How to keep brain healthy and active

How to keep brain healthy and active

How to keep brain healthy and active

Reading books – a timeless hobby that’s one of the most useful ways to keep your brain sharp

How reading improves different sides of the brain Even though the first written symbols we discovered so far date back to 4 millennium BCE, writing and reading literature evolved a bit later. In 2300 BCE, a lady wrote down some mesopatimian hymns, making them eternal in a sense, because they were the first form of artistic use of language ever written. From that point on everything changed – public readings, the invention of the printing press, libraries etc.

leading all the way to modern day technology and ideas for the future. Reading has made itself a staple of our world and its history, eternalising stories, thoughts, emotions and ideas and connecting people both in the present and through centuries. The books containing the most famous stories in history are being sold in their millions and newer and fresher titles and authors keep making that list longer. Today books come in different forms but are still one of the biggest sources of knowledge and entertainment and they do wonders for your brain even on a physical level.

This is how.

Ways Reading Improves Your Brain

  • Improves Memory And Concentration

Your brain, like any muscle, gets stronger the more you train it – memory and concentration are no different.

It improves your memory, because it forces you to remember side characters, subplots, connections made through the usage of similar words etc.

Also because reading is neurologically more demanding than listening or watching, you concentrate more and therefore train that too.

  • Increases Intelligence

Reading improves overall intelligence because it makes us use our imagination –  when we read, we are forced to reproduce words into coherent stories and images and that process is imagination at its most pure form.

The other part is pretty self-explanatory but still worth mentioning – the more you read, the more you know and the more you know, the more intelligent you are.

  • Helps With Sleep And Stress

A lot of people today have trouble sleeping and reading a book before bed can help.

When you look at your phone the blue light that comes out messes with your biological clock and impares sleep schedule and quality – reading eliminates the ability to look at your phone and calms you down, making it easier to drift off.

Studies also show that reading helps with stress, because it holds your entire focus on the book, taking it away from your current worries.

It turns out that it’s better at managing stress than listening to music, drinking tea or taking a walk according to a study made in 2009.

  • Helps With Depression And Empathy

Reading immerses you in a different world, pulling your focus away from the negative thoughts you have in real life.

It also can give you a different perspective and make you feel understood – all very important things when battling depression.

Also by reading about other people’s emotions and thoughts you understand them better and can apply that knowledge to your real life.

This makes your emotional intelligence and empathy better.

  • Builds Vocabulary And New Interests

This one is very logical, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth mentioning.

Learning new words is easiest when they’re a part of an interesting story.

More to the point, reading simple stories in a language you’re learning is a very helpful exercise on pretty much any level.

And with all the topics you can read about, finding new interests is just a part of the deal.

It’s a source of inspiration both for furthering knowledge and having new experiences.

Books really have no bounds on their usefulness.

Everything from learning new facts and languages, experiencing different periods of time and space (both imaginary and real), sharing hopes, dreams and ideas, understanding science better, expressing emotions and many many more can be a part of a book. It’s no wonder that they have been a part of our culture and history pretty much since the beginning of our mental development.

Books skyrocket the development of your brain as a kid and slow down its aging as an adult. Reading is closely connected to so many great aspects of life in so many different ways that it only stands to reason to try and make it a habit if it isn’t already.

Moving out of your parents basement

Moving out of your parents basement

Moving out of your parent’s basement – It’s time

You know how sometimes in life there is a moment when you realize that things are going so great. Like the train is on the wrong track, the decisions you make, or don’t make, don’t seem to make you happy.

Well, If you’re in your late twenties and still living with your parents, that’s the reason.

I’m not saying It’s wrong to do so, I’m saying that It’s not healthy for you to be still drinking beer off their fridge and creating a human sized concavity in their sofa.

If you have some of the things listed below then you’ve outstayed your welcome and should start packing asap.

Still unemployed and working on it?

Life is always shifty – one day you have a great job and you feel on top of the world , the other you’re counting your pennies and feel as small as the ant that’s been living in your kitchen.

Things happen and it’s not your fault. Except for the scenario where you live with your parents and casually can’t find a suitable job in the last couple of years.

We all procrastinate. It happens, but not facing the fact that It’s time to grow up is a serious issue. It’s hard and It’s scary and It needs to be done.

You should do it for yourself, It would just feel so rewarding when you make your own money and have a place all for yourself.

Struggling with self confidence?

The home is a safe space, a sacred place where you are the one calling the shots, judge, jury and executioner. You don’t know what I’m talking about? The reason may be, because you still rely on your mother to cut the crust on the sandwiches.

Still living with your parents can surely create a gap in your confidence towards your actions, words, decisions and thoughts. It’s a living hell for making life choices.

A good idea would be to make the biggest decision for now – find a new place!

It’s not your fault?

Excuses are a pretty typical human reaction when It comes to doing something you don’t want to do, or don’t have the attitude to do. That’s no reason to blame someone else for your laziness.

