by admin | Jun 8, 2022 | Health, Fitness
Why Gut Health Is Important
“Gut health” relates to the function and balance of bacterias in some parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Optimally, organs like the esophagus, stomach, and intestines all work side by side to allow us to eat and digest food without feeling any discomfort.
However, there are more than 70 million people in the U.S. struggling with digestive diseases. The food we consume is broken down in our guts, where it is turned into nutrients, ready to enter our bloodstream.
Yet, this won’t be possible if we have an unhealthy digestive system. A healthy gut contains immune cells and healthy bacteria that fight infectious “pests”, such as viruses, fungi, and bacteria.
Having a healthy gut is extremely important for our general health and well-being because it communicates with the brain with the help of nerves and hormones.
But how do you know if you have an unhealthy gut?
Signs Of An Unhealthy Gut

- Sleep Deprivation and Persistent Fatigue
An unhealthy gut is a guarantee for sleep disturbances.
Poor sleep and insomnia potentially lead to chronic fatigue and a decrease in our productivity.
Serotonin, one of the hormones of happiness, is actually produced in the gut.
For this reason, having an unhealthy digestive system leads to producing less serotonin, which makes our life miserable.
When we have difficulty digesting certain types of food, we experience food intolerance, which is completely different than food allergy. (It is caused by a reaction of the immune system)
Caloric consumption is the primary reason why people lose or gain weight, however, unintentional weight change could occur for another reason. When we have an unhealthy gut, it harms our body in a way that it has a problem absorbing nutrients.
Furthermore, our body’s ability to store fat or regulate blood sugar is also damaged. Having decreased nutrient absorption increases our appetite and urges us to overeat.
An unhealthy gut does not only harm us from the inside but externally as well.
Inflamed gut leads to “leaked” proteins from the gut to the skin, which causes irritation and itching.
Moreover, a bad digestive system could potentially lead to skin disorders such as eczema.
The impact of the gut on the immune system has been tested many times in the past.
Researchers have found that an irritated gut is related to systematic inflammation, which changes the proper function of our immune system. This leads to autoimmune diseases where the body doesn’t protect itself versus harmful “enemies”, but it rather attacks itself.
Some autoimmune conditions are:
- Celiac Disease
- Ulcerative colitis
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Type 1 diabetes
- Crohn’s disease
Other signs of an unhealthy gut are:
- Abdominal Pain
- Bloating
- Loose stools
- Constipation
- Heartburn
- Nausea
- Vomiting
Influence Of Gut Health On Our Bodies

The microbiome within the gut is created from trillions of bacteria, other microbes, and fungi. It plays a major role in our general welfare because it helps controlling digestion and benefits our immune system A disproportion of healthy and unhealthy microbes within the intestines might lead to obesity, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and other disorders.
We suggest eating a wide assortment of fruits and veggies to help support the growth of healthy microbes in your gut.
Takeaway Message
A healthy gut is important for maintaining a balance in our body and its proper functions. Immune cells and healthy bacteria have a vital role in our body because they are connected to the brain. We hope you understand how important it is to keep your microbes and healthy bacteria’s under control, for your overall wellbeing.
In part 2 of this article series, we’ll tell you the fundamental, actionable tips to instantly implement in your daily life and make your gut happy!
by admin | Jun 7, 2022 | Health, Fitness
When Should You Go To The Gym?
You want to be a badass, right? You want to be the guy or girl at the gym who is always killing it, setting personal bests, and looking good while doing it. The thing is, there’s more to being a badass than just hitting the gym hard.
In order for your hard work in the gym to pay off, you need to make sure you’re hitting it at the right time. So when should you train? Well, there’s a lot of debate over when the best time to work out is. Some say mornings, others say evenings.
But of course, much like anything else, there are a variety of factors to consider, so let’s have a look!
Circadian Rhythms
Your circadian rhythms are the physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a roughly 24-hour cycle. They’re regulated by the hypothalamus, which is part of your brain. The hypothalamus responds to light and dark signals it receives from your eyes.
These signals help to set your body’s natural clock or circadian rhythm. Now, considering the fact that this natural rhythm of the body controls the biochemistry, as well as the activity of the central nervous system, it’s easy to conclude that at one point of the cycle, we’d have performance.
In this review, it is suggested that muscle strength exhibits a circadian pattern. The research demonstrates that maximum isometric strength varies during the day and peaks in the late afternoon (4 to 8 pm). So here’s for a first checkpoint – Circadian rhythm-wise, it’d be best to do your strength workouts in the late afternoon.
Muscle Glycogen

