by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Health, Mind
5 Tips For Uniting Your Body, Mind, and Soul
Do you know what it takes to unite your body, mind, and soul? If you did, do you realise that you would be able to achieve the balance that nearly everyone wishes they had in their lives? Do you know what you need to do for yourself in order to bring about this balance?
Part of uniting these three elements of your person is knowing what makes you passionate. Knowing what makes you passionate will help you get in touch with your soul, to feel creative energy, to feel truly alive. Spiritual or creative passion can help you to achieve those feelings. Whether it’s through faith, music, or some other type of artistic expression, you must find what will awaken your soul in order to strike balance in your life.
Here are some tips to guide you:
What are your goals for the future?

What would you like to ultimately achieve in your life?
Is it spiritual enlightenment?
Is it social status?
Or is it merely to be the best person you can be, and make a contribution to society?
What is important, though, is the process by which you attain your ultimate goal. That is what will generate your passion.
Try to focus on the positive, and do not dwell on the negative.

Recall your accomplishments and good deeds. Doing this will help keep you positive and keep your spirit up. If you constantly remind yourself of your mistakes, you will find it harder to succeed down the road, and your mind, body, and soul will work against you.
Meditate – You’ve heard of finding your happy place right?
This form of meditation helps you take your mind and spirit to a comfortable place that fills you with happiness. This is an ideal thing to do when you are in the middle of a stressful day at work or with the kids; it provides the perfect opportunity to regroup.
Spark a change.

Plan a vacation, even if it is just for a weekend. Nothing does the body, mind, and soul better than a little change of scenery. Go where you will be happy and be able to let loose and have some fun. Try it on your own. It might sound scary, but you will be surprised at how relaxed and refreshed you will be after a weekend all to yourself!
Try some daily affirmations.
Pick three things that you can say out loud in the mirror that will help you stay centred, positive, and focused. Saying something often enough has the power to make it true for you. Remember not to dwell on the negative, focus on the positive.
Three basic affirmations that you can work from include:
I am safe and secure, happy and healthy.
The Universe gives me everything that I need.
My income will continue to increase.
I hope this helps you to get started on finding the happy place within and uniting mind, body and soul and coming into a peaceful alignment.
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Health, Mind
Yes, You Definitely Need A Hobby
There usually comes a time in a person’s life when he or she becomes aware of how little they do for themselves in their free time.
And it’s absolutely normal to question yourself because we are programmed to want to know, learn, do more and grow as individuals.
If you’ve ever felt like you’re wasting your free time and all your friends look happier than you, then maybe you need a hobby.
What went wrong?

The importance of hobbies
Don’t take it the wrong way, but you probably just got lazy and sloppy.
A lot of people struggle with finding a hobby because of their tight schedules and busy daily routines.
But you can always find half an hour for yourself and your hobby of choice.
Remember when you were a kid, and you used to do all these new and exciting things?
You’re an adult now, and you have a job, maybe kids, maybe a dog that needs walking and… less and less energy, perhaps.
This is the right time to start thinking about giving a little bit more than you expect of yourself to start a project, class, sport, or whatever you feel will make you happy.
What can it do for you?
Having a hobby or even a couple of enjoyable side activities can prove to be extremely beneficial for the well-being of both your mind and body.
In other words, it could make you way happier than you are now.
Think of hobbies in terms of “How can I manage my free time in a way that will allow me to spend less time on the couch and more time doing enjoyable activities that will fill me up with energy?”
Engaging in such activities, big or small, will make your day seem more meaningful and put a smile on your face.
It’s easier said than done, right? Well, It’s not that hard, actually! All you have to do is start somewhere.
To know where to start, however, you need to be aware of the things you like doing or used to do, and more importantly, the things you always wanted to try but never pushed yourself enough to do so.
The idea behind having a hobby is to make yourself feel happier. The way this works is for you to find something you’re good at and own it.
Because truth be told, we like doing things that get us recognition, especially from ourselves.
All of this may sound like It’s going to cost lots of money, right?
There are actually a couple of hobbies that you can start with to get your blood pumping and ready for the bigger things.
Starting small