I admit, parents can be overprotective sometimes. They would smother and baby you just so you don’t fly the nest. Even if that’s the case, you shouldn’t let excuses guide your life.

It may seem that the cousiness of the bed you grew up in is irreplaceable, but believe me It is a huge trap. Let yourself experience life by jumping out of that comfort zone and into the unknown.

No one is responsible for your life’s actions except you, don’t forget that.

What If I don’t make it?

Living on your own is scary at first. You sit in the quiet room, knowing that you are nowhere near your home, It is possible that you would cry a little bit. It’s normal.

There is no reason to be afraid of taking the first step towards your independence. You need it, you are not living your life properly without being independent.

The tough times teach us to appreciate the good ones and make us stronger. You can’t get that from the couch.

If you fall even slightly in one of the categories you have to do something about it. Do it for yourself. Do it, because It’s scary. Do it to prove to yourself that you are more than a twenty something year old that is still asking his father for gas money.

Life is not scary, you not living it is!




surround yourself with people who push you

surround yourself with people who push you

surround yourself with people who push you

5 Types Of People To Surround Yourself With

You wouldn’t always achieve greatness on your terms — There are family and friends who encourage you and attend to your challenges.

You could even have coworkers that are as close to you as your family members are.

Life is filled with a different caliber of people that’ll help you achieve personal and professional success, based on how you measure it.

And your success will mean that those closest to you will feel its impact. Let’s consider five different types of individuals that will help you reach your personal and professional goals faster.

1.The Grateful

Gratitude for the things you have indicates you recognize how far you have gone in achieving your objectives.

It’s a time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished and what the future holds — But it is also about honoring the individuals who helped you get there.

Someone who’s made expressing appreciation a habit is inclined to become very successful in their field.

Meeting people like this with whom you can speak will help you to see life in a new and modest light.

Rather than focusing on the bad and what you’ve not done, you should focus on what you’ve done.

Then you figure out how to show some thanks to people who’ve helped you get there.

2.The Passionate

You established your own company for a purpose, and it’s most probably because you’re passionate about it.

When things go rough, that ardor might diminish, aligning yourself with individuals who are committed and passionate about the same thing you do is a fantastic opportunity to pick their thoughts.

Plus, you’ll also see what motivates them.

This will help you discover new and interesting ways to be more committed to your professional pursuit.

You’ll probably discover that the key to their endless zeal is that they tend to look at the broad picture one more time.

Unlike the average Joe, they are not entangled by whatever concerns or tedious minutiae are on their itinerary.

The only way to get over the trying times is to be enthusiastic about what you are doing.

3.The Inquisitive 

Look for experts that are prepared to consider all alternatives before embarking on a determination.

It could result in some very inventive thought pattern, resulting in solutions you wouldn’t have considered before.

The more non-judgmental people you hang around, the more you will realize how vital adaptation is.

4.The Highly-Driven

Drive might be hard to come by — Being surrounded by individuals who exude an aura of accomplishment and who spend time working on themselves have a profound and startling influence on you.

Affiliating with driven people might inspire you to examine your work ethics and personal habits and wonder why you aren’t doing more for yourself.

Ambitious people are excellent at setting realistic objectives and achieving them regularly.

5.The Inspired

There are different ways to get inspiration — podcasts, business conferences, music, movies, quotes, books; name it! The world is filled with people who have led and done remarkable things with their lives, beat the odds, and were inspired to become a better version of themselves.

If you do not currently have someone that pushes you to be who you’ve been dreaming of, then it’s time to seek someone who will.

Watching great videos and listening to podcasts with captivating storylines that inspire you is a fantastic starting point.

Finding someone who motivates you to become better at what you do is a great place to start when it comes to becoming the ideal version of yourself.


The conclusion is that you’ll not find greatness by doing it on your way and on your terms only.

Hence, surround yourself with exceptional people that can only help you get to your destination faster than you ever imagined.

What sort of people do you hang out with? Look deep; it’s time to make some changes.

what is mindfulness| benefits of exercise

what is mindfulness| benefits of exercise

benefits of exercise

Why is Mindfulness Important for Your Workout?

A workout for the sole purpose of physical exercise can only have limited health benefits. It can help you stay fit to some level and boost your serotonin levels to some points.

But, when you add mindfulness into your workout, it becomes the secret ingredient to overall well-being, including physical and mental health.

Before we move on to the positive effect of mindfulness on your workout, let’s explain what a mindful workout is.

What is a Mindful Workout?

A mindful workout is part of the holistic approach to physical activities. It helps you understand better what is happening in your body and utilize the knowledge to improve your physical and mental strength.

A mindful workout is most commonly in nature, it helps you use all senses, by leaving your headphones at home. You become aware of every breath and the sensations in your body while doing different movements.

Mindfulness during a workout also includes being present in the moment and aware of your thoughts, potential discomfort, and the sensations in your feet while they touch the ground. It helps you truly experience every second of your workout and get the most out of it.

