Best Fitness Apps In 2022

Best Fitness Apps In 2022

Best Fitness Apps In 2022

Getting fit has always been a challenge, from tracking calories to keeping up with your workout regime. Luckily, technology is here to help us out in the form of fitness apps. With a variety to choose from, here are some of the top picks to help you achieve your 2021 fitness goals.

My Fitness Pal

My Fitness Pal has been a top gunner in the world of fitness apps and there are plenty of reasons for that. This app is an overall overachiever, with multiple functionalities. It allows you to log your exercise stats, record calorie intake, change habits, and several options to customize your workouts. It even has a restaurant menu logger to ensure your calorie tracking even when you eat out. The app has over 350 workouts too. However, for these capabilities, one will have to pay a fee.


With fitness comes nutrition. With proper nutrition, you will be able to faster reach your goals. This app helps you track more than just calories. With a barcode scanner, nutrition data input is easy and you get a complete nutrition breakdown of the food scanned. The macronutrient ratios are shown in simple charts and the food-grade system is easy to understand. Besides, it also offers recipes and diet tips. The only downside is that there is a fee-based upgrade for specialized diet tracking and ad-free-service.


Sworkit is a flexible app that lets you select between strength, cardio, yoga, or stretching. The app adjusts to your personal goals, factoring in the amount of time you have to work out. The app has a staggering approach that makes this app suitable for beginners with no access to a gym or equipment. There is also the option of having personal trainers for one on one coaching, who can be privately messaged over the app. Available on iOS and Android.


8fit lets you create personalized workouts and meal preps. The app’s features are designed for a constant reminder and giving suggestions and instructions, making it great for those of us who have a hard time staying on track. The app lets you chose a goal and based on the assessment the information requested curates a fitness plan for you. The app comes with a free plan and a pro plan.

The Johnson & Johnson Official 7 Minute Workout App

This app has made name for itself, for being one of the best short workout apps around. The app gives circuit training workouts that can be done in between daily activities at a level you are comfortable with. The equipment for these workouts is minimal and includes simple exercises. If seven minutes are too short for you there are other options in the app.  To keep you going, there are audio and visual cues for starts and stops. The app is free on Android, iOS, and Amazon.


When choosing a fitness app, you should consider your costs (paid apps) and the features of the app such as customizable workouts, that will aid you in the pursuit of your fitness goals.

5 Fitness Activities to do on Valentine’s Day

5 Fitness Activities to do on Valentine’s Day

5 Fitness Activities to do on Valentine’s Day

With the always anticipated Valentine’s Day right around the corner, lovers hailing from all over the world are looking to turn this love season into something their partners will forever hold near and dear. Among the ultimate couple defining goals going viral are the passionately engaging fitness activities going viral across the globe. These are five fitness activities to do on Valentine’s Day;


Hitting the street with your loved one on a two-seat bicycle could be the ideal fitness activity for you this Valentine’s Day. Couples can enjoy the outside world while working in unison towards achieving healthier body fitness. With major attributes to improving cardiovascular and general muscle health, cycling is not only fun but will have you and your loved ones in great physical shape for this love season.


While this might inadvertently happen given the passionate nature of Valentine’s Day, it is worth noting that dancing actually makes for an ideal fitness activity. This Valentine’s Day, couples could engage in dancing sessions to mark their appreciation for each other or to mark their love for each other while at the same time achieving couples’ fitness goals. Dancing could enhance both a couple’s emotional bond and their physical fitness.



There is something about interacting with nature that really brings couples together. Outdoor activities such as picnicking have been highly favored by couples looking to strengthen their bonds. Hiking is another fitness activity that couples could engage in this coming Valentine’s Day. Identifying the ideal hiking spot and venturing out as a couple could highlight a lovely experience and an unforgettable Valentine’s Day.


Cook in bulk

A lot of people might not consider cooking as a fitness activity. This notion might however prove to be wrong once the preparation of a healthy meal on Valentine’s Day is thrown into the mix. Couples could engage in a cooking session where they would prepare a healthy meal for a healthy relationship. This cooking session will further improve the love bond that will cap off Valentine’s Day.


Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be all about red roses and a glass of wine. Spice things up with a sweat drenching session of kickboxing at the gym. Couples could strap on their pads and put on their gloves for a physically engaging session of kickboxing. Light jabs and kicks while sparring with their partner will get a couple activated and physically engaged.


Couples with fitness goals could use this love season to participate in healthy fitness activities. Valentine’s Day could simply mean a commemoration of love shared between couples, but it could as well mean more than that with the introduction of fitness activities to spice up this amazing day of love. Keeping fit and staying healthy allows couples to spend their lives together for longer and while maintaining their thrill and happiness throughout their years. Above have been 5 fitness activities couples could engage in both strengthen their relationship and stay healthy during the upcoming Valentine’s Day.






