by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Mind
Finding Peace In Adventure
The Mindset Of A Traveler
There are many different ways one can choose to live their lives in terms of ideologies, aspirations, and goals.
These things tend to vary from place to place and from decade to decade, and they all have their reasons as well as good and bad sides.
Throughout our history, we can see that some people find their comfort in traveling.
Although most of the people that adopt this mindset don’t take it to the extreme, some very impressive records have been set in terms of traveling.
The longest walk without stopping for instance took 2 425 days and was done by George Meegan between 1977 and 1983.
Another impressive feat is that of Bertrand Piccard and Briton Brian Jones, who were the first people to travel around the world by a hot-air balloon in just 15 days.
Here we give some more interesting facts about traveling as a way of life so if the above sounded exciting, keep reading!
We also explain how people like them think and why this is a wonderful mindset, albeit a little weird at first sight.
The Basics

- So, Why Do People Travel?
Travelling is connected with many different aspects of life.
People travel a lot because of work or in order to rest, one because of the different conditions foreign countries offer, the other in order to take a break from their everyday life and return home refreshed.
Different reasons can be for fun (going to specific destinations, events etc.), to visit friends that live far away, or to understand themselves better by exploring what the world has to offer.
People with the traveler mindset usually fall in the last category.
They see adventure as a mix between all the other reasons and therefore use it as a source of inspiration and a resolution for their problems.
- How Often Does It Happen?
More than 1.4 billion people are international tourists each year.
And this does not account for the people that move to live in different countries.
Today around 1 in every 30 people lives in a different place from where they were born, which shows how easy moving has become thanks to modern technology and the ability to work from anywhere.
Another interesting fact is that northern Europeans travel the most, with Finland taking the first position in international travel with 7.5 trips a year.
- What Are The Most Visited Places?

France is the most visited country by tourists in the world today.
The most popular tourist attractions are different each year, but the Eiffel Tower, Times Square, the Wall of China, the Colosseum, and the Taj Mahal are pretty much always in the top 10.
The situation is very different, however, concerning where most people move to live.
The most popular places here include Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Japan, and Qatar, mainly because of their high quality of life and good conditions both for people born there and for foreigners.
The Mindset

- What Is The Traveler’s Mindset?
This is the way of thinking that predisposes curiosity, open-mindedness, and appreciation for the moment.
It’s important to mention that this mindset needs a fair dose of bravery and can put some aspects of life to the test.
However, if you’re the type of creative-thinker these people usually are, you will have no trouble
figuring out flexible ways to deal with similar issues.
Having a sense of adventure leads you to new places and experiences, teaching you a lot about the world and yourself, and the people with this mindset put these values at the top of the list.
The traveler’s mindset is based on exploration and living in the present, opposing the more common idea of always looking in the future.
- What Are The Main Reasons Behind It?
Adventurers feel a deep connection between themselves and the world and want to build their way of life based on it.
Challenging themselves in order to learn but at the same time being appreciative of everything they have and are surrounded by, are the main reasons most people adopt this mindset.
A different but also crucial aspect of it is being more understanding and feeling more connected to yourself and others as well as enjoying different points of view, habits, and ideas.
People with this mindset find it relaxing to travel and nurture their creativity and resilience, having different places be a source of inspiration both for ways of rest and hard work.