Let’s take mindful running, for example, to describe the benefits of mindful workouts.

How Does Mindfulness Affect Your Workout?

By being concentrated on your mind and body, mindfulness reduces external distractions. Therefore, you are more relaxed, without thinking about your speed, distance, personal records, etc.

By maintaining internal focus, you are ready to overcome your limitations. But, because you are focused on the sensations in your body, the injuries are less likely to happen. You’ll notice the signs of discomfort and expand your limitations.

How to Do Mindfulness Running?

The first thing to remember when practicing mindful workouts is to breathe through your nose. Mouth breathing is part of the stress-induced changes in your breathing, so nose breathing helps you relax and get into the right mood.

Mindfulness is all about the mind-body connection, so try to keep the inner conversation with your body. Let go of the social expectations and social distractions, timings, tracking devices, points, or anything similar, which can shift your focus from internal feelings to external activities and objects. Don’t measure time and think about the technique.

Before you start your workout, prepare for the mindful experience. Do a quick meditation to get out of the state of stress and prepare for the next activity. Five or ten minutes of deep breathing and mindfulness exercises will be enough to get you in the right state of mind for your workout.

How to Start Mindfulness Running?

Once you’ve done the prep work, it is time to engage your focus on your sensations and mind. Start slowly and listen to your body to adjust your pace. Check for the physical sensations as you speed up or slow down.

If your health and breath rate speed up, feel the warming up in your body, the heart beating in your chest, experience every sensation in your muscle.

Maintain that state of mind and internal focus, but try not to think about the sensations, just feel them.

What about Your Thoughts?

Once you maintain the awareness of bodily sensations, focus on your mind. Stop replaying situations and scenarios in your head, and use running (or any other workout) as a time to express gratitude for your physical health.

If you feel like your thoughts are getting out of control, focus on breathing. It will help you calm down in an instant and gain control over your mindful workout.

Don’t think about the end line, feel every step and movement. Slowly, you’ll increase your abilities and enjoy your workouts more!

Have you ever tried mindful workouts? Did you like it?

If the article gets you interested in mindful workouts, please consider sharing it with your friends and family.


what is muscle memory and how does it work

what is muscle memory and how does it work

what is muscle memory and how does it work

Muscle memory – fact or fiction?

There’s a high possibility that you have forgotten about the jumps in gym class when you were in 8th grade, but maybe your muscles haven’t.

For the last couple of years science has been fascinated with the idea of how the memory of the muscles can benefit our lives long after we’ve actually worked on it.

This actually means that training your muscles now could help preserve themselves in the future.

What is ‘building your muscle’?

Muscles are incredibly plastic cells that can grow or shrink, depending on how we treat them.

Muscles grow depending on the exercise and food ratio we give them. If there is a balance between a calculated dietary regimen and a well prepared work-out then the muscles will have the perfect conditions to flourish.

On the other hand, malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle can make the muscles shrink, which is called atrophy.

But the thing that is actually building the muscle is a thing called the “nucleus”. Single cells contain only one nucleus. As the muscle grown It needs to be sustained by more than one nucleus. So It gathers more from the cells surrounding it.

Just as nuclei gather when the muscle grows, the same way it dies when the muscle shrinks.

The long lasting effect

There are a lot of researchers that are affiliated with muscle memory and they all come to the same conclusion – If you’ve done it before, you’ll do it again.

The memory of the muscle, same as the bone structure, starts being built in the early stages of life. Doctors and physiotherapists agree that the younger you start training your muscles, the longer they will be efficient.

Another thing they agree on is that If a person was ever actively exercising at any stage of their life, before turning 35, then It wouldn’t matter how many years have gone – the muscle will remember.

Studies have shown that If a person trained in their life they could restore their former body state even after muscle atrophy.

What is “sarcopenia” and what to do!

Sarcopenia is muscle atrophy related to aging. Other possible culprits for it are strokes, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other health problems.

There are practical steps towards fighting back sarcopenia and plain old muscle loss and It is even possible for the ones who haven’t trained the muscles beforehand.

It doesn’t matter if you’re If you‘re an out-of-shape middle aged man or woman, or a mountain climber – day to day activity can modify the condition of your muscles.

If you’ve missed the last train for building muscle mass as a kid, then start doing it now, but slowly, there’s no rush.

Remember to create a suitable regimen and a nutritious food chart for yourself. If you’re not sure how you can always ask for tips from a nutritionist, or a dietologist, or a doctor.

Don’t rush to get fast results, because you will not. Your muscles haven’t got the slightest idea that you want them to grow, so let them learn one step at a time. Moving fast doesn’t mean It will get you there faster.

Most of all, believe in yourself and move with confidence. Your muscles may not be ready for it now, but they have the potential to get you where you want to be. Believe in yourself, as well as believe in them.

Once you’ve banked those extra nuclei they will help you sustain that muscle memory for the years to come. This doesn’t mean It wouldn’t be hard, so you have to be ready to it.