3 Toxic Behaviors And Habits That ROB You Of Energy

3 Toxic Behaviors And Habits That ROB You Of Energy

3 Toxic Behaviors And Habits That ROB You Of Energy

Every person has certain behavior patterns and habits that are, in some way, toxic for the overall quality of life. One of the crucial things (in the context of maximizing life quality), is to recognize those habits and work on them.

Without further ado, allow us to share some of the more common toxic behaviors and habits, which can be found in the majority of the population

#1 Excessive Need For External Validation

Excessive Need For External Validation

Many people do things and make themselves look in certain ways, just to be perceived better by their peers. This is without a doubt one of the most toxic habits on the list, as it deprives you from genuine energy and relationships with people.

When we think about what other people have to say, this mainly results in our focus going more towards the outside, rather than the inside. This in turn leads to us feeling like we always have to meet other people’s expectations, instead of prioritizing our own opinions and needs.

#2 Self-Induced Guilt Tripping

bad emotions

Each and every one of us, at one point goes through unpleasant experiences, which lead to bad emotions. In many instances, those emotions unfold into a flurry of guilt-tripping, where you blame yourself for one or more mistakes you made.

Much like anything else, the feeling of guilt won’t be too toxic for you if it only happens every now and then, but the constant existence in the pool of guilt will, in fact ruin you. When you focus on what you did wrong and what could’ve been if you did a different thing, you basically rob yourself of all your energy that can help you do more in the future.

Without a doubt, this is a toxic habit that has taken over many people’s lives.

#3 Pessimistic mindset

Pessimistic mindset

One of the most toxic thought patterns is that of the pessimistic mindset – something that robs many of us of opportunities and action. Now, we are not trying to make you feel guilty for being negative about things… It was not your choice to think that way in the first place!

Such mindsets are developed throughout early childhood so technically, you took that from someone else. Even more so, the brain is generally wired to expect the WORST, so that it can prepare for whatever comes its way…

Nevertheless, this function of the brain is no longer as viable in the modern-day big cities, where opportunities (and not predators) are around every corner. Rewire your brain and look not just into the negatives, but also the possible positives and solutions of the given problem.


Many of us hold a variety of thought/behavior patterns and habits, which manifest into our reality only to make it worse than it was. Without a doubt, many of those are just a chapter of the story you keep telling yourself and it seems as if that is the only truth.

Because it seems that way, you act upon it, without even recognizing it as something toxic. If you want your overall quality of life to improve, work on recognizing those thoughts and habits which rob you of your creative power and work your way through them!

Stay woke.




Top Acne Skin Care Tips For A Healthier Skin

Top Acne Skin Care Tips For A Healthier Skin

3 Top Acne Skin Care Tips For A Healthier Skin

When dealing with acne skin care, most of the medical professionals commonly suggest that people affected with acne must practice certain skin care methods that will help improve the condition of their skin.

Acne, as you may already know, can be a very severe skin disorder that affects thousands of people from all over the world. It not only affects the surface of the skin but also the inner layers of the skin. Acne usually occurs on the face, neck, chest and back, and it starts during the adolescence period but can come on later in life especially around menopause.

During the past several years, a good number of acne experts and skin care professionals have conducted many studies on how to prevent the formation of acne. And fortunately, these skin care specialists have come out with certain acne skin care tips that can be of great help for fighting acne. I have selected the three simpler yet most powerful acne skin care tips that you can follow in order to have a healthier skin. These are mentioned below:

Acne Skin Care Tip # 1:

You Should Always Clean Your Skin Very Gently

Clean Your Skin Very Gently

First of all, personal hygiene is very necessary for fighting acne. So as most experts usually suggest, you should gently clean your skin with a mild cleanser at least twice a day.  This simple acne skin care step is deemed important for fighting acne since washing your face or the other affected areas will wipe away the acne-causing bacteria found on the skin.