Most people with this mindset believe that the most important part of it is learning to be in the moment.
Once you have that down, taking the actions you want is much easier, and it always leads to more curious situations and places.
Learning to be okay with the ever-changing surroundings is also very important, and it teaches you compassion and resolution.
While that isn’t simple if you start by appreciating the differences between each one you’ll be better in no time.
Another aspect is understanding and treating yourself as well as you can – you are the master of your own journey, and it can only be as good as you make it.
Self-acceptance is one of the core reasons for this mindset to be so positive both in the sense of being good for you and making your outlook on life a better one.
With these ingredients, becoming a true adventurer is just a matter of time.
Traveling as a way of living is not for everyone.
It takes time and effort, and most of the time, it changes your life completely.
However, if you find yourself imagining living this way it’s never too late or too difficult to start.
Having a traveler’s mindset will inevitably broaden your horizons and teach you things both about the world and yourself you otherwise will not be able to experience.
Although it can be hard to imagine at first, adopting this way of thinking and living is proven to be one of the best and most positive decisions a person can make.
With all this being said, we hope to see you in different countries, trying different things, and exploring new horizons very soon!
Explore the world to truly understand it.
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Mind
10 Tips Work from home burnout
With so much going on in the world and the holidays approaching its easy to get overwhelmed. Also, these issues have presented the need, or some may say opportunity to work from home. But this comes with its own set of issues.
Working from home is a great way to stay home with your kids or pets or to enjoy more rest time or even enjoy hobbies, while still supplementing the family’s income. On the flipside, it can be challenging to be mother and employee at the same time. Your stress level will rise quickly when you have deadlines to keep or phone calls to make while your little ones are acting out. Implement a few of the ideas below to prevent Work at Home Mom Burnout.
- Don’t work more than you have to. Money isn’t everything. You family needs a happy and sane mom and you need to stay healthy for yourself and everyone else.

- Create a schedule or to-do list both for work and your personal life. Just realise that you won’t always get everything done and don’t worry if you don’t. There’s always tomorrow.
- Designate an errand day. Spend one day a week running around town getting everything done for the week. This is when you will grocery shop, drop things off at the drycleaner, go to the post office and anything else you need to do.

- Enjoy your kids or pets or hobbies. Take some time to play with your loved ones every day. Have a picnic lunch in the garden, take them on a little field trip or just play catch for a while. You’re a work at home mom because you want to spend time with your kids or pets or because you like time to have hobbies or rest more. Work and house chores can wait while you play.
- Go out on a date with partner or a friend. Make date night, a regular occurrence and connect with your lover. If you are currently single, choose to date yourself, run a bath or take yourself for a nice meal, show yourself some love.
- Have lunch with a girlfriend. We need some adult conversation every now and then. Make time to stay in touch with your friends.

- Call a friend. If you are having a bad day, call a good friend and just talk for a little while. You’ll be relaxed and rejuvenated when you get back.
- Get some exercise. Go for a walk, join a gym, or try a Pilates class. Exercise will not only keep you in shape, its also a great de-stressor.
- Play some upbeat music and dance around the living room. Who cares if your kids and the neighbors think you’ve lost it? You are having fun and are releasing all that build-up of physical energy.
- If you own a business, stick to one until it more or less runs itself. Don’t burn yourself out by trying to run several businesses at the same time.
Start implementing a few of these ideas today and watch your stress level go down. You will prevent work at home mom burnout and get to enjoy life more. Your family will appreciate spending time with a fun and relaxed mom. That’s what it’s all about – spending quality time with your family, pets, friends and yourself.
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Health, Mind
Importance of sleep for students | Part 2 – Tips & Tricks
In part one of this article series, we gave you the basic knowledge about sleep, its importance and how bad quality sleep can impact your overall quality of life.
But what is it that you can actually do today, to make falling asleep easier and get the best quality sleep possible?
In this article, we’re going to give you 4 power-tips to instantly start improving your sleep.
But first, let’s briefly go through the natural daily human cycle.
The Circadian Rhythm

Humans are typically active during the day and sleep at night.
Some people say that they are more awake and alert in the morning.
These are the so-called “morning people” and quite frankly, there aren’t many of them!
On the flipside though, you have the so-called “night owls” which tend to fall asleep later during the AM and are more active then.
The thing that governs this, is what we refer to as the “Circadian rhythm”, more commonly known as the biological clock of the human body.
This biological clock regulates the secretion of certain hormones that in turn regulate appetite, satiety, hormone production and have a significant impact on most bodily functions.
In terms of sleep though, here’s how this goes:

