing in them

Gruel recipes

  1. Indigestion


  • Rice -1/2 cup
  • Water – 4 cups
  • Long pepper – 2 or 3
  • Ginger -1inch

Method of preparation:

Combine rice and water with ginger and salt and cook according to instructions. Powder long pepper and fry it in a spoon of coconut oil ( if vegan) ( ghee is in the original ayurvedic recipe) and add it to gruel. Consume this when it is hot. This is very light to digest and relieves colic pain.

  1. Diarrhea


  • Rice -1/2 cup
  • Water – 4 cups
  • Ginger paste – 1/2 spoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Pomegranate juice: one cup

Method of preparation

  1. Cook rice with recommended quantity of water with ginger paste and salt
  2. Add pomegranate juice when the gruel is warm. You will be rehydrated and full of energy after eating this gruel. Inflammation of the intestinal walls is soothed and bowel movements are controlled.
  3. Flatulence


  • 1 cup of rice
  • 4 cups of water
  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) – powder-1/2 spoon
  • Roots of pippali or long pepper
  • Ginger paste -1/2 spoon salt to taste

Method of preparation

Cook Rice, haritaki powder , roots of pippali and water together. Add salt to it. Eat it when it is warm. This regulates bowel movements and relieves flatulence

  1. In indigestion due to overconsumption of oily food


  • 1 cup rice
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 cup plant milk ( if vegan) ( buttermilk is in the ayurvedic original recipe)
  • Salt to taste

Method of preparation

Cook rice water and salt together. Add a cup of plant milk when it is a little warm and consume it. This relieves indigestion, nausea and corrects digestion.


Lemon Garlic Chicken

Lemon Garlic Chicken


Need some tasty garlic to spice up your noon or evening? No need to think hard. Save time and get a healthy treat with this Asparagus and garlic-rich Greek chicken recipe.


Main meal

Cooking Time: 

30 Min


25 Min




Step 1

Take the thyme, pounded garlic, and lemon juice into a large bowl then mix with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. After the ingredients have been well blended, add in the chicken thighs then roll the pieces thoroughly until they are entirely covered with the paste. To make sure they are well marinated, wrap up the bowl with plastic wrap and toss it into a refrigerator. Let it chill from 20 minutes to 2 hours.

Step 2

Once set up, season all sides of the chicken thighs using salt and pepper. Toss them aside for a second, then preheat the oven to 410° c. Heat the remaining 1 tbsp. of olive oil, in a large size, ovenproof skillet over a flame then add in the pieces of chicken together with the marinade.

Step 3

After 7 to 9 minutes, check if the skin has turned golden brown. If so, turn the chicken, add the lemons in, the courgettes, and the asparagus.

Step 4

For the next 15 to 20 minutes, move the skillet to the oven and cook until the vegetables are soft. Remove from heat and serve while hot.

Nutritional Information






30 g




49 g

More Recipes

Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation

Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation

A Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation Chronic constipation can be hard to control or eliminate, since the colon can become weak.  In most cases it will have to actually be retrained on how to have a bowel movement. For those of you that have mild...

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A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer.

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer. Ideas and recipes. The popularity of herbal remedies is rapidly causing traditional medical practitioners to recognise the useful properties of the hundreds of thousands of known herbs that are able to heal and prevent...

Lemon Garlic Chicken

Lemon Garlic Chicken

ASPARAGUS GREEK GARLIC CHICKEN Need some tasty garlic to spice up your noon or evening? No need to think hard. Save time and get a healthy treat with this Asparagus and garlic-rich Greek chicken recipe.Course:  Main mealCooking Time:  30 MinTime 25 MinSErves...

Beef Steak Mushroom

Beef Steak Mushroom


In case you can’t make it for that steak out, how about trying out this lean, succulent fillet steak instead? It’s an easy fix, healthy, and will be melting tenderly in your mouth within just a few.


Main meal

Cooking Time: 

20 Min


15 Min




Step 1

If you get your steaks a day before preparation, wrap them on a plate then place them in the fridge. Anytime longer will lead to darkening which is okay. It’s a sign of oxidation which is great for the flavor. On the other hand, you can still get them fresh.

