When do we say no to alcohol

When do we say no to alcohol

When do we say “no” to alcohol?

Alcohol has always been one of the major social supplements in the cultural heritage of many nations.

Starting from the ancient Greeks and Romans, the Vikings, the Gaelik tribes, the Germanic tribes, the Thracians, the Conquistadors, the Discoverers of the New World and all the trading with alcohol that goes on even to this day.

Most of the celebrations of major events include an additional glass or two. Going to the pub with your friends, opening a bottle of wine in a restaurant on a date with your beloved, having a glass of aged liquor with your family on occasions.

But eventually there comes a time when you don’t realize you’ve had enough and crave it on a daily basis. This is the time we have to talk about saying “no”.

Why do we drink?

It is generally considered that alcohol helps us have a good time. The reason for that is the amount of dopamine that the body produces that makes us feel more alive.

The incentive – sensitization theory suggests that not only drinking frequently can produce dopamine, but the association with it does the trick, too. This means just being in a bar, seeing someone open a bottle of wine, etc.

The truth is that overtime the amount of dopamine obtained from drinking fades away, but the amount from the cues stays the same. You drink more to get the same amount of dopamine and ergo – addiction.

Saying “no” is the right thing

It is true that alcohol reduces negative emotions, but It also reduces positive emotions, as well. Objectively speaking – you numb your brain dead.

Contemplating your life’s decisions can get you thinking – Why on earth am I doing this in the first place?

There is always the social side of the coin, which is peer and beer pressure. Both are different names for practically the same thing, which is mostly directed with adolescent drinkers.

The social pressure of being in a queue and not knowing better most of the time leads to starting to drink to be pursued as “one of the gang”.

Time goes by and you start to wonder why you are even doing It. It doesn’t even bring you joy, just a rush of dopamine to get you through the night.

This is exactly the time to cut down on alcohol, and I mean cut down hard. Nothing good will come of it and your body will thank you for this decision.

The benefits

After cutting down on the amount of alcohol you consume you will see the results as quick as the dawn breaks.

Mood swings, that you didn’t even know you had, will vanish and the feeling of a more productive attitude will rise. This productivity will definitely help you control your craving by giving you the will and energy to exercise more.

Losing weight is another great benefit to getting rid of alcohol from your life. Beer, wine and spirits contain a lot of calories that your body cannot process, which leads to gaining water weight and you can’t get rid of that just by running a few laps.

Dehydration, liver problems, bladder problems are other factors that become an issue when drinking alcohol frequently. After cutting down you will feel better and think better.

Of Course, there is no denial that in small amounts some alcohol can be beneficial. Like a glass of wine every night with dinner, or high spirits when having a fever or feeling cold. Just don’t let it become a habit.

Fact is that you probably won’t become an alcoholic, just remember to listen to your loved ones and never be afraid to seek professional help.

The nurturing power of music

The nurturing power of music

The nurturing power of music

Since the dawning of time, man has been driven by music’s mystical guidance that meets our emotions in just the right way.

Music has always been more than an artistic proof of people’s cultural heritage and proficiency. It is, and always will be, a force that is driven by nature, with which we collide.

All living things around us create sounds that are musically, by our understanding, well toned and pitched perfect. That means every sound nature creates is music.

The collision of wind and tree branches, the mating sound of any wild animal, the song the river sings when the stream flows, the cry of a new born baby – all great examples of how we are connected emotionally to everything living around us.

Can music heal?

Fixating on the idea that everything in life is musically toned correctly has to lead to something else. If we agree that every sound that nature creates is a song, by our standards, then we communicate with nature by song.

This emotional link that we have with nature is the key to understanding that the sounds, songs and music we and nature create may help us leave happier lives.

Let’s say you’ve had a stressful day and you want to unwind and get out of your thoughts. The music we listen to every day can make you more stressed, but the music nature makes every day could help you restore your mindset.

I’m not saying that today’s, or at any point of the human evolution, music is bad for you. Many people enjoy listening to rock and metal music to get rid of the aggression that has been building up all day.

Jazz is also a popular music style that could park your mindset anywhere between uplifted and relaxed.

But no, the type of music I’m talking about is the one that comes directly from nature herself. I’m talking about whale sounds, fast river streams, waterfalls, a person, or animal, walking on grass with different paces, a wolf’s howl, night time animal noises.

All these different musical masterpieces could help you reach whatever state you want to be in fast and efficient.

It comes from within us

The reason these songs can have such an effect on us is that we have a connection with the artist – mother nature.

Evolution has made man want to differ from Its roots. It has made man want to not be seen as just another animal in the food chain. That, of course, is a kind of marketing tool to make us feel special.

