What if you could have a high-paying skill that enabled you to provide abundantly for your family, pay someone to do those boring chores, and stop you worrying about whether you can afford that $4 espresso for breakfast? You can also have high bargaining power over how much you want to get paid, probably travel around the world with loved ones while you work, and the best part of it all? Without a formal college degree, just another skill you topped up from the internet?

Truth is, that could sound like a fantasy, but there could be no better era to make this your reality than 2021. Also, if you don’t know someone in person with this sort of lifestyle, any of these 5 high-value income skills could make you ‘that guy that balls but doesn’t seem to work.’ Excited? Well, you should be. Just a disclaimer though. After reading this article, make sure you pick up one skill that you feel is suitable for you. Commit to working on it and depending on your patience and commitment, you’re going to get the freedom you desire.


Digital Marketing is a high-earning skill with many sub-areas in which you can specialize to make lots of doe. Worth noting, companies prefer freelancers or consultants who are specialists.

They want an email marketing expert, not a marketing generalist if they need assistance with email marketing. As a result, it’s a smart idea to specialize over time. Don’t be concerned at first; just understand what you can and make your decision later. Here are a few basic fields of digital marketing you could choose from; Content marketing, social media marketing, and online advertisements.


Some of the world’s most prominent tech companies such as Google have done away with the need for a degree. As a result, you can learn this skill online or in-person and that could last around 12 weeks.

Because of the high demand for this style of job, it is one of the best high-income skills to master. More companies and services around the world are run on machines, and people use mobile gadgets in almost every area of their lives. Software engineers with a few years of experience can expect to earn $100,000 or more, with the best engineers in top organizations making $200,000 or more.


The profits of a business are directly influenced by sales and promotions. That’s why a corporation wouldn’t mind paying a sales agent $1 million if they closed a $10 million in transactions deal every year. This is how the commission system functions.

If you want to work in finance, opt into B2B (business to business) sales because the commissions are much higher. In some cases, the best employers still pay a base wage, so don’t feel obligated to take a commission-only career.


You might be curious, now that you’ve seen our top examples of high-earning skills, how you could learn these high-earning skills. We still got you covered on that.

Utilize free learning resources that you can find on platforms such as YouTube and other reading materials. Also, investing in a good, credible online course could make the process a lot easier as you will have all the basics to advanced information on your selected niche.

All the best.

Why You Should Have At Least One Hour A Day Without Technology

Why You Should Have At Least One Hour A Day Without Technology

Why You Should Have At Least One Hour A Day Without Technology

Staying Connected Both With People And With Nature Today technology is everywhere around us. In fact, most of us can’t imagine life as it is without it. This may sound weird at first, but it is actually completely logical the more you think about it. Technology is part of pretty much any and every aspect of our lives and has been for years.

So imagining a world completely void of it – well, it wouldn’t be a very similar place to what we have now. We as a society developed in this way in large part thanks to the technological advancements that have been incorporated into our daily lives.

And that’s in no way a bad thing.

We have a lot to be grateful for in terms of how technology has helped us. In the following article, we explain why technology as a whole is so important and why this doesn’t mean we should always use it. Consider this an addition to our article about digital minimalism, which you can go to by clicking HERE.

We hope you find this as fascinating as we do!

Why Is Technology Important?

We think everyone can answer this question. For starters, some technology is used to literally save lives. Talk about hospitals, fire departments, quick-line communications – all of these incredibly important aspects of our lives are the way they are solely because of technological advancement.

When you look back 500 years, for example, you can see how drastically our lives have improved today thanks to the tools we use and the knowledge we have.

In large part, we have science and technology to thank for that, and that’s no small feat.


Secondly, technology is also our best facilitator for connection. Nowadays people from across the globe can talk to each other as if they’re sitting at the same table thanks to the internet and cameras. That alone would have been considered a miracle less than a century ago.

And this isn’t the only type of connection made possible thanks to technology. Information in all of its forms about pretty much any topic is always at the tip of our fingers. The moment we decide we want to learn something, we don’t have to visit libraries or rely on word of mouth – we can simply pull out our phones and start googling.

Both of these things have reshaped our worldview and way of life as a society and have done so in a mainly positive way.

The Entertainment Side!

Last but not least, we use technology for entertainment too. Streaming music, watching videos, hell, even roller coasters are reliant on computers. We can have so much fun thanks to technology, and it’s amazing that it is not the only thing we do all the time.

And not only that, but largely speaking, this also helps the artists themselves. The fact that people’s favorite musicians are sometimes from other continents is proof enough that technology is useful in this aspect too.

Why Should You Have Some Technology-Free Time?

With all that being said, why do we believe we should have some time without technology? With all of its positive sides, how is it possible to not want to spend every second surrounded by it? Well, to put it simply – too much of a good thing can be bad.

