Gluten free cooking does not need to be the task a lot of us believe it’s going to be, and all gluten free food does not taste like cardboard.

You’ll be happy to knowJ

Make the effort to be familiar with the terrific gluten free dishes that are plentiful on the internet and in the many great cookbooks out there and start to include them one at a time into your cooking collection. You will be impressed at how terrific you feel along with how fantastic the food tastes.

If you need a gluten free ‘diet plan’ and have no idea where to begin or what you ought to be cooking you ought to have a look at the numerous gluten free coaching sites and blog sites online that deal with those concerns and you will be surprised what you find. In fact, you will most likely be astonished at the wealth of details that is offered. If you have a wholefoods shop in your location, many of them will stock totally gluten free items for your cooking requirements.

All the time there are more and more items, loose whole foods or pre-packaged foods that are designated for gluten free cooking. We are even discovering cookie and cake blends that are now gluten free in order to delight in some of the finer things in life, for those who would have been totally denied just a couple of years ago. Now you just don’t have to miss out!



Modifications are being made and resources are being shared through the Web that assist not just us adults that need unique gluten free cooking and diet plans but likewise support for the mums and dads of kids who need to have totally gluten free diet plans. That is why it is so important to look out for the numerous resources and dishes that are readily available for gluten free cooking.

Whilst living gluten free does have many constraints, and is frequently made rather more difficult by eating out, it doesn’t have to become a total headache.While on the one hand it is slightly annoying to not have the alternative of eating in every restaurant and it’s also pretty difficult at times to keep coming up with new things to cook, to avoid the same old thing, for means of staying safe, there still is a way to help you feel better and cope better.

Mindset – Yes, I said it. like everything the way we approach things will surely make a difference, to how we cope but also how we experience things as a whole.

You may even discover that you value the meals you have sometimes struggled to prepare, even more, because when you truly get a hang of it there is such a fantastic sense of achievement.

Try to see it as an adventure and take time to really research establishments and try different places, find new bloggers, recipes, and shops. Get cooking and baking together and get the family involved or if you live alone, just get cooking and invite people round to share your delights. You will soon discover a whole new world of food and rather than focus on what you can’t have, focus on what amazing things you are making and how much healthier you are going to feel.

The bright side though, for those who like dining out and need gluten free, is that increasingly more dining establishments are starting to acknowledge the condition and include choices that are totally gluten free.

Everything takes time, so be gentle with yourself, as stress will only exacerbate any intolerances or reactions you suffer anyway. So be gentle, go on a journey of food and self-discovery and you will be a gluten free master in no time and healthier to boot.

This article is for information purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose. Please consult a doctor or specialist nutritionist, or dietician, if you are gluten intolerant and need further advice.



Confirming Menopause Through Testing

Menopause originates from 2 Greek words that indicate “month” and “to end,” and the current medical definition of menopause indicates precisely the same: the lack of menstruation for twelve months.

Menopause can occur in between the late thirties and the late 50s, with the average around the age of 51, and not a single female can prevent this period in life.

Thinking about the fact that menopause strikes a female in a still hugely active phase of life, it is not surprising that women wish to prepare for menopause and prevent pain and interruption, using a wide variety of practical menopause tests, so that they may somewhat plan ahead.

Although menopause is a natural part of aging, lots of women discover menopause symptoms start hindering their lives. Menopause signs consist of missed or heavy menstrual periods, hot sweating and flashes, mood changes, uneasiness, sleeping disorders and a general sensation of being “down”.

Due to hormonal changes symptoms might include some weight gain, or hair thinning. Then, after the stopping of menstruation for a full twelve months, a female goes into menopause, and after twelve months a woman is post-menopausal.

And while some ladies fly through menopause fairly untouched by huge life changes, most of us ladies might experience some moderate pain or issues, and others may have moderate to extreme health problems and might quite understandably want to ease their symptoms.

Menopause signs can be eased, if not prevented, by timely preparation.