How To Deal With Procrastination

How To Deal With Procrastination

How To Deal With Procrastination

How To Change The Procrastination Hard-Wiring We’re hard-wired to procrastinate, and this is somewhat a comforting fact. Humans are designed to avoid discomfort. Unfortunately оr fortunately for us, discomfort is what makes us grow. Procrastination can take many forms, the most obvious ones being delaying, watching movies, playing games, and scrolling on social media when you have a deadline or something you need to do.

However, the most poisonous type of procrastination is procrastination disguised as productivity. This means procrastinating by doing tasks that could be considered productive at first glance but in reality, are in no way efficient. Tasks like these include answering emails, making a list of what you need to do instead of doing it, spending time in pointless meetings, organizing your desk, and so on.

These tasks by themselves are not malicious. The question is, when do you choose to perform these tasks. And well, if you’re getting a lot done, that’s great, but are you truly making progress on what’s important?  You need to find the cardinal drivers of progress that are of utmost importance and deliver the most impact. Are you doing something because it’s moving you closer to your goal, or are you doing it because it can be seen as productive, but it’s actually just the path of least resistance in comparison to the hard task you need to do?

Two Essentials For The Fight Against Procrastination

When it comes to changing a hard-wired behavior or even resolving any problem of any nature, there are usually no more than two essential things that will bring most of the change.

And that is valid for the fight against procrastination, too, so let’s have a look at the essentials!


There needs to be a sense of urgency in order for you to win the battle against resistance. Urgency can be created by simply thinking about where your time goes. A third of your life will be spent sleeping, so there’s that. Another thing is you don’t really know how much time you have left on this earth. Humans are fragile beings, and sometimes it doesn’t take much to take us out of the game.

Caught in the tangle of our lives, we forget how easy it is for our life to come to an abrupt ending.  Time is running by, and the longer we put off the important tasks, the longer it’s going to take to reach our goal. You don’t have forever.

Specific Goals

‘’If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is  favorable.’’

– Seneca

Why do you do what you do? What are you trying to achieve? What you’re doing right now, is it moving you closer to your goal, or is it drawing you further from it? These are all questions we need to ask ourselves throughout the day. Think again why it’s important for you to get through with this specific task.

Think about how delaying this task will push back achieving your goals with a week, maybe a month, maybe years. Think about the long-term detriments of procrastination being a habit and a constant weakness that looms upon you. Don’t rationalize and justify it because everyone is doing it. That’s because not everyone has what it takes. Do what everyone else is doing, get everyone else’s results.

How To Set Yourself Up For Success

The truth is, beating procrastination becomes easier when you’ve built enough friction between you and the things that distract you and make you procrastinate. We need to set ourselves up for deep work and make procrastination hard.= To do this, you need to first identify your most notable procrastination triggers and habits.

Everyone is different, but to give an example, these are the kinds of things you would be looking for: Is your Facebook feed open while you’re working? Is your phone constantly next to you? Is the TV always on for background noise? Things like this send us on the slippery ride down the procrastination slope. Look for them. Once you’ve found them try to think of ways that you can make it harder for yourself to slip.

Close Facebook.

Put your phone in the other room while working.

Turn off the TV.

Make it hard to procrastinate. That’s the difference between the top performers and the rest. The top performers’ engineer environments and habits that promote working. They make it easy to start working and make it harder to procrastinate. Once you’re all set up and you’ve removed all possible triggers and distractions, all you need to do is just go.

Take-Home Message

If you are struggling with procrastination, don’t worry. We all do it from time to time! I’m sure some of these tips have helped at least one person who’s struggled in the past. Don’t give up on yourself and keep trying new ways to deal with your problem until you find something that works for YOU!

Good luck out there 🙂





How To Bulletproof Your Knees

How To Bulletproof Your Knees

How To Bulletproof Your Knees

The knee is one of the hinge joints in our bodies that gets injured so often due to the total compression force being put on it during the day. It allows flexion and extension movements on our legs. Whether you are an active athlete with knee pain, a teenager struggling with knee achying, or just a regular adult experiencing some sort of discomfort, you want to get rid of the knee pain.

We are strong advocates of a pain-free active lifestyle, so today, we are showing you how to make your knees bulletproof…

Why Having Strong Knees Is Important?

Your knees support the bulk of your body weight and take most of the impact from regular activities such as walking, running, and jumping. Having strong knee joints is a major part of living a pain-free life when performing an activity. There are millions of people suffering from knee pain in one way or another. Moreover, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, more than 1 million people replace their knee joints every year in the US.

Yet, surgery should be your last option if you experience any sort of knee pain. In fact, keeping healthy knees should be our priority for living a fulfilling life. Strengthening the muscles in our legs will help support the knee joint. Having strong front muscles (quadriceps) and back muscles (hamstrings) on our legs helps our knee joint absorb stress. Flexibility also plays a big part in having stronger knees.

