Reliable Fitness Websites

Reliable Fitness Websites

Reliable Fitness Websites

Looking for fitness information online can be very daunting. There are many fitness websites and blogs, with some of them sharing false information thus you are likely to get misinformed. Therefore, you have to be careful in your selection of the sites where you want to seek insight and information on maintaining a fit and healthy body. Despite that, you can still get some reliable fitness websites such as;

Muscle & Fitness

Do you want to gain muscles and stay fit? Here is a website where you can get all information on how to add muscles and achieve your desired body shape. This site will also enlighten you on meal plans you have to adopt in order to achieve your fitness goals. Feel free to visit this site to learn how to build muscles and have a healthy body. The site is endorsed with a lot of comprehensive articles on fitness to help you in this quest you are on.

Menno Henselmans

This site is not only informational but also very distinct in its own right. It provides online coaching, online classes, and articles, but shares content that is cymene oriented. This will give you a unique approach to your fitness journey through applying proven science-based interventions.

Run To The Finnish

Run To The Finnish is a site that is basically all about training to run. This site shares a lot of content on injury recovery insight, running tips, and how to select efficient running shoes and nutrition help. If you are an athlete, this website will sort you out big time. The information being shared has been well researched therefore you stand to benefit from it.

My Fitness Pal

My Fitness pal gives uses an opportunity to access fitness and nutrition advice. Users can also track their log activities and calories. Last but not least, this website comes with apps to help you while working out. Therefore, this makes My Fitness Pal a great companion or partner for any person who wants to manage their weight and stay fit.

Planet Fitness

Planet Fitness offers a lot of information on how to work out in the gym and stay in great shape. This site is very focused on ensuring people can work out at their own convenience by enlightening you on how you can train at home. Besides, the website has guides for beginners who are looking forward to their first workout session.


When seeking advice and information on fitness, you have to rely on credible sources. The websites you choose should be very reliable. Unfortunately, finding such sites is not a walk in the park. There are a ton of websites out there, and you are likely to fall prey to misinformation. Some of those sites are created by selfish individuals with an intention to extort money from people. They have put in place insane membership plans which are very expensive with a promise of giving clients the best fitness advice or programs. Therefore, be vigilant and do not just take in any fitness advice you read online.

Stop Procrastinating Right Now and in the Future

Stop Procrastinating Right Now and in the Future

Stop Procrastinating Right Now and in the Future

We are all guilty of procrastination, and imagine how much more we could achieve if we stop. It is easier said than done. With numerous distractions around us, procrastination seems inevitable. The only way to overcome it is to practice time management.

But, before we see what you can do to stop procrastinating as soon as possible, let’s explain what procrastination is.

What is Procrastination?

In simple words, procrastination can be defined as the postponing of important tasks. Instead of doing what they should do, people who procrastinate spend their time doing trivial activities. For example, instead of finishing the report for your work, you lose track of time scrolling down the Instagram feed.

Sounds familiar?

Here is what you can do to overcome procrastination.

Find Out Which Tasks You Avoid Most Often

Procrastination is, to some point, avoiding discomfort. During a standard workday, you might not even be aware of your procrastination patterns. Therefore, try to identify which tasks you avoid the most. Are those online meetings, writing reports, doing calculations, or something else?

Once you discover the procrastination pattern, try to find a reason why you find those tasks uncomfortable. Some people are afraid that they will let other people down, so they procrastinate to avoid getting feedback. Others procrastinate because they find their tasks too boring. Some may feel like the tasks shouldn’t be part of their work.

Once you are aware of the patterns, you may come up with a solution. You may try to delegate, organize priorities differently or ask for help.

In some cases, these solutions might help you prevent procrastination in the first place.

Confront Your Procrastination

Do what makes you scary. It doesn’t get easier or simpler than that. For example, if you procrastinate because you don’t feel comfortable gathering up colleagues for a meeting, do that and do it despite your level of discomfort. You might discover that you can put up with more discomfort than you anticipated in the first place.

