Herbs commonly used in Ayurvedic Medicine – PART 1

Herbs commonly used in Ayurvedic Medicine – PART 1

Herbs commonly used in Ayurvedic Medicine – PART 1

Lets look at the some of the most amazing herbs for Ayurvedic medicine. This is Part 1.


It is reputed that Amalaki (Amla or Indian Gooseberry or Emblica officinalis) contains the highest level of vitamin C of any naturally occurring substance. Balance is maintained among the three doshas of the body, thereby controlling digestive issues, strengthening the heart, controlling cholesterol, preventing cancer, building and maintaining defence mechanisms, improving eyesight, as well as detoxifying the body.

The amla fruit is said to have 20 times more vitamin C than the orange. Amla contains approximately 625mg to 1814mg of vitamin C per 100gms. Amla is also shown to increase haemoglobin and red blood cells. It was discovered, through research, that when taken regularly as a dietary supplement, Amla can counteract the toxic effects of prolonged exposure to environmental heavy metals, such as lead, aluminium, and nickel. Read More About Amla


Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry or Withania Somnifera)- Ashwagandha is one of the main herbs for promoting libido and rejuvenating the body in Ayurveda. An effective semen enhancer, it is used to treat impotency and infertility.

Ashwagandha has been proven to possess antibacterial, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties in clinical studies. It is an adaptogen helping the body cope with stressors and change. Stress-reducing effects also facilitate learning and memory. It has also been found to help with rheumatic and arthritic disorders, such as pain, swelling, etc.

Overall, it is considered an Aphrodisiac, immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour and anti-stress herb that shows why Ayurveda held this herb in such high regard as a general tonic.


‘Arjuna’ (Terminalia Arjuna) is a highly effective cardiac tonic. It has been known since 500 BC that the herb Terminalia arjuna can be beneficial for treating heart problems. In clinical research, it has demonstrated its effectiveness as a treatment for anginal pain, as well as for coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, and possibly hypercholesterolemia.

Some studies reported ”Improvement of cardiac muscle function and subsequent improved pumping activity of the heart seem to be the primary benefits of Terminalia Arjuna”.


In the ancient world, Brahmi was called “food for the brain”. This herb is traditionally used to boost the immune system, as a nerve tonic, and as a mental tonic. This enhances mental function and promotes clarity and calmness.

Brahmi is claimed to improve memory and help combat stress. The benefits of Brahmi are particularly suitable for students, as it improves their ability to learn and to focus, and for elderly people who want to regain their memory. Specifically, it is unique in its ability to stimulate mental processes while reducing the effects of stress and nervous anxiety.

Brahmi is often used as a nervine tonic for stroke victims, those who are prone to nervous breakdowns and those who are suffering from ADHD. Ayurvedic brain formulas with the best memory and brain power often include brahmi, as do many other compounds known to promote long life.


Guggulu (Shuddha Guggulu, Guggul, Commiphora Mukul) – Studies indicate that it is one of the most effective Ayurvedic herbs for treating obesity and high cholesterol. Research shows that guggulu lowers serum cholesterol and phospholipids, and that it also protects against cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis. In these clinical studies, guggulu resulted in lower body weight.

In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, Guggulu is also effective for treating arthritis and other joint pains.


Karela (Bitter Melon, Bitter Gourd, Momordica Charantia) – At least three different constituents of bitter Melon have been shown to lower blood sugar levels. Among these are steroidal saponins known as Charantin, insulin-like peptides, and alkaloids. In studies, bitter melon consistently lowers Type 2 diabetics’ blood sugar levels.

It may reduce the patients’ consumption of antidiabetic drugs. Bitter Melon is also thought to have proteins that repress other viruses.

Bitter melons have been recommended as one of the best herbal medications for diabetic management by the Department of Health in the Philippines. Read More About Bitter Melon



Help Yourself Before Others – Why It is Important

Help Yourself Before Others – Why It is Important

Help Yourself Before Others – Why It is Important

Do you find it hard to say no to people? Have you ever said yes to someone even when it was inconvenient or to your detriment? Maybe you find it hard to say no to others because you are afraid of being called selfish and self-serving. Many people struggle with this, and while it is great to be known as the go-to and reliable person, it is also a great responsibility.

