How to be organized at home

How to be organized at home

How to be organized at home

Little Things That Help You Stay On Top Of Your Game

We’ve all had those days when our organizational skills seem to have just wandered off somewhere.

It’s like they have decided to take a holiday, leaving us with just pieces of plans, which often makes us feel powerless.

These days are completely normal and happen to everyone from time to time.

After all, we can’t always be perfect… Right?

However, if you have more trouble organizing your day-to-day life than you would like to, it may start hindering your overall experience and feelings.

If you’re having trouble staying organized, keep reading as we provide valuable tips and tricks on becoming more structured, organized, and orderly in your day-to-day tasks!

Without further ado, let’s jump right into the topic with the first and most important tip!

#1 Give Yourself The Best


First things first – before you start working on the parts of yourself you want to improve, you have to make sure that you’re covering all of your basic needs and desires.

Changing habits or making new ones is always tricky, and it can turn out to be almost impossible if you aren’t providing your body with what it needs in the first place.

Things like getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and sustaining a proper balance between work and social life may seem like they don’t have a lot in common with improving your organizational skills, but that’s not true.

If you have all of your basic needs covered you will be able to focus on your more complicated aspirations.

This is the only way to ensure that you will have the energy you need to improve and actually start working.

Start from yourself.

#2 Write Everything Down


  • Next up, we suggest you keep a journal where you write down your responsibilities, ideas, and even tasks you’ve completed
  • Having everything in one place makes it easier for you to keep track of your next move.
  • You can do this digitally or on paper. Both have their merits. A digital itinerary means that you can easily alter, add or remove events and their specifics.
  • However, if you have a more classical approach, writing everything down may be the better option for you.
  • It’s worth noting here that writing everything down pen on paper does wonders for the brain.
  • If you have done it, you know that it brings a sense of peacefulness when you see your plans written down in your own handwriting.
  • Even more so, some people find the action of writing itself incredibly therapeutic.
  • Regardless of which of the options you choose to go for, the core benefits of keeping a journal are the same – Everything is in one place, which makes forgetting something improbable, and allows you to structure your days more effortlessly.

#3 Reward Time


Another idea is to implement some sort of reward system for yourself. Things are best learned through positive reinforcement, so try and think of little ways to make yourself feel good when you manage to keep to your schedule. For instance, every time you organize a part of your day or stick to a premade plan, you give yourself a small gift – it can be anything from enjoying a piece of chocolate to watching an episode of your favorite show.

Another option, if there’s something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, is to give yourself a point after each achievement – gather enough points, and you receive the reward. It can be something like purchasing a new phone or traveling somewhere for a few days – pretty much any big thing you know you’d enjoy but also want to feel like you’ve earned it.

Through this method, you can start teaching your mind that organization is a positive instead of a tedious concept and that if you follow your own rules and are consistent about them, you can achieve whatever you want to.

#4 Share With Loved Ones

  • Finally, you can start sharing your adventures with friends and family.
  • After you’re sure that you’ve made a positive change and are more organized, you can start sharing your newly learned skills with other people.
  • Make some plans together or maybe even be the one responsible for organizing a bunch of your friends.
  • Most things are more fun if you involve the ones you love, and by being organized, you can do so with ease.
  • Taking the initiative and planning something for you and the people you’re close to is a surefire way to show your appreciation for them and maybe even surprise them with a plan for something you both have been dying to do.
  • As a bonus, organizing something like this yourself assures you that your hard work was worth it, making you even more confident in the future.

Final Thoughts

  • Organizational skills are essential regardless of what your job and social life are.
  • Being able to rely solely on yourself for your plans gives you freedom as nothing else does.
  • Being a good organizer also boosts your self-esteem.
  • Not to mention, the opinion others have of you will surely benefit from this change, too!
  • Maybe the best part of having good organizational skills is that you will be able to fill your days to the brim with things you love to do.

So… Start. Now!

How does art connect us

How does art connect us

Connecting With Different Types Of Art

What Should You Try Next And Why It’s Important To Keep Exploring

How does art connect us

Art has been a part of our lives for millennia. The first artwork ever made was of outlines of hands in 290 000 BCE in Indonesia (at least from what we know and have found thus far!)

  • That shows how innate it is for us to use our imagination and create something.
  • Different types of art later started developing alongside our intelligence and technology.
  • These included music, theatre, paintings, books, all the way to movies and games in recent decades.
  • But how can you connect with art, yourself and what impact can this have on your life?Let’s find out!


