People commonly know psychological disorders as “Mental disorders” or “Psychiatric disorders,” which means conditions that affect how humans think and feel.

Psychological disorders are one of the factors that contribute largely to how humans live their daily lives. It can be influenced by environment, lifestyle, and genetics.

Most Common Psychological Disorders

As opposed to what many think, psychological disorder is no respecter of any age, gender, ethnic, and just like medical conditions, it can range from mild to severe. Its early stages might not be evident as the individual suffering from it might see it as normal mood swings. However, as it nears the severe stage, the individual might go into depression.

According to the Centers for disease control and prevention, over 50% of the world population suffers from one psychological disorder or the other.


One of the prevalent conditions around the World. Bipolar disorder is most common in the United States as over 2.6% of Americans suffer from it. The condition is associated with mood swings ranging from manic highs to depressive lows.

During manic highs, individuals suffering from this condition will be active and might not find it necessary to sleep. In the episodes of depressive lows, the individual will lose motivation to do anything and will most definitely experience a loss of energy.

Although the sole cause of the bipolar disorder is unknown, environment, genetics, and altered brain structure contribute largely to it. This condition can be lifelong, and treatments such as medication and psychotherapy can be of great help.


We all have our everyday fears; when stuck in traffic and it’s past resumption time at work, we fear getting a query from the boss. But, the anxiety disorder is far from the usual fear we experience.

This condition will make anyone suffering from it get extremely worried about every little thing they think about. It affects about 3% of Americans and causes them to have an unproductive day.  Individuals suffering from anxiety disorder will most likely use antidepressants to reduce the level, but counseling tends to help as well.


Commonly referred to as Clinical depression, it is another type of disorder that brings suicidal thoughts to individuals suffering from it. It lasts for months, and it reduces productiveness.

Clinical depression may cause an individual to become upset and violent to themselves. It is one of the prevalent conditions alongside Bipolar disorder, and it has been estimated to affect about 7% of Americans.

While the condition lasts a few months, it is necessary to seek the help of a medical professional as it might lead to suicide. Medication such as antidepressants might go a long way in curbing the condition.


This condition might seem normal at the mild stage, particularly for people who eat a lot and those that have very little appetite for food, but as it enters the severe stage, it becomes obvious. Eating disorders are of different types; they start with an obsession for food, body shape, and body weight.

Eating disorders include Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa, Binge eating disorder, rumination disorder, Restrictive food intake disorder, and Pica – pica is a rare condition that involves individuals craving substances that are not food items.

This condition might require the help of a medical professional as it could lead to death when left untreated.


PTSD is a type of psychological disorder that is prompted by traumatic occurrences. Failure to recover after experiencing natural disasters, war, and sexual molestation can trigger the condition.

Symptoms of this condition include frequent nightmares, flashbacks, startle response, lack of concentration, and avoiding the scenes where the event played out. PTSD might last for a few months or a few years and can be managed with medication and psychotherapy.


Psychological disorders can cause an individual to derail from his normal way of life and go into depression, affecting his lifestyle in general, but with medication, under the strict supervision of a medical professional and psychotherapy, such an individual can bounce back within a short time.


Mental health awareness

Mental health awareness

Mental health awareness

Behind the Walls of the Mind –
A patient story of Complementary health support. Therapist note – In the light of mental health week, I thought I would share this heartfelt open patient story, looking at the possibilities of supportive complementary care for mental health issues. What do you think? Do you know any other success stories? Let’s share and get inspired.

An issue of great complexity lurks behind your mind, one that is under study all the time. There are all kinds of people in this world, including those struggling with mental health, people of so-called “normal mind”, geniuses, and so forth. The mind has a nasty habit of taking us by surprise, letting us down, preventing us from achieving our goals, etc.

It may seem that whenever there is a battle with self and the brain there is no winning ticket. The truth is the mind holds the key to all areas of your body, but the central nervous system is the channel to the brain. Most of the time, when the brain is affected, it is a direct result of the central nervous system and spinal column. If the spinal column is injured or out of alignment, then the nervous system will be affected, which works its way to the brain. Trouble starts once the brain is hit, and often does not end until the source of the problem is found.

Thousands of individuals suffer from head injuries, neurological disorders, cognitive disorders, mental health issues and other diseases. As time goes by, the problems intensify.

I discovered in some research, studies, case studies, and so forth, that people who visited chiropractors tended to have better health than those who did not. In many cases, a patient’s condition improves when their doctor focuses on their spine, which is in direct contact with their brain.