If you don’t have a big budget, but still want to make yourself partake in new things you can try starting with smaller hobby choices.
Things like starting a Youtube channel or Instagram profile can help you get started with finding your new and exciting hobbies.
The way this helps is that you start to think about time management and finding those extra 30 minutes for something that tickles your fancy.
Not only does this make you go more public, but it also helps with finding out what you may be good at.
Partaking in sports is always a great idea for your body and mind to rewind after, or before, a long day. Yes, it may take a little more time than other hobbies to go to the gym, or for a run, but you won’t be sorry for sure.
Reading, writing, and learning new languages are all great and cheap activities that help you grow as a person, grow emotionally, and feel more fulfilled as an individual amongst peers.
Alternatively, you can always combine some of these activities or do others, but the bottom line should be doing things you like for yourself.
If you don’t, then who will?
Take your time to find enjoyable activities outside of work and school – Find your own means of enjoying the mind and body you have been blessed with to their full potential.
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Health
Quality Of Life
- What Exactly Is It And How To Work On Achieving And Bettering It
- Today’s world is very different from country to country and even city to city.
- Depending on where we are, our interests, aspirations and ideologies vary, and that’s normal.
- This is also true for what we strive for and what makes us happy.
- Overall, however, most people want to be healthy, have all the necessary comfort, and do what they want, when they want, as long as it’s beneficial for them and their loved ones.
- Some of these things depend on the individual while others on the society they’re a part of.
- With that in mind, people often compare their happiness to that of others.
- There are a few ways in which it’s common to compare how good our lives are, both as individuals and as a group, and the most common one is, well, the quality of life!
What Is Quality Of Life Exactly?

Quality of life is a highly subjective measure of one’s happiness.
It includes but is not limited to health, overall satisfaction, ability to do the things one loves, status, income, emotional wisdom, and more.
It does not have a specific measure (like a standard of living, which is calculated by income), but most people use emotional well-being (for day-to-day experiences) and life evaluation (for overall perception and opinion on one’s life).
There is a lot of controversy about how happiness should be calculated not only because of its individuality, but because of the current events in one’s life when asked how happy they are.
That’s why people with terminal illnesses, for example, may report better quality of life than those who recently had a fight.
Because of this, most people tend to compare happiness based on countries – that way, both situations are in similar quantities, and more importantly, the things that don’t depend on the individual are the same for everyone (think of healthcare, education, environment, etc.).
According to the statistics, the countries with the best quality of life are Canada, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, and Australia.
It’s a common saying that happiness is contagious, and it makes sense that this effect can be seen in the happiest places, but this doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t strive for it even if they’re not from the countries mentioned above.
How And Why To Improve It?

- Many people don’t focus too much on what makes them happy, both short and long term, or how they can change their circumstances for the better, which is why they struggle with balancing the many different aspects of life.
- The most important thing is always to ask yourself if something makes you happy and why, and then how you can keep it, better it, or change it.
- Once you have answered those seemingly simple questions, you will have the right focus and can start improving your quality of life.
- Even though happiness is subjective, the fundamentals for most people are the same – health and comfort, loving relationships, work-life balance, keeping hobbies and finding new ones, etc.
- Here it’s important to mention that countries with good healthcare, education, and housing, usually have a better overall quality of life.
- Striving for a nicer, happier life is maybe the best direction one can aim for, but that must not be done through a mindset of lack of happiness.
- By positively changing your life you impact your perception and that of others, ultimately making the world as a whole a better place.
- Evaluating and improving the quality of life is essential to living your own truth and making your world what you want.
- Although not everything is under your control, it’s important to try and make a change in the things that are.
- By looking at different aspects of your day-to-day experiences and life as a whole, you can find parts of yourself you would want to pay more attention to or appreciate more.
- Self-reflection and realization are processes often connected with understanding one’s quality of life, and we believe they’re one of the most valuable things one can do both for themselves and their close ones.
- Even though happiness is subjective, truly understanding yours and investing in it is always a good idea.
- So we encourage you to stop living a life of patterns and start focusing on always learning more and improving your quality of life,
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Health, Mind
Importance of sleep for students | Part 2 – Tips & Tricks
In part one of this article series, we gave you the basic knowledge about sleep, its importance and how bad quality sleep can impact your overall quality of life.
But what is it that you can actually do today, to make falling asleep easier and get the best quality sleep possible?
In this article, we’re going to give you 4 power-tips to instantly start improving your sleep.
But first, let’s briefly go through the natural daily human cycle.
The Circadian Rhythm