The Different Types Of Art

  • Art is a word that evokes many different ideas, images and emotions. It can be defined as the expression of human creative skill in visual form.
  • Art may take the form of a painting, drawing, sculpture or other media such as a film, for example.
  • There are many different types of art to explore and enjoy- from abstract to figurative work, from modern to traditional, from highbrow to lowbrow.
  • The following paragraphs will introduce you to the different types of art that represent various artistic mediums and genres.
  • And so are you ready to find the type of art that most resonates with YOUR soul?

Let’s go!

Visual Art


This first type of art refers to many different visual forms of art, ranging from paintings to sculptures, but not only.

  • You can find some unbelievable ideas being brought to life through this medium.
  • Go to big and small exhibitions, attend gallery openings, and search for small coffee shops that have a defined look because of the art hanging on the walls.
  • It’s a vast area of exploration that offers some amazing stuff, both for your eyes and the soul!
  • Also, try to discover your local artists and support their work. It makes you a part of a community filled to the brim with exciting people!
  • Finally, if you want, try creating something yourself – it’s one of the easiest ways to rest and get in touch with yourself.
  • Because after all, art is not just something to enjoy with your senses, but a medium to self-expression, too.



  • Oh, where would the world be without music, eh?
  • We all have a specific music taste, and getting to hear your favorite artists live is an experience like no other.
  • With that in mind, try to go to world festivals, be a part of the thousands of people that attended the concert of their lifetime, but also, don’t forget to cherish your local scene, too!
  • Many of the artists you love wouldn’t be who they are if they didn’t have the support from their local fans.
  • You can find some great musicians that are more underground and know that by supporting them, you helped them rise up.
  • If you really have a passion for music, try playing an instrument as well – even if you don’t become a musician yourself, playing something for the first time is still a pleasant experience.




  • This is one of the most ancient arts, and for a good reason. Many actors in movies started in theatre, and they’re still a part of some plays because they love it so much.
  • Plays both in your language and by other authors, as well as classics have their merit.
  • It’s also enjoyable to go to the plays of university students because they have a new approach to most characters and an immense passion for what they’re doing.
  • You’ll encounter some stories that cannot be read or seen in a different medium, which adds uniqueness to the experience itself.
  • You can even do some acting exercises if you want, because most of them are simple but very fun.


  • Reading is a timeless hobby and one that has a lot of benefits. You can start small by reading some short stories and see where you end up from there.
  • If you can, it’s also exciting to read in different languages, because it brings a new appreciation of the language or you can read translations of authors from other countries.
  • Here it’s also essential to support your local scene, so get some books of local authors, seeing as they will probably be highly relatable.
  • If you want, you can keep a journal of what you’ve read or maybe even a storybook of your very own ideas.


  • We all watch movies, and it’s never a bad idea to keep this hobby.
  • You can try international movie festivals to see some more experimental titles or watch films made in your own country.
  • Blockbuster titles are also sometimes excellent and are always a good point for comparison.
  • If you’re a real movie buff, you can try thinking of a story and a script on your own or maybe some reviews and essays on your favorite shows and films.


  • Gaming is taking up the world by storm, and for a good reason – it manages to mix pretty much all types of art.
  • You can try playing some triple-A titles and see how much technology has improved, or you can try some indie games and see an entirely different approach to gaming, which is usually filled with an extraordinary amount of passion.
  • If that’s not your cup of tea, you can swing for some tabletop games and play with your friends and family.
  • This medium is so big and fascinating that it’s pretty much impossible not to like something.
  • If you’re feeling creative you can think of new games or different ways to use some tried and tested mechanics.

The Benefits Of Exploration

  • By getting in contact with different types of art, you constantly find other points of view and ways of thinking, reacting, and feeling.
  • Art has been a part of our world in all its forms because sometimes, to create is simply a need.
  • Exploring different perceptions keeps you connected with people from all walks of life.
  • Trying to make art yourself develops your creativity which is a big part of our intelligence and broadens your physical and mental abilities.
  • A cultured person’s overall quality of life is often much higher than that of people who have no interest in art.
  • This is because creating and exploring stimulates our brain, broadens our perspective, and makes us feel, thus instigating positive changes in pretty much every corner of our lives.
  • Getting in touch with art also deepens existing interests, which helps us become more knowledgeable of topics we care about.

