by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Health, Mind
5 Tips For Uniting Your Body, Mind, and Soul
Do you know what it takes to unite your body, mind, and soul? If you did, do you realise that you would be able to achieve the balance that nearly everyone wishes they had in their lives? Do you know what you need to do for yourself in order to bring about this balance?
Part of uniting these three elements of your person is knowing what makes you passionate. Knowing what makes you passionate will help you get in touch with your soul, to feel creative energy, to feel truly alive. Spiritual or creative passion can help you to achieve those feelings. Whether it’s through faith, music, or some other type of artistic expression, you must find what will awaken your soul in order to strike balance in your life.
Here are some tips to guide you:
What are your goals for the future?

What would you like to ultimately achieve in your life?
Is it spiritual enlightenment?
Is it social status?
Or is it merely to be the best person you can be, and make a contribution to society?
What is important, though, is the process by which you attain your ultimate goal. That is what will generate your passion.
Try to focus on the positive, and do not dwell on the negative.

Recall your accomplishments and good deeds. Doing this will help keep you positive and keep your spirit up. If you constantly remind yourself of your mistakes, you will find it harder to succeed down the road, and your mind, body, and soul will work against you.
Meditate – You’ve heard of finding your happy place right?
This form of meditation helps you take your mind and spirit to a comfortable place that fills you with happiness. This is an ideal thing to do when you are in the middle of a stressful day at work or with the kids; it provides the perfect opportunity to regroup.
Spark a change.

Plan a vacation, even if it is just for a weekend. Nothing does the body, mind, and soul better than a little change of scenery. Go where you will be happy and be able to let loose and have some fun. Try it on your own. It might sound scary, but you will be surprised at how relaxed and refreshed you will be after a weekend all to yourself!
Try some daily affirmations.
Pick three things that you can say out loud in the mirror that will help you stay centred, positive, and focused. Saying something often enough has the power to make it true for you. Remember not to dwell on the negative, focus on the positive.
Three basic affirmations that you can work from include:
I am safe and secure, happy and healthy.
The Universe gives me everything that I need.
My income will continue to increase.
I hope this helps you to get started on finding the happy place within and uniting mind, body and soul and coming into a peaceful alignment.
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Health, Mind
Yes, You Definitely Need A Hobby
There usually comes a time in a person’s life when he or she becomes aware of how little they do for themselves in their free time.
And it’s absolutely normal to question yourself because we are programmed to want to know, learn, do more and grow as individuals.
If you’ve ever felt like you’re wasting your free time and all your friends look happier than you, then maybe you need a hobby.
What went wrong?

The importance of hobbies
Don’t take it the wrong way, but you probably just got lazy and sloppy.
A lot of people struggle with finding a hobby because of their tight schedules and busy daily routines.
But you can always find half an hour for yourself and your hobby of choice.
Remember when you were a kid, and you used to do all these new and exciting things?
You’re an adult now, and you have a job, maybe kids, maybe a dog that needs walking and… less and less energy, perhaps.
This is the right time to start thinking about giving a little bit more than you expect of yourself to start a project, class, sport, or whatever you feel will make you happy.
What can it do for you?
Having a hobby or even a couple of enjoyable side activities can prove to be extremely beneficial for the well-being of both your mind and body.
In other words, it could make you way happier than you are now.
Think of hobbies in terms of “How can I manage my free time in a way that will allow me to spend less time on the couch and more time doing enjoyable activities that will fill me up with energy?”
Engaging in such activities, big or small, will make your day seem more meaningful and put a smile on your face.
It’s easier said than done, right? Well, It’s not that hard, actually! All you have to do is start somewhere.
To know where to start, however, you need to be aware of the things you like doing or used to do, and more importantly, the things you always wanted to try but never pushed yourself enough to do so.
The idea behind having a hobby is to make yourself feel happier. The way this works is for you to find something you’re good at and own it.
Because truth be told, we like doing things that get us recognition, especially from ourselves.
All of this may sound like It’s going to cost lots of money, right?
There are actually a couple of hobbies that you can start with to get your blood pumping and ready for the bigger things.
Starting small