Scientists are often looking for ways to understand the causes of mental illness, disease, and physical disabilities. It’s common for them to run in every direction, but sometimes the answer is right in front of them. Everybody has an opinion, a theory, and a guess, and many ignore the voices that call out with expertise and experience.
Chiropractors have sometimes faced some controversy regarding their services.

Despite the widespread belief that chiropractors only work with the body, experts realize that they are constantly dealing with the mind as well.

Let’s look at ADHD/ADD patients. Most of the time, symptoms of this diagnosis are caused by a part of the nervous system, spine, or brain. Most mental health professionals prescribe patients drugs, which only treat the symptoms, and are often causing other problems such as psychosis and schizophrenia.

Imagine if the MIND were treated without drugs, and natural herbs and spinal techniques were used. In the first place, there would be no or very few schizophrenia and psychosis patients.

Let’s take a look at Bipolar Disorder.

Chemical imbalances inevitably cause patients to suffer, so mental health professionals usually treat them with antidepressants, which may cause strokes, heart problems, early-onset changes in life and so forth.

What would happen if a specialist who knows the spine, nervous system, and brain treated the patient? In my personal experience, I know a woman with Bipolar disorder who has sought chiropractic care and is doing well overall, with the exception of her bad habits which she has exhibited for more than 20 years.

However, I know another bipolar patient who had no Chiropractic care, and she is the kind of person you may want to avoid if you can. She called me 18 times per day, threatened to commit suicide, and drove me absolutely nuts.
I am still in recovery. I visited a psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, and doctor complaining of mental health symptoms.

As a result of chiropractic treatments, my symptoms decreased and I could cope better. In no way am I promoting anything, but to understand the mind you must consider the spine, the central nervous system, the brain, and many other factors. Often, the first thing you hear from counselors is a diagnosis; this can be a bad situation, as many play against your life to find an answer. It is not uncommon for professionals to change diagnoses once they see their diagnosis is off. Sadly, this cycle goes on and on, putting the patient at great risk.

Now as I have said I am a past sufferer of mental health and all I can say is, maybe it would be nice if we considered other alternative, safer, therapies before just jumping into the medicines and preconceptions of others. I would like to think that we all have freedom to choose. I am happy to say that today I am of happy and healthy body and mind and just wished to share my story in the hope it may help someone out there, anyone out there. If it helps but one person then it was worth to tell the story.

Therapist note – I think this is a very honest and heartfelt declaration and maybe it will or won’t help another person struggling with mental health to look at various options, whether that be conventional, allopathic ones or alternative, complementary, integrative, functional, naturopathic etc.

Either way mental health must not be overlooked, and I am sure if therapies are deemed safe then having options and extra support systems can only be good, and certainly seeing and hearing where people have successfully recovered from alternative therapies, in this case with the support of chiropractic treatment then that is truly heartwarming.

Effective Ways to Stop Anxiety

Effective Ways to Stop Anxiety

Effective Ways to Stop Anxiety

Anxiety is widespread, and it affects one in 13 persons. It manifests differently, sometimes through a panic attack, other times through nervousness in your stomach, shaking hands, overwhelming tensions, beating heart, etc. It causes overwhelming discomfort and can significantly reduce the quality of life of a person.

How can you help yourself? Let’s find out!

But, first, here is some information about the anxiety you should know.

What is Anxiety?

High Stress

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), anxiety is an emotion of fear and tension, followed by some physical manifestations, such as high blood pressure.

Occasional fear and tensions are normal emotions, but once it becomes too overwhelming and too often, a person is at higher risk of General anxiety disorder (GAD).

Here are some of the symptoms of GAD:

  • Continuous tensions
  • Continuous feelings of fear, uncertainty and irritability
  • Problems with sleep and concentration

People who suffer from GAD experience these symptoms to severe levels. It can affect their ability to develop relationships, do their work, and complete everyday tasks.

Types of Anxiety

There are several types of anxiety, including:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder – GAD
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Selective mutism
  • Specific phobia
  • Separation anxiety disorder

The first two types are the most common, with a wide range of symptoms.

5 Ways to Reduce Anxiety


The following are simple methods you can practice to ease the feeling of fear and worry.

Skip the Extra Coffee

There is nothing wrong with starting your day with a cup of coffee. Coffee contains caffeine, a stimulant that keeps you awake. But, research shows that too much caffeine increases the feeling of anxiety.

Therefore, you don’t have to give up on coffee, just drink three or fewer coffee cups per day.

