Testing The Worth Of Your Own Words

Testing The Worth Of Your Own Words

Testing The Worth Of Your Own Words

Why Putting Yourself In Trying Situations Is Beneficial

People that are extremely honest are always a source of inspiration.

Being able to trust each word they say and knowing you can count on them are abilities most of us look up to and strive for.

The reason why we feel so deeply for people’s honesty especially if it’s backed up by their actions is because that way we can build a trusting relationship with them.

If one can always be truthful, blunt, and honest, one’s presence, opinion and actions are always felt and appreciated.

In order to be this type of person, however, you must be sure of where you stand, and this happens by testing your beliefs and ideologies and proving them right.

This is why testing yourself is so important.

The Different Personal Qualities Taking Risks Improves


  • Intelligence

By putting yourself in unfamiliar situations, you inevitably learn things both about yourself and the world.

This expands your field of vision, and because it’s a hands-on experience, it is much more likely for you to remember all the things you were taught in the process.

Learning from experience has proven to be the easiest way most people acquire new knowledge, and by testing your beliefs and thoughts, you are provoking such types of situations.

Not only do you discover new aspects of the world and yourself, but it is also highly likely for these actions to avalanche, leading to newer and more interesting people, places, and experiences.

  • Bravery


Figuring out where you stand on different topics is crucial to building your worldview.

This can be hard if you limit yourself to doing pretty much the same thing every day.

By getting out of your comfort zone, you openly fight this way of thinking and improve your chances of having the courage to do so again.

Bravery is taught by challenging yourself and facing your fears, and the best aspect of life this can be done in, is precisely, personal development.

Learning how to push yourself to your limits in order to progress and by doing so, moving those limits away even further is how you enlarge not only your comfort zone but your world in general.

This is not to say that you should be reckless in any way, simply that progressing further in life implies moving forward in it and taking risks, every now and then.

  • Honesty


The people closest to us are usually the ones with whom we are always honest and who do the same for us.

The people we believe in and the ones we look up to the most are also the ones that are the most honest.

This is a quality that simply does not have a negative side in the grand scheme of things, but it can be hard to keep this mindset under challenging circumstances and situations.

By learning to do so, we learn to trust ourselves more, and we teach others that they should do the same.

The senses of freedom and self-worth one has when they know they’re being completely truthful regardless of the outcome, play a big part in building our character the way we would like to.

Different Ways You Can Improve These Qualities

  • Think Critical & Leave Room For Improvement

Thinking critically of your own thoughts might sound negative, but in essence, it is the exact opposite.

By figuring out every aspect of your views and ideas, you gain a full personal picture of yourself and can see why it looks the way it does and where things can be improved.

It is much easier for you to change your mind if you’re uncertain of why you think the way you do, and similar situations are often regretted later.

If you think critically you not only avoid the negative possibility mentioned above but know exactly where you can improve and can ask for advice for that specific aspect.

Both realizing why you think this way and what you would like to change are equally important.

Both take time and honest analysis of yourself but once you’ve done that everything is much more organized and easier to understand.

  • Ask yourself if you are standing up for what you know you think

This step comes after you have passed the first one.

The easiest way to keep yourself in check regarding what you believe is to simply ask yourself this question.

All of us have been in situations, which we have later regretted because we weren’t completely honest and this is the only way to avoid them.

It might be hard to really hear your own voice in the beginning but it’s always worth it in the long run.

Once you understand your thoughts and beliefs, standing up and defending them in their entirety is the next logical step.

It’s advantageous to question your words and actions, not because you doubt them but because that way, you recognize how much you believe in them and are willing to fight for them.

  • Put yourself in trying situations to expand your horizons.

Once you have everything else down, expanding your world is the best thing you can do.

By pushing your limits, you find new horizons, ideas, emotions, and more.

Not only does this solidify your ideologies, but it makes room for more character-building and bigger adventures.

By breaking out of your comfort zone you allow yourself to see the world for what it is and can start doing what you love and be honest about it.

Thinking of life as something to explore and learning everything you can in the process is crucial to becoming the person you want to be, and the only way to achieve this is to expand your worldview through actions.

Overall, testing yourself is never easy.

Questioning your points of view and realizing some of them aren’t as solid as you thought they were, can be a difficult experience, but it ultimately is the best way you can progress.

Understanding your thinking and why it is that way makes it easier to act the way you want to and build yourself into who you want to be.

Keeping yourself in check about being honest is helpful because we are not perfect, and sometimes we make mistakes, but if we catch them early, it’s easier to work on and fix them.