Also note that although you are sometimes told to scrub your face, scrubbing is not a good acne skin care move since it will just trigger the development of acne, worsening the condition. In addition to this acne skin care step, it is worth noting that astringents are not always suggested unless the skin is very oily. And, they must only be applied on the oily spots. You don’t want to over stress an already stressed skin. Calm is important.

Acne Skin Care # 2:

You Should Refrain from Frequently Holding or Touching Your Skin

Refrain from Frequently Holding or Touching Your Skin

Another helpful acne skin care tip is to avoid frequent handling of the skin. Don’t pinch, pick or squeeze your pimples, since it will only worsen the condition. Many people consider this acne skin care step as one of the most important acne skin care pointers knowing that it will likely cause infection and scars formation, therefore you should avoid rubbing and touching your skin lesions if possible.

Acne Skin Care # 3:

Always Choose Cosmetics Carefully

Choose Cosmetics Carefully

This last acne skin care tip that people who are being treated for acne must be mindful of is: changing some of the cosmetics they use. Note that in order to avoid the onset or the development of acne, the cosmetics you plan on using like the foundation, blush, moisturizers, and eye shadow should be oil free.

Aside from that, this tip also states that you must avoid oily hair products for they may cause closed comedowns. Therefore, those products that are labelled as noncomedogenic should be applied.

It is a fact that many of us are very conscious of our skin condition. And as such, we are always wanting to have a fresh, good-looking skin as much as possible. Unfortunately, many of us also fail to come to the conclusion that simple steps are the best ways to accomplish this goal. Simple steps can mean huge results.

We often fall into so much frustration and desperation that make us go out and buy any high-priced beauty products that in the end just turn out to be a waste of time and money, and even worsen our acne and our state of mind. Try sticking to natural products without any parabens, pegs sulphates etc. and choose cruelty free and vegan if possible.


Try to do the above three tips as a start and remember you also need a good diet, calm mind, healthy, well exercised body, to calm hormones and also a lot of good sleep and hydration.

Hopefully, the above-mentioned tips will be a good start to help you enhance your skin condition.

Above all keep smiling you’re already beautiful.

Happy baby organic baby food

Happy baby organic baby food

Happy baby organic baby food

3 Reasons Why You Should Feed Your Baby Organic Baby Food

Are you a new parent?  If you are, you may be looking for safe and healthy foods to feed your baby.  When doing so, you will find that you have a small number of options.  Unfortunately, a large number of baby foods currently on the market cannot be considered completely natural.  If this causes you concern, you may want to take the time to examine organic baby food.

As nice as it is to hear that organic baby food is safe and healthy to feed your baby, you may be looking for reasons why you should do so.  After all organic food is known for its increased prices.  There are many first-time parents who wonder if the cost is truly worth it.  After a close examination, you will see that it is.  In fact, there are at least three reasons why you should feed your new baby organic baby food.

1 Organic Baby Food Is Healthy

organic baby food healthy

The health reasons are just one of the many reasons why organic baby food is ideal for babies.  As previously stated, many food products designed for babies cannot be considered completely natural.  This is because many companies add in unhealthy sugars and other additives.  This is not the case with organic foods.

Many individuals, including parents, claim that organic food can help to improve a child’s health, as well as their behaviour now and in the long run.   With tighter restrictions on what can be called organic or not and the fact that organic should mean no sprays and toxins then it goes without saying that it should be healthier.

Many parents are not willing to take the chance on baby’s health.  And rightly so. There are so many known additives and more unknown ones, as well as the use of sprays on food crops at an all-time high.  It’s no surprise that parents are worried.

Another impact has to do with recalls.  Whether it be recalls on toys, food, or clothing, parents are concerned with companies following all government restrictions to the letter. Sadly lots don’t. Many wonder that if a toy manufacturer can put too much lead in a toy, can too many chemicals make their way into baby food? This has been seen with rice foods s what else is going on?

2 The Options that You Have

Another one of the many reasons why all parents should consider feeding their babies organic baby food is because of the options that they have, in terms of flavours.  Unfortunately, many parents mistakenly believe that choosing organic foods limits the number of foods their children will be able to consume.  Yes, this is true in some cases, but you may be surprised how many flavours and different variety foods are available for babies and other small children.