If it seems like too big of a step for you, take small steps. For example, call two colleagues at a time for a meeting. It will help you feel more productive, knowing that you have accomplished a small milestone.

Stay Consistent

Congratulations, you’ve done the first step toward overcoming procrastination. But, if you have been used to procrastination, you’ll easily slip out of your mood. You can start procrastinating again even in the middle of the tasks.

Therefore, come up with a set of solutions that will help build confidence and concentration. You can even divide tasks into small milestones and celebrate as you complete each one of them. Promise yourself a reward as an additional motivation to stay focused on important things.

Keep Distractions at Minimal

Put your phone away. Don’t drink or snack while you do your task. If you have anxiety over deadlines, remove the watches and focus only on things you have to complete.

Don’t sit anywhere near the TV while you work and close the office door to prevent yourself from staring at other people passing through the hall.

Practice Self-Forgiveness

Even if you slip into procrastination, don’t beat yourself for it. Also, forgive yourself for procrastination in the past. Self-love and care are the best motivation for success and the best tool.

During the process, tackle challenges as soon as they occur, and stay focused as long as possible. Over time, overcoming procrastination will come naturally to you, as you’ll discover how good you feel when you stop procrastinating. So, what are you waiting for? Go and complete at least one task you’ve been avoiding! Share the article with your friends to help them overcome procrastination.


The Top 7 Benefits of Aromatherapy and How to Make the Most of Them

The Top 7 Benefits of Aromatherapy and How to Make the Most of Them

The Top 7 Benefits of Aromatherapy and How to Make the Most of Them

Introduction: Aromatherapy is a centuries-old technique that involves the use of plant extracts to enhance your mood and general sense of well-being. These natural botanical solutions have been used to promote relaxation, ease depression, and even alleviate pain.

Aromatherapy is a natural way of healing the mind and body. It has been used for centuries to promote healthy emotional and physical well-being.

The general benefits of aromatherapy can be seen through the following ways:

-It helps in psychological issues, helps calm the nervous system, improves mood, and lessens stress, anxiety and depression by inducing a sense of relaxation.

-It improves concentration, learning and memory by releasing your feel-good hormones and therefore aids your endocrine system as well as supporting many physiological issues

-It boosts the immune system by stimulating the release of white blood cells that help fight infections.

The Top 7 Reported Benefits of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is the art and science of using aromatic plant materials, most commonly in essential oil form, to improve health and wellbeing. Some of the most commonly reported benefits are below, however there are a great deal more.

1) Aromatherapy has helped with mental and emotional health

2) It can work as a natural remedy for physical ailments

3) It can boost concentration, memory, and cognitive performance

4) It helps with stress and depression

5) It may have anti-inflammatory properties, ease pain and is good for the skin.

6) Helps improve sleep quality

7) Curbing cravings for sweets

How to use Aromatherapy to your advantage.

To get the most out of aromatherapy, it is important to know how it works.

Aromatherapy is thought to work by way of stimulating smell receptors in the nose. These send messages through the nervous system to the limbic system. This is the part of the brain that controls emotions.

There are three steps to consider when using aromatherapy: anointing, inhalation and wearing. Anointing is a process in which you apply essential oils or other aromatic substances to your skin. Inhalation is the act of breathing in deeply from your nose and mouth while taking a bath or sitting near an aromatic candle. Wearing involves using a fragrance-free body lotion or carrier oil then adding your favorite oil such as lavender oil at night to help you sleep better and improve your mood during the day.

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils in order to promote health and well-being. Essential oils are extracted using either steam distillation or cold pressing and are then dispersed into the air. There are different ways of practicing aromatherapy, such as simply leaving an opened bottle of oil on your desk for hours.

In this article, we will discuss ways in which you can use aromatherapy to your advantage when feeling stressed at home or work. These include filling a few drops of your favorite essential oils in a diffuser, using calming scents like lavender and chamomile to help you focused, or applying an essential oils blend onto the bottoms of your feet before walking into a meeting.