If you don’t have a big budget, but still want to make yourself partake in new things you can try starting with smaller hobby choices.
Things like starting a Youtube channel or Instagram profile can help you get started with finding your new and exciting hobbies.
The way this helps is that you start to think about time management and finding those extra 30 minutes for something that tickles your fancy.
Not only does this make you go more public, but it also helps with finding out what you may be good at.
Partaking in sports is always a great idea for your body and mind to rewind after, or before, a long day. Yes, it may take a little more time than other hobbies to go to the gym, or for a run, but you won’t be sorry for sure.
Reading, writing, and learning new languages are all great and cheap activities that help you grow as a person, grow emotionally, and feel more fulfilled as an individual amongst peers.
Alternatively, you can always combine some of these activities or do others, but the bottom line should be doing things you like for yourself.
If you don’t, then who will?
Take your time to find enjoyable activities outside of work and school – Find your own means of enjoying the mind and body you have been blessed with to their full potential.
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Mind
Testing The Worth Of Your Own Words
Why Putting Yourself In Trying Situations Is Beneficial
People that are extremely honest are always a source of inspiration.
Being able to trust each word they say and knowing you can count on them are abilities most of us look up to and strive for.
The reason why we feel so deeply for people’s honesty especially if it’s backed up by their actions is because that way we can build a trusting relationship with them.
If one can always be truthful, blunt, and honest, one’s presence, opinion and actions are always felt and appreciated.
In order to be this type of person, however, you must be sure of where you stand, and this happens by testing your beliefs and ideologies and proving them right.
This is why testing yourself is so important.
The Different Personal Qualities Taking Risks Improves

By putting yourself in unfamiliar situations, you inevitably learn things both about yourself and the world.
This expands your field of vision, and because it’s a hands-on experience, it is much more likely for you to remember all the things you were taught in the process.
Learning from experience has proven to be the easiest way most people acquire new knowledge, and by testing your beliefs and thoughts, you are provoking such types of situations.
Not only do you discover new aspects of the world and yourself, but it is also highly likely for these actions to avalanche, leading to newer and more interesting people, places, and experiences.

Figuring out where you stand on different topics is crucial to building your worldview.
This can be hard if you limit yourself to doing pretty much the same thing every day.
By getting out of your comfort zone, you openly fight this way of thinking and improve your chances of having the courage to do so again.
Bravery is taught by challenging yourself and facing your fears, and the best aspect of life this can be done in, is precisely, personal development.
Learning how to push yourself to your limits in order to progress and by doing so, moving those limits away even further is how you enlarge not only your comfort zone but your world in general.
This is not to say that you should be reckless in any way, simply that progressing further in life implies moving forward in it and taking risks, every now and then.

The people closest to us are usually the ones with whom we are always honest and who do the same for us.
The people we believe in and the ones we look up to the most are also the ones that are the most honest.
This is a quality that simply does not have a negative side in the grand scheme of things, but it can be hard to keep this mindset under challenging circumstances and situations.
By learning to do so, we learn to trust ourselves more, and we teach others that they should do the same.
The senses of freedom and self-worth one has when they know they’re being completely truthful regardless of the outcome, play a big part in building our character the way we would like to.
Different Ways You Can Improve These Qualities
- Think Critical & Leave Room For Improvement
Thinking critically of your own thoughts might sound negative, but in essence, it is the exact opposite.
By figuring out every aspect of your views and ideas, you gain a full personal picture of yourself and can see why it looks the way it does and where things can be improved.
It is much easier for you to change your mind if you’re uncertain of why you think the way you do, and similar situations are often regretted later.
If you think critically you not only avoid the negative possibility mentioned above but know exactly where you can improve and can ask for advice for that specific aspect.
Both realizing why you think this way and what you would like to change are equally important.
Both take time and honest analysis of yourself but once you’ve done that everything is much more organized and easier to understand.
- Ask yourself if you are standing up for what you know you think
This step comes after you have passed the first one.
The easiest way to keep yourself in check regarding what you believe is to simply ask yourself this question.
All of us have been in situations, which we have later regretted because we weren’t completely honest and this is the only way to avoid them.
It might be hard to really hear your own voice in the beginning but it’s always worth it in the long run.
Once you understand your thoughts and beliefs, standing up and defending them in their entirety is the next logical step.
It’s advantageous to question your words and actions, not because you doubt them but because that way, you recognize how much you believe in them and are willing to fight for them.
- Put yourself in trying situations to expand your horizons.
Once you have everything else down, expanding your world is the best thing you can do.
By pushing your limits, you find new horizons, ideas, emotions, and more.
Not only does this solidify your ideologies, but it makes room for more character-building and bigger adventures.
By breaking out of your comfort zone you allow yourself to see the world for what it is and can start doing what you love and be honest about it.
Thinking of life as something to explore and learning everything you can in the process is crucial to becoming the person you want to be, and the only way to achieve this is to expand your worldview through actions.
Overall, testing yourself is never easy.
Questioning your points of view and realizing some of them aren’t as solid as you thought they were, can be a difficult experience, but it ultimately is the best way you can progress.
Understanding your thinking and why it is that way makes it easier to act the way you want to and build yourself into who you want to be.
Keeping yourself in check about being honest is helpful because we are not perfect, and sometimes we make mistakes, but if we catch them early, it’s easier to work on and fix them.
Exploring the world by getting out of your comfort zone is what makes us progress and achieve what we strive for, thus providing us with the full experience of what life is and what it has to offer.
Although all of these things are not a walk in the park, we believe they are essential in making us the people we want to be, and by doing them and making them a part of our mindset, we are one step closer to what we want to achieve in life.
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Mind
what is pomodoro technique How to use ?
Let’s face it – we’re human and can’t work like robots. It’s just not possible to be a fully functional working machine that doesn’t rest and can be 100% productive all time.
So how do we tackle that? How do we cope with the exhaustion from working? Whether It’s on your studies, a project, work-related or just doing the bills?
Maybe the answer is right under our noses, perhaps it’s been there the whole time, and we haven’t paid attention to it.
Or maybe the answer is a plain old tomato…
What is the Pomodoro technique?
- The Pomodoro technique is a time-related plan that helps you be more productive and energy-efficient.
- Its creator’s name is Francesco Cirillo and when he was a student, he decided to end his struggles with his studies by setting a timer for 25 minutes and then taking a break for 5 minutes.
- The word “Pomodoro” is Italian for tomato, and in Cirillo’s case, the timer that he used was in the shape of a tomato.
- The method turned out so effective Cirillo wrote a 130-page book on the topic.
Waste time to save time!