Humans are typically active during the day and sleep at night.
Some people say that they are more awake and alert in the morning.
These are the so-called “morning people” and quite frankly, there aren’t many of them!
On the flipside though, you have the so-called “night owls” which tend to fall asleep later during the AM and are more active then.
The thing that governs this, is what we refer to as the “Circadian rhythm”, more commonly known as the biological clock of the human body.
This biological clock regulates the secretion of certain hormones that in turn regulate appetite, satiety, hormone production and have a significant impact on most bodily functions.
In terms of sleep though, here’s how this goes:

Upon waking up, sunlight goes through the eyes and signals the brain to produce serotonin.
Serotonin is the main daytime neurotransmitter that makes you feel awake, alert and aware of your environment.
Think of it this way – Sunlight basically signals the body it is time to secrete hormones that will make you feel awake.
As the day goes by and darkness falls, the reverse thing happens – The absence of light signals your body to secrete melatonin.
Melatonin is the nighttime neurotransmitter, which makes you feel drowsy and sleepy.
This of course is just one of the mechanisms that induce a drowsy state and it is linked to many other substances and hormones that regulate your sleep cycle.
The reason why this information is important for you, is that it basically tells you that your body is intricately connected and (supposed to be) tuned to the day-night cycle of the planet you live on.
The closer you get to that natural rhythm, the better your sleep will be.
Now let’s have a look at our 4 actionable tips to help you improve your sleep, starting – TODAY!
4 Steps To Master Your Biological Clock

We all know how exhausting it can be to have chronically bad sleep.
For this reason, let us suggest 5 actionable tips you can start doing today to improve your sleep!
Setup A Schedule
Make a bedtime schedule for yourself and go to bed at the same time every night.
Since most of us are on a repeating schedule, picking a moment when you’re tired is pretty easy!
Once you setup your sleeping schedule, try to stick to it even on weekends.
In doing this however, you have to make sure that you are not making drastic changes to your sleep schedule.
This way, your body can adjust naturally and seamlessly.
For instance, if you are a late bird and go to bed at 4-5 am, start off by going to bed 1-2 hours earlier at around 3-4 am and slowly work your way towards midnight.
Try to set a wake time and wake up at the same time every morning, in addition to going to bed at the same time.
If you get enough sleep, you should be able to wake up automatically without the use of an alarm clock.
So, if you really need an alarm to get out of bed on time, you may want to try going to bed earlier.
To get the most out of your new sleep schedule, make sure your bed is as comfortable as possible – If necessary, purchase a new pad!
Reduce Noise