1) Aromatherapy can be used to help with focus in the workplace. When workers take a break to smell some essential oils, they release feel-good hormones and help restore their mental energy. Dab a little on your wrists, or on your hands and inhale gently, it will open up the lungs, relax you and help you to refocus.

2) Use a diffuser, add water and a few drops of oils into the diffuser and let it gentle seep into the air around you. This is wonderful if you’re tired and can’t sleep as mentioned above but also if you need to revive yourself, swap out lavenders and calming oils for peppermint or eucalyptus to freshen the air and as a pick-up, or for rosemary or sage if you need to concentrate, diffusing oils is great for helping stay focused in exam revision or on the day.

3) Have a massage with a professional Aromatherapist. There is nothing quite like the deeply relaxing and therapeutic benefits one receives from a professional massage and the feel of the oils on the skin as well as the beautiful aromas blended to suit your situation will make it all the more a wonderfully intoxicating experience.

Whilst inhalation is arguably the safest way of administering essential oils and it’s the fastest way to get essential oils into the blood stream, it’s still very important to use oils with caution. Always read the labels and use as directed, and always diffuse in a well-ventilated area. Why not try out one of the above and see for yourself how it helps to calm and revive.

Disclaimer Note: This article is for entertainment and informational purposes only.

It’s important to note though, that just because something is natural does not mean zero risk. While many oils are very low risk there still can be complications, contraindications and contra-actions.

The internet is full of information on how you can cure yourself with natural remedies, but we recommend that you seek out a Qualified Natural Practitioner or Aromatherapist and always consult a Doctor before trying any new things. Never stop taking any prescribed medication without speaking to your health practitioner first.


How To Develop A Business Idea

How To Develop A Business Idea

How To Develop A Business Idea

As humans looking to exceed our own expectations and improve our personal development, business ideas are something that frequently comes to mind. And though starting a business may first seem exciting and motivational, it is in fact a point when ANYTHING can and will happen. Essentially, creating a business is one of the best ways to test your personal traits.

To start and sustain a business idea, you need the right business model, a budget, planning, strategy, a great team and much more. In this article, we’re going to give you tips and tricks on how to successfully launch and develop a business idea.

Take notes!

Study The Market & Competition

Oftentimes, an idea comes to mind that seems really promising from your own perspective.That instant rush of motivation gets you to start doing things right away, but one thing is often ignored  This is namely the fact that just because you have a thought, doesn’t mean it is true.

Before you engage in your next best idea, try and study the market – Is there demand for this? Is the niche too broad? How long in the future can you sustain this? Do people really need it? Try and find out as much as possible of what already exists, regarding your idea.

Create A Game Plan

Whatever it is that you are trying to develop, there is a logical, method-based way to get from point A to point B in a straight line. Granted, there will be twists and turns along the way, but this is when you have to get back on track. Analyze your idea and all of its requirements, whether that is technology or staff members.

Get Your Finances Right

Creating a financial plan when starting a business is one of the most (if not the most) important things to do. Nearly any idea requires a certain amount of money, especially in the starting phase when the business is coming to life. Once you have your game plan down on paper, analyze all aspects that will require capital and create a rough financial plan for what you’ll need to start up.

At the end of the day, if it is out of your budget, do the things for your future business that do not require as much capital, while saving up money on the side.

Do what you can, with what you have!

Look For Investors

There are sometimes ideas that are too good not to be created, but yet require a massive amount of money to even just get started up. If you have one of those ideas where you have a completely clear vision and a constant flow of thoughts and ideas about the business, you may as well have found your gem.

This is the type of ideas that you strongly relate to, and may attract investors just with your passion about it. In case this sounds familiar to you, sit down and create your own presentation for investors – Make it simple, concise, straight to the point.


Starting up and developing a business idea may first appear to be exciting, but is actually a thing that involves a lot of effort and time. As a businessman, you have to be able to analyze the market, study the competition, and understand your exact vision. Last but not least, once everything in your mind is clear about the business idea, you have to create a detailed plan of action that includes all steps and financial needs, towards achieving the end result.