Yes, it is necessary to help others but not when it is at a disadvantage to you. You will always be needed by others, friends, family, coworkers, etc. but remember that you’re also needed by… You. When you are not in the right space mentally and physically, there’s no way you can impart someone positively. Now let us discuss this intricate topic a little further …

Importance of Putting Yourself First

We can only give what we possess, and loving oneself before others is a pathway to fulfillment and happiness. When you prioritize yourself, you automatically multiply that, which you are able to give others, whether it is spiritual, emotional or material. And here’s why that’s important…

1.    It Creates Happiness

Surely you want to give the best to your loved ones, and they want the same for you. Spending so much time loving others and not yourself could lead to resentment, especially when you are not getting the same energy back. Carving out time to care for yourself improves self-worth, which translates into happiness and a feeling of fulfillment.

2.    You Will Gain More Respect

People will treat you how you treat yourself, so if you place yourself last, they will do the same thing. If you say yes at all times, they will take you for granted, so be kind but not a pushover. By putting a greater focus on yourself, confidence also improves and you then go on to become more respected.

3.    Improved Relationships

4 Styles Of Communication.

Striving to please everyone around you can get exhausting and this strains all aspects of life, especially your relationships. Remember to focus more on yourself and ensure you are in great shape before taking care of others. Once your energy is revived, you have more to offer to those around you, and you will see your relationships with them get better.

4.    It Helps your Health

Disregarding your own needs for others can leave you stressed, exhausted, and overwhelmed which can take a toll on your health. Stress is in fact, one of the biggest dangers for your health, due to its innate ability to buffer your body’s immune function and growth. You NEED your body to be relaxed and strong enough for all your activities and if you don’t find the time to rest, your body will do it for you and leave you sick.

How to Put Yourself First

There is a fine line between prioritizing yourself in a productive way and being overly selfish. To get others to love and respect you, you need to occupy the number 1 position in your own life… In the right way. Here’s how to do that.

1.    Set Boundaries

Boundaries are necessary, and if you fail to do this, you start living for others. This doesn’t mean completely discarding other people’s feelings, but rather, learning to find the right balance. Learn to say no, and let go of the fear that people would stop loving you because it is not true.

2.    Decide on Your Self-Care

Doing what you love is the greatest form of self-care and it’s time to start making this a priority. The more you do this, the more your self-care routine improves and the  happier you become.

3.    Be Around Those That Inspire You

Being around people that inspire you will help you develop those traits you admire in them. This elevates your energy instead of depleting it because you are challenged to become a better person.

4.    Nutrition

A major part of caring for your body is paying attention to what goes inside it. Nutrition is the fuel of the body and it should be used to optimize functions, health and wellbeing Focus on whole food sources that are nutrient dense and avoid any highly processed foods and packed products.

Final Thoughts

Helping yourself first is not selfish, it is the responsible and right thing to do. Not only will it improve your wellbeing, but it will also make you a better person for those around you. Love those around you but remember that you come first, because you are that fountain for the love you give to others!



Emotional Intelligence – What is it & How To Develop It?

Emotional Intelligence – What is it & How To Develop It?

Emotional Intelligence – What is it & How To Develop It?

In the 21st century, our senses get bombarded with loads of different information, which may often cause us to react in certain, more emotional ways. Oftentimes, this emotional response may leave us feeling lost and hopeless about a certain thing and that state can sometimes linger on for weeks and months on end.

But what is emotional intelligence and can you actually train your brain to respond less acutely to stressful situations? In this article, you’re going to learn more about emotional intelligence, what it is and how to take control over your otherwise automatic responses. Let’s get to it now, shall we?

By Definition…

Emotional intelligence, by definition, is one’s ability to recognize, be aware and in control of their own emotional reactions and those of others. The concept of emotional intelligence was first created back in 1995, when Daniel Goleman published a book called “Emotional intelligence”.

In his book, Daniel talks about how an emotionally intelligent person is able to differentiate between his emotions and is able to use them to navigate his/hers thoughts and actions. Though this is easier said than done, there are certain guidelines to follow if you want to take control over your emotions and reactions.

The 5 Abilities To Help You Take Control

In order to take control over your emotions and reactions and keep them regulated (instead of having them control you), there are 5 main abilities to focus on and develop.

#1 Empathy

At its very core, empathy is one’s ability to put themselves in other people’s shoes and understand their thought patterns, emotions, reactions, feelings and behaviors.