Exploring the world by getting out of your comfort zone is what makes us progress and achieve what we strive for, thus providing us with the full experience of what life is and what it has to offer.

Although all of these things are not a walk in the park, we believe they are essential in making us the people we want to be, and by doing them and making them a part of our mindset, we are one step closer to what we want to achieve in life.

Reasons for not losing weight

Reasons for not losing weight

Reasons why you are not losing weight

Let’s imagine this hypothetical scenario.

  • You’ve just started a diet, but after two weeks, you no longer see any results… You have even started going to the gym.
  • You’ve started wondering what it might be that you are doing wrong.
  • You’ve been limiting yourself from certain foods and want to see some progress.
  • Now you feel desperate and want to quit.
  • Before that, you want to make a final check on the internet and find an answer to your “failure.”
  • Lucky you, we might have it for you.
  • Let’s take a look at some of the most common mistakes that you might be making that prevent you from losing weight:

Reasons for not losing weight

  1. Overeating


  • The most common reason for the scale to stay at the same place or even go up might be that you are overeating.
  • “But I’ve been on a diet the last two weeks; that’s impossible.”
  • This is a common trap that new beginners fall for.
  • Even though you started eating “healthier,” it doesn’t mean that you will lose weight.
  • The primary condition to lose weight is for you to be in a calorie deficit.
  • What this means is that you have to burn MORE calories than you consume.
  • Sure, you may have started making healthier food choices, but are you sure you are eating the right amount?
  • If the answer is no, you might be consuming more calories than you burn, which means you are NOT GOING TO LOSE WEIGHT.


  1. Drinking too much 

Drinking too much Alcohol

  •  is not only famous for its delicate taste and scent. actually has hidden calories… Which are quite a lot, and EMPTY!
  • You’ve read that right. One gram of ethanol has seven calories.
  • Now, if you do the equation, if you drink two beers for the night, that’s around 450 calories extra for the day.
  • 450 calories, out of which ZERO go towards constructive processes like the calories you get from other foods.


Need we say more?

  1. High Stress

High Stress

  • Being overburdened by work, chores, meeting deadlines has a price.
  • When your cortisol levels rise, you might experience difficulties in doing specific tasks such as focusing.
  • What do you think happens with your body when it’s being put into an enormous amount of stress?
  • Even if you are training and following a proper diet, your performance will suffer if you have a high amount of stress.
  • You won’t lose any weight, and you may experience other problems such as headaches, tiredness, lack of concentration, muscle cramps.
  • Most importantly, high levels of stress may lead to emotional eating which gets you even further from your weight loss goals.
  • Fix your mind before you take care of your body!
  1. Decreased Physical Activity


  • Not enough physical activity can slow down the process of losing weight.
  • In fact, it might even stop the whole process.
  • Even if you are already hitting the gym a couple of times a week, your physical activity might still not be sufficient for your goals.
  • If you are the type of person that goes by car to the office, then to the gym, and comes back home, then guess what, you lack physical activity!
  • When was the last time you checked how many steps have you made during the day?
  • If you are not even close to 8-10k, then you have something to work on!


Some valuable tips for making more steps:


  • Park as far from the supermarket as possible
  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Take a quick 10-minute walk after a meal
  • Walk to the office if possible
  • Implement some cardio in your program


  1. Not Giving Your Program Enough Time


  • Sometimes, getting obsessed with the scale might have the opposite effect.
  • It’s an excellent thing to scale yourself every day; however, some people feel bad if they see the scale has gone up.
  • Most of the time, that’s water retention. So, for example, that can happen if you’ve consumed more salt or carbs on the previous day.
  • However, after seeing that, you may panic, and the chance you start binging on food because “everything is lost” is high.
  • Give yourself enough time and strictly follow the plan that your coach has created for you.
  • You will only see the benefit if you are dedicated enough.
  • Don’t give up that easily, and don’t let a scale scare you from achieving your goals.

Takeaway message

  • The most important factor for losing weight is for you to be in a calories deficit.
  • Being put under pressure raises our stress levels, which may slow down the process of losing weight.
  • Being physically active is vital for maintaining overall health and losing weight.
  • Be patient, find something sustainable that feels seamless, and the results won’t be late!
  • Don’t create mental resistance on your way to a better body composition.