Alright, so the first thing to consider is the phase of your natural cycle, which you are at during the workout (just what we discussed above.) But that’s just one part of the story! The second important consideration is – Do you have fuel to get the best workout possible? The primary source of fuel for heavy workouts in the gym is the so-called ‘muscle glycogen.’
Essentially, muscle glycogen is the stored version of carbohydrates (the body stores whatever it doesn’t use.) If your muscle glycogen is depleted, you are likely to have a suboptimal workout. And well, unfortunately, muscle glycogen and blood sugar are at their lowest in the morning. So if you’re planning to start doing your strength workouts in the morning, think again!
Because that might hinder your performance. Have a meal or two with quality carb sources in the hours leading up to your workout!
Recovery Time

The third and perhaps most important consideration is this – Are you recovered from your previous workout? As you may or may not know, during weighted workouts, we inflict micro-damage to the muscles and also ramp up the nervous system. All components engaged in strenuous exercise need time to recover before they can get their peak output and capacity back (with some more of it added, which we call ‘gains’)
With this in mind, you’d want to optimize the recovery times between each workout in order to perform at your best every time. Generally speaking, you’d need 48 to 96 hours between each training session for each muscle group.
What this means is that if you train your pushing muscle groups on Monday at 4 pm, you’d be best off doing this workout again later on in the week, on Thursday or Friday.
The Verdict
So, when is the best time to go to the gym? The answer isn’t always clear-cut, but hopefully, this article has given you a few things to think about. If you want to get in shape and don’t mind sweating it out during prime-time TV hours, then evening workouts might be right for you. But if you prefer peace and an earlier bedtime, mornings may be better.
Ultimately, it all comes down to what works best for your schedule and fitness goals. Just make sure you stick with it – consistency is key! Are there any other times of day that work well for you? Let us know in the comments below.
by admin | Jun 7, 2022 | Health, Technology
Why You Should Have At Least One Hour A Day Without Technology
Staying Connected Both With People And With Nature Today technology is everywhere around us. In fact, most of us can’t imagine life as it is without it. This may sound weird at first, but it is actually completely logical the more you think about it. Technology is part of pretty much any and every aspect of our lives and has been for years.
So imagining a world completely void of it – well, it wouldn’t be a very similar place to what we have now. We as a society developed in this way in large part thanks to the technological advancements that have been incorporated into our daily lives.
And that’s in no way a bad thing.
We have a lot to be grateful for in terms of how technology has helped us. In the following article, we explain why technology as a whole is so important and why this doesn’t mean we should always use it. Consider this an addition to our article about digital minimalism, which you can go to by clicking HERE.
We hope you find this as fascinating as we do!
Why Is Technology Important?

We think everyone can answer this question. For starters, some technology is used to literally save lives. Talk about hospitals, fire departments, quick-line communications – all of these incredibly important aspects of our lives are the way they are solely because of technological advancement.
When you look back 500 years, for example, you can see how drastically our lives have improved today thanks to the tools we use and the knowledge we have.
In large part, we have science and technology to thank for that, and that’s no small feat.
Secondly, technology is also our best facilitator for connection. Nowadays people from across the globe can talk to each other as if they’re sitting at the same table thanks to the internet and cameras. That alone would have been considered a miracle less than a century ago.
And this isn’t the only type of connection made possible thanks to technology. Information in all of its forms about pretty much any topic is always at the tip of our fingers. The moment we decide we want to learn something, we don’t have to visit libraries or rely on word of mouth – we can simply pull out our phones and start googling.
Both of these things have reshaped our worldview and way of life as a society and have done so in a mainly positive way.
The Entertainment Side!