Nevertheless, the only fact is that we have lost the symbioses with nature, which leads to not living the lives we want, stress, a fear of committing to anything, having trouble making major decisions.

So, how do we change that? Simple, just get in touch with the only way everything living around us talks to each other – listen to it. Listen to it all.

Go to the great outdoors and listen to all the music the world wants you to hear. Close your eyes, let all the bad stuff out and set your emotions free.

I know, many of you can’t afford to be missing out on work to do this, so then go online and find this music. Recordings of all nature’s songs are out there. Plug in the headphones and close your eyes.

You can do it in the car, you can do it in the park, in your bed, in the shower. This important thing is to let the sounds touch you and make you want to sing back to them. It may sound silly, but is there anything more natural than becoming one with the earth we are standing on?



Taking a break from a relationship for mental health

Taking a break from a relationship for mental health

Taking a break from a relationship for mental health

Being in a relationship can be a real rollercoaster. Sometimes it is warm and giving, other times it can be a little bit frustrating.

Having to commit in a relationship is a responsibility that makes you set aside your Ego and do things to make someone happy. But does that mean you should stop making yourself happy?

Most of the relationships don’t go as planned just because one of two does not have anything to give to the other. In that case you are obligated to nurture your needs, before you meet someone else’s needs.

A survey shows that almost 70% of the couples in Europe are not happy with the person they’re with. That only shows how beer pressure drives our social and personal life.

What kind of ship is the relationship?

Waking up in the morning and seeing the person you fell for lying next to you is one of the best things about being in a relationship. You have the same interests, you are each other’s best friends, you like each other’s flaws and personalities. Good for you.

In a parallel universe, you are tired of seeing this person every single morning laying next to you. You constantly fight, you’re passive aggressively talking back to each other and don’t communicate about pretty much anything. It sucks.

You are most probably going to go through both scenarios as the time goes by. Now you’re thinking, all my friends are in happy relationships, some are even married, some already have kids. What am I doing?

Not thinking about yourself

is what you’re doing, and you’re doing a heck of a job.

Being single may seem lonely and often a bit depressing. Chin up, It’s not that bad.

Having time to yourself can help you in so many ways, that It is a must, especially If you feel you don’t have anything to give in a relationship.

Face it, you want to meet the social standards that have you thinking It’s a necessity to have a partner. Well, It’s not and you should not feel pressured.

The real commitment comes from inside you and you are the engine that drives it. To be with another means to be, at least to some point, happy with yourself. You can’t do that until you’ve been single for a while.

Bonding with yourself

is one of the healthiest things you can do. Seriously, think about it.

How long has it been since you did something for yourself? Managing your time to be with yourself and only that.

Prepare a meal just for you, go on a vacation by yourself, buy something that you’ve been wanting and treat yourself to a thing that you normally wouldn’t do.

Rent a car and drive anywhere, do something spontaneous, go to a bar with your friends and don’t think about the consequences. Live the life you want to live and then find someone to live it with.

All your friends that are getting married and having children are lucky to have made this decision, but remember – It’s not a race. There is no right time to meet someone, It just happens. And believe me, It’s going to happen.

Best be prepared for the person you would want to marry by starting with having a relationship with yourself. At first It is going to be scary and lonely, but after a while It seems so natural and rewarding.

Society is too demanding on your personal time and Ego. Find the time to preserve and cherish yourself. Having someone beside you is great, but what about having yourself to yourself.


How to become an early riser

How to become an early riser

How to become an early riser

Strategies for becoming an early bird

If you’re not a morning person, waking up early can be a handful. And I know, I know, many would say that calling one “a morning person”, or another “a night owl” is just an excuse, but is it really?

If you have one of the many genes for being a ‘morning person,’ your melatonin (sleep hormone) levels are likely to rise earlier in the evening and fall earlier in the morning than someone with ‘night owl’ genes.” – Dr. Mike Dow.

This is a passage from psychotherapist Mike Dow’s book “Heal your drained brain”. The main idea is that there is actual scientific proof that some people do have troubles with being early birds.

Nevertheless, you needn’t give up on the idea that you will wake up early and feel energized for the day. Even If there is scientific proof that you are not lazy, you still can follow a couple of simple tips to improve your sleep and feel great in the morning.

Get a grip of your melatonin

There are two different types of time schedules regarding melatonin levels – “Time release melatonin” and “Fast – dissolve melatonin”.

Basically, this means that you can control your melatonin production by creating a different sleeping schedule. If you’re a night owl just get yourself in bed at around 8 p.m.