Quality Of Life

Quality Of Life

Quality Of Life

  • What Exactly Is It And How To Work On Achieving And Bettering It
  • Today’s world is very different from country to country and even city to city.
  • Depending on where we are, our interests, aspirations and ideologies vary, and that’s normal.
  • This is also true for what we strive for and what makes us happy.
  • Overall, however, most people want to be healthy, have all the necessary comfort, and do what they want, when they want, as long as it’s beneficial for them and their loved ones.
  • Some of these things depend on the individual while others on the society they’re a part of.
  • With that in mind, people often compare their happiness to that of others.
  • There are a few ways in which it’s common to compare how good our lives are, both as individuals and as a group, and the most common one is, well, the quality of life!

What Is Quality Of Life Exactly?


Quality of life is a highly subjective measure of one’s happiness.

It includes but is not limited to health, overall satisfaction, ability to do the things one loves, status, income, emotional wisdom, and more.

It does not have a specific measure (like a standard of living, which is calculated by income), but most people use emotional well-being (for day-to-day experiences) and life evaluation (for overall perception and opinion on one’s life).

There is a lot of controversy about how happiness should be calculated not only because of its individuality, but because of the current events in one’s life when asked how happy they are.

That’s why people with terminal illnesses, for example, may report better quality of life than those who recently had a fight.

Because of this, most people tend to compare happiness based on countries – that way, both situations are in similar quantities, and more importantly, the things that don’t depend on the individual are the same for everyone (think of healthcare, education, environment, etc.).

According to the statistics, the countries with the best quality of life are Canada, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, and Australia.

It’s a common saying that happiness is contagious, and it makes sense that this effect can be seen in the happiest places, but this doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t strive for it even if they’re not from the countries mentioned above.

How And Why To Improve It?


  • Many people don’t focus too much on what makes them happy, both short and long term, or how they can change their circumstances for the better, which is why they struggle with balancing the many different aspects of life.
  • The most important thing is always to ask yourself if something makes you happy and why, and then how you can keep it, better it, or change it.
  • Once you have answered those seemingly simple questions, you will have the right focus and can start improving your quality of life.
  • Even though happiness is subjective, the fundamentals for most people are the same – health and comfort, loving relationships, work-life balance, keeping hobbies and finding new ones, etc.
  • Here it’s important to mention that countries with good healthcare, education, and housing, usually have a better overall quality of life.
  • Striving for a nicer, happier life is maybe the best direction one can aim for, but that must not be done through a mindset of lack of happiness.
  • By positively changing your life you impact your perception and that of others, ultimately making the world as a whole a better place.
  • Evaluating and improving the quality of life is essential to living your own truth and making your world what you want.
  • Although not everything is under your control, it’s important to try and make a change in the things that are.
  • By looking at different aspects of your day-to-day experiences and life as a whole, you can find parts of yourself you would want to pay more attention to or appreciate more.
  • Self-reflection and realization are processes often connected with understanding one’s quality of life, and we believe they’re one of the most valuable things one can do both for themselves and their close ones.
  • Even though happiness is subjective, truly understanding yours and investing in it is always a good idea.
  • So we encourage you to stop living a life of patterns and start focusing on always learning more and improving your quality of life,
what is a prenatal massage

what is a prenatal massage

what is a prenatal massage

Why a massage is nice for pre and post-natal women

Prenatal massage has a variety of therapeutic effects on pregnant women. Massage is not only good to the mother, but it is also advantageous to the baby inside the mother’s womb. Through Prenatal Massage treatment, a skilled massage therapist may give a lot of comfort to pregnant women. They are skilled in dealing with mothers to be and post-natal mums and are able to provide a lot of support and complete comfort.

Pregnancy massages help to calm and relax the mother’s nervous system. This can help them sleep better at night, which is critical for both the mother’s and the baby’s health. Some women feel mental anxiety and stress during pregnancy, which can be alleviated by pregnancy massage and further enhanced by a kind and caring supportive therapist.

Pregnancy massages help

Most physicians advise women to get a relaxing prenatal massage since it will keep them well and comfortable and minimise the risks of complications after birth. Pregnancy massages are classified into two types: labour massages and postnatal massages. The labour massage may be highly beneficial to mums who are expecting their children soon, and as they enter labour. They have a fantastic calming impact on them. This is done on the pregnant woman when she is lying on one side in a reclined position. She can also lie down slightly on her tummy – very gently –  if she has a pregnancy pillow below it.