Menopause tests assist females to discover menopause transitioning in its early stage. When their ovarian function changes which may mean the slow shift into the perimenopause, using menopause tests may be sensible even for women in their 30s to figure out.

Such signs as mentioned being irregular menstrual durations, hot flashes, sleeping disorders, uneasiness, or night sweats, which might indicate the onset of perimenopause or menopause, but they can also manifest a variety of other conditions and issues. Emotional issues and the feelings of loss can also be quite painful. Some women report they no longer feel worthy or a woman as they are no longer fertile. This is sometimes especially painful for those who had never had children when the realisation comes that there really is no more chance- unless considering fertility treatments and even then, often with great difficulty.

For more precise outcomes, menopause tests employ a hormone analysis.

The menopause test measures the presence of a hormone called follicle stimulating hormonal (FSH). When a female enters menopause and ovaries stop working, her follicle stimulating hormone levels increase.

If the hormonal level is greater than normal, it might signal that she is approaching menopause. This test will not actually reveal if a woman absolutely is in menopause or even in perimenopause. It’s not a 100 percent confirmation, it’s more of a close guess.

Menopause testing may be also be affected by contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, or oestrogen supplements, that a woman has actually been taking before the test.


There are a number of traditional menopause tests that can be done by the doctor.

If the first menopause test results show that the hormonal levels are increased above the standard levels, it is normal medical protocol to carry out a 2nd menopause test.


Many worry, that once they are told they are in menopause that they need to take drugs to balance things out, but that is not always necessary at all. It depends firstly how the woman is in herself and how she is coping, and also what her past medical history is, and her preferred choices. I am glad to say that today, menopause symptoms can be alleviated using many and varied herbal or traditional treatment approaches.  So please do look around and ask professionals before deciding to just go the conventional route if it worries you.

If you are worried about the symptoms of menopause talk to your medical professional, medical doctor, herbalist, naturopath or menopause specialist about a menopause test and the different treatment options available, and remember the less one worries, usually like most things, the less one will suffer.

And most importantly, Test or no test, menopause or not, we are all amazing women, and we should not forget that!

Emotional Freedom Technique – A BRIEF OVERVIEW

Emotional Freedom Technique – A BRIEF OVERVIEW

A brief overview of EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique

Eft is an acronym for Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT is a form of psychotherapy that uses various points on the head and body to relieve emotional pain. This technique allows patients to have greater control over what they release, and helps them to be aware during the process, and enhances their ability to cope with long-term emotional or physical issues.

Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is a psychotherapy that can help treat clinical and non-clinical problems.

Many people seem to have a strong need for control in their lives. We all have different ways of controlling our emotions and dealing with the emotions of people in our lives. One way of gaining better control is by using EFT.

The technique is usually taught by a certified EFT practitioner in one on one sessions.

SIMILAR TO TFT (Thought field therapy) BY ROGER CALLAHAN, the tapping technique involves a series of gentle, rhythmic tapping on the head/face and chest with one hand while focusing on a problem with the other hand’s fingers.

It has been suggested that the taps promote drainage of stress from the body and stimulate immune system response in some people who have been exposed to trauma or emotional distress.

The EFT process involves the practitioner tapping on the acupuncture points while giving mental instructions to release any blocked energy. It is therefore a form of acupressure, which is done while also taking deep breaths to release negative emotions from your body.

Emotional Freedom Technique is a powerful self-help tool that is used by itself or as an adjunct treatment for psychiatric and neurologic disorders.

This technique can be used when experiencing anger, fear, sadness, frustration, guilt, and even physical pain. It is a popular treatment for emotional issues especially using energy tapping to remove blockages in the body.

This technique has also been found to be effective in reducing the symptoms of stress, anxiety, or depression as well as feelings of low self-worth. Studies have also shown that it can help reduce physical pain in one session. It is also used to alleviate addiction withdrawal symptoms, and PTSD flashbacks. There are various studies that show how effective this type of therapy can be for those who suffer from anxiety and depression.

