Healthy Date Ideas For Valentine’s Day

Healthy Date Ideas For Valentine’s Day

Healthy Date Ideas For Valentine’s Day

Dating has, since the beginning of time, become a platform for lovers to discover who they are in a relationship with. Valentine’s Day brings with it an opportunity to rekindle the romance that often isn’t too prevalent throughout any given relationship. For couples looking to keep the romance going through this love season while involving healthy trends, here are some healthy date ideas for Valentine’s Day;

Get A Couples Massage

This is the perfect excuse to spoil yourself while you spoil her as well. Considering the fact that workdays along with the stresses of everyday life can work up some muscular tension as well as some mental fatigue. A date at the spa for two could be just what you and your partner need to unwind and let go of the tension and stresses of life albeit for a couple of heavenly massage sessions. For your Valentine’s Date, a couple’s massage ranks as one of the best activities couples could go for.

Work Out Together

Working out together on Valentine’s Day could offer the best experience while engaging your partner in active physical activities. Some sit-ups, push-ups, or a jog through your favourite jogging paths will get your day going while helping build your character as a couple. Working out together as well allows couples to inspire each other towards a healthy living lifestyle.

Surprise Her with Flowers

Having flowers delivered to her desk is a tried-and-true strategy for wishing your sweetheart a happy Valentine’s Day, but showing up in person means much more. Spice up her day at work with a lovely bouquet of her favourite freshly picked flowers. While it may seem like a cliché in some instances, flowers have been known to solicit pleasant instinctive reactions setting the scene for the perfect Valentine’s Day date.

See A Local Band

There are no limitations to creativity when it comes to Valentine’s Day date planning. Try coming up with something more to spice up your date on this more than special occasion. Dabbling in some local band activities with your partner could have you enjoyably dancing to a melodious tune while on your date on Valentine’s Day.

Hit Up A Comedy Show

A good laugh on your Valentine’s Day date ought to fill your day with love and joy. Look out for comedy shows and grab your couple tickets ready for an experience in rib-cracking comedy acts. With the entertainment industry coming up with humorous content, enjoying a hearty laugh with your love partner could be just what you need to highlight your Valentine’s Day.


Dating on Valentine’s Day comes as a special occasion to many couples across the world. It brings with it a spark between couples that allows them to rekindle the passionate romance that cements the love between them. A healthy date on Valentine’s Day is an ideal way of turning your date into an exciting and beneficial experience that will strengthen your love life and build on the romantic bond in your relationship.


How To Deal With Procrastination

How To Deal With Procrastination

How To Deal With Procrastination

How To Change The Procrastination Hard-Wiring We’re hard-wired to procrastinate, and this is somewhat a comforting fact. Humans are designed to avoid discomfort. Unfortunately оr fortunately for us, discomfort is what makes us grow. Procrastination can take many forms, the most obvious ones being delaying, watching movies, playing games, and scrolling on social media when you have a deadline or something you need to do.

However, the most poisonous type of procrastination is procrastination disguised as productivity. This means procrastinating by doing tasks that could be considered productive at first glance but in reality, are in no way efficient. Tasks like these include answering emails, making a list of what you need to do instead of doing it, spending time in pointless meetings, organizing your desk, and so on.

These tasks by themselves are not malicious. The question is, when do you choose to perform these tasks. And well, if you’re getting a lot done, that’s great, but are you truly making progress on what’s important?  You need to find the cardinal drivers of progress that are of utmost importance and deliver the most impact. Are you doing something because it’s moving you closer to your goal, or are you doing it because it can be seen as productive, but it’s actually just the path of least resistance in comparison to the hard task you need to do?

Two Essentials For The Fight Against Procrastination

When it comes to changing a hard-wired behavior or even resolving any problem of any nature, there are usually no more than two essential things that will bring most of the change.

And that is valid for the fight against procrastination, too, so let’s have a look at the essentials!


There needs to be a sense of urgency in order for you to win the battle against resistance. Urgency can be created by simply thinking about where your time goes. A third of your life will be spent sleeping, so there’s that. Another thing is you don’t really know how much time you have left on this earth. Humans are fragile beings, and sometimes it doesn’t take much to take us out of the game.

Caught in the tangle of our lives, we forget how easy it is for our life to come to an abrupt ending.  Time is running by, and the longer we put off the important tasks, the longer it’s going to take to reach our goal. You don’t have forever.

Specific Goals

‘’If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is  favorable.’’

– Seneca

Why do you do what you do? What are you trying to achieve? What you’re doing right now, is it moving you closer to your goal, or is it drawing you further from it? These are all questions we need to ask ourselves throughout the day. Think again why it’s important for you to get through with this specific task.