Most physicians advise women

It is usually recommended to play calming music in the background to relieve tension in the mother’s mind, which will assist her in enduring the pain and expedite the birth. Special prenatal massage treatments are also necessary after the delivery, throughout the postpartum phase. This assists the women in regaining their body form. Massages can be carried at any time during the pregnancy but usually just to avoid any complex situations its best to wait until at least the 2nd month, or even 2nd trimester. Massages before and after pregnancy improve skin suppleness and reduce muscle stress and pain.

If the mother is suffering from postnatal depression, the pregnancy massages will most likely assist her in recovering and bonding with the baby. It would help if the mother has sought any necessary medical counsel before pursuing prenatal or post-natal massage treatment because it depends on the mother’s physical state whether she would benefit from it or not.

Expectant mothers frequently experience unique mental and physical alterations due to a rise in body weight, a change in hormone balance, and a shift in posture. They also feel pressure on their knees, feet and back. Prenatal massage therapy treatments frequently assist patients in overcoming these unpleasant pregnancy symptoms.

Prenatal massage and other pregnancy massages frequently alleviate severe back discomfort and ache in the neck and shoulders. Massage methods are also used to relieve discomfort in the pelvic region. This massage also improves blood circulation and digestive power. Massage during pregnancy increases skin suppleness, which decreases stretch marks.


So if you want to have more peace and calm, feel more supple, less aches and pains, and help avoid stretch marks, maybe pre and post-natal massage could be for you. Please ensure you consult a fully qualified pregnancy masseur.


Blessings and happy pregnancy

New year resolutions for fitness

New year resolutions for fitness

New year resolutions for fitness

Hey, how are those fitness resolutions going?

It’s been quite some time since January 1st, and I’m sure that you’re feeling great about the new year and the opportunities it brought.

But how many of us have actually stuck to our fitness goals for more than a week or two?

How many managed to maximize our physical development results?

If the answer is “not me,” then this blog post is for you.

The new year is right around the corner so if you want to optimize your progress and smash your new year’s resolutions way before the new year even started, keep reading this as we give you our best tips to get you through to your goals.

#1 Plan Ahead


If you think about it, fitness is quite predictable, especially if you have a specific, well-thought-out plan of action.

So before you rush into doing the things you have to do to improve physically and mentally, you have to, well, know what you’re doing!

Think about the end results you want to achieve in the upcoming year and build your plan accordingly.

This would entail careful optimization of physical activity and nutrition so if you are a newbie in this regard, your best bet is to hire a professional trainer/coach/nutritionist, who can help you figure out what’s best for YOU.

#2 Find Quality Food Sources


In the fitness world, it’s all about quality over quantity so if you plan on achieving a great physique and fitness goals in the next year, your nutrition should be of top priority.

You have to know what foods are going to help you get there faster while minimizing any negative effects or sacrifices along the way.

There is a lot of theory regarding healthy nutrition, but if we had to get it down to a couple of bullet points, here’s how it would look like:

  1. Derive sufficient essential nutrients (Proteins & fats) from quality sources (foods from well-raised animals)
  2. Avoid processed foods, focus on whole foods
  3. Drink plenty of water
  4. Eat sequentially (first carbs & veggies, then proteins and fats)

#3 Get A Training Buddy

Odds are that at least one of your closest friends has also set fitness goals, meaning that, well you have someone like-minded close to you!

Share your resolutions with friends and get yourself a training buddy!

In doing so, you can open ground for accountability and exchange of information about training and nutrition.

Last but not least, sharing healthy habits with a close friend can create a strong bond that lasts a life time!

#4 Monitor & Adjust

Even if you do hire a professional to create tailored training and nutrition plans, you must keep in mind that nothing works forever.

Throughout your fitness journey, you must track your progress and adjust the plan as needed.

This is the exact reason why, in working with a professional, you should also consider regular check-ins and weekly consultations, besides the creation of specific fitness plans.

#5 Start A New Activity


Fitness training and good nutrition are just two fundamentals for your new year’s resolutions.

The next chapter of your fitness starts when you realize how much more than that you can do with your body and mind.

In the new year, choose a new, fun activity to engage in and stay consistent with!

Feel the joy of using your body for a variety of activities – Training isn’t just weights and cardio!

To Wrap It Up

The time has come to make a new year’s fitness resolution. The question is, what are you going to do for your health this year?

For many people, it’s easy because they already have an idea of where their challenges lie and the changes they need to make in order to get healthier.

But if that doesn’t apply to you then don’t worry!

If you’ve never set foot into a gym before or barely know anything about any kind of exercise routine, reach out to us and we’ll get you started on your resolutions!