What is vibration therapy?

Vibration therapy is the use of vibration for therapeutic purposes. It can be used on a person, on a piece of equipment, or on an object.

There are many studies that have been conducted in order to understand the effects of sound and vibrations on human health. One thing that is clear is that sound and vibration therapy can be used to relieve pain, reduce discomfort, as well as increase relaxation and feelings of well-being.

Whole body vibration therapy


One particularly useful type of vibration therapy is whole-body vibration training. This is when someone lays down and vibrates their body to increase blood circulation and muscle strength. The vibrations also work to stimulate bone growth and improve nerve function. The vibration of sound waves has a substantial effect on our brain and nervous system.

Whole body vibration is also a technique that involves a person standing on a vibrating platform or being fitted with an inbuilt vibrating belt and/or vest. Vibration is transferred from the machine to the person’s tissues, which then stimulates muscle contractions in the legs and buttocks. This has been shown to reduce inflammation by increasing blood circulation, which then speeds up the healing process.

How is it useful for general health?

In an article by the Harvard Medical School, they state that vibration therapy is used to “improve muscle and joint function, relieve pain, reduce swelling, and improve overall functioning” for those who have arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and other conditions.

Vibration therapy can help with chronic pain management. It can be used to help with neck pain that does not respond to more traditional treatments like physical therapy or chiropractic care. Vibration therapy is also one of the only treatments for plantar fasciitis. Though it’s unclear what impact vibration has on muscle tissue after contracting a virus or bacterial infection.

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There are many different types of vibration therapy that are available to the public and all of them have their own benefits. Machines that provide this type of therapy to patients include vibrating platforms as well as handheld massagers which allow the patient to self-administer.

Contra indications

Vibration therapy is a technique that has been used for centuries and is still being used today. Whilst It helps to alleviate pain, increases blood flow, relaxes muscles and improves bone density there are still some contraindications.

Some of the contraindications for vibration therapy are: if you have heart disease, ulcers, osteoporosis or cancer.

Benefits for Weight loss, Muscle gain, Improved strength.

The vibration therapy for weight loss is one of the most effective treatments in this field. The reason is that it activates the muscles and promotes better blood circulation leaving you healthier and stronger. There is some evidence that suggests it may also help with muscle gain. Those with experience of these machines often say the vibration makes them work the muscles harder so it also builds strength.

The vibration therapy for weight loss usually includes a set of exercises, like squats, push ups and crunches, which are done while you are on a vibrating platform. As a result, your muscles get activated and they start to contract which leads to better blood circulation. This kind of treatment is also great because it promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels.


The vibration therapy for weight loss is an excellent way to lose weight with no known side effects.

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Other benefits:

Lower Blood pressure

According to health line – A 2012 study examined the effect of arterial stiffness using vibration training. The participants performed exercises on the plate and at the end of 6 weeks they all had a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure.

Improved body composition

Couple with dieting and aerobic exercise a group lost more weight whilst using the vibrating plate than those who solely used diet and or exercise.

Disclaimer Note: It’s important to note though, that just because something is natural does not mean zero risk. While many vibration therapies are very low risk there still may be complications, contraindications and contra-actions.

The internet is full of information on how you can cure yourself with natural remedies, fitness equipment and more, but we recommend that you seek out a Qualified Natural Practitioner, fitness instructor, chiropractor, Osteopath or vibration plate expert and always consult a Doctor before trying any new things. Never stop taking any prescribed medication without speaking to your health practitioner first.