People commonly know psychological disorders as “Mental disorders” or “Psychiatric disorders,” which means conditions that affect how humans think and feel.

Psychological disorders are one of the factors that contribute largely to how humans live their daily lives. It can be influenced by environment, lifestyle, and genetics.

Most Common Psychological Disorders

As opposed to what many think, psychological disorder is no respecter of any age, gender, ethnic, and just like medical conditions, it can range from mild to severe. Its early stages might not be evident as the individual suffering from it might see it as normal mood swings. However, as it nears the severe stage, the individual might go into depression.

According to the Centers for disease control and prevention, over 50% of the world population suffers from one psychological disorder or the other.


One of the prevalent conditions around the World. Bipolar disorder is most common in the United States as over 2.6% of Americans suffer from it. The condition is associated with mood swings ranging from manic highs to depressive lows.

During manic highs, individuals suffering from this condition will be active and might not find it necessary to sleep. In the episodes of depressive lows, the individual will lose motivation to do anything and will most definitely experience a loss of energy.

Although the sole cause of the bipolar disorder is unknown, environment, genetics, and altered brain structure contribute largely to it. This condition can be lifelong, and treatments such as medication and psychotherapy can be of great help.


We all have our everyday fears; when stuck in traffic and it’s past resumption time at work, we fear getting a query from the boss. But, the anxiety disorder is far from the usual fear we experience.

This condition will make anyone suffering from it get extremely worried about every little thing they think about. It affects about 3% of Americans and causes them to have an unproductive day.  Individuals suffering from anxiety disorder will most likely use antidepressants to reduce the level, but counseling tends to help as well.


Commonly referred to as Clinical depression, it is another type of disorder that brings suicidal thoughts to individuals suffering from it. It lasts for months, and it reduces productiveness.

Clinical depression may cause an individual to become upset and violent to themselves. It is one of the prevalent conditions alongside Bipolar disorder, and it has been estimated to affect about 7% of Americans.

While the condition lasts a few months, it is necessary to seek the help of a medical professional as it might lead to suicide. Medication such as antidepressants might go a long way in curbing the condition.


This condition might seem normal at the mild stage, particularly for people who eat a lot and those that have very little appetite for food, but as it enters the severe stage, it becomes obvious. Eating disorders are of different types; they start with an obsession for food, body shape, and body weight.

Eating disorders include Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa, Binge eating disorder, rumination disorder, Restrictive food intake disorder, and Pica – pica is a rare condition that involves individuals craving substances that are not food items.

This condition might require the help of a medical professional as it could lead to death when left untreated.


PTSD is a type of psychological disorder that is prompted by traumatic occurrences. Failure to recover after experiencing natural disasters, war, and sexual molestation can trigger the condition.

Symptoms of this condition include frequent nightmares, flashbacks, startle response, lack of concentration, and avoiding the scenes where the event played out. PTSD might last for a few months or a few years and can be managed with medication and psychotherapy.


Psychological disorders can cause an individual to derail from his normal way of life and go into depression, affecting his lifestyle in general, but with medication, under the strict supervision of a medical professional and psychotherapy, such an individual can bounce back within a short time.


Mental health awareness

Mental health awareness

Mental health awareness

Behind the Walls of the Mind –
A patient story of Complementary health support. Therapist note – In the light of mental health week, I thought I would share this heartfelt open patient story, looking at the possibilities of supportive complementary care for mental health issues. What do you think? Do you know any other success stories? Let’s share and get inspired.

An issue of great complexity lurks behind your mind, one that is under study all the time. There are all kinds of people in this world, including those struggling with mental health, people of so-called “normal mind”, geniuses, and so forth. The mind has a nasty habit of taking us by surprise, letting us down, preventing us from achieving our goals, etc.

It may seem that whenever there is a battle with self and the brain there is no winning ticket. The truth is the mind holds the key to all areas of your body, but the central nervous system is the channel to the brain. Most of the time, when the brain is affected, it is a direct result of the central nervous system and spinal column. If the spinal column is injured or out of alignment, then the nervous system will be affected, which works its way to the brain. Trouble starts once the brain is hit, and often does not end until the source of the problem is found.

Thousands of individuals suffer from head injuries, neurological disorders, cognitive disorders, mental health issues and other diseases. As time goes by, the problems intensify.