At the end of the day, you can predict all you want, but it will be the community that will decide whether or not your product or service belongs on the market!

How To Eat On A Busy Schedule

How To Eat On A Busy Schedule

How To Eat On A Busy Schedule

Many of us are trapped in the busy city life, where time is tight, everything is rushed and there is little to no time for you to give your body all the essential nutrients it needs. Without a doubt, daily life-induced stress, combined with malnutrition can lead to a serious downfall in performance, both mental and physical.

This daily life-induced stress inevitably leads to burnouts and one of the best steps to deal with it, is to learn how to fuel your body on a day to day basis.

Is Nutrition Really Everything?


Now, nutrition isn’t really everything there is to managing stress from daily life, but it can be a powerful tool to do so for a couple of reasons. First off, food is not just nutrients. Though the common belief about food nowadays is mainly related to the caloric and macronutrient content, that is not all there is to nutrition.

Besides being the body’s fuel for performance and recovery, nutrition is a form of art, enjoyment and pleasure. This can bring about a more relaxed, content state of mind which will have a positive impact on your perception of daily-life stress. So how can you take care of your nutrition consistently, without having to spend countless hours in the kitchen, or all your money on ordered food?

Read our best tips below, as we give you insight on easy, seamless, efficient meal-prep you can use on a busy schedule!

#1 Pick Food Sources

sustainable nutrition plan

Nutrition isn’t all that hard and its main purpose is to give the body all the essential nutrient it needs to sustain optimal functioning of all bodily systems and processes. The two essential nutrients for the body are protein and fats, as they play major roles in all internal processes. Besides protein and fats, you have carbohydrates, which are not essential, but good to consume, especially if you are mentally and physically active.

Here are our best picks for whole foods, which you can place at the core of your daily menu:

  1. Beef
  2. Pork
  3. Dairy products
  4. Eggs
  5. Sweet potatoes
  6. Normal potatoes
  7. White/brown rice
  8. Broccoli
  9. Carrots
  10. Kiwis
  11. Bananas
  12. Mangoes
  13. Coconuts
  14. Oats

#2 Cook in bulk!

Cook in bulk

If you are looking to save as much time as possible and be efficient with your nutrition and food budget, cooking your own food is your best bet. Furthermore, to catch up with a busy schedule, you have to think ahead of time and prepare your food for the next couple of days.

Preparing your main products in bigger amounts (meats, grains and potatoes) is your best bet, and you can then use those as core products for different meals, where you add side foods such as vegetables, sauces and other side products which can enrich the meal.

#3 Pack It Up!

Once you’ve established the core products of your daily menu and cooked them, all you have to do is pack them up and put them in the fridge for later use. Whenever you’re going out and about, all you need to do is take a food box with you and then, you can consume that any time, anywhere, without having to order food.

Home-cooked food is the best and least expensive option!

Don’t Forget Though

In the beginning, preparing your own food may seem time-consuming, especially if you are not used to cooking. However, once you establish a concrete system, cooking all your food for the week will take just a couple of cooking sessions. This in turn will save you time, money and on top of that, will allow you to consistently provide your body with all the essential nutrients that it needs.

And so, are you ready to make a change for the better?

Unexpected Ways To Be Creative

Unexpected Ways To Be Creative

Unexpected Ways To Be Creative

How To Keep Your Creative Juices Flowing While Having Novice Experiences Creativity can be very elusive sometimes. Many people have experienced what is called an “artist block” and know how frustrating it can be, especially if you have to meet specific deadlines. Feeling inspired and in your element is crucial when writing, making music, painting and the likes.

Creativity, however, is not useful only to artists. On the contrary, it has its applications regardless of your working environment. By finding inspiration in the surrounding world and utilizing it to make something yourself, you leave your own unique imprint and induce a massive mindset change.

Not only that, but you are also connecting to the tools you’ve used and giving an outlet to your thoughts and ideas. The sense of fulfillment when you see something you’ve made yourself is like nothing else. Creativity applied does indeed shift your mindset towards growth, and this is why we have made a list of activities that boost your creativity.