Walk it Out

30-minute walk within the program period daily

Workouts are excellent for anxiety and have both long-term and short-term positive effects on your mind and body. But, if you feel anxious, you don’t have to grab your fitness equipment and rush to the gym.

A slow walk around the neighborhood will help you feel better and relax your muscles. You can listen to music while you walk to block the outer noise. Exercising three times per week for half an hour is an optimal workout schedule, but a ten-minute walk when you feel overwhelmed will make an instant difference.

Focus on Something Else

If you feel extensive fear or worry and experience trouble calming down, try to distract yourself and focus on something that will keep your hands busy. It is called a distraction technique and is a simple trick to drive your attention away from your overwhelming feelings. You can draw, wash your hands, brush your hair, or anything else you can think of.

The technique stops your brain from focusing on thoughts that increase anxiety.


When your emotions and thoughts become unbearable, your breathing changes and your brain doesn’t get enough oxygen which stops you from thinking clearly. Therefore, it is important to practice a simple breathing technique that will help calm you down, lower the heart rate and stop your blood pressure from going sky high.

When your breathing becomes rapid, close your eyes and slowly take a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath for several seconds, and exhale slowly. Repeat the technique as many times as you need until you feel your vision clears, your hands stop shaking, your heart rate stabilizes and the unbearable feeling decreases.

Final Thoughts

Dealing with anxiety is challenging. When anxiety strikes, the last thing you are capable of is thinking clearly and helping yourself. Practice the mentioned techniques that are simple to remember and focus on in those moments to feel better. How do you deal with anxiety? Please share your tips! If you learned something new, please consider giving this article a thumbs up!


How Does Having A Pet Change Your Mindset

How Does Having A Pet Change Your Mindset

How Does Having A Pet Change Your Mindset

The Reason Behind Why Pets Really Are Our Best Friends Animals are simply amazing. We rely on them for love, fun, and work, because well, they can help us in many aspects. We even trust them with our physical and mental health, and they’re doing a marvelous job. They are essential in people’s lives with impaired vision and help the police both with law enforcement and detective work.

Some dogs even save lives.

For example, they help people lost in the snow by finding them and keeping them warm – a profession known as “search and rescue dogs” (the famous Saint Bernard breed) . These and many more reasons prove that animals are a part of society in more ways than one. Knowing this, it’s logical that having one changes your mentality at least a little bit. Here we explain exactly how and in what ways that happens.

Interesting Facts About Humans And Pets

When it comes to a complex relationship like the one between pets and humans, we can’t disregard the notion that there are many fascinating facts about it!

Let’s start with the basics, shall we?

How Long Have We Domesticated Animals?

Dogs were the first animals we domesticated around 15,000 years ago in Asia. After that, in Mesopotamia, farmers started taking care of goats and sheep for the resources they still provide us. We progressed naturally to bigger and smarter cattle, used mainly for transportation.

After the 1800s, farming became incredibly popular, and it still holds an essential place in today’s economy. The biggest farm right now is located in China and takes care of around 230,000 dairy cows.

What Are Some Of The More Weird Ones?

We all have our preferences, and it’s no different when it comes to pets. Sugar gliders (small possums), Ciliatus geckos (lizards with eyelashes), and Pygmy goats (small goats which are surprisingly from Africa) are just to name a few of the more peculiar animals people have started looking after in the comfort of their homes.

There are cases in which people choose to look after really exotic species too. A lion, a grizzly bear, an alligator, and even a kangaroo are some of the weirdest animals some have chosen to have. Historically speaking, many different animals were kept as pets in the past too.

For instance, elephants, alpacas, and vultures used to be way more widespread than they are now.

What Is Some Information About Pets Globally?

There are over 800 million cats and dogs in homes worldwide right now, which means that more than 57% of the population has at least one.

And we love them a lot too.

About 80% of people in the UK give their pets Christmas and birthday gifts, and the rest of the world isn’t far behind. Owning pets has many health benefits, too – they reduce the risk of heart attacks, and they help with depression and anxiety. Argentina and Mexico are the countries with the most pets per person – 80% of their respective population has some sort of domesticated animal. Taking care of our furry companions is also a very high priority.

Americans, for example, spend a considerable amount of money on their pets – in 2020, a total of 103.6 billion dollars were given for food, treats, vet care, and products.

How Do We Change When We Have Pets

Alright, with all of this information in mind, here comes the main question – How do we and our mindsets change when we have pets? Well, there are many different aspects to it, but allow us to give you insight into some of the more important ones!