In doing so, you will realize that there is no ultimate truth- Everyone is bound to their own belief system and their own encoded emotional responses and thought patterns.

#2 Self-Awareness

This second ability can manifest on many different levels, but when it comes to emotional intelligence, it is in fact crucial. Being able to recognize your own emotions, feelings, thoughts, behaviors and reactions is of prime importance when you are becoming more emotionally intelligent.

And though recognizing them is important, it is just half the battle- The other half is to actually make conscious choices and break those patterns.

#3 Discipline

In the modern-day world, it is believed that there is a “once and for all” solution to all your emotional problems/depression. Well, the truth is that there is no such thing as permanent happiness, because as humans, we constantly surf the entire emotional spectrum, as long as we are alive!

Staying consistent and disciplined with the physical and emotional well-being practices is important when you are building your emotional intelligence.

#4 Self-Regulation

At its very core, self-regulation is an important ability to develop, which is at the very core of emotional intelligence. This is one’s ability to control their emotions and actions leading after the emotions.

And even if you lose it and fall for the automatic reactions encoded into you, well-developed self regulation would mean that you will recover much quicker, after an emotional reaction.

#5 Social intelligence

As emotional humans, we must realize that our emotional states affect others, especially when they are in our environment. Social emotional intelligence is one’s ability to control their emotions and reactions in a social environment.

Emotional Intelligence = Happiness?

As we already mentioned, there is this global idea that there are certain actions you can take, which will result in eternal, life-long happiness, with the absence of bad emotions. However, this is simply not true!

Even more so, as social beings, we are all different and we all have a set of emotional responses and reactions. The differences between people are a premise for problems and conflicts, but if emotional intelligence is present on at least one side, there would be a certain level of understanding, which can alleviate any personal/social conflict.

On top of that, emotional intelligence allows us to be more aware of what we feel under certain circumstances. This therefore gives us a greater level of adaptability, which in turn helps us make the right choices in the more important aspects of life.

Take Home Message…

For the most part, humans have a specific set of encoded, emotional responses and reactions, which, for the most part are automatic. You didn’t really choose to be that way; those things were literally given to you when you were a child. They were given to you by your parents, siblings, other relatives, teachers, friends, etcetera.

Emotional intelligence is about recognizing those automatic responses and asking yourself “Who gave me that and do I really need it to affect me that way?”. After setting that conscious realization, your next step is to take conscious action and take control over your emotions, instead of letting them control you.

Stay woke.

Easy Psychological Tricks

Easy Psychological Tricks

Easy Psychological Tricks

Psychological tricks can add up flavor to your social life and give your communication skills an upgrade. Psychological techniques such as persuasion and social psychology can convince people to do something when they don’t want to. This is, however, not to be confused with manipulating.

Whether it’s making someone spill their secrets, getting your boss to give you a raise, or persuading someone to buy something, psychology will always be to your rescue. Here are some easy psychological tricks you can use in everyday life and get things done!

Calling Out The Bluffs

If you’re surrounded by deceiving people and want to call out their bluffs, we have a few tricks for you to follow!

1.    Warm-up your hands:

Nothing reeks of a cold lie more than challenging and clammy hands. If you’re talking to someone you want to trust, you better warm up your hands before shaking them with the person or even touching them.

2.    Be wary of the body language:

Lying and deceiving behavior is often associated with discomfort. If you notice it, all you have to do is catch that chink in their armor. Some people might scratch their head, some might repeat the same gesture again and again, and some might get too touchy. For catching them red-handed, noticing their body language will be of great help!

3.    Look into the eyes:

It’s common that people who are lying to your face don’t usually make eye contact. You’ll notice them seeing here and there, either on your shoes or your shirt, but won’t make direct eye contact with you while talking. It is also a sign of discomfort people face while lying on your face. So, always look into the eyes; they never lie!

Getting Someone To Tell You Something:

People don’t usually share their secrets with anyone unless they’re family or friends. Still, sometimes, even your loved ones might not want to do that. We advise you to give them space, but sometimes it’s good to let things out. Well, here’s how you can get someone to tell you something.

1.    Eat together:

Make Bread, Not War

According to recent research, eating together with a loved one releases endorphins called “feel-good hormones.” Eating with someone is always more than meets the eye. Inviting them to a meal, preferably their favorite place, might help them open up and express their thoughts. However, always remember that a polite invitation is more effective rather than pushing them.