We hope you find them interesting and maybe try some yourself!

Cook Something

Cook in bulk

Food is one of the few necessities which can double as a hobby or creative outlet. We all need to eat; however, not all of us have tried cooking something difficult or arranging a dish to look a certain way. It’s a good idea to cook something when you feel stuck not only because food is necessary, but because we often want to eat something delicious and beautiful when we feel down.

Comfort food is a thing for a reason, after all. And what better way to make yourself feel better than by making something tasty that also looks great. It can be as simple as your favorite three-ingredient meal, just with some added twists or decorations. Or it can be some intricate dish you haven’t tried yet but are definitely dying to.

Whichever one you choose, you will likely feel a bit better after spending some time in the kitchen and enjoying the outcome.

Make Something Ugly

This may sound counterintuitive at first. A lot of us are used to only focusing on the end result. If something isn’t perfect at the end, there is no use in making it.  That’s really not true. The process itself is just as important because that’s when we learn new things.

So instead of fixating on what the end product will look like, try making something just for the sake of it. Not everything we do has to be store-bought quality, and by having fun while making something that looks funny, you will remind yourself of that. Many people are so pressured to have their end result exactly the same as it is in their heads that they often don’t even try to make the thing in the first place.

By detaching yourself from that fear, you can start creating what you want to just because you find it fun. And that’s a pretty freeing way to look at things.

Go To The Garden

Nature is the best source of inspiration, and you can see its influence in almost every artist’s work throughout the centuries. Not all of us are painters or sculptors, however, so how can we use this wonderful source? The answer is actually surprisingly simple – try making your own garden. Whether you have your own backyard or live in an apartment on the 14th floor, taking care of a few plants is always possible.

The nurturing feeling this activity provides is synonymous with a good time. Once you get started, you can even use what you grow in different things. If you’re growing fruits and vegetables, or even spices, you can use them to later cook something yourself (a complete circle, huh). And if you’re more into flowers and other kinds of plants you can always decorate your house with them or herborize some. You can even use some fruits as decorations (dried lemon slices look great on a Christmas tree).

Talk To Different Artists

These are some of the most interesting people to have a conversation with. Their worldviews, past adventures, plans for the future – everything can be a source of inspiration. And the best part is most of the time they inspire you for your own ideas. Just by listening to their ideas, you often start thinking of your versions of them which is creativity already at work.

If you’re an artist yourself, you can start collaborating with artists in different mediums to yours and do some outstanding projects. However, if you aren’t, you can still be motivated by their creations and maybe even dare to make something yourself. And even if none of this works, you are definitely having some fascinating conversations and making some friends along the way.

Build Something

This can mean pretty much anything, which is the best part. You can start small and make a vase out of a wine bottle, for example. Or, if you’re feeling very creative, try making your very own coffee table or even a cupboard.

You can choose the materials or just reuse some already made items. Building and crafting bigger, more complicated objects gives you a spatial way of thinking which is sadly not commonly used. You may also encounter some difficulties requiring a more innovative approach during the process, which boosts your creative decision-making skills.

If you feel this is a bit too much for you, a fun way to still try this idea is to make miniature prototypes out of simple materials. Ice cream sticks or the cork used to close wine bottles are excellent materials to craft a mini version of some of the bigger items you like.

Planes, cars, or entire houses can be built with them, some glue and some wire, making great home decorations. Using different materials and tools to those you are used to in your everyday life breaks you out of your comfort zone and puts you in an entirely new environment. And that’s exactly where the magic of creativity can be found.

Final Thoughts

Allowing yourself to try things for the first time and not worry about the end product makes you look at the world through a different lens, which is often a more positive one.

Unleashing your creativity will also be useful in your daily life. Yes, it broadens your horizons, and yes, that’s a wonderful thing, but it does something else too. It reshapes your view and mindset towards your normal schedule and activities. Most people who are creative in this way say their routine has benefitted too because they appreciate different aspects of it.

So why not choose one of our ideas and start your adventure? Let’s get to it!