The Two Mindsets: Competition VS Co-Operation Part 2

Traits Of Competitive People & Why You Should Rather Rely On Compassion

People are always thinking about competition. Whether it’s at their workplace or in their personal lives, people always want to be the winner.

This competitive mindset is present not just in the world of sports but beyond it, as well.

Though effective in some regards, this mindset has its drawbacks that can lead to suboptimal results both personally and professionally.

Instead of constantly seeking ways to beat others, we should learn how to cooperate with our peers for a greater chance of success than if we were trying alone.

Nevertheless, in some instances, the competitive mindset has its applications and may, in some cases, bring out the best in you!

And so, are you ready to learn more about the mind? Then, let’s jump straight into it!

Traits Of A Winner


As we just mentioned, many people (especially in corporate environments) are highly competitive individuals looking to be the shark in the small tank of fish.

From the moment they wake up to the moment they sleep, they’re constantly thinking about how to beat everyone else that is around them.

Following this train of thought, we can conclude that the main traits of people that have adopted the competitive mindset are:

  • Egocentrism

As we just mentioned, competitive people are focused mainly on the win, and nothing else matters for them, really!

This implies that such individuals are highly egocentric, meaning that they focus primarily on the self.

  • Determination
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Perhaps one of the most positive things about being highly competitive is the determination to achieve set goals.

Competitive people are not deterred by obstacles and will often go above and beyond to make sure they come out on top.

As mentioned, this determination can be seen as a positive trait, as it can help them achieve great things in a personal aspect.

  • High levels of energy

High levels of determination imply high energy levels because, well, a winner has to do whatever it takes to come out on top!

This restlessness and borderline hyperactivity are perhaps among the most obvious traits that can tell you a person is more inclined towards the competitive mindset rather than the cooperative one.

Being Competitive – The Side Effects

Okay, as we learned, some people have a naturally competitive nature.

They thrive in the face of competition and love to see their opponents fall.

But they may not realize that this mindset is actually a detriment to success because it can lead them to do less than ethical things to win.

Even more so, this type of person also has trouble understanding why others reject what they want at all times and will often be very dismissive or even aggressive if someone does not agree with them.

In short, competitiveness can create enemies out of friends and discourage friendships from forming in the first place.

It also makes you more likely to become an egotistical bully who tries too hard for validation and does not know when enough is actually enough.

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Integrating The Competitive Side

As we mentioned already, the competitive mindset isn’t to be excluded completely.

Instead, one must learn how and when to utilize the competitive mindset and when to properly use the cooperative one.

What this means is that the competitive mindset too can be useful in certain instances.

When competing in a race, for example, a competitive mindset can be beneficial.

It can help you focus on your goal and push yourself to achieve it, with high levels of energy and determination.

This is just one example of a situation where the competitive mindset can be helpful.

However, outside of actual competitions where a winner is announced and you have opponents, well, the competitive mindset isn’t really useful.

Because most of our life depends on inevitable communication with other human beings, it is best to go beyond the ego, wants, and needs and focus on compassion & cooperation.

Compassion & Cooperation


Unlike the competitive one, the cooperative mindset is beneficial in many different regards.

When we approach life with a cooperative mindset, we are able to see the world through a more compassionate lens.

We are also better able to connect with others, forming meaningful and lasting relationships.

Additionally, the cooperative mindset allows us to be more effective and productive employees, team members, and leaders.

We are better able to work together towards common goals, and we are more likely to achieve them.

Following that train of thought, we can conclude that the main traits of cooperative people are:

  • Compassion
  • Generosity
  • Borderline selflessness
  • Tolerant
  • Helpful
  • Empathy

And in most cases, that is better than egoism, intolerance, callousness, unhelpfulness, and vengefulness.

Final Thoughts

All in all, it is not always about winning and achieving your desired, ego-related goals (i.e. coming out on top above everyone else).

The cooperative mindset leads to a more harmonious and peaceful world, while the competitive one is more likely to create boundaries between humans.

For this exact reason, we should remember that life isn’t a death-match, free-for-all game, really.

Think of life as a co-op game, seek out YOUR best team and see what you, together, can do towards a common goal!

Be compassionate. Be cooperative. Spread love and care.