Step 2

Mix two spoons of the light soy sauce with one spoon of vegetable oil. If you’re not a soy sauce person, you can use a pinch of salt to taste instead. Add in the ground pepper, ¼ spoon of garlic then place one fillet steak in this mixture. In terms of size, a 6 oz steak will roughly go for 1 ½ inch thick.

Step 3

Heat a heavy frying pan to the smoking point. Add each steak separately.

Step 4

Depending on how you prefer the steak, that is either medium-rare or well-done, flip the steak once it’s firm enough. Add in the mushrooms, a slice of butter, then let both cook for a while. Remove the steak once ready then add the whipped cream into the pan.

Step 5

Slightly warm the serving plates together with the saucers for serving the mushroom sauce. For about 3-5 minutes, the mushroom and the sauce will have blended in.

Nutritional Information






20 g


40 g


2.6 g

More Recipes

Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation

Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation

A Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation Chronic constipation can be hard to control or eliminate, since the colon can become weak.  In most cases it will have to actually be retrained on how to have a bowel movement. For those of you that have mild...

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer.

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer.

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer. Ideas and recipes. The popularity of herbal remedies is rapidly causing traditional medical practitioners to recognise the useful properties of the hundreds of thousands of known herbs that are able to heal and prevent...

Lemon Garlic Chicken

Lemon Garlic Chicken

ASPARAGUS GREEK GARLIC CHICKEN Need some tasty garlic to spice up your noon or evening? No need to think hard. Save time and get a healthy treat with this Asparagus and garlic-rich Greek chicken recipe.Course:  Main mealCooking Time:  30 MinTime 25 MinSErves...




The blend of coconut milk and pineapple juice will get you into that tropical vibe. Just in case it’s sunny, you don’t have to think twice.



Cooking Time: 

0 Min


10 Min




Step 1


Whizz smoothly all ingredients in a blender except the ice.

Step 2


Add into two glasses with ice. Serve when fresh.

Nutritional Information






0.5 g


1.5 g


0.4 g

More Recipes

Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation

Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation

A Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation Chronic constipation can be hard to control or eliminate, since the colon can become weak.  In most cases it will have to actually be retrained on how to have a bowel movement. For those of you that have mild...

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer.

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer.

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer. Ideas and recipes. The popularity of herbal remedies is rapidly causing traditional medical practitioners to recognise the useful properties of the hundreds of thousands of known herbs that are able to heal and prevent...

Lemon Garlic Chicken

Lemon Garlic Chicken

ASPARAGUS GREEK GARLIC CHICKEN Need some tasty garlic to spice up your noon or evening? No need to think hard. Save time and get a healthy treat with this Asparagus and garlic-rich Greek chicken recipe.Course:  Main mealCooking Time:  30 MinTime 25 MinSErves...




You can opt to wind up your day with this easy-to-fix recipe. It’s gluten-free, packed with lots of fiber and vitamin c.



Cooking Time: 

20 Min


20 Min




Step 1

Preparing the dressing

In a mixing bowl, add a few drops of water then toss in the dressing ingredients.

Step 2

Boil Potatoes and Beans

For 10 minutes, boil the potatoes, then add the beans. Keep boiling until they are tender. Meanwhile, further, boil 2 eggs for roughly 8 minutes. Peel the shell the slice into halves. Drain the potatoes once soft.

Step 3


Exempting the eggs, add the potatoes and beans into the salad ingredients. Let the eggs be arranged on top. For the remaining dressing, sprinkle on top of the salad.

Nutritional Information






16 g


18 g


149 g

More Recipes

Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation

Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation

A Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation Chronic constipation can be hard to control or eliminate, since the colon can become weak.  In most cases it will have to actually be retrained on how to have a bowel movement. For those of you that have mild...

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer.

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer.

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer. Ideas and recipes. The popularity of herbal remedies is rapidly causing traditional medical practitioners to recognise the useful properties of the hundreds of thousands of known herbs that are able to heal and prevent...

Lemon Garlic Chicken

Lemon Garlic Chicken

ASPARAGUS GREEK GARLIC CHICKEN Need some tasty garlic to spice up your noon or evening? No need to think hard. Save time and get a healthy treat with this Asparagus and garlic-rich Greek chicken recipe.Course:  Main mealCooking Time:  30 MinTime 25 MinSErves...