Think about how delaying this task will push back achieving your goals with a week, maybe a month, maybe years. Think about the long-term detriments of procrastination being a habit and a constant weakness that looms upon you. Don’t rationalize and justify it because everyone is doing it. That’s because not everyone has what it takes. Do what everyone else is doing, get everyone else’s results.

How To Set Yourself Up For Success

The truth is, beating procrastination becomes easier when you’ve built enough friction between you and the things that distract you and make you procrastinate. We need to set ourselves up for deep work and make procrastination hard.= To do this, you need to first identify your most notable procrastination triggers and habits.

Everyone is different, but to give an example, these are the kinds of things you would be looking for: Is your Facebook feed open while you’re working? Is your phone constantly next to you? Is the TV always on for background noise? Things like this send us on the slippery ride down the procrastination slope. Look for them. Once you’ve found them try to think of ways that you can make it harder for yourself to slip.

Close Facebook.

Put your phone in the other room while working.

Turn off the TV.

Make it hard to procrastinate. That’s the difference between the top performers and the rest. The top performers’ engineer environments and habits that promote working. They make it easy to start working and make it harder to procrastinate. Once you’re all set up and you’ve removed all possible triggers and distractions, all you need to do is just go.

Take-Home Message

If you are struggling with procrastination, don’t worry. We all do it from time to time! I’m sure some of these tips have helped at least one person who’s struggled in the past. Don’t give up on yourself and keep trying new ways to deal with your problem until you find something that works for YOU!

Good luck out there 🙂





How Important Are Micronutrients?

How Important Are Micronutrients?

How Important Are Micronutrients?

In the modern-day world, we are constantly blasted with often contradicting information about nutrition. Some people swear by the importance of protein and animal products, while others tell us it’s all about the caloric balance. Now, because fat, protein and carbohydrates are taking the majority of the attention, one thing remains quite ignored…

That is namely, the importance of micronutrients, which is the topic of discussion for today! So without further ado, let us go in depth on micronutrients and discuss what they are, what they do in the body and what the best sources are!

Macro VS Micro

So what exactly is the difference between macronutrients and micronutrients? Well, as the names suggest, macronutrients are the primary nutrients our bodies need in big quantities – Protein, fats and carbohydrates. These nutrients provide caloric value and are needed to sustain a healthy body weight and physiological functioning.

On the other hand, micronutrients do not really have a caloric value, but are just as important, due to their role in a variety of important processes all around the body. Micronutrients include phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals and last but not least, antioxidants! The body needs these nutrients to sustain the production of a variety of enzymes and hormones, which relate to the overall healthy functioning of the organism.

Micronutrient Deficiencies

Though the body needs micronutrients in small amounts, their absence quickly surfaces with a flurry of unwanted side effects. For example, a magnesium deficiency can cause you to:

  1. Have bad sleep
  2. Crave sugar
  3. Cramp
  4. Be unable to focus on the task at hand

Vitamins and minerals are an important part of human nutrition, mainly because they help kids grow healthy and strong, while adults can reap the benefits of sustained health. Fortunately enough, micronutrient deficiencies are generally easy to diagnose and can be seamlessly treated with various supplements and foods.

Common Micronutrient Deficiencies

With the abundance of nutrient-poor foods that many people survive on, micronutrient deficiencies are quite a common thing! Here are the most common micronutrient deficiencies found in humans:

  1. Vitamin B12
  2. Iron deficiency
  3. Iodine
  4. Magnesium
  5. Vitamin D

Some of these are easy to diagnose and don’t hide much risk, but others can cause severe discomfort and if sustained in the long term, even damage. For instance, B12 deficiencies which are common in vegans and vegetarians, can lead to anemia, memory issues, mood swings, irregular work of the heart and even neurological problems.

Micronutrient-Rich Foods


Unless you have severe deficiencies, micronutrient supplements are not really mandatory, as most deficiencies can be treated with a slight change in nutritional habits. Let’s have a look at the most vitamin & mineral-abundant foods!

  1. Fatty fish – Omega-3s, vitamin D
  2. Citrus fruits – Vitamin C, Folic acid
  3. Carrots – Vitamin A
  4. Eggs- Vitamin B, Iron
  5. Avocados – Vitamins B2, B5, B6 (And tons of healthy fat!)
  6. Kiwis – Vitamin A, C, E, K, Folate & Choline

Including these foods in your menu regularly will keep you away from deficiencies and maintain a balanced inner chemistry. Don’t like diversifying your food sources? Shoot for micronutrient supplements!