With the explosion of the plant-based industries as well, choice has never been higher.

As an example of having an option, in terms of organic baby food, Earths Best Organic is a well-known supplier and product manufacturer of organic foods for families.  In terms of their jarred baby food, which is ideal for infants, they have flavours that include apples, carrots, bananas, peas, sweet potatoes, and pears.  Organic formula, rice cereals, and other snacks can be made organically as well.

This is just one company, a quick google search online will reveal a plethora of great organic baby food manufacturers and even more suppliers.

3 You Can Make Your Own Organic Baby Food

You Can Make Your Own Organic Baby Food

As previously stated, organic baby food does cost more than traditional foods.  This is due in part to the extra steps that must be taken to ensure that all foods are organic, including certification.  Although many grocery stores and organic food stores, both on and offline, offer sales and discounts, the costs may still be too much for many parents.

If it is for you, you can still feed your baby organic baby food by making your own.  In fact, you may be surprised just how easy it is to do so.  All you need to do is find homemade baby food recipes and make sure that you use organic fruits and vegetables.

As you can see, there are a number of reasons, three of which were outlined above, why organic food is great for babies.  If you are concerned with your child, their health, and the ingredients found in many common foods, organic baby food should be examined.  In addition to jarred baby food, there are also companies that sell organic food that is designed for toddlers.

Experiment with organics fruits and vegetables, juices, cereals and formula milks and you will be amazed at what you can do and your kiddies will thank you later J

3 day detox diet

3 day detox diet

3 day detox diet

After 3 days, you’ll rise again

In today’s environment and majority of lifestyles, it’s hard to avoid coming across substances and chemicals that are foreign to our system.  In defence, the body reacts in remarkable ways to protect itself from intruders.  Normally, it’s the excretory organs like the liver, kidneys, skin, including the lungs that need to work extra hard to segregate, neutralize and dispose of the toxins.

But it’s easier said than done.  Toxins that accumulate in every cell of our body will cause the latter to release some form of chemicals (take the effects of nicotine in our brain) or gradually mutate into cancers and other degenerative diseases.

And we can never take back what we consumed.  However, changing lifestyles and going on detox programs can do wonders for the proper functioning of vital body processes.  Detoxification promotes cell renewal, flushes out free radicals, and strengthens the immune system.  Even as short as a 3-day detox diet can help in purging out damaging toxins and make you feel so much better.

Although not all detox types are suitable for everyone, a 3-day detox may be a milder way of detoxifying.  Other detox programs may require you to get a go-signal from your doctor especially if you are underweight, malnourished or have chronic diseases like cancer, iron-deficiency, anemia, ulcerative colitis, kidney and liver disease, among others. They may also require that you walk in and walk out of one – i.e prepare yourself before gradually leading into and out of the cleanse, all with good reason.

This one may benefit of course too, from slowly eating gentler foods before and after the detox. To begin with, this detox program is especially designed for a 3-day detox diet. Try to include the following foods for each day within three days.

Upon waking up in the morning,

Upon waking up in the morning


drink a cup of warm water and lemon squeezed in it, to stimulate your gastric juices.

For your meals,


Eat one cup of whole grains like brown rice, buckwheat, amaranth, and at least three servings each of fruits and vegetables one of which should be eaten raw.

You could also make salads out of fruits and vegetables but choose vinegar or any natural virgin oils (olive and coconut virgin oils or fish oil) for your dressing.

In addition, have two doses of kidney and liver tonics daily over the 3-day detox diet:

Two cups of dandelion, chamomile or fennel tea, pure vegetable juice like carrot or beetroot, a clove of fresh garlic, medium bunch of black grapes, two cups of parsley or yellow tea.  And make it a habit to drink 8 glasses or more water as well as other fluids made of fresh fruit juices such as apple and orange.