Final Thoughts

  • Art, in general keeps life curious and inspiring.
  • Whether you’re exploring the most cutting-edge and innovative artists or sticking to classics, you will undoubtedly find something you love.
  • By trying to create art yourself, you are letting your creativity flow and in a way allowing yourself to be a kid again, which is never a bad feeling.
  • With all the business of our lives, it’s essential to have something that helps you relax and keep you interested and motivated to explore the world.
  • So why not try something new, why not see that movie, go to this gallery or listen to that musician?
  • Why not even try to create something yourself?
  • So go ahead then, get in touch with art!
Magnetic attraction between two people

Magnetic attraction between two people

Attracting The Right People

Your Uniqueness Is Your Strongest Quality

We all know that relationships are a massive part of our lives.

Family, friends, love interests – we deem these people so important we often identify ourselves through them.

That’s not to say this is a bad thing seeing as they have a sizable influence on each of us, both as we grow up and when we’re adults.

The people we surround ourselves with can make or break not just our daily mood, but how we view the world in its entirety, as well.

These are just some of the few reasons people are so important for each of us, but one question remains a mystery for many people – How do you attract the people who are right for you?

Let’s find out!

Get To Know Yourself First


You can’t know if something is good for you if you don’t know who you are and what you want.

To make sure you understand yourself on a level where you’ll have the correct opinion of other people, you need to know the answers to a few questions about yourself first.


  • What qualities do you appreciate and look for both in other people and yourself?


  • What are your ideologies concerning certain essential subjects and the world as a whole?


  • What character traits do you want to improve and some that you won’t let change?


  • What do you look for in relationships, and what are you bringing to the table?

Some of these may not be as easy to answer as others, but all of them are equally important to find the right people for you and maintain the relationships you build.

Start from yourself.


Reduce The Negativity Around You


This is certainly easier said than done, but that shouldn’t discourage you, really.

Whichever way we turn it, we don’t have an unlimited amount of time, and negativity in any form is at the very least a waste of it.

This, however, can be a great motivator to start enjoying life more and work on making every day better for you and the people you cherish.

An easy way to start is by questioning whether a specific action or person is making you feel okay in this exact moment and in general – by evaluating an exact situation, you have a clearer perspective on what the thing in question brings you.

From that point on, all you have to do is stay true to your feelings – this might be difficult but is worth it in the end.

Be honest about what you’re thinking and feeling, and make sure the person opposite you understands you correctly.

By removing some of the negative emotions in your life, you have more time to dedicate to your ambitions, plans, and current experiences.


Embrace Your Quirks

This is where the magic happens.

Everyone’s unique, and everyone has their own amazing individual thoughts, emotions, and traits, which is precisely why life is so colorful in the first place!

By staying true to what you love and embracing what you want to become, you are pushing to make your dreams a reality and attracting like-minded people in the process.

Think of this – you have undoubtedly found it impressive when people are genuine to themselves.

This is exactly because they’re unapologetic about who they are and what they believe in and build their very own paths in life.

Sure they might be weird from time to time, but they’re honest, and because of that, you can always trust them and their actions, which is valid for their opinion and feelings for the people they surround themselves with.

Accepting and acting the way you actually want to is a complicated process, but it’s what turns you into the person you aspire to be and that, by definition, surrounds you with the right type of people.


Start Looking!


Once you have all this down, this final step is actually surprisingly easy.

You can start interacting with people that have similar interests to you and make new relationships from there.

Hobbies are great for many reasons, and this is one of them – going dancing, enjoying a sport, or wine-tasting are all social activities and most likely filled with people just like you.

And the best part is once you’re honest about what you want, you waste no time in anything short of just right.

Sure, relationships can sometimes be difficult, and building new ones may sound a bit intimidating at first, but it only gets better once you start.


Key Message

Finding the social circle that’s right for you will undoubtedly make your life much more happy and easy while also helping you turn into who you aim to be.

By being true to yourself, you let everyone around you know who you are and what you’re looking for.

Attracting the type of people you want happens only when you’re honest, and that honesty is exactly the reason behind the magnetism itself.

With all of this being said, we believe it’s high time you go out into the world and indulge in your uniqueness and liveliness – the right people for you will be there to cheer you on!