Every day, I see so many people with pain in their lives. Whether it be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual pain. Sometimes these people are struggling to get by and never feel like they can get better.

Many people have tried traditional methods to overcome emotional problems, such as therapy and medication. However, for those that have not found success through these means, this different approach may be helpful.

Emotional Freedom Technique is a technique created by Gary Craig. The technique helps people identify and release the cause of their emotions by stimulating a point on the body called a “trigger point” with an opposing energy from the negative emotion being experienced.

The tapping helps manage painful emotions and stress.

When you are constantly dealing with the thoughts of past hurt, resentments, and anger, it can be difficult to see your way to a new future.

A common area its successful at treating as well, is with phobias. A person is able to identify a true fear and then repeat a word or phrase out loud three times, which causes the brain to change the way it processes negative associations.

Gary Craig developed EFT in 1979 and he has since done research on its effectiveness. Living with a phobia can be difficult and often leads to avoidance of the feared stimulus. One way to help reduce feelings of anxiety and fear is to talk about the experience with a professional but if that does not cure the problem then EFT is definitely worth trying.

With so many benefits and no side effects it’s really a therapy worth looking into.

This article is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Please consult a licensed doctor if you have a medical issue.

How to boost your self esteem

How to boost your self esteem

How to boost your self esteem

Wonderful affirmations that help you boost your self-esteem

How to better your daily life using your own voice We’ve all heard that positivity does wonders when it comes to living the life you always wanted.

Positive affirmations work in a pretty simple way – they build connections in your brain, tricking it to subconsciously prove those assumptions correct.

The science behind it has proof from MRIs, social studies and many different research techniques, proving that although it may sound weird, positive affirmations do work.

These are just some of the wonderful things you can say out loud or in your head to keep pushing yourself forward in the right direction.  We recommend you stick to this order, but it’s completely up to you and depends on the specific situation you’re in.

This one is very simple, but it does wonders in more intense situations.

It’s common knowledge that panic attacks are accompanied by trouble breathing and reminding yourself to take deep, calm breaths is a huge help.

Focusing on breathing itself is a biologically calming process because it slows your heart rate and triggers your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for your body’s rest.

  • I understand.

This may sound weird to say to yourself, but the more you think about it, the more sense it makes.

In order to push forward in whatever environment and situation you want to, you need to understand the one you’re in right now.

A lot of people tend to avoid asking themselves why they do what they do or feel the way they feel and acknowledging both and understanding the reasons behind them is part of progressing further.

When one feels understood, they can get more in touch with themselves and be more honest, thus uplifting the self-worth they have in their own eyes.

  • I can do this.

This is essentially pep-talk and when it comes from within it works even better.

Having low self-esteem is synonymous with the belief that you can’t do some things and this affirmation battles it head-on.

There are many situations in which a little push is more than enough and hearing these words usually does the trick especially when it comes to situations that have to do with other people, like public speaking for example.

  • Take it step by step.

A lot of us feel overwhelmed by how many problems we have on the way to our goals or by how long the way itself seems.

Lacking the self-esteem needed to either take the first step or keep walking the already chosen path is enough to make you quit or to never start in the first place.

This affirmation helps in keeping you focused in the present moment instead of worrying about things that are far far away.

It provides much needed perspective on why your actions right now matter and why you shouldn’t give up just because of the road ahead.

  • I’m doing great.

What this helps with is retrospective.

Looking back on previous achievements makes you realize how much you’ve changed, thus how much power you actually have.

It is easy to forget about past struggles when facing new ones, but that doesn’t mean that they were less important or less difficult and therefore they hold just as much value.

A different aspect of this affirmation is to appreciate your actions in this specific moment – gaining a third person perspective you can see how amazing what you’re doing right now actually is and therefore boost your confidence.

  • I can turn my dreams into plans.