Last but not least, we use technology for entertainment too. Streaming music, watching videos, hell, even roller coasters are reliant on computers. We can have so much fun thanks to technology, and it’s amazing that it is not the only thing we do all the time.
And not only that, but largely speaking, this also helps the artists themselves. The fact that people’s favorite musicians are sometimes from other continents is proof enough that technology is useful in this aspect too.
Why Should You Have Some Technology-Free Time?
With all that being said, why do we believe we should have some time without technology? With all of its positive sides, how is it possible to not want to spend every second surrounded by it? Well, to put it simply – too much of a good thing can be bad.
Firstly, staying connected to everyone and everything all of the time can be exhausting. Not only that, it’s much harder to truly focus on yourself and your own thoughts when you’re constantly seeing and hearing everyone else’s.
That may not seem like a big deal at first, but it really adds up through time and has been linked to problems with self-understanding and development. Secondly, you can only appreciate something in its entirety when you know what it’s like to not have it. As much as we try to escape this simple fact, it’s true. Lacking something is the only way to appreciate every aspect of it.
And that is actually a good thing.
Because when we have a fresh and sound perspective on something, we can understand what parts of it are really important to us. And that can’t happen if we are constantly using it. What’s really important about technology today is that we shouldn’t let it govern our lives.
It’s really easy to go with the flow and just spend all day on your phone, but we all know that’s not really productive. Not only that, spending too much time browsing social media, for example, can have a negative effect on how we see the world or ourselves.
The Natural Human

Now, perhaps the most important point of this article is that we as people are natural beings. Our environment benefits greatly from technology, true, but it shouldn’t overtake it completely. A myriad of studies shows that we feel our best when we are surrounded by nature.
Our surroundings are incredibly important to our mental and physical health, and spending some time in our natural habitat is mandatory if we want to stay healthy.
We believe that balance is key.
This is why finding this equilibrium between technology and nature is the best possible thing we can do. Just one hour a day without technology can be very beneficial if we want to stay happy and healthy. That doesn’t sound too hard, does it?
Final Thoughts
Technology is incredibly important. More so, it’s an integral part of our lives. It is the reason behind many positive changes to our lives which is why it is so widespread. However, this doesn’t mean that we should depend solely on it to make us happy and have fun. In today’s day and age, more and more of us are starting to have a negative relationship with tech, which is why we decided to write this article.
We believe that finding the balance between technology and nature is the only way to make sure we get the best of both worlds. Our idea may seem a bit weird at first, but it’s a great first step towards finding that balance.
by admin | Jun 6, 2022 | Health, General
Why you SHOULD eat Honey
Honey is an organic, natural sweetener that serves a great purpose as a sugar alternative.
It is widely used in almost every cuisine around the world.

This is perhaps because it has many great qualities such as its indefinite shelf life, its ease on the stomach, and the reason that it adapts to all cooking processes. According to an article by Date Carson, honey dates back to 2 100 B.C. It is believed that the natural sweetener was found in Asia or Africa.
On top of that out of 12,000 different bees, there are only a few varieties that store honey. An average bee’s life span is from 4 to 6 weeks and the required amount of bees to produce 450g (1 pound) of honey is around 160,000. That means, in order to get a single jar of honey, there are so many generations of bees involved.
Honey is also used in Medicine…
According to a 2012 review, regardless of whether it will be consumed directly, mixed with other remedies, or applied directly to the skin honey helps for treating the following illnesses or injuries:
- Coughs
- Vomiting
- High Blood Pressure
- Obesity
- Arthritis
- Eczemas and dermatitis
Now, let’s look at what are the pros of eating honey.
Benefits Of Eating Honey