I discovered in some research, studies, case studies, and so forth, that people who visited chiropractors tended to have better health than those who did not. In many cases, a patient’s condition improves when their doctor focuses on their spine, which is in direct contact with their brain.

Scientists are often looking for ways to understand the causes of mental illness, disease, and physical disabilities. It’s common for them to run in every direction, but sometimes the answer is right in front of them. Everybody has an opinion, a theory, and a guess, and many ignore the voices that call out with expertise and experience.
Chiropractors have sometimes faced some controversy regarding their services.

Despite the widespread belief that chiropractors only work with the body, experts realize that they are constantly dealing with the mind as well.

Let’s look at ADHD/ADD patients. Most of the time, symptoms of this diagnosis are caused by a part of the nervous system, spine, or brain. Most mental health professionals prescribe patients drugs, which only treat the symptoms, and are often causing other problems such as psychosis and schizophrenia.

Imagine if the MIND were treated without drugs, and natural herbs and spinal techniques were used. In the first place, there would be no or very few schizophrenia and psychosis patients.

Let’s take a look at Bipolar Disorder.

Chemical imbalances inevitably cause patients to suffer, so mental health professionals usually treat them with antidepressants, which may cause strokes, heart problems, early-onset changes in life and so forth.

What would happen if a specialist who knows the spine, nervous system, and brain treated the patient? In my personal experience, I know a woman with Bipolar disorder who has sought chiropractic care and is doing well overall, with the exception of her bad habits which she has exhibited for more than 20 years.

However, I know another bipolar patient who had no Chiropractic care, and she is the kind of person you may want to avoid if you can. She called me 18 times per day, threatened to commit suicide, and drove me absolutely nuts.
I am still in recovery. I visited a psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, and doctor complaining of mental health symptoms.

As a result of chiropractic treatments, my symptoms decreased and I could cope better. In no way am I promoting anything, but to understand the mind you must consider the spine, the central nervous system, the brain, and many other factors. Often, the first thing you hear from counselors is a diagnosis; this can be a bad situation, as many play against your life to find an answer. It is not uncommon for professionals to change diagnoses once they see their diagnosis is off. Sadly, this cycle goes on and on, putting the patient at great risk.

Now as I have said I am a past sufferer of mental health and all I can say is, maybe it would be nice if we considered other alternative, safer, therapies before just jumping into the medicines and preconceptions of others. I would like to think that we all have freedom to choose. I am happy to say that today I am of happy and healthy body and mind and just wished to share my story in the hope it may help someone out there, anyone out there. If it helps but one person then it was worth to tell the story.

Therapist note – I think this is a very honest and heartfelt declaration and maybe it will or won’t help another person struggling with mental health to look at various options, whether that be conventional, allopathic ones or alternative, complementary, integrative, functional, naturopathic etc.

Either way mental health must not be overlooked, and I am sure if therapies are deemed safe then having options and extra support systems can only be good, and certainly seeing and hearing where people have successfully recovered from alternative therapies, in this case with the support of chiropractic treatment then that is truly heartwarming.

Easy Psychological Tricks

Easy Psychological Tricks

Easy Psychological Tricks

Psychological tricks can add up flavor to your social life and give your communication skills an upgrade. Psychological techniques such as persuasion and social psychology can convince people to do something when they don’t want to. This is, however, not to be confused with manipulating.

Whether it’s making someone spill their secrets, getting your boss to give you a raise, or persuading someone to buy something, psychology will always be to your rescue. Here are some easy psychological tricks you can use in everyday life and get things done!

Calling Out The Bluffs

If you’re surrounded by deceiving people and want to call out their bluffs, we have a few tricks for you to follow!

1.    Warm-up your hands:

Nothing reeks of a cold lie more than challenging and clammy hands. If you’re talking to someone you want to trust, you better warm up your hands before shaking them with the person or even touching them.

2.    Be wary of the body language:

Lying and deceiving behavior is often associated with discomfort. If you notice it, all you have to do is catch that chink in their armor. Some people might scratch their head, some might repeat the same gesture again and again, and some might get too touchy. For catching them red-handed, noticing their body language will be of great help!