- The genius of the technique is in its simplicity. When we need to be focused and decide to power through a project, our brain starts to wonder after 30 minutes or so.
- Instead of constantly finding ways to occupy yourself with everything but not the project why not just plan to waste time…?
- Think of it as an award for the last half an hour that you read, wrote, etc., and take those sweet five minutes to reload and unwind your mind.
- It’s estimated that this can boost your attention span and increase your productivity up to 40%.
- Not to mention that it leaves you more fulfilled with the work you managed to check off your itinerary.
So, how does It work and how to use it
The idea behind the technique is really simple, and you have to follow these steps:
Get a sheet of paper and a timer for starters. You need to write down all the things you have to be done with and focus on them one at a time.
This is important because you need to bother yourself with only one thing at a time so as not to preoccupy your brain activity and start to slouch.
Don’t cheat the timer. The timer should be set for 25 minutes in which you stay focused and that is it, no more, no less.
If you want the method to work, you need to let the timer do its work and focus on your task without any interruptions — especially the ones that include messaging someone or returning emails.
Write down your progress.

After you’re finished with your work session, put the 5-minute break mark on your timer and write down one Pomodoro on the sheet of paper.
Then you can record what you’ve done until now and let your brain rest. It’s really important not to spend those five minutes browsing the net or looking at your phone.
Just relax and rest up for the next 25 minutes.
Patience is a virtue, especially If you follow the plan as instructed.

After you’ve got four pomodoros written down, you can take a longer break of 15-30 minutes. This is key for pumping up your stimulation and widening your efficiency span.
In these extra minutes, you can do some squats, or push-ups, just to get your body to feel more active than static. Also, light snacks that are good for brain activity, like nuts, are also recommended.
After a while, you will see how these small things become a part of your work routine, and you get better and better results the more you practice this technique.
To Wrap It Up…
Managing energy and productivity may be a hard task, especially with the amount of information we’re bombarded with in the modern-day world.
If you are finding it hard to keep your attention span and focus on point, do give this technique a shot!
Have YOU tried the Pomodoro technique? Share your experience down below!
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Fitness, Mind
How To Periodize Your Training
It is a widely known fact that fitness training can produce many benefits for your body.
These include increased muscle mass, reduced fat, and improved cardiovascular fitness.
However, though we all know a lot about exercises, sets, and reps, there is little said about other, important factors like training periodization.
This article will discuss the concept of periodization in fitness training and why it works so well!
Whether you are just starting off with fitness training or are more advanced, keep reading as we reveal this concept and how you can apply it!
What Does Periodizing Mean?
If you’ve been in the fitness game for some time, you probably know that achieving certain results takes time.
The principle of “periodization” entails separating goals into periods, where they are the sole focus.
In classical bodybuilding-type fitness training, you have three main periods:
- The bulking period (gaining quality weight, increasing performance stats)
- The cutting period (losing weight, getting leaner while maintaining strength and muscle)
- The transition period (switching from the first one to the second and then vice versa)
So think of it this way – Trying to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time is the equivalent of multitasking, where results in each regard are suboptimal due to the fact you are splitting your attention.
If you give your undivided attention to the task at hand, you will achieve better results, simple as that!
Seasonal Changes

Much like any other species, humans have what seems to be a fine-tuning to the natural cycles of our planet, Earth.
We tend to be more active during the summer and less active, in sort of a “recovery mode” during the colder seasons.
Your training periodization can match those exact parts of your human cycles, to favor each goal.
So when it comes to training and seasonal changes, think of it this way…
Summer = Fat Loss/Leaning Out

If you’re looking to lose fat and maintain lean body mass, starting a fat loss period shortly before full-blown summer starts is likely a good idea.
As we said, the scorching summer leads to us naturally being more active – Going to the beach and swimming, hiking in the cold mountain when it’s hot elsewhere, etc.
All this activity makes it far easier for you to establish a caloric deficit and favor weight loss.
This is EXACTLY why a fat loss period is well-suited for summertime!
Winter = Bulk!