Ofcourse, this is not 100% guaranteed advice, because there is always the chance that you won’t fall asleep in the next couple of hours. But why is that?

We are what we eat

What we eat and drink can affect our nervous system in so many ways that It is practically impossible to fall asleep.

Sugar and  are one of the main coprates in this game of sleep or no sleep. Cut down your sugar consumption to 2 hours before going to bed. That can help your melatonin levels to take charge and get you snoozing quickly.

also has sugars in it, but on top of that It irritates your nervous system even more than actual sugar. It takes up to 40 minutes after your last drop of booze to be processed by your body.

You’ve been looking at it all day!

The blue light from your phone or laptop can and will not let you sleep. Even if you have it on stand by next to you, your mind will mistakenly presume you are not going to sleep, but instead have to be awake.

It’s keen to let your mind and body feel as If this room is only for sleeping, and that is It. This is one of the best ways to have mind hygiene. And speaking of that, let’s talk about…

Nightly routines

You know how there are certain kinds of things that just get you relaxed like nothing else. Why not try them before going to bed?

Little rituals like taking a bubble bath, a long hot shower, yoga, scented candles, lavender scents help a lot.

If you’re up to it, you could try creating a routine programme that would have you do different little chores – like activities to get your body to know It’s time for shuteye.

But whatever you do, do not exercise to get yourself worn off in order to fall asleep easier. It may seem logical that If you want to hit the pillow easier you can go for a jog or do exercises.

The only thing that this could help is to make your body feel like It’s the middle of the day and you need more serotonin, which is quite the opposite of what you need.


what is emotional health| Signs You Are Emotionally Well

what is emotional health| Signs You Are Emotionally Well

what is emotional health

Signs You’re Emotionally Well

Of course, nicely-shaped muscles are attractive, but there is a far greater sign of good health than just a fit body: emotional well-being.

Your emotional health has an impact on every aspect of your life, and caring for it is just as essential as caring for your overall physique.

How can you tell whether you’re in great emotional shape? Continue reading for indications that you value your health on the inside and out.

1.You are grateful in all parts of your life daily

Gratitude is the source of all happiness, and cultivating a grateful heart is a proven way to attaining emotional stability and well-being.

The willingness to appreciate any positive thing in our lives is a significant indicator of emotional wellness.

Reaching a state of thankfulness might seem like an exercise in futility if we have a negative attitude or low mental stability.

If you’re having these types of issues, take baby steps. Find something to feel thankful for in your life. Make a list, and then at least two things you need to be thankful for the next day.

2.You are considerate of others

Compassionately seeing others and engaging them with selflessness and goodwill is a sign of personal well-being.

This is referred to as prosocial behavior by psychologists. It indicates you’re sympathetic to other people’s feelings and needs, and you believe it’s vital to aid them.

It entails helping people in distress, even for things as easy as returning a misplaced purse to a receptionist or grinning and engaging the next person on the queue in a friendly conversation.

3.You take pride in who you are and the person you are becoming.

When you are stable emotionally, you are pleased with yourself. You are acquainted with your flaws and talents, and you’re comfortable with who you are on the inside.

Also, you are consistent, which implies that the personality you present to the public reflects your core self.

Consistency in this context means that the overarching feeling of your essence is in alignment with what you project to the outside world.

Although there are instances where you instinctually shift your behavior or attitude due to social circumstances.

Consistency suggests that your overwhelming view of your innate self is in harmony with what you project to other people out there.

4.You Repair and Forgive Relationships That Have Been Damaged

Getting bitter isn’t constructive or healthy, and a mentally healthy individual understands when it’s time to let go of ego and power if they must rebuild a strained connection. Although not every relationship can be repaired, attempting to at least hear other people’s side of the story is considerate and sensible.

5.You Place A Higher Value On Memories Than On Belongings

You see yourself valuing vacations, events, and dinners with friends over material goods, choosing the ethereal to the physical.

The same is true for social networking sites. An individual in good mental health will devote considerable time appreciating an event rather than attempting to capture it for others to see.

6.Your life has a purpose

your life has purpose

Having a purpose, a goal, or a broader significance for your life is what it means to live a meaningful life.

This occurs when you apply your skills to aid a cause you care about. Working with children, becoming engaged in politics, becoming an active member of a faith community for a worthwhile purpose are just a few examples.


Emotional wellness is more of a process and a continual effort than a destination.

When we achieve a sense of balance and psychological well-being, we must nurture and build it as much as we do with muscles.

Of course, It requires time, effort, and a firm commitment to be resilient and emotionally well.

You’re far more powerful than you think, you’re competent, and you’re deserving of feeling mentally healthy and empowered, no matter when you’re on this path.