Take-Home Message

Your best nutrition plan is a good balance between macronutrients, micronutrients and calories. Though micronutrients do not provide a caloric value, they play important roles in a variety of bodily functions. Because their deficiencies will lead to worsened function, it is important to grant sufficient micronutrition through your food. Last but not least, micronutrients don’t really need to be tracked as long as you consume a variety of foods in decent amounts.

Healing herbs and plant sources for healthy gums and teeth

Healing herbs and plant sources for healthy gums and teeth

Healing herbs and plant sources for healthy gums and teeth

According to modern studies and centuries of use, a wide variety of essential oils, herbs, and other natural substances enhance oral hygiene and help prevent and repair many tooth and gum problems. Many herbalists advise a preventative, holistic approach to dental care that includes herbs, a better diet, and a regular oral hygiene routine that is effective.


Diet is the essential component in tooth and gum health, according to dental professionals. Because sugar-loving bacteria thrive in the mouth, it’s better to limit or avoid refined simple sugars in your diet and eat mostly fresh foods free of chemicals, additives, and preservatives. The gums are stimulated by eating whole grains and high-fibre meals like raw carrots and chewing them thoroughly.

A rigorous, consistent oral hygiene practice is essential for healthy gums and teeth in food. The major purpose of oral hygiene is to remove extra bacteria from the mouth since gum disease and tooth decay are mostly caused by excess bacteria dwelling between the teeth and gums, which forms plaque and tartar.

Brush Floss Scrape

Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day is recommended by dental specialists. Cleaning the tongue using a toothbrush, a commercially available tongue scraper, or even an upside-down soup spoon removes twice as much bacteria from the mouth as simply brushing the teeth.

Brushing the insides of the cheeks, as well as the gums, is also useful. Bacteria can intensify on your toothbrush over time and re-enter your mouth with each brushing; thus, dental specialists recommend changing your toothbrush every two months. You can also use an antiseptic mouthwash to soak your toothbrush in between uses, or you can buy a toothbrush sterilizer.

Brushes using electric rotary motors have been demonstrated to remove much more plaque than brushes with ordinary motors. There are plenty of natural herbal mouth rinses and toothbrush sterilizers.

Natural and herbal tools and preparations.

Natural and herbal tools and preparations such as natural bristle brushes or picks, powders, pastes, teas, and mouthwashes, can easily be incorporated into your daily oral hygiene practice if you want to keep healthy teeth and gums organically. Many of the preparations can be made at home, and health-food stores sell their own versions with the same herbs and components.


When taking herbs, it’s important to be cautious. If consumed for an extended period or in large quantities, several herbs can be hazardous. Furthermore, the active components in some plants are contraindicated for specific health problems and can react poorly with prescription drugs or other treatments. Therefore, it is advised that you research the herbs that interest you before using them, especially if you are pregnant, intend to treat a child, have special health conditions, or are on prescription medications, and visit a certified specialist if you have any questions or worries.

A few herb and plant uses

Many herbs and natural substances help to keep your teeth and gums healthy by tightening gum tissue, increasing circulation, and eliminating plaque and debris from your mouth. Resins like myrrh and the antiviral bee product, propolis, ( not suitable for vegans) promote the creation of new mouth tissues,  Usnea, a lichen ‘said to be’ stronger than penicillin against Staphylococcus germs and strep, bloodroot, and plantain, a common herb that relieves mouth abscesses and inflammation, are just a few examples.

Herbs with a high tannin content, Rhatany (Krameria triandra) and oak apples, help to keep teeth and gums healthy. When administered over time, hawthorn extract tightens the gum tissue. Antimicrobial immune strengthening echinacea extract kills microorganisms in the mouth. Aloe Vera extract is also soothing and beneficial to mouth tissues. Liquorice root is used in toothpaste and mouthwashes because it is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, preventing plaque growth, and tastes so good.

Many therapeutic herbs have essential oils that are naturally antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal and increase blood flow to the gums. Tea tree, spearmint, peppermint, eucalyptus, orange, clove, sage, cinnamon, ginger, rosemary, thyme, anise, and fennel, to mention a few, are all beneficial to dental health.

Traditional societies

Many traditional societies make natural, disposable toothbrushes and gum stimulators from the twigs or roots of therapeutic plants. Bay, fir, juniper, willow, eucalyptus, oak, and neem-tree twigs, as well as marshmallow, horseradish, alfalfa, and liquorice roots, have all been used for this purpose. Wooden toothpicks infused in healing essential oils are frequently sold in health-food stores as a rough equivalent.

