Confirming Menopause Through Testing

Menopause originates from 2 Greek words that indicate “month” and “to end,” and the current medical definition of menopause indicates precisely the same: the lack of menstruation for twelve months.

Menopause can occur in between the late thirties and the late 50s, with the average around the age of 51, and not a single female can prevent this period in life.

Thinking about the fact that menopause strikes a female in a still hugely active phase of life, it is not surprising that women wish to prepare for menopause and prevent pain and interruption, using a wide variety of practical menopause tests, so that they may somewhat plan ahead.

Although menopause is a natural part of aging, lots of women discover menopause symptoms start hindering their lives. Menopause signs consist of missed or heavy menstrual periods, hot sweating and flashes, mood changes, uneasiness, sleeping disorders and a general sensation of being “down”.

Due to hormonal changes symptoms might include some weight gain, or hair thinning. Then, after the stopping of menstruation for a full twelve months, a female goes into menopause, and after twelve months a woman is post-menopausal.

And while some ladies fly through menopause fairly untouched by huge life changes, most of us ladies might experience some moderate pain or issues, and others may have moderate to extreme health problems and might quite understandably want to ease their symptoms.

Menopause signs can be eased, if not prevented, by timely preparation.


Menopause tests assist females to discover menopause transitioning in its early stage. When their ovarian function changes which may mean the slow shift into the perimenopause, using menopause tests may be sensible even for women in their 30s to figure out.

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Such signs as mentioned being irregular menstrual durations, hot flashes, sleeping disorders, uneasiness, or night sweats, which might indicate the onset of perimenopause or menopause, but they can also manifest a variety of other conditions and issues. Emotional issues and the feelings of loss can also be quite painful. Some women report they no longer feel worthy or a woman as they are no longer fertile. This is sometimes especially painful for those who had never had children when the realisation comes that there really is no more chance- unless considering fertility treatments and even then, often with great difficulty.

For more precise outcomes, menopause tests employ a hormone analysis.

The menopause test measures the presence of a hormone called follicle stimulating hormonal (FSH). When a female enters menopause and ovaries stop working, her follicle stimulating hormone levels increase.

If the hormonal level is greater than normal, it might signal that she is approaching menopause. This test will not actually reveal if a woman absolutely is in menopause or even in perimenopause. It’s not a 100 percent confirmation, it’s more of a close guess.

Menopause testing may be also be affected by contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, or oestrogen supplements, that a woman has actually been taking before the test.


There are a number of traditional menopause tests that can be done by the doctor.

If the first menopause test results show that the hormonal levels are increased above the standard levels, it is normal medical protocol to carry out a 2nd menopause test.


Many worry, that once they are told they are in menopause that they need to take drugs to balance things out, but that is not always necessary at all. It depends firstly how the woman is in herself and how she is coping, and also what her past medical history is, and her preferred choices. I am glad to say that today, menopause symptoms can be alleviated using many and varied herbal or traditional treatment approaches.  So please do look around and ask professionals before deciding to just go the conventional route if it worries you.

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If you are worried about the symptoms of menopause talk to your medical professional, medical doctor, herbalist, naturopath or menopause specialist about a menopause test and the different treatment options available, and remember the less one worries, usually like most things, the less one will suffer.

And most importantly, Test or no test, menopause or not, we are all amazing women, and we should not forget that!