Much like bears, humans tend to start consuming more food during the colder seasons.
This elevated appetite and lower activity levels make it easy for you to create conditions that favor muscle-building and overall improved athletic performance and progress.
Once the full-blown summer is over, start a gaining phase, where your main goals are to:
- Gradually increase training intensity and volume
- Eat more food
- Recover well
How To Transition
As we mentioned, the third period is the transitional period, which is something mandatory, between the other two periods.
The transition period entails a gradual change in caloric intake and training output and can be considered an “opening” for the bulking/cutting periods.
If you’re starting a weight-loss period, transition into it smoothly, by gradually decreasing your calories until you start losing weight at a healthy rate of 1-2 lbs a week.
Once the weight-loss period is over, transition slowly into a gaining period, by gradually increasing your caloric intake and upping training intensity, sets, and reps.
This will allow for a smooth transition, that won’t leave the body and the metabolism shocked.
Remember – The body doesn’t like sudden changes!
Take-Home Message
The seasonal changes of our planet have different effects on the body and its nervous system, leading to changes in metabolism
These interactions can be leveraged as an extra helping hand for your fitness goals.
Split your goals into periods, train accordingly and give it time!
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Mind
How to challenge yourself?
Imagine this – you are at a certain age where you face tough decisions, have to let go of some past things that have cradled you until now and you’re not sure what to do.
Having to face difficult decisions, having to grow as a person and withstand what life has installed for you – well, better learn how to challenge yourself, before It gets late.
This doesn’t mean that there is a right or wrong time to start challenging yourself, but the sooner you begin, the better.
What exactly does that mean?
To challenge yourself is to jump out of the barriers you have created for yourself, to escape your comfort zone, and to grow as a person.
Many people don’t realize how much this could benefit the improvement in their lifestyle.
To challenge oneself to grow as a person is something all of us should be keen on doing as much as possible.
There is no bad timing or wrong place to start.
For a person to take the extra step and force him/herself to do things that he, or she, wouldn’t be caught dead doing before, is the thing that keeps the drive in us.
The thing that gets us from this stage in our life to the other.
Okay, But How Do I Do That?
There really is no concrete game plan when it comes to jumping your own boundaries. It is, as it should be, a very intimate course of action.
A person should first know his/her weaknesses, as well as good sides, in order to start challenging themselves.
Nevertheless, there are some universal methods that are, more or less, suitable for everyone to try.
Even though our personal growth is substantially our job and responsibility, it’s nice to hear out some professional opinions.
Let’s start at the beginning

The first, and most important, thing to start with is focusing on a goal.
This could be any goal, don’t think big or small, just one that gets us started.
The reason why we need this is, that focusing on something that gets the blood pumping is crucial for the first kick in the bum.
Things like starting a new book and sticking to it, or visiting a new museum every Saturday, could help with the process.
Do you know how much you sleep?

A key asset to the “new you” is changing your daily routines, starting with one of the biggies – sleep.
I bet you don’t follow how many hours a week you sleep and it’s a changing number, I know.
Well, how about you set an alarm for a certain hour for every night of the week and get up at a certain time every morning.
If you don’t think this will change anything you are mistaken.
Sticking to a regular sleep schedule not only benefits your health but will also teach you discipline and build your character.
Technology who?
Believe me, you will be just fine If you let go of your technological device for just a day. That’s all that It takes – one day.
By doing so you help your brain and body to develop a new and steady connection to the world around you without the help, or distractions, of your phone, laptop, TV, etc.
After all, technology is fairly unnatural for humans – We were not designed to sit in front of a screen all day.
The body was made to run, crawl, climb, jump, sprint, swim, and dive – All of these activities, with the absence of an internet connection, will allow you to develop a true mind-body-world connection, that is much more precious and beneficial than any piece of tech.
Growing as a person

As time goes by you will push yourself easier and easier and will start to crave more of It. This is a perfect time to start learning new languages, new cultures.
Maybe take a class, or two.
Or maybe, you can even invest in something you care about and believe in. Just remember that challenging yourself doesn’t stop with the boundaries the world creates, it stops with the boundaries you create.
Take-Home Message
We live in a world of comfort that is more and more oriented towards making everything as easy and automated as possible.This is the precise reason why you should consider setting yourself challenges.
Challenge yourself mentally.
Challenge yourself physically.
Challenge yourself spiritually.
Challenge brings about positive change.