2.    Reverse Psychology:

Reverse psychology can be called the most underrated psychological trick in the world. But, if used properly, it can do wonders. If you want someone to spill their guts out without making it obvious, you need to do the exact opposite. In other words, you should seem least interested in their affairs and dealings.

When someone hiding a secret feels that their loved ones aren’t interested, their mind wanders, and they might end up spilling the beans. Reverse psychology can come to use in various circumstances, ranging from personal life to corporate dealings, so do consider it a powerful weapon in your arsenal. All you need is practice!

Some Other Psychological Tricks:

  • If you want someone’s help, use the words “NEED” in your sentence. People love to feel needed.
  • Always be in your best posture. By correcting your posture, you automatically look a lot more confident.
  • Be enigmatic, and always keep a particular mystery about your personality. Such a personality has a more significant potential of attracting people to you.


Psychological tricks may seem easy, but they need a lot of practice. Once you’ve had your training, there’s no stopping. We advise you to not use these easy psychological tricks for taboo or vicious activities like manipulation. If used positively, these psychology tricks can help you read the minds of people and save yourself from future problems!




Does Your Child Have Constipation?

Does Your Child Have Constipation?

Does Your Child Have Constipation?

Children have constipation just like adults and perhaps more often since they sometimes don’t like to eat food that has a lot of fibre – vegetables and more vegetables.  Children with constipation can use the same natural remedies as adults, but in lesser amounts.

You can use these guidelines for children 3 and older.   Children should have a bowel movement every day.  It would be best for them to have at least two, if they are eating three meals a day.  If your child is having three or less bowel movement per week, it is time to get worried and take action.

If you use some natural remedies, and your child still has only 3 or less bowel movements per week, then it’s time for you to take your child to see a doctor.  Continual constipation can reflect a more serious condition, especially if your child is eating the foods that promote natural bowel movements.

Here is a list of things that you can do for your child with constipation.  In fact, these recommendations are also good for you if you have constipation.

  1. Drink more water – children are very active and will perspire more than an adult during the day and lose water. If the body needs water, it will take from the stools and make them hard and difficult to expel.
  2. Eat more fibre – fruits and vegetables is where the fibre is. Using artificial fibre and laxative products is not a good idea.  The body can become dependent on these products and lose its bowel sensitivity and colon wall tone.
  3. Having a bowel movement when it is time – teach your children to go to the bathroom when they get the urge. A lot of times they will put it off if they are playing or doing something they like.  Putting it off will de-sensitise the colon and it will stop giving the bowel movement signal after a time.  This will lead to constipation.
  4. Use natural products that promote bowel movements – there are many fruits and vegetables that promote bowel movements. Use these as snacks.  In cases where you use a natural remedy that is bitter, remind your child that it is medicine to help them go to the bathroom more frequently.

Drinking Water

large glass of water to drink

Have your constipated child drink more water throughout the day.  Use distilled water.  Minimise the use of sodas, tea, and sweetened juices, as these are not water.  Eating fruits and vegetable provide the body with distilled water since they contain up to 70% water.  Drink unsweetened fruit and vegetable juices which provide water and promote bowel movements.

Eating Fruits and Vegetables


The best time to give your child fruits is in the morning.  From the time they wake up to noon time is when the body is detoxifying.  Heavy foods like meat, milk, cereal, and eggs hinder the detoxifying process.  Fruits and their juices accelerate the detoxifying process and promote bowel movement, provided no protein or carbohydrates are eaten.  A good breakfast is simply a bowel of fruit.  A glass of fresh juice can also be provided.

When in season use a big bowl of watermelon and cantaloupe slices.  Otherwise, use a variety of seasonal fruits.  Use fruits as a snack between meals.  But do not give fruits after a meal as desert.  Wait 2-3 hours after a meal before giving fruit.  This helps digestion and promotes bowel movements.

Vegetables should be eaten with each meal at noontime and dinner.  Vegetables provide water, fibre, and an array of minerals and vitamins necessary for good digestion and colon function.

To make the salad more appealing for your child add raisins or pieces of apple to it.

Look to my other articles for Natural Constipation Remedies.   For a child, any herbal products that are used as a constipation remedy should be used at 1/3 the amount listed for an adult. If in doubt always check with a registered homeopath, naturopath, herbalist or doctor.