Firstly, staying connected to everyone and everything all of the time can be exhausting. Not only that, it’s much harder to truly focus on yourself and your own thoughts when you’re constantly seeing and hearing everyone else’s.

That may not seem like a big deal at first, but it really adds up through time and has been linked to problems with self-understanding and development. Secondly, you can only appreciate something in its entirety when you know what it’s like to not have it. As much as we try to escape this simple fact, it’s true. Lacking something is the only way to appreciate every aspect of it.

And that is actually a good thing.


Because when we have a fresh and sound perspective on something, we can understand what parts of it are really important to us. And that can’t happen if we are constantly using it. What’s really important about technology today is that we shouldn’t let it govern our lives.

It’s really easy to go with the flow and just spend all day on your phone, but we all know that’s not really productive. Not only that, spending too much time browsing social media, for example, can have a negative effect on how we see the world or ourselves.

The Natural Human

Now, perhaps the most important point of this article is that we as people are natural beings. Our environment benefits greatly from technology, true, but it shouldn’t overtake it completely. A myriad of studies shows that we feel our best when we are surrounded by nature.

Our surroundings are incredibly important to our mental and physical health, and spending some time in our natural habitat is mandatory if we want to stay healthy.

We believe that balance is key.

This is why finding this equilibrium between technology and nature is the best possible thing we can do. Just one hour a day without technology can be very beneficial if we want to stay happy and healthy. That doesn’t sound too hard, does it?

Final Thoughts

Technology is incredibly important. More so, it’s an integral part of our lives. It is the reason behind many positive changes to our lives which is why it is so widespread. However, this doesn’t mean that we should depend solely on it to make us happy and have fun. In today’s day and age, more and more of us are starting to have a negative relationship with tech, which is why we decided to write this article.

We believe that finding the balance between technology and nature is the only way to make sure we get the best of both worlds. Our idea may seem a bit weird at first, but it’s a great first step towards finding that balance.

Digital Minimalism

Digital Minimalism

Digital Minimalism

Your Mental Capacity And You

We tend to overestimate the ratio between our time and our mental capacity. We are spending more and more time in front of screens and devices, which is changing how we think, concentrate, and process information. People are becoming more and more mindful of our society’s limited attention span and an overabundance of information caused by the age of the internet.

The solution to this might be introducing some kind of digital hygiene to combat the bombardment of information that we see day in and day out. And this is exactly what we refer to as “digital minimalism,” so allow us to take you through this fairly new yet exciting concept!

What Is Digital Minimalism

You can find many different approaches and meanings for Digital Minimalism, but the baseline is this: you’re limiting your informational intake on your digital devices.

You’re clearing all the clutter. You’re deleting all those just-in-case apps that keep sending you notifications. If you’re an extremist, you get off of social media completely. Digital Minimalism is the effort to gain back control over your attention span and spend more time on the things that matter.

Social Media and Informational Abundance


News, gossip, images, video, and carefully curated portrayals of people living the best of their lives. This is social media, and chances are you’re on it. And all of it is tailored just for you.

Notice how conveniently the next video or the next article are laid out for you – It’s right there. The algorithm knows what you want, and it wants to give it to you. Now.

‘’No information technology ever had this depth of knowledge of its consumers – or greater capacity to tweak their synapse to keep them engaged.’’

  • Andrew Sullivan, ‘’I Used To Be A Human Being’’

Apart from social media, more and more people have the tendency to hoard information nowadays. Today, when you see something beautiful, your instinct is to pull out your phone and photograph it. Somehow, just enjoying the moment doesn’t cut it anymore.

We need it saved. And we need it validated by other users.

Why Become a Digital Minimalist

The number one reason might be that you’re… suffering. Studies have shown that social media use is linked to depression, poor sleep, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Researchers also show that the internet is essentially hijacking our ability to be analytical and to concentrate.

If you’ve caught yourself mindlessly scrolling, looking for nothing in particular then you might want to consider giving Digital Minimalism a try.

How To Embrace Digital Minimalism

In order to embrace Digital Minimalism, we need to become mindful of our digital habits. An investigation into your own habits is in order. Try and measure for yourself how much time you’re spending on social media or on your phone.

The time that is not linked to any goal in particular. How often do you check email and social media? Most probably as soon as you get the notification or just habitually every few minutes. You can give Digital Minimalism a try with these introductory ideas:

Batch Your Digital Tasks & Schedule Them

Chances are your business, or your job won’t burn down if you check your email once a day. Some jobs like Customer Support don’t allow this, but if your job or business does, give it a try and you might even experience a boost in productivity.

Simply keep track of all your digital tasks like emailing, batch them up and schedule them to be completed at a certain time each day.