Best Friend Empowerment

The saying “a pet is your best friend” is a cliche for a reason. We have been living with animals for centuries, and ever since, we have deemed them as “man’s best friends.”

They help us in so many different ways it’s practically impossible to write them all down. Not only that, we seem to have a subconscious understanding of them, and friendship just happens naturally. And let’s admit it – living with your best friend is a fantastic thing that everyone should experience.

They Make Us More Compassionate

There’s no better teacher of compassion and care than animals. They’re adorably innocent and that makes us want to take care of them in the best way possible. Many parents think it’s a good idea to have a pet while raising a kid precisely for this reason.

When you learn from a young age that you should take care of beings less strong than you, you have the same sort of ideology about everything that surrounds you, which makes the whole world a bit better.

They Make Us More Nurturing

You’re the main support system for your pet. Shelter, food, comfort – all of these are your responsibility and your privilege. Nurture is a skill that everyone should have regardless of age, gender, country, and social standing. And well, it’s a no-brainer that taking care of an animal teaches you precisely that! Many people say the best “school” for having a kid is owning a pet first.

They Make Us More Responsible

Responsibility is something fundamental to human existence. When the life of something is in your hands, you start seeing the world through an entirely different, more grownup lens.

Learning that your actions have consequences and that something is entirely dependent on you shows you how much power you actually have and why that comes with a lot of duties.

We Start Appreciating Nature More

Nature is everywhere around us, and thanks to animals, we have a constant reminder of this wonderful fact. Depending on what you choose to look after, you can create and experience a different mini-ecosystem that teaches you more about its specifics.

The world is an enormous place, and by having a pet, you can learn about different parts of it and make mini versions of them right in your own home. Not only that, but walking or running in nature with your pet is one of the best experiences one may have that will enrich your idea of nature!

We Start To Appreciate Non-Verbal Communication

We are used to using speech as a form of communication in our daily lives.

Animals are our way of remembering that that’s not the only way and that sometimes it’s better to focus on different tools to express yourself. In today’s fast-paced society, it’s normal sometimes to want everything to be literal and fast, but all living things require more than that to be happy.

Having a pet is a reminder of just that – good things take time, care, and attention.

Final Thoughts

Animals are our lifelong companions and a source of unconditional love. We have been relying on them the same way they have on us for thousands of years and this connection has made us better humans for sure. Regardless of what pet we choose to have or where we are in the world, the language we use to translate our love for them is universal which is simply incredible.

It’s a big commitment but owning an animal is both an exhilarating and humbling experience. We would love to know what the pet of your dreams is.

How does isolation affect mental health

How does isolation affect mental health

How does isolation affect mental health

And What To Do In Order To Feel Better In the previous article, we talked about the different types of isolation and how they affect us. In this second part, though, we are focusing on some helpful tips about how to handle such a situation and what to do to feel better.

Because granted, just the word “isolation” itself brings a certain gloomy feeling with it for many people. This is why so many of us are searching for ways to reshape our perspective on the subject. If you look back, five years ago, no one would have found this an interesting topic, but now it’s one of the most searched things in Google.

Talk about how the times have changed, right?

We believe that everyone should try to find different ways to battle their negative viewpoint on isolation. Every single thing has a good and a bad side to it, and let’s face it – it’s nicer to focus on the good. None of us know how much longer this global state will last, and it’s always better to try and be positive and hopeful instead of somber and disheartened.

With that in mind, we hope you find our ideas interesting and consequently are able to look at isolation through a more positive lens. Let’s see what you can actually do to make yourself feel better and attach meaning to your days lived!

Have Hobbies

This is the best idea for similar situations. Hobbies are our way of escaping the reality around us, and they’re a never-ending source of inspiration. You can focus on some of the ones you already have and improve massively with time.

This way, isolation can be useful for you – it will have given you time to become a master of something you truly love. The other way to enjoy hobbies is to find new ones. We are sure there are countless activities you’ve wanted to try out but haven’t had the time to. This is your chance to shine!

Try some sort of art or craft or if that’s not your cup of tea – learn about something you’re interested in or find your new favorite book. You see, hobbies are sort of mini-universes – you can get lost in them pretty quickly and constantly have more and more things to explore.

Keep In Touch With Your Friends And Family

Modern technology allows us to be close to each other even if we’re miles away. We should take advantage of the miraculous time we’re living in and connect with our close friends and family. By doing this, we can remind ourselves we aren’t truly alone, making our days much happier.