Make your own tooth pick

Produce your own by putting undyed wooden toothpicks in a glass jar and coating them with a dental-health-improving essential oil. Allow them to soak in the oil overnight before air-drying.


Not a herb I know but thought I’d pop this in anyway.

Mix a modest bit of baking soda with just enough hydrogen peroxide to make a paste for a simple homemade toothpaste. Apply this paste to both the inside and outside of the gum line, then place the gum stimulator’s rubber point between the teeth and rotate in a circular motion for several seconds. This routine should be repeated twice a day. When the pH within the mouth is overly acidic, many tooth and gum problems occur, and baking soda alkalinizes the mouth.


Small amounts of zinc sulfate, folic acid (ground in a coffee grinder or mortar and pestle), one to two drops of tea-tree essential oil or peppermint, or hawthorn, echinacea, or Aloe Vera extracts can also be added. Experiment with various combinations to find the one that works best for you. Alum, salt, blackened eggplant, turmeric, myrrh gum, white oak, or prickly ash bark are some more helpful tooth powder constituents.

Interesting note:

Wrapping tooth powders in gauze and inserting them in the corners of the mouth nightly has been said to have healed some cases of severe gum disease in just a few months.

Oil pulling

Coconut oil can be used daily for oil pulling , swirl the oil around the mouth for a few minutes, sucking the cheeks in and pulling out debris from teeth and tissues, spit out and rinse.

The ideas referenced in this article for helping you with your teeth and gums can usually be used daily and are for information purposes only and not to impart any form of medical advice. Always do your own research and do not take anything without checking with your doctor, do check any possible allergens and interactions with other herbs or medications you are taking before embarking on any herbal or essential oil protocol.

If you already have a toothache, you should not use these treatments to treat that. This should be taken care of as soon as possible by your dentist. In some cases, home treatments like saltwater or clove oil can assist relieve discomfort until you can seek medical treatment. Meanwhile, it would help if you utilised these natural remedies as prophylactic steps to reduce the chances of toothaches.

Clean teeth are happy teeth.


An Hour A Day For A Better Life!

An Hour A Day For A Better Life!

An Hour A Day For A Better Life!

Nowadays, most people see training, nutrition and other self-care activities as something time-consuming. But what are the things you can do on the day to day basis, without using up most of your wake time? Well, the truth is there are MANY small things you can do on the daily basis to improve your overall quality of life.

In this article, we’ll give you our best tips and activities and it is up to you to schedule them into a convenient, one-hour routine, every single day! If you do that consistently, that’ll be nearly 400 hours of work on yourself for a year.

Guess that will give results. Now without further ado, let’s get to it!

What Can You Do For Your Body?

You have to realize that establishing certain habits that will nourish your body is not all that hard. Especially when you compare that to the vast amount of things you are NOT doing. Seriously, think about it – All your bodily functions and processes are autonomous (automatic).

  1. You don’t have to think in order to digest
  2. You don’t have to consciously poop (it just happens to you, but you can hold it)
  3. You don’t control any of your bodily functions for the most part

It appears that the community of cells that your body is, is just a smart organism that’s trying to keep you alive and healthy. Here’s what you need to do in order to support the life of your community of cells.

Be active/Include training

Optimal health occurs when all your bodily systems are working normally and with balanced chemistry. Following that train of thought, we can say that you can’t just ignore one of the biggest systems in the body – the musculo-skeletal system. As complex as it is, the human body was MADE to move, which is why a stagnant, sedentary lifestyle may increase the risk of worsened quality of life.

And though most people think of the gym when they hear “training”, lifting weights is by far not the only activity you can and should do. Do some weight lifting, do some bodyweight work, some hikes, climbing, swimming, running, sprinting, etc. Enjoy the vast variety of activities your body can do and it will thank you!

Eat nourishing foods


Though the body synthesizes many of the nutrients it needs on its own, there are certain essential nutrients that the body needs, but can’t produce. This is why eating the proper foods in the right amounts, is essential when it comes to giving the body what it needs. Protein and fats are the two essential nutrients that play major roles in many important bodily functions.

Carbohydrates on the other hand are not essential, but can be a good tool to use when trying to optimize high-intensity training performance. Here are our best whole food picks for you to include in your nutrition plan:

  1. Beef
  2. Eggs
  3. Fish
  4. Avocado
  5. Mangoes
  6. Dairy products
  7. Sweet potatoes
  8. Honey

If you are an omnivore, animal products should be at the core of your diet, as they provide plenty of essential proteins, fats and are very satiating, making it less likely for you to overeat.