Benefits of apples

Benefits of apples

Benefits of apples

Apples - Crunch Your Way to Health

There’s no easier way to add a dose of nutrition to your day than by crunching on a tasty apple. You probably first experienced its delightful flavour as a baby, when apple sauce introduced you to real food. And now, whether it’s a Granny Smith, a McIntosh, or a Red Delicious, you think of apples as old friends. Grown throughout the world, apples are high in fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They’re fat-free, cholesterol-free, and low in sodium. In short, eating apples is a smart part of a healthy lifestyle.

6 ways apples keep you healthy

Regulates your day.

You don’t have to worry about staying regular anymore. Whether your problem is visiting the bathroom too often or not often enough, apples can help.


A British researcher, Dr. D.P Burkitt, believes one of the easiest ways to prevent all sorts of illnesses, is to avoid constipation. He calls the diseases caused by chronic constipation “pressure diseases.” Appendicitis, diverticular diseases, haemorrhoids, hiatal hernias, and even varicose veins can all be caused by straining to pass small, hard stools.


Just one apple with its skin contains 4 to 5 grams of fibre – the most important nutrient in keeping your bowels working like a well-oiled machine. Keeping yourself regular without relying on harmful laxatives could be as easy as replacing that afternoon snack of potato chips or cookies with a crisp, delicious apple. And think of the calories you’ll save. The average apple has about 80 calories while a serving of chips weighs in at 150 calories and you’ll get about 200 from just a few cookies.


But that’s not all apples can do. They’re also good for diarrhoea, thanks to an ingredient called pectin. This carbohydrate has a congealing effect in your intestines that helps firm things up and return you to normal. Apple sauce is actually the best apple product for diarrhoea, since it’s made without the high.-fibre skin. But watch out for extra sugar. Some brands of apple sauce dump a truckload of sweeteners into an otherwise healthy food, and too much refined sugar could make your diarrhoea worse.


Keeps your body young.

Keeps your body young.

By now you know antioxidants can protect you from many of the diseases that seem to be a part of aging. In fact, so many people are taking supplements for antioxidant protection that it’s become a multibillion-dollar industry. But the evidence is mounting that whole foods can do more for you than pills.


When scientists compared a 1,500-milligram vitamin C supplement to one small apple, the results were astounding – the antioxidant values were equal. That means a fresh apple has more than 15 times the antioxidant power of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C. And that’s just for starters. The researchers also found an ordinary apple was able to stop the growth of colon and liver cancer cells in test tubes. Unpeeled apples were especially effective. The question you need to ask yourself is: Why waste money on flavourless supplements when you can get better antioxidant firepower from a sweet, crunchy fruit?

Cuts your risk of heart disease. Sometimes it’s hard to remember which food is good for which part of your body. The next time you pick up an apple, examine it carefully. It’s shaped a bit like a heart – and that should help you remember apples are good for your heart.


It’s the magnesium and potassium in apples that help regulate your blood pressure and keep your heart beating steadily, and it’s the flavonoid quercetin, a naturally occurring antioxidant, that protects your artery walls from damage and keeps your blood flowing smoothly.


In fact, adding flavonoid-rich foods like apples to your diet has been scientifically confirmed to lower your risk of heart disease. There’s proof of this in a study of Japanese women who ate foods high in quercetin. They were less likely to get coronary heart disease than other women and they had lower levels of total and LDL, or bad, cholesterol.


Strikes at the heart of strokes.

Apples are even a smart choice for helping avoid strokes. Scientists aren’t sure which ingredient in this multi-talented fruit to credit, but the connection is clear – people who regularly eat apples are less likely to have strokes than people who don’t.


Protects your joints.

Protects your joints.

In areas of the world where fruits and vegetables make up a large part of the diet, very few people get arthritis. Compare this to modernised countries where fruits and vegetables have been replaced with fast, processed food and you’ll find up to 70 percent of the population suffers from some form of arthritis. Just a coincidence? Not according to nutrition experts. They link this trend in part to boron, a trace mineral many plants, including apples, absorb from the soil.


If you eat like most people, you’ll get about 1 to 2 milligrams (mg) of boron a day, mostly from non-citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, and nuts. Experts believe; however, you need anywhere from 3 to 10 mg a day to affect your risk of arthritis. To boost your boron intake to this level, you’d have to eat more than nine apples a day.


This is probably an unreasonable amount for most people, and wouldn’t be advised…but don’t despair. Pair an apple with other boron-rich foods like a few tablespoons of peanut butter and a large handful of raisins, and you’ll not only have a delicious