Limit Social Media


Take notice of how often you end up on social media just by habit. Try and mindfully enforce a daily limit to social media. Allow your dopamine receptors to regain back their sensitivity. In doing this, you will notice how you don’t really miss out on much, BUT you get a load of time to invest in things that truly matter.

Limit Streaming And Entertainment

Entertainment, infotainment it’s all around the corner. It’s not even around the corner, it’s in your house, in your pocket. Readily available. That doesn’t mean that you should be taking advantage of it every time you feel a bit of boredom.

To sometimes be bored is human. But truth be told, we are now addicted to constantly chasing the dragon, always looking for the next series to binge or the next game to play.

Unlike us, YouTube won’t disappear.

Slow down, look around and spend some time with people you cherish because, unlike the informational overabundance that will only keep growing, the people you love won’t be there forever. Again – Pay attention to what matters, and when it comes to giving your time and attention, choose wisely!

Final Thoughts

So, what does this have to do with digital minimalism? Minimalism is all about paring down your possessions and focusing on the essentials. Applied to our digital lives, it means getting rid of everything that doesn’t add value and only keeping the tools and apps that we need to be productive and connected.

For most people, this process starts with decluttering their desktops, email inboxes, and social media feeds. It can be a challenge at first, but once you get into the habit of regularly purging your devices of unnecessary clutter, you’ll find that you’re more focused and productive when you use them.

So if you’ve caught yourself spending more time in front of the screen, take up on this idea and try it out!


How Does Eidetic Memory Work

How Does Eidetic Memory Work

How Does Eidetic Memory Work

Remembering So Well It’s As If You Are Looking At A Photograph We all know that people remember things with different techniques. It is also a common fact that which type of memory you excel at is more of an innate talent than a trained methodological ability.

Here we talk about one specific type of memory, which is relatively rare. Eidetic memory is a really fascinating way to remember things with specific attention to detail. This article is a brief explanation of exactly how it works, so without further ado, let’s learn!

The Definitions

Firstly, what exactly is eidetic memory? Well, this term is used for the ability to remember an object or an image with high precision for some time after seeing it, without the usage of a mnemonic device. The word eidetic comes from the Greek word εἶδος, pronounced “eidos” which means “visible form.”

Most people describe this type of memory as “seeing the object in question in their minds after only looking at it in the real world for just a few seconds.”

Sounds pretty cool right?

It is, but it’s also very rare, especially if we’re considering the quality of the memories themselves. Roughly less than 10% of children have an eidetic memory, and the number is even smaller in adults. It is speculated that this is because the more we grow up, the more we start depending on words and associations rather than images for our memory. It’s important to mention that of the few people who do have this ability, almost all subconsciously change their memories at least a bit.

This is true for every type of memory one might have and it can happen for different reasons, from telling the story to get specific responses, to forgetting certain bits of information, to even having our memories changed because of the way others reacted. However, this phenomenon can be found in every type of memory and is not something innately unusual.

There is, however, a very odd concept concerning eidetic memory which aims to oppose this occurrence, namely the question, “Is it possible for the brain to remember things just like a photograph?” This idea is called photographic memory, and although it may sound similar to what we’ve previously described, it isn’t exactly the same.

True photographic memory is the ability to see pages of words or numbers for a very short time and recite them perfectly just from memory. The principle it uses is effectively the same as the way a printer works – copying everything to the last detail and producing an exact duplicate – but just by remembering it. Seeing as photographic memory is such a demanding ability, it has not been proven to exist yet.

The Mechanism

Okay now that we have all the basics, how does this rare skill work? Eidetic memory is controlled mainly by the posterior parietal cortex of the brain, which is the part responsible for visual information. The brain, generally speaking, has two sorts of memory – short and long term.

Eidetic memory is part of the first one, or more precisely, it’s the very first few moments after seeing an object, when an image of it is temporarily captured by our brains. If the information is unimportant, it is discarded, and if we decide we need it – it is stored in the short-term memory.

In order for someone to say they have an extraordinary eidetic memory, one’s short-term memory has to be filled with these “photos” of the items and surroundings in question. An accurate example of true eidetic memory could be imagined in a very ordinary situation. Picture that you put your keys on the table instinctively and go about your day. After a few hours, you realize you forgot where you put them, so you trace your steps back in order to find them.

A person with eidetic memory would have an almost exact photo of where his keys were, how they were positioned and what other items were around them, and even where their shadows were pointing. A person with a regular memory would still remember they were on the table, but not have these details.

To Summarize

So what is the conclusion about this interesting phenomenon? Although there are people who have better short-term memory than others and those who train it excel even more, there is no resounding evidence that absolute photographic memory exists. Still, the ability to remember things well is something many of us strive for.

This is why there are numerous techniques to train the different ways we remember as well as some designed specifically for those who want to be eidetic. So if you want to get better, you most certainly can, and with time you’ll be able to amaze yourself and your friends with your abilities!