Upon waking up, sunlight goes through the eyes and signals the brain to produce serotonin.
Serotonin is the main daytime neurotransmitter that makes you feel awake, alert and aware of your environment.
Think of it this way – Sunlight basically signals the body it is time to secrete hormones that will make you feel awake.
As the day goes by and darkness falls, the reverse thing happens – The absence of light signals your body to secrete melatonin.
Melatonin is the nighttime neurotransmitter, which makes you feel drowsy and sleepy.
This of course is just one of the mechanisms that induce a drowsy state and it is linked to many other substances and hormones that regulate your sleep cycle.
The reason why this information is important for you, is that it basically tells you that your body is intricately connected and (supposed to be) tuned to the day-night cycle of the planet you live on.
The closer you get to that natural rhythm, the better your sleep will be.
Now let’s have a look at our 4 actionable tips to help you improve your sleep, starting – TODAY!
4 Steps To Master Your Biological Clock

We all know how exhausting it can be to have chronically bad sleep.
For this reason, let us suggest 5 actionable tips you can start doing today to improve your sleep!
Setup A Schedule
Make a bedtime schedule for yourself and go to bed at the same time every night.
Since most of us are on a repeating schedule, picking a moment when you’re tired is pretty easy!
Once you setup your sleeping schedule, try to stick to it even on weekends.
In doing this however, you have to make sure that you are not making drastic changes to your sleep schedule.
This way, your body can adjust naturally and seamlessly.
For instance, if you are a late bird and go to bed at 4-5 am, start off by going to bed 1-2 hours earlier at around 3-4 am and slowly work your way towards midnight.
Try to set a wake time and wake up at the same time every morning, in addition to going to bed at the same time.
If you get enough sleep, you should be able to wake up automatically without the use of an alarm clock.
So, if you really need an alarm to get out of bed on time, you may want to try going to bed earlier.
To get the most out of your new sleep schedule, make sure your bed is as comfortable as possible – If necessary, purchase a new pad!
Reduce Noise

People’s noise sensitivity varies, but there is one universal rule that states that the quieter your room is, the better your sleep will be.
This isn’t only valid for hearing, but for all your other senses as well – The lesser information in your sleeping environment, the easier and better you sleep.
So besides noise, consider switching off any TVs or monitors in your room; you’ll need as much darkness and silence as possible to get the most out of your 6-8 hours of sleep.
Think of it this way – As you drift off to sleep, you get away from the conscious mind which perceives and interprets information from the environment, so make sure there is little to no such information!
Set Your Alarm Tone
As previously said, if you get enough sleep, you should be able to wake up naturally.
If you must have an alarm, try to avoid the excruciating, irritating alarm tones and instead choose a more relaxing melody.
This way, you will be on your own for the most part, when it comes to waking up and the alarm will be just a reminder.
The more you tune into your natural human sleep patterns, the easier waking up will become and you may even wake up before you have to snooze!
Watch Your Mouth!
One of the most underrated factors when it comes to sleep, is pre-bed nutrition.
In order to maximize the quality of your sleep, you must make sure that you are not consuming heavy meals around bedtime.
Your best bet would generally be to consume your last big meal within 2-3 hours before bed.
If you are hungry before sleep, rely on something light, that contains slow-digesting protein, such as milk, yoghurt, other dairy products or even a casein supplement.
This will allow your body to get some good night-time protein, while not being heavily engaged in digesting.
Think of it this way – Sleep is the time when the body ramps up the use of the nutrients you gave it during the day.
The human body is in an intimate connection with the Earth and its day-night cycles.
Your ultimate goal would be to synchronize with that cycle, while covering other aspects like nutrition and environment.
In doing all of the above, you are greatly increasing the chances of fighting off insomnia and getting the best out of your sleep.
And quite frankly, if you sleep for 30% of your 24 hrs available every day, that just HAS TO BE a good quality sleep.
A good night’s sleep will have an impact on your overall quality of life, so don’t ignore it!
Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below.
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Health, Mind
Importance of sleep for students| Part 1 – The side effects of bad sleep
Do you want to be as strong as a bull, as energetic and fast as a panther, and have a clear mind all day?
Well, how you feel during your awake time is determined by how well you slept the night before.
When it comes to sleep quality, the sleeping routine and pre-bed habits are crucial.
Lack of sleep is well-known for causing attention problems, hormonal imbalances, and anxiety, as well as being a cause of a variety of illnesses.
So, How Important Is Sleep?