Stretching before and after a workout is a great way to reduce stress on our knee joints. Stretching does not only help with reducing stress, it also helps with decreasing soreness of the muscles. Now, let’s look at some of the best exercises to make your knee joints strong and flexible.

Top 5 Best Exercises To Bulletproof Your Knees

  1. Quad Set

Sit on the ground with your feet pointing forward. Start flexing your quadriceps and imagine that you are pushing your knees down. Mind muscle connection is very important when doing this exercise!

Repeat for 2-3 sets x 10 reps per leg and hold 3-4 seconds on each rep.

  1. Straight Leg Raises

Sit on the ground as in the previous exercise. Flex your quadriceps hard and lift one of your legs. Try to keep your foot as straight as possible without bending your knee. Reach a position where you start to feel the burn in your hamstring and hold for 3-4 seconds.

Repeat for 2-3 sets x 8-10 reps per leg.

  1. Bridges

The simpler version of the Hip Thrust. Lay on the ground with your feet touching the ground, banded in the knees. Lift your torso until you reach a horizontal position and squeeze your glutes. If this is too easy for you, lift one of your legs and hold it straight as you reach a horizontal position.

Repeat for 3 sets x 10 reps.

  1. Quadriceps Foam Rolling

Put your hands in a push-up position, shoulder width, and lay on a foam roller with one of your legs on top. Rollback and forth and keep a slow pace while performing the exercise. You can adjust the pressure with your hands or even lift your other leg to make it harder.

Repeat for 2 sets x 10 reps per leg.

  1. Single-Leg Calf Raise

Put one of your feet on an elevated platform. You can use a weight disc or even a staircase for this purpose. Start raising your leg until you are fully extended. Slowly return to starting position.

Repeat for 3 sets x 15 reps per leg.

Final Thoughts

Preventing knee injuries is only possible by maintaining decent strength and flexibility in your legs. Having strong knee joints is vital for your everyday life and shouldn’t be neglected as it could have consequences. Thank you for reading this article and don’t hesitate to spread the love by sharing it with a friend!

How To Become A Life Coach

How To Become A Life Coach

How To Become A Life Coach

Life coaching has become a frequently pursued career, as it offers a variety of benefits and is impactful for people, if done the right way. Certainly, when we put pseudo-life coaching aside, having the right people in those positions is crucial to the optimal functioning of the community. The reason here is that as knowledgeable as you are, a third-person perspective is always useful, especially in the personal and professional aspects of life.

By becoming a professional life coach, you can even help people identify and chase visions and goals and even, turn their life around. If all of this resonates with you, keep reading as we give you information on how to take on that career path (if you’re serious about it).

What Does “Life-Coaching” Mean?

At first, the term “life-coaching” may seem ridiculous, because of the ever-changing and dynamic environment we all live in. And though that stands true, the job of a life coach is to help their clients identify aspects of their life that need to be worked on. That is to say that life coaches do not really tell you how to live, but rather how to navigate through the dynamic life you’re exposed to.

Characteristics Of A Life Coach

To further elaborate, a life coach is generally a well-trained individual who understands psychology deeply and helps their clients fulfill their full potential and reach goals. On top of that, a professional life coach will be able to advise and encourage their clients on a variety of professional, personal and career matters.

Regardless of your current level of development (even if you’re a life coach), hiring a coach yourself is never a bad idea. As a matter of fact, if you are unsure about whether or not you should become a life coach, hiring one to help you reach certain goals is an even better idea.

In doing so, you will technically have a mentor that will help you along your journey of becoming a professional life coach.

How Much Does Life-Coaching Education Cost?

Without a doubt, before starting to practice life coaching, you must get the proper certification. There are a variety of options for life coaching certification courses, each of which offers a different methodology and is priced differently. A typical certificate course would last anywhere from 20 to 100 hours and cost between 1000 and 10,000 dollars.

The good thing is that you can take incremental steps on this journey, as there are basic, intermediate and advanced courses. In taking those one by one, you will be able to build from the ground up, instead of taking all the information all at once.

How Much Money Can You Make?

Whether we’re talking about a dream career path or a new endeavor you are trying to pursue, one thing is for sure – The money you make is a direct reflection of the value you give out. There are life coaching positions in certain companies, but your best bet would be to try and create your own image, persona and community.

THIS is how you can get out of the fixed paycheck and grow your income exponentially. Think of it this way – Generally, a life coach can get anywhere from $70 to $300 per hour. If you get to the point where you are on the higher points of that range, you can easily break $10k per month. And that is just 1:1 coaching! When you advance and create a name for yourself, you will have a community that knows about you and has trust. To be of even greater value to them, you can then push out other products, such as e-books, video courses, membership areas, etc.


The task of a life coach is to motivate and guide people towards working on lacking areas in their life and character, with the ultimate purpose of achieving goals and realizing ideas. In the end of the day, if you’re someone who communicates well, this may as well be one of the more suitable career paths you can follow!