- Honey Helps With Coughing
We bet that the good old honey came in handy at least once in your lifetime. It is believed that honey is an effective measurement against a cough in children and adults.
One or two spoons before bed is a guarantee for a calmer night.
- Honey Supports A Healthy Guy
According to a study from 2017, honey contains prebiotic properties. As we know, prebiotics help ferment beneficial bacterias in the gut. Furthermore, this was related to a stronger immune system and general welfare.
- Honey Contains Quality Nutrients
Honey is not only rich in antioxidants, it is also very rich in nutrients. It is found that there are 31 minerals found in honey, such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium.
In general, honey cannot be a substitute for a healthy diet, however, it does contain many important nutrients in its complex structure, which can benefit us on many levels!
- Honey Is Rich In Antioxidants
Some types of honey help protect your body from cell damage. It is believed that there are almost the same amount of antioxidants in honey as in fruits and veggies. Having antioxidants in our diet is healthy because they may prevent the development of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.
- Honey Improves Your Sports Performance
As we know honey is far better than glucose from sugar, used to boost endurance.
Consuming a spoon of honey before or even during your training is believed to enhance your athletic performance.
Pro Tip:
Add a spoon of honey to your bottle of water and consume it during your session.
But with so many benefits, is there something that could go wrong?
Cons Of Eating Honey
- Honey Is Rich In Calories
If your goal is to decrease body fat percentage, then consuming a lot of honey might not be a good idea.
Because of its liquid form in most cases, eating too much honey can easily make you exceed your daily caloric intake.
Always strive NOT to exceed the recommended amount of honey per day, which is around 1-2 small spoons for a healthy person without any weight problems.
- Honey Raises Blood Sugar Levels
For this reason, always use honey in moderation.
- It’s a Risk to Give to Babies
Babies don’t have the required digestive system to consume honey, and there is a risk of botulism.
Honey is one of the oldest foods in the world and it is used in almost every cuisine around the globe, as well as in medicine.
It has many benefits but should be taken in moderation because it can be very calorie-dense.
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to share the article with a friend!
by admin | Jun 6, 2022 | Health, General
The Stages Of Personal Development
Personal development is a vast topic, which has many stages and involves a lot of continuous effort through time. There isn’t really a thing that will set you for life through a short burst (well, maybe there is but just financially). In the context of character growth, personal development is a life-long quest with no end point.
We learn, as long as we are alive and curious enough to absorb more and grow.In this article, we’re going to talk about the stages of personal development and how to recognize and work with them.
Don’t Look For Shortcuts

The vast majority of people want to have it easy in life, without realizing that proper personal development is a system that has many stages, which require a certain amount of time and effort.
Shortcuts for short-term goals are the usual mindset for many people becoming more aware of their personal development, while in reality, it is nothing but a long-term process. Now, the main concept of personal development and growth is to acquire new knowledge, new skills and to go out of your comfort zone.
Think about it, no one achieved something great by being warm and cozy, right?
The Stages Of Personal Development
As we already mentioned, personal development is a process that goes through different stages, all the time.
Stage #1 – Self-awareness

For the most part, people act in a predictable way, repeating the same actions, feelings, thoughts and emotions. Once you become aware of those though, you have the opportunity to start analyzing yourself.
That exact self-analysis is the fundament of personal development, as it helps you learn more about yourself, your needs and interests. Think of this as your inner compass.
Stage #2 – Comparison
Once your personal development starts giving you results, you may find yourself being more social and observing/analyzing other people. From that analysis comes the comparison between you and your peers, making it easy for you to differentiate between the different types of behavior, which produce certain results and outcomes.
More often than not, such social behaviors and interactions, may lead to a good value exchange – You learn something from someone and vice versa.
Stage #3 – The point of no return