People’s noise sensitivity varies, but there is one universal rule that states that the quieter your room is, the better your sleep will be.
This isn’t only valid for hearing, but for all your other senses as well – The lesser information in your sleeping environment, the easier and better you sleep.
So besides noise, consider switching off any TVs or monitors in your room; you’ll need as much darkness and silence as possible to get the most out of your 6-8 hours of sleep.
Think of it this way – As you drift off to sleep, you get away from the conscious mind which perceives and interprets information from the environment, so make sure there is little to no such information!
Set Your Alarm Tone
As previously said, if you get enough sleep, you should be able to wake up naturally.
If you must have an alarm, try to avoid the excruciating, irritating alarm tones and instead choose a more relaxing melody.
This way, you will be on your own for the most part, when it comes to waking up and the alarm will be just a reminder.
The more you tune into your natural human sleep patterns, the easier waking up will become and you may even wake up before you have to snooze!
Watch Your Mouth!
One of the most underrated factors when it comes to sleep, is pre-bed nutrition.
In order to maximize the quality of your sleep, you must make sure that you are not consuming heavy meals around bedtime.
Your best bet would generally be to consume your last big meal within 2-3 hours before bed.
If you are hungry before sleep, rely on something light, that contains slow-digesting protein, such as milk, yoghurt, other dairy products or even a casein supplement.
This will allow your body to get some good night-time protein, while not being heavily engaged in digesting.
Think of it this way – Sleep is the time when the body ramps up the use of the nutrients you gave it during the day.
The human body is in an intimate connection with the Earth and its day-night cycles.
Your ultimate goal would be to synchronize with that cycle, while covering other aspects like nutrition and environment.
In doing all of the above, you are greatly increasing the chances of fighting off insomnia and getting the best out of your sleep.
And quite frankly, if you sleep for 30% of your 24 hrs available every day, that just HAS TO BE a good quality sleep.
A good night’s sleep will have an impact on your overall quality of life, so don’t ignore it!
Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below.
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Health, Mind
Importance of sleep for students| Part 1 – The side effects of bad sleep
Do you want to be as strong as a bull, as energetic and fast as a panther, and have a clear mind all day?
Well, how you feel during your awake time is determined by how well you slept the night before.
When it comes to sleep quality, the sleeping routine and pre-bed habits are crucial.
Lack of sleep is well-known for causing attention problems, hormonal imbalances, and anxiety, as well as being a cause of a variety of illnesses.
So, How Important Is Sleep?

The significance of good sleep cannot be overstated, as it has a positive impact on overall efficiency, wellbeing, and cognitive functions.
Going to bed earlier to boost sleep quality is important, as it will make it easier to deal with daily situations the next day.
Getting enough sleep will allow you to produce better results in less time, or in other words, your productivity will improve.
Aside from that, sleep is our body’s deepest state of recovery.
During that time, the body recovers energetic substances and necrotic tissues in this state, effectively rejuvenating itself.
The Impact Of Bad Sleep

Of course, the body’s functions can not perform properly or effectively if you don’t get enough sleep.
Higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol are generated when you stay up late.
Increased insulin resistance, blood pressure, and a cause for binge eating of fast foods are all issues caused by sleep deprivation.
As a result, this is a foundation for weight gain, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
Due to the adequate overall recovery of the body during sleep, proper sleep is directly related to improvements in health, mood, stress perception, and environmental awareness, as well as sports results.
As a result, we can confidently assert that sleep is necessary, and that its lack causes a slew of negative consequences, such as the ones mentioned above.
But how do such negative consequences manifest themselves?
Simply put, our cells use up the energy we get from food when we are awake.
Of course, if an energy resource is depleted, it degrades into a variety of byproducts.
Adenosine is one of these byproducts.
As adenosine levels rise in the body, the need to sleep grows stronger.
Certain beverages, such as coffee, block the adenosine receptors, preventing you from falling asleep.
Of course, adenosine is only one example; there are several other byproducts of the energy used during the day.
Many of these byproducts, if not cleared away, are the reason for many of the side effects that arise when we don’t get enough sleep.
So, how does the body get rid of these accumulated byproducts?
The Sleeping Cleanse