Manage stress

Even though nutrition and movement are of prime importance for your wellbeing, stress can be the make or break factor, due to its nature. Excessive stress shuts down the body’s growth, as well as the immune system and also, kicks the heart and brain out of coherence (sync). This inner-created chaos then translates to feelings, emotions and actions in the outer world, making your overall experience bad.

Without a doubt, stress management may sound easy, but it is not the easiest thing to practice. Take 10-20 minutes of your day to sit down in a quiet room, undisturbed and reflect back on your day. Analyze which stress factors were persistent and put a conscious intention to react in a different way to those things.

Remember, stress management is about an inner regulation of your reactions to things.


For the most part, your body works automatically and all you have to do Is use it the right way and feed it with the right food, fluids, thoughts and awareness! From then on, all the right mindsets, actions and emotions will come into place and set a life flow of greater quality. Are you ready to make the change?


Herbs commonly used in Ayurvedic Medicine – PART 1

Herbs commonly used in Ayurvedic Medicine – PART 1

Herbs commonly used in Ayurvedic Medicine – PART 1

Lets look at the some of the most amazing herbs for Ayurvedic medicine. This is Part 1.


It is reputed that Amalaki (Amla or Indian Gooseberry or Emblica officinalis) contains the highest level of vitamin C of any naturally occurring substance. Balance is maintained among the three doshas of the body, thereby controlling digestive issues, strengthening the heart, controlling cholesterol, preventing cancer, building and maintaining defence mechanisms, improving eyesight, as well as detoxifying the body.

The amla fruit is said to have 20 times more vitamin C than the orange. Amla contains approximately 625mg to 1814mg of vitamin C per 100gms. Amla is also shown to increase haemoglobin and red blood cells. It was discovered, through research, that when taken regularly as a dietary supplement, Amla can counteract the toxic effects of prolonged exposure to environmental heavy metals, such as lead, aluminium, and nickel. Read More About Amla


Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry or Withania Somnifera)- Ashwagandha is one of the main herbs for promoting libido and rejuvenating the body in Ayurveda. An effective semen enhancer, it is used to treat impotency and infertility.

Ashwagandha has been proven to possess antibacterial, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties in clinical studies. It is an adaptogen helping the body cope with stressors and change. Stress-reducing effects also facilitate learning and memory. It has also been found to help with rheumatic and arthritic disorders, such as pain, swelling, etc.

Overall, it is considered an Aphrodisiac, immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour and anti-stress herb that shows why Ayurveda held this herb in such high regard as a general tonic.


‘Arjuna’ (Terminalia Arjuna) is a highly effective cardiac tonic. It has been known since 500 BC that the herb Terminalia arjuna can be beneficial for treating heart problems. In clinical research, it has demonstrated its effectiveness as a treatment for anginal pain, as well as for coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, and possibly hypercholesterolemia.

Some studies reported ”Improvement of cardiac muscle function and subsequent improved pumping activity of the heart seem to be the primary benefits of Terminalia Arjuna”.


In the ancient world, Brahmi was called “food for the brain”. This herb is traditionally used to boost the immune system, as a nerve tonic, and as a mental tonic. This enhances mental function and promotes clarity and calmness.

Brahmi is claimed to improve memory and help combat stress. The benefits of Brahmi are particularly suitable for students, as it improves their ability to learn and to focus, and for elderly people who want to regain their memory. Specifically, it is unique in its ability to stimulate mental processes while reducing the effects of stress and nervous anxiety.

Brahmi is often used as a nervine tonic for stroke victims, those who are prone to nervous breakdowns and those who are suffering from ADHD. Ayurvedic brain formulas with the best memory and brain power often include brahmi, as do many other compounds known to promote long life.


Guggulu (Shuddha Guggulu, Guggul, Commiphora Mukul) – Studies indicate that it is one of the most effective Ayurvedic herbs for treating obesity and high cholesterol. Research shows that guggulu lowers serum cholesterol and phospholipids, and that it also protects against cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis. In these clinical studies, guggulu resulted in lower body weight.

In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, Guggulu is also effective for treating arthritis and other joint pains.


Karela (Bitter Melon, Bitter Gourd, Momordica Charantia) – At least three different constituents of bitter Melon have been shown to lower blood sugar levels. Among these are steroidal saponins known as Charantin, insulin-like peptides, and alkaloids. In studies, bitter melon consistently lowers Type 2 diabetics’ blood sugar levels.

It may reduce the patients’ consumption of antidiabetic drugs. Bitter Melon is also thought to have proteins that repress other viruses.

Bitter melons have been recommended as one of the best herbal medications for diabetic management by the Department of Health in the Philippines. Read More About Bitter Melon