The world can be a pretty friendly place if we reach out and if we strive to keep our relationships alive. Keep in mind that isolation is hard for everyone, so you are definitely helping the people you love the most by just being a good friend! And that is objectively one of the best things you can do in the world!

Stay Healthy And Relax

Your body will thank you for taking good care of it. Your mental state is linked to your physical one, so if you put in the work for one, the other will benefit as well. We know it can sometimes be hard to find the motivation to stay healthy in a situation like this, but small steps matter immensely.

Do some exercise, meditate, try to eat and sleep normally – these things will positively affect your mental health, which is crucial if you start feeling lonely. Doing all of that, don’t forget to relax, because none of this should be seen as a chore or some sort of negative activity.

It is simply your way of taking care of yourself.

Final Thoughts

Isolation is tricky. We all know that it’s not always easy to be alone. Today, more than ever, we can see why it’s so important to try our best to cope with a situation like this. It’s incredibly important to remind ourselves that there are some good sides to everything and focus on them.

This is why we choose to end this on a high note by asking you one open-ended question! What do you think is the next thing you’ll find and fall in love with, thanks to the free time you have?


Neuroplasticity Part One – What Exactly Is It?

Neuroplasticity Part One – What Exactly Is It?

Neuroplasticity Part One – What Exactly Is It?

Neuroplasticity And Your Magic Mind

Our brains are а mysterious and magnificent operating system and possess a high number of amazing qualities. The amazingness of our brains is most prominent and obvious during childhood. We go from a cute blob of meat to being able to walk, run, talk, and think abstractly.

This is thanks to neuroplasticity. The brain before 25 is a plasticity machine. It strengthens all the needed connections and mostly discards the ones you don’t need resulting in you being a functional human in society. The brain is a map of our own individual experience, but why is it built like this?

How And Why Neuroplasticity Works

As mentioned before the age of 25, our brains are a mesh of connections that is very adept at making changes to themselves. There are many fascinating aspects of neuroplasticity, but what may be the most amazing one is that we can change our brains physically based on experience and learning.

At birth, it’s estimated that every neuron in our brain has an approximate amount of  2,500 synapses. Just a few years later, at three years old, this number grew to about 15,000. What’s interesting, however, is that when we’re adults, we only have about half of that.

This is because as our brains gain mileage and experience, strengthening certain connections and weakening others. The ones strengthened are the ones we need and use most. The ones weakened or lost are the ones we don’t use that often.

Hence, the overused saying:

‘’Use it, or lose it.’’

Your brain does this to optimize its processing power and your cognitive abilities. Why keep something around when you don’t use it? This makes our brains unique stamps of our own experiences and memories. Experiencing intense emotions during your younger years can change your brain physically.

This unique ability of our brain to change and learn is what’s responsible for us learning to thrive and adapt in our circumstances. It’s important to note, however, that not every part of our brain can change. Some parts responsible for things like breathing, heartbeat, or digestion remain as they are. This is likely because it would be highly inefficient for us to constantly think about how our heart needs to beat or how to breathe.

These are bodily functions that, unless an injury is experienced remain pretty much the same our whole lives.

Practical Neuroplasticity

In some cases, when an individual experiences some kind of brain trauma such as a stroke, our brain moves functions from the damaged area to another undamaged area. This speaks volumes of how we humans are built to endure hardship and to change. Awareness of our brain’s ability to change and learn is what can prime us towards bettering ourselves.

The first step to changing yourself is recognizing that a change needs to happen. Our brain is very acute at navigating life and improving in response to experience. Consciously recognizing and being mindful of your own shortcomings is truly the initial stepping-stone to changing yourself for the better.

Acknowledgement of a skill you want to learn or an area in your life you want to improve will induce a selective shift in attention, priming your brain to get ready to change itself.

Final Thoughts

Your brain changes in response to experience. In that case, we must be aware of what we’re experiencing and steer ourselves towards experiences that make us grow and change for the better. Our brain will adapt to almost anything, so it’s important that we build our environment and our experiences to prime our brain for positive change.

Think about how you’re spending your day to day life. If you’re spending 4 hours a day scrolling on social media, be conscious of which connections you might be strengthening. In turn, when faced with hindrances and hardship, think about which connections you might be strengthening when overcoming said difficulties.

Are you choosing the path of least resistance and adapting your brain to crumble when met with hardship, or are you stretching and exerting yourself physically and mentally in order to become better? You have the ability to change yourself. The question is, which connections do you choose to  strengthen and which are you going to discard?