3.    Look into the eyes:

It’s common that people who are lying to your face don’t usually make eye contact. You’ll notice them seeing here and there, either on your shoes or your shirt, but won’t make direct eye contact with you while talking. It is also a sign of discomfort people face while lying on your face. So, always look into the eyes; they never lie!

Getting Someone To Tell You Something:

People don’t usually share their secrets with anyone unless they’re family or friends. Still, sometimes, even your loved ones might not want to do that. We advise you to give them space, but sometimes it’s good to let things out. Well, here’s how you can get someone to tell you something.

1.    Eat together:

Make Bread, Not War

According to recent research, eating together with a loved one releases endorphins called “feel-good hormones.” Eating with someone is always more than meets the eye. Inviting them to a meal, preferably their favorite place, might help them open up and express their thoughts. However, always remember that a polite invitation is more effective rather than pushing them.

2.    Reverse Psychology:

Reverse psychology can be called the most underrated psychological trick in the world. But, if used properly, it can do wonders. If you want someone to spill their guts out without making it obvious, you need to do the exact opposite. In other words, you should seem least interested in their affairs and dealings.

When someone hiding a secret feels that their loved ones aren’t interested, their mind wanders, and they might end up spilling the beans. Reverse psychology can come to use in various circumstances, ranging from personal life to corporate dealings, so do consider it a powerful weapon in your arsenal. All you need is practice!

Some Other Psychological Tricks:

  • If you want someone’s help, use the words “NEED” in your sentence. People love to feel needed.
  • Always be in your best posture. By correcting your posture, you automatically look a lot more confident.
  • Be enigmatic, and always keep a particular mystery about your personality. Such a personality has a more significant potential of attracting people to you.


Psychological tricks may seem easy, but they need a lot of practice. Once you’ve had your training, there’s no stopping. We advise you to not use these easy psychological tricks for taboo or vicious activities like manipulation. If used positively, these psychology tricks can help you read the minds of people and save yourself from future problems!




Do I Need Mental Health Help?

Do I Need Mental Health Help?

Do I Need Mental Health Help?

It’s easy to decide whether we should see a therapist with extreme emotional problems; however, when we’re slightly uncomfortable, or having a few rough days, it’s harder to make that decision. Don’t wait until you truly can’t deal with it if you believe you have that problem and are getting overwhelmed. Being proactive also results in better outcomes. Prevention is always the best form of medicine.

Ask yourself the following questions and truthfully answer yes or no.

  • How do you feel about simple pleasures? Do you get genuine satisfaction from them?
  • Are you respectful of yourself?
  • How do you cope with your own mistakes? Can you laugh at them?
  • What are your experiences with handling situations that come your way? Do you feel prepared to deal with them?
  • How well do you handle showing your own emotions, such as fear, anger, jealousy, guilt, and worry?   Are you comfortable with them?
  • Do you have personal relationships that are satisfying and lasting?
  • Do you trust others and assume that others will trust you?
  • Are you tolerant of differences in viewpoints?
  • Do you refuse to be pushed around and refuse satisfaction from it?
  • Do you feel connected to others?
  • Are you able to love somebody?
  • Are you accepting as much responsibility as you are given?
  • Do you make your own decisions?
  • Are you quick to resolve your problems when they arise?
  • Do you shape your environment whenever possible and adjust to it whenever necessary?

Now if you are very honest you will get a good idea of where you are at.  Think about the question a little, but not too long, and be natural in your reply, if it’s a no put no, if it’s yes, then write yes. Do not try to make it something it is not, there is no right or wrong reply, there is simply where you are at right now.

Count up the number of no answers. If you don’t have any, you are exceptional.  Well done you !! A couple of no answers is normal and is absolutely nothing to be concerned about.  If, however, you answered no to more than five questions, there is a good chance you could benefit from some type of counselling to help get you back on track.

The fact you are able to take this test is a good indicator that, with proper counselling, you will be just fine. Just don’t let it go until more answers turn to no. You deserve to enjoy the best mental health possible. Don’t neglect it.

And P.s – let’s not forget, that if you answered NO to taking responsibility for yourself, and yet you do this test and decide to get help, you have already taken responsibility and already turned a NO into a YES! You see, you are a hero and can do anything!