In addition- In your 3-day detox diet, drink herbal tea before going to bed daily and

have a 30-minute walk within the program period daily.30-minute walk within the program period daily

After the third day, you’ll surely feel rejuvenated and may want to do the 3-day detox diet again.  But before you do that, change your lifestyle as much as possible and you will find that tis detox gets easier and easier, then you may want to increase detox times to say 4, 5 or 7 days when you decide to have your next cleanse.

Your body will reward you big time.

Happy cleansing happy detox.

Muscle building workout plans

Muscle building workout plans

Muscle building 101 | Part 5 – How many sets and reps to do?

If your goal is to build muscle, odds are you are wondering what rep range and how many sets you should use for best results. Well, there is no concrete answer, rather than options that lead to slightly different end results. In this article, we’ll have a look over those different options and help you choose what to focus on, relative to your goal.

Consider Intensity

Consider Intensity

If you look at a workout objectively, the level of intensity is what determines how many repetitions you can do. Of course, by intensity, we mean the working weight you use during your sets and how close it is to your maximum strength capabilities.

For instance, if you work at 85-100% intensity, you will be able to do 1-5 repetitions. The lower the training intensity, the more repetitions you can do. However… More isn’t always better because you can’t grow a big chest by always benching 40 kilograms, right? Your sets have to be challenging and as a matter of fact, they have to be PROGRESSIVELY more challenging.

If your goal is to gain as much strength as possible, your main focus should be on the 1-5 rep range, also known as the powerlifting training rep range. On the other hand, if your main goal is to have a bodybuilder-like physique, you are best off focusing on the 6-15 rep range. The higher rep ranges will allow your body to tap into its muscle glycogen reserves, leading to sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and thus, increased bulk muscle growth.

Consider Volume

Consider Volume

Intensity is a training factor that determines how challenging your workouts are. The thing is that it also has a close relationship with your training volume. Training volume is basically the total amount of weight lifted, for a given set, exercise, or workout.

The more intensity grows, the more volume decreases, because you can do fewer repetitions. For instance, if you do 5 repetitions with 100 kg, that would be a volume of 500 kilograms. However, if you use 75 kg and do 10 repetitions, that would yield a volume of 750 kilograms. Ultimately, both types of work can be utilized, to create a stimulus for different types of development.

Number of sets – Beginners

If you are just starting out in the gym, you are blessed to experience what we refer to as “Newbie gains”. This is basically the period when you grow quickly, even if you don’t know anything about your approach to training.

If that is the case, then take this advice – Start off with 5-6 working sets per muscle group, per week. Make those sets challenging and allow each muscle to rest at least 48-72 hours before you train it again.

Number of sets – Novice/Intermediate

Number of sets

As you exit the newbie gains phase, you will notice that you have to be more mindful of your workouts to achieve good results. This is when you have to give the body a new challenge, which can be created by manipulating your training variables.

One of the best ways to do that is to bump up your training volume and intensity. As you advance, increase the number of sets to 10+ per muscle group, per week. Again, make the sets challenging, use different weights for both low and high reps and overall, diversify your workouts!

Number of sets – Advanced

As you gain more and more training experience and physical improvements, you will start to notice that the total amount of muscle gained significantly decreases over time. Especially if you are a natural athlete, you won’t see massive changes in your weight like you did during the newbie gains phase.

This is when you continue giving the body new and new challenges in the workouts, even if that means doing one more repetition or one more set. As an advanced trainee, you should also consider that visual changes can appear even if you are not gaining much weight.

The more your muscles go through those challenging workouts and the more workouts they go through, the more they mature. A mature musculature is well-defined, separated, and round. So just give it time and make sure to do challenging workouts throughout that time!


The number of sets and reps you should do in your workouts depends on your goals. If you want to gain maximum strength and build muscle, you should focus on the 1-5 rep range. Oppositely, if you are more bodybuilder-minded, you should focus on the 6-15 rep range, while still incorporating the 1-5 rep range to stimulate strength gains.

Training volume forms at 5-20+ challenging sets, per muscle group, per week, depending on your training experience. That volume grows the more you advance in your training, as it is one of the best ways to realize the main principle of muscle growth, which is progressive overload.