There’s a system called “the glymphatic system” that works as a cleaning system and is particularly active when we’re sleeping.
Through flushing them with cerebrospinal fluid, this device cleans up all the harmful byproducts of our energy expenditure.
As a result, we can confidently assert that sleep is a necessity, especially in today’s fast-paced world.
Thousands of people around the world are sleep deprived or suffer from insomnia.
And, as we’ve already discovered, getting enough sleep is important for our fitness, appearance, and longevity.
Exhaustion is a normal condition for the average person, and it happens after a long day of work, for example.
The best way to get rid of the fatigue is to get a good night’s sleep.
We’ll send you actionable tips in part 2 of this article series to enhance the quality of your sleep and, as a result, your overall quality of life.
Keep an eye out for part 2!
by admin | Nov 22, 2021 | Health
Confirming Menopause Through Testing
Menopause originates from 2 Greek words that indicate “month” and “to end,” and the current medical definition of menopause indicates precisely the same: the lack of menstruation for twelve months.
Menopause can occur in between the late thirties and the late 50s, with the average around the age of 51, and not a single female can prevent this period in life.
Thinking about the fact that menopause strikes a female in a still hugely active phase of life, it is not surprising that women wish to prepare for menopause and prevent pain and interruption, using a wide variety of practical menopause tests, so that they may somewhat plan ahead.
Although menopause is a natural part of aging, lots of women discover menopause symptoms start hindering their lives. Menopause signs consist of missed or heavy menstrual periods, hot sweating and flashes, mood changes, uneasiness, sleeping disorders and a general sensation of being “down”.
Due to hormonal changes symptoms might include some weight gain, or hair thinning. Then, after the stopping of menstruation for a full twelve months, a female goes into menopause, and after twelve months a woman is post-menopausal.
And while some ladies fly through menopause fairly untouched by huge life changes, most of us ladies might experience some moderate pain or issues, and others may have moderate to extreme health problems and might quite understandably want to ease their symptoms.
Menopause signs can be eased, if not prevented, by timely preparation.

Menopause tests assist females to discover menopause transitioning in its early stage. When their ovarian function changes which may mean the slow shift into the perimenopause, using menopause tests may be sensible even for women in their 30s to figure out.
Such signs as mentioned being irregular menstrual durations, hot flashes, sleeping disorders, uneasiness, or night sweats, which might indicate the onset of perimenopause or menopause, but they can also manifest a variety of other conditions and issues. Emotional issues and the feelings of loss can also be quite painful. Some women report they no longer feel worthy or a woman as they are no longer fertile. This is sometimes especially painful for those who had never had children when the realisation comes that there really is no more chance- unless considering fertility treatments and even then, often with great difficulty.
For more precise outcomes, menopause tests employ a hormone analysis.
The menopause test measures the presence of a hormone called follicle stimulating hormonal (FSH). When a female enters menopause and ovaries stop working, her follicle stimulating hormone levels increase.
If the hormonal level is greater than normal, it might signal that she is approaching menopause. This test will not actually reveal if a woman absolutely is in menopause or even in perimenopause. It’s not a 100 percent confirmation, it’s more of a close guess.
Menopause testing may be also be affected by contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, or oestrogen supplements, that a woman has actually been taking before the test.

There are a number of traditional menopause tests that can be done by the doctor.
If the first menopause test results show that the hormonal levels are increased above the standard levels, it is normal medical protocol to carry out a 2nd menopause test.
Many worry, that once they are told they are in menopause that they need to take drugs to balance things out, but that is not always necessary at all. It depends firstly how the woman is in herself and how she is coping, and also what her past medical history is, and her preferred choices. I am glad to say that today, menopause symptoms can be alleviated using many and varied herbal or traditional treatment approaches. So please do look around and ask professionals before deciding to just go the conventional route if it worries you.
If you are worried about the symptoms of menopause talk to your medical professional, medical doctor, herbalist, naturopath or menopause specialist about a menopause test and the different treatment options available, and remember the less one worries, usually like most things, the less one will suffer.
And most importantly, Test or no test, menopause or not, we are all amazing women, and we should not forget that!
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