This looks only in the far future.

We all have these types of dreams we believe are impossible, but really the only thing that’s stopping us is ourselves.

This doesn’t mean that the road ahead will be easy, it does however mean that even if it seems nearly impossible, with enough effort it can be achievable.

Changing the word from “dream” to “plan” pushes your brain to think more about how to get you to this point rather than why it seems impossible.

It may sound weird at first, but the world we live in today has enough proof that no wall is unclimbable and that there’s no limit to what you can accomplish if you believe in it.

  • I love myself.

This will sound weird the first few times you say it but that’s no reason to quit.

Such a simple sentence has the potential to turn your life around completely, the moment you start believing it.

It’s a journey completely by itself and it may not be easy, however it is absolutely worth the effort.

When you feel love, your entire worldview can drastically change and make a turn for the better, so just picture the power this feeling can have if it comes from within.

This is ultimately the strongest affirmation there is and it really is responsible for miracles.

Although all this may all sound a bit weird at first, with enough consistency it can really help people in building up their self-esteem.

The different perspective these affirmations provide as well as the safe space they build through time are substantial for the environment one needs to cultivate better qualities and self-worth.

You can say them out loud, write them down, read them to yourself or even record your voice and listen to them when you feel comfortable.

There are many more ways you can make this journey fun, for instance write down different reasons why they are true or reward yourself with something small each day you’ve said them all etc.

We really advise you to try and make positive affirmations a part of your daily life and see how much potential you actually have and how great you already are.


why do you need a mentor for your career growth

why do you need a mentor for your career growth

why do you need a mentor for your career growth

Do you feel like you’re not getting the results that your company would expect from you?

Do you find yourself asking, “Am I doing this right?” or “Is what I’m doing even worth it?”

Have no fear. You are not alone.

Just keep in mind that most successful people have mentors to help them reach their goals.

And really, why shouldn’t someone who is struggling with these same issues?

The benefits of having a mentor are overwhelming, so it’s no wonder that more people are looking for one.

A mentor can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, provide advice on how to improve, show you the ropes in your new field or industry, and support you when things get tough.

But before you make the move, let us show you EXACTLY how a mentor can be your most valuable investment.

Third-Person Perspective

Oftentimes, we may fall into the thoughts that we have all the skills and knowledge needed to do everything on our own.

However, many times it is difficult to see the wrong in your ways, meaning that you automatically perceive everything you do as the best in the situation.

Frankly, however, a more experienced third-person perspective may be a deal breaker!

This is one of the most important things an experienced mentor can do – Give you a third-person perspective and feedback!

And we all need that.

New Skills

Whatever endeavor you are in, odds are that it will require a certain level of soft and hard skills.

As a more experienced individual that has been in many situations that demand an array of different skills, your mentor will more than likely be able to teach you new social and technical skills, that will ultimately help you improve.

Think of teaching as a part of the mentorship!

Avoiding Mistakes

Odds are that if you hire a mentor, he will have gone through the mistakes you are about to make, but can’t see through.

If you give your mentor a clear vision of your pathway and plan, he will be able to identify possible gaps and mistakes and give you valuable insight.

Remember that a mentor is a person with loads of experience who has been through a lot of hardship!

Making Connections

Usually, mentors are influential people that know others in high places, who can be useful for your endeavor.

Think of your mentor not just as a teacher and an analyst, but also as a hotspot for the creation of valuable interpersonal relationships and connections.

This is perhaps one of the biggest benefits of hiring a mentor!

Final Thoughts

No matter how well taught you are and how many technical and social skills you have, there is ALWAYS more to learn and improve.

Hiring a mentor will allow you to get a professional, third-person perspective on everything that you do, with a precise analysis of possible mistakes.

Besides creating a more clear vision and path to your goals, a mentor can help with your overall personal development, as well as the establishment of valuable connections with individuals and companies.

And so… Why Don’t YOU have a mentor yet?