Constructive Criticism And Why It’s Good For You

Constructive Criticism And Why It’s Good For You

Constructive Criticism And Why It’s Good For You

  • Learning With A Helping Hand
  • No one likes to be criticized.

Even just the word itself seems to carry a negative meaning, which often changes our perspective about what we hear from the get-go. This way of perceiving criticism, however, robs us of some of the most efficient methods of improvement, namely, learning through our mistakes.

Here we explain why constructive criticism is actually beneficial for you, as long as it comes with the right intentions.

The Bigger Picture

Firstly, let’s talk about perspective. When we are trying our best to achieve something, we often become engulfed by it. Although this shows our dedication and keeps our focus, it’s easy to get lost in the details and forget about the bigger picture.

A very illustrative example of this is when a novice starts learning how to draw. When most people start doing their first paintings, they tend to focus on the details from the beginning. And although these parts of the picture might end up really well, there are others that often need more work.

Imagine a landscape with a house, for example – each brick in correct correspondence to the other and to reality, but the perspective, the overall size, or the background are not as well made. It looks as though someone tried really hard for one aspect but neglected another. This is an accurate depiction of the way we subconsciously start dealing with problems in our work and in life too.

And that’s exactly where constructive criticism comes in handy. A different perspective, a fresh pair of eyes would notice that you are too focused on a particular detail and help you see the bigger picture.

With this newly regained point of view, you can start ironing out some of the things that were out of your focus. And that makes for a job well done every time.

Better Relationships

4 Styles Of Communication.

A different aspect in which constructive criticism helps a lot is that it forms stronger, more trustworthy relationships. Communication is the bread and butter of both receiving and giving this type of advice, which is why relationships benefit greatly from it. Let’s break the explanation down to the two aspects of constructive criticism – giving and receiving.

When you’re the one who shares their ideas and advice, you have to make sure that the person opposite of you understands both what you mean and where you’re coming from. This form of communication makes you considerate of the other person’s perception, seeing as that’s the only way to make a positive change.

This is why, when you’re giving advice in the form of constructive criticism, your communication skills and understanding of the other person’s thought process become much better.

On a side note this form of communication makes you more considerate of the feelings of others because one of your main goals is to make sure you’re not offending anyone, seeing as this is not what you aim for. Now that this is clear let’s talk about receiving constructive criticism.

By listening and understanding where the other person is coming from, you start realizing you’re not alone, and you start trusting others. This means that, while relying on yourself, you can share your experiences with others, learn from them and be happier for it.

The building of trustworthy relationships goes both ways, and when you’re on the receiving end, it really helps to know that this person is trying their best to help you.

Final Thoughts

To put it briefly, constructive criticism is incredibly useful on each side of the equation. It is a valuable tool that when used correctly often results in a job well done and happier participants. The idea of constructive criticism itself is to aid in communication, not threaten it. It is providing you both with the resources you need to do the best work you can and with the ability to help in the most useful way.

When you put it that way, it actually sounds good, doesn’t it?


Anxiety Relief Tea’s

Anxiety Relief Tea’s

Anxiety Relief Tea’s

Have you ever wondered which herbal teas are beneficial to your stress levels? Herbal teas are an excellent alternative to chemically powered prescription medications for reducing stress and tension. For thousands of years and across different cultures, they have been used and practiced for their therapeutic and medicinal effects.

Maybe it’s time you joined the club! Whether it’s financial concerns, family obligations, meeting deadlines, or dealing with economic depression, the list is infinite, stress may attack us all,  young and old at any time. Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, it has become the standard and plays a significant role in our daily lives, especially of late. Many people will turn to synthetic pharmaceuticals for a ‘quick fix,’ unaware of the long-term consequences on their bodies and minds.

Not all stress, however, is harmful. Some people work and perform better under certain stress, but if stress is prolonged, panic can set in and things can get a little out of hand! Our bodies are built to withstand, and often thrive on, small bouts of stress, but too much of it isn’t good for us.