The significance of good sleep cannot be overstated, as it has a positive impact on overall efficiency, wellbeing, and cognitive functions.
Going to bed earlier to boost sleep quality is important, as it will make it easier to deal with daily situations the next day.
Getting enough sleep will allow you to produce better results in less time, or in other words, your productivity will improve.
Aside from that, sleep is our body’s deepest state of recovery.
During that time, the body recovers energetic substances and necrotic tissues in this state, effectively rejuvenating itself.
The Impact Of Bad Sleep

Of course, the body’s functions can not perform properly or effectively if you don’t get enough sleep.
Higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol are generated when you stay up late.
Increased insulin resistance, blood pressure, and a cause for binge eating of fast foods are all issues caused by sleep deprivation.
As a result, this is a foundation for weight gain, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
Due to the adequate overall recovery of the body during sleep, proper sleep is directly related to improvements in health, mood, stress perception, and environmental awareness, as well as sports results.
As a result, we can confidently assert that sleep is necessary, and that its lack causes a slew of negative consequences, such as the ones mentioned above.
But how do such negative consequences manifest themselves?
Simply put, our cells use up the energy we get from food when we are awake.
Of course, if an energy resource is depleted, it degrades into a variety of byproducts.
Adenosine is one of these byproducts.
As adenosine levels rise in the body, the need to sleep grows stronger.
Certain beverages, such as coffee, block the adenosine receptors, preventing you from falling asleep.
Of course, adenosine is only one example; there are several other byproducts of the energy used during the day.
Many of these byproducts, if not cleared away, are the reason for many of the side effects that arise when we don’t get enough sleep.
So, how does the body get rid of these accumulated byproducts?
The Sleeping Cleanse

There’s a system called “the glymphatic system” that works as a cleaning system and is particularly active when we’re sleeping.
Through flushing them with cerebrospinal fluid, this device cleans up all the harmful byproducts of our energy expenditure.
As a result, we can confidently assert that sleep is a necessity, especially in today’s fast-paced world.
Thousands of people around the world are sleep deprived or suffer from insomnia.
And, as we’ve already discovered, getting enough sleep is important for our fitness, appearance, and longevity.
Exhaustion is a normal condition for the average person, and it happens after a long day of work, for example.
The best way to get rid of the fatigue is to get a good night’s sleep.
We’ll send you actionable tips in part 2 of this article series to enhance the quality of your sleep and, as a result, your overall quality of life.
Keep an eye out for part 2!
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Mind, Yoga
The Cortisol Problem | low cortisol symptoms | Part 2 – Dealing With Stress
When it comes to coping with stress from everyday life, there are several options.
For example, some people adore de-stressing by utilizing the amazing benefits of physical exercise.
Others share their concerns/stress factors with a close friend or family member and gain a sense of moral support, which reduces stress levels.
There’s also a third group of people who, no matter what they do, can’t seem to get rid of their chronic stress.
Now, different things work for different people, so in this second article of the series, we’ll shed some light on the most viable stress-relieving methods.
Without further ado, let’s get to it!
#1 Physical Exercise

Engaging in physical activity is one of the best ways to deal with stress for a number of reasons.
Doing exercise will stimulate the body to secrete and release a flurry of nurturing substances and compounds, which will inevitably make you feel better.
Furthermore, due to the fact that there is a recovery period after your training bout, it is much easier for the body to get out of the stress response mode and kick into recovery mode – It has all the reasons to do so!
Generally, prolonged cardio workouts appear to elevate the stress hormone (cortisol) levels, unlike intense, resistance training.
That is to say that if you want physical exercise to help you eliminate stress, you are best off focusing on high-intensity, short power burst exercising, like weightlifting, sprinting, calisthenics, etc.
#2 Food, food, food!