When you eat the fruits of your labor, you are in stage 3 of your personal development process. During this stage, you break through the mental barrier and start thinking about all the things you can do to make your life better, along with the life of others around you.
During this stage, you start learning new knowledge and skills exponentially fast and get a burst of inspiration.
Stage #4 – Acceptance
Once the curtain of your limiting beliefs and thought patterns is pulled away, you are in a limitless mindset.
In your head, you can achieve anything and everything, but you now know and accept that even though sudden bursts of inspiration do happen, the process requires discipline and dedication. This is where you have to further look through your priority list, modify it, set short and long-term goals and plan everything out, pen on paper.
End Quote
If we had to summarize the essence of this article in one single quote from a person who’s been through stuff, it would be this one:
“When you focus on being the best person you can be, you draw the best possible life, love, and opportunities to you.”
― Germany Kent
by admin | Jun 6, 2022 | General, Health, Life
The Areas Of Personal Development
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us”, says Ralph Waldo Emerson. Almost every successful personality has given utmost importance to personal development and growth.
They have depicted personal development as a pathway leading to skills, attributes, and qualities needed to live an efficacious and prosperous life. Personal development is defined as a lifelong process. The Business Dictionary defines it as, “The process of improving oneself through such activities as enhancing employment skills, increasing consciousness and building wealth.”
Personal development involves self-care which includes all those activities that help us to evolve in our self-best. As George Bernard Shaw once said, “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” Personal development is not something that can be achieved overnight; rather , it’s an evolving process that includes several steps.
Starting from establishing our personal vision of life to understanding where we are now. Once we are able to comprehend our current standing then we can move ahead, and identify the areas where we need to work.
The Areas of Personal Development

There are several areas where we can start grooming ourselves for personal development. These areas are: physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Let’s go over them one by one.
Physical Development

A healthy body and a healthy mind, two essentials to ensure before taking on an expedition/journey, whether it’s an actual, physically-demanding journey, or your life journey!
Our physical well-being is an important ingredient in leading a blissful life. It’s not only about doing exercise, rather it’s about having a balanced diet that includes proper nutrition, getting proper 7-8 hours of sleep, and maintaining body weight and BMI levels.
When we are physically fit, we tend to have more energy and we can utilize this zealous energy in achieving our life goals, seamlessly.
Social Development
Smiles are contagious, so are positive vibes. Living in a society that demands social interaction and effectively communicating with people can help boost our self-confidence and self-esteem. Talking to different people not only helps in enhancing our confidence but also awareness of worldly scenarios.
People we connect with play a vital role in our lives as they implicitly impact our thought processes and moods. Therefore, interacting with the right people, learning new languages, and active listening can be helpful in our own development and growth.
Mental Development
When we learn something new, our brain tends to generate new neural pathways to hold onto the information. Mental development is most important in personal development because it helps to create a cushion for new skill sets and qualities to develop.
Mental development activities include reading a book, taking online courses or training, or watching informational and motivational YouTube videos. Not only these but also relaxation, keeping our mind tension-free can help in boosting our mental activity.
Emotional Development

Many people nowadays are more focused on Emotional Quotient (EQ) rather than Intelligence Quotient (IQ). This is perhaps, because people with high IQ might not be able to survive under high-pressure situations whereas people with high EQ are seen to be more stable, focused, and better achievers.
In today’s fast-paced environment, it’s necessary to be emotionally stable and not be hyped by unanticipated circumstances. Emotional development can be done via having a counselor/therapist, journaling things down, or even, talking to a friend!
Spiritual Development
People often confuse spirituality with being religious, whereas one’s religion has nothing to do with being spiritual. Spiritual development involves being fully connected to all five senses of our body. It is about synchronizing our doings with our thought processes. It is about creating coherence between our body and soul.
Spiritual development can be achieved through yoga, meditation, or praying if you are religious. A deep connection to your soul is a deep connection to your awareness, which enables you to recognize and take on the correct actions towards achieving your ultimate personal development.
Take-Home Message
You are not just a body, nor a brain… And quite frankly, you are not just a soul. In fact, you are an intricate mix of all those things, and this is perhaps why you, as a human, are able to do and feel so many things.
Personal development is a life-long journey that simply represents the goal of improving your mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and social development, thus enabling you to achieve the best version of yourself.
And so, are you ready for your new, best self?
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