Stress has always existed and evolved over time, and the practice of blending and drinking herbal teas for this prevalent ailment is still practised today. So, if you’re annoying your partner with your mood swings or ready to pull your hair out, maybe try one of these herbal tea mixes to reclaim your sanity and theirsJ


My cats love it and  I am forever finding them in the catnip herb garden, there must be something in itJ But Yes, I get what you’re thinking, it’s for cats!!…but humans can also eat it! It’s known as the “anti-stress herb” and has been used to treat uneasiness and children who have had a horrible dream in the past. It’s even been used for insanity, not that it’s suggested you let your stress levels get so bad! It has a calming and soothing impact, and it can also be used to relieve stress and anxiety caused by nicotine or drug withdrawal. So get some growing in the herb patch and even your feline friends will thank you.


This plant is regarded as a “cure-all” in England, and it is listed in the Bible as one of the herbs used to pay taxes! It’s been used to cure hysteria ( again not suggesting you let it get that far, oh no) and nervous illnesses, and it’s also a great way to relieve stomach pains and cramps. So pick some up in the supermarket.


The moniker “king of tonics” is believed to mean “world wonder,” and the Chinese see this herb as a supreme treatment for all ailments. It is a powerful antidote to stress, and in the West, it is used to treat nervous and mental exhaustion-related loss of appetite, stomach and digestive diseases.


Chamomile, sometimes known as the “all-around comforter,” is a natural sedative and one of the greatest herbal teas for calming and soothing frayed nerves. This is due to its anti-spasmodic characteristics, which aid in the relaxation of your body’s muscles. It is usually even safe to use with restless youngsters due to its powerful relaxing and calming properties but always check before with your doctor, midwife or care provider as things are always changing  and its best to stay up to date with recommendations.

Kava Kava 

Kava Kava, often known as the “mood adjuster,” works by working on the nerve centres and stimulating them to ease anxiety, tension, and emotional stress. It’s also a gentle natural sedative that can provide a sense of calm without causing any loss of attention or changes in motor reflexes.


Valerian is known as ‘Phu’ because of its peculiar and disagreeable odour. Valerian includes compounds known as ‘valepotriates,’ which give it sedative properties. It’s also known as “nature’s tranquilliser,” a sedative and anxiety reliever administered to civilians during WWII to help them cope with the stress of continuous air attacks. It’s still a very popular herb today to aid restful sleep and calm nerves.


Passionflower lowered anxiety during four weeks in one well-designed study; the herbal cure was just as efficient as a common anti-anxiety prescription. It is thought to be effective in treating agitation, irritability, depression, and opiate withdrawal. It’s available as tea or as liquid extract drops.


In a recent study, lavender oil was found to relax people and regulate numerous symptoms similar to the prescription drug Ativan on patients with generalised anxiety symptoms. It is a non-sedating essential oil that can be inhaled or given as a crushed supplement in capsule form. Even having the lavender plant in your room promotes wellbeing as it’s aroma is beautiful and calming.

Lemon balm 

After just one dose of tea using the dried herb, it has been demonstrated to lessen anxiety. Lemon balm can be used in aromatherapy, or as drops in a bath for an overall anxiety calmer.


This is a herbal supplement that is provided as a standardised supplement to help with anxiety symptoms. Ashwagandha has been demonstrated in several studies to reduce the stress hormone cortisol as well as anxiety-related symptoms. It has no serious side effects and can be taken for a long time. It was found to be superior to Ativan in one study. It can be taken as a prepared tea or the powder can be added to other beverages.

L Theanine

Both black tea and green tea include L-theanine, a water-soluble amino acid. It can be consumed as a tea or as a supplement in the form of a pill. It’s non-addictive and doesn’t have any sedative effects. It is thought to reduce anxiety and stress-related symptoms by acting directly on brain regions.

Herbal medicines contain certain unique qualities that aren’t seen in benzodiazepines, which are usually used to treat anxiety. They’re all-natural vitamins that have been used for millennia with great success. They’re also non-addictive and mild on the body. Herbal tea is a safe and simple approach to maintain daily emotions of serenity. Herbal teas and the above-mentioned procedures can be utilised to assist ease anxiety symptoms without causing addiction or unpleasant side effects.

Note: However as always, before you attempt them, check with your doctor to make sure they won’t interact negatively with any other medications you’re taking or that there are no contraindication’s for your particular situation.  They are, for the most part, free of adverse effects. However, it’s vital to keep in mind that herbs can interact with sedative medicines and other medicines, so proceed cautiously and see your doctor or a herbalist before beginning.