More often than not, the lack of food is a common reason for being stressed or hangry (hungry and angry!).
Without a doubt, not having enough food in your system can make you flip your switch easily.
And so, if you’re feeling stressed out but cannot find a particular reason why that is so, just unwind and have a big, satiating meal.
For this purpose, you are best off eating nutrient-dense foods, such as meat, dairy, eggs, organs, vegetables, fruits, root crops and grains.
In doing this, you will kick into the so-called “rest and digest mode”, where the body prioritizes digestion, absorption and in turn, recovery.
And as you may or may not know – All of those are down regulated when you are stressed out!
#3 Swipe Left
When a stressful condition manifests in our conscious experience, it is a natural response for us to start thinking (and eventually overthinking) about it.
The first thought of this stressor is generated by the brain, and then, some moments later, another similar thought is generated.
Then another, then another and another.
All of these thoughts combined create a story that your brain starts believing and eventually, manifests in your reality.
Usually, that story is the worst case scenario possible – This is because your brain is bracing for the worst, so that you can cope with the situation no matter what it is.
And though that is good, it generally brings a lot of stress, which slowly but surely drains you.
Now, these things are automatic but they are not really beyond your control.
When a stressful thought pops up, you can either latch onto it and follow the similar thought-creating pattern, or, you can stay emotionally neutral and choose what to do with that thought.
Whenever you have a stressful thought, be it about your ex, your job or your family, try to just mentally swipe it left and throw it in the bin.
In doing so, you will eliminate any fear, doubt and insecurity, which will in turn open up space for more constructive, positive thoughts.
This type of internal regulation is perhaps the best method to deal with stress, as it goes directly to the root cause of stress – Your perception of it.
In the past, the stress response was something vital, as it helped us run or fight anything that threatens our lives in the wild environment.
Nowadays however, we live in big, modern cities where death by predation is highly unlikely.
The same stress response gets triggered by harmless things like our work place, school or family.
Unfortunately, the stress response is automatic and more often than not, it takes over.
However, there are things you can do to buffer and deal with it.
In terms of self-care, the best you can do for stress management, is to regularly engage in physical activity, eat good food and sleep well.
These things however will just push your biochemistry to a more balanced stress.
The real solution for stress can be found on the conscious level, where you can observe and regulate your PERCEPTION & RESPONSE to stress.
This is where the magic happens.
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Mind
Male postpartum depression
Depression is a mood disorder, present in both men and women, however, it manifests differently in both genders.
In general, it appears that males are much less likely to seek help during periods of depression.
So in this article, we’re going to spread awareness and share with you the most common facts about depression in men, along with symptoms and possible ways to work on it.
Whether you are a male suffering from depression, or you have a male relative that has it, do read this article!
How Is Depression Different In Men?

When it comes to depression in men, certain symptoms are more common in males and on top of that, the reaction manifests differently in both genders.
It also appears that women are more likely to blame themselves for their problems, while men throw the blame onto other people and try to cause conflict.
Why Is This Important?
Most of us know how tough depression can be and as such, it can lead to extremes, such as suicidal thoughts.
This is the exact reason why depression awareness should be spread and why you should consider it an important matter, whether you have depression or not.
No matter how tough depressive episodes are, there are ways to work with it so that it manifests less frequently.
Sadness VS. Depression

All of us at one point have felt sad and that is completely normal, as we are supposed to experience the whole spectrum of human emotions, in order to be socially adequate.
In most cases, such periods of sadness are short-lived and have a specific cause, which in time we accept and move on.
Sometimes however, that sadness and sorrow goes on for months and years on end and becomes the predominant mental state.
At one point, that state becomes uncontrollable and leads to certain behaviors, thoughts and actions.
Since emotional states of this kind affect every other aspect of our lives, this would be the pivoting point, where you should seek professional advice.
And though that may sound bad to some of you, think of it this way – Depression doesn’t mean weakness and you should not be afraid to speak out and reach for help.
As a matter of fact, depression is a common disorder that affects otherwise healthy, happy and successful individuals.
The Symptoms
Depression and its symptoms manifest on many levels, ranging from mental, to physical and emotional.
If you’re depressed, you will more than likely notice the following symptoms:
Mental Symptoms

- Chronic sadness that doesn’t go away and progressively becomes more intrusive and torturing
- Everything seems pointless, even your favorite activities
- You become more antisocial, losing interest in any human interactions
- Focusing on the task at hand for more than 5 minutes becomes unbearable
- You experience guilt for things that have nothing to do with you
- You lose emotional stability and have frequent mood swings
- Your overall mindset becomes more negative (or you call yourself ‘realistic’ which is basically the socially accepted form of negativity)
- Hopelessness and suicidal thoughts start surfacing in your thoughts more frequently
Physical Symptoms
- Chronic exhaustion, sleep doesn’t really make you feel fresh
- You find it hard to fall asleep
- You wake up during your sleep, often anxious
- Your decreases, means nothing to you
- You lose weight and/or appetite frequently
Social Symptoms
- You just can’t feel relaxed and okay in a social environment
- You make mistakes during work or just find it hard to concentrate in general
- You are unusually quiet, closed up and zoned out
- You become easily triggered by small things
- You stop communicating with your family and other relatives
Behavioral Patterns Of Male Depression
More often than not, men do not like to talk about their depression, perhaps because they feel like people will perceive them as weak.
In most cases, during periods of depression, men resort to and other drugs, to make them feel better.
This however may temporarily make the person feel better, but isn’t a sustainable solution, due to the fact that is a depressant.
Considering this fact, we can conclude that can actually worsen the symptoms of depression.
Sometimes, when depressed, men tend to focus more on their work and they deprive themselves of social life and self-care – two very important aspects of a healthy mind.
Recognizing Depression In Men
Since most depression-induced behavioral and emotional patterns lead to worsening of the disorder, it becomes hard for a fogged mind to deal with depression on its own.
However, men can get help much easier if someone in their surroundings and close ones manage to recognize specific behavioral patterns and reactions.
For instance, men tend to talk about their physical symptoms, rather than their emotional ones, which is one of the main reasons why male depression is frequently misdiagnosed.
If you suspect a relative of yours to have depression, do stay alert and aware of their behavior – They might need your help without you even realizing it!
Self-Help – Is Such A Thing Even Possible?
Being in the void is without a doubt one of the most hopeless states you can be in, where nothing has meaning and everything is futile.
However, given that you have the power of free will, there are things you can do, in order to make depression manifest less frequently.
Here’s our best advice for self-help during depressive episodes:
If you are going through a rough patch just try and share your feelings, thoughts and emotions with someone close.
However, in case talking to someone feels off, just try and write your thoughts and emotions down on paper and try to objectively analyze.
Eat Well
Though depression decreases appetite, you should still try and eat plenty of nutritious foods, such as animal products, fruits, vegetables and other plant foods.
In doing so, you will favor your biochemistry and tip the scales in favor of balanced inner processes, which will in turn reduce the risk of depression
Avoid & Dru gs
As we mentioned, and drugs can numb the sorrow for a couple of hours but in the long-term, those things will undoubtedly worsen the symptoms of depression.
Stay healthy and active and your body and mind will be thankful!
The symptoms of depression manifest differently in men and women, which is exactly why you should pay attention to your own behavior and that of your surroundings and close ones.
More often than not, people who suffer from depression are closed up and never talk about it (especially men).
If you or someone you know has depression, stay faithful and try to tip the scales in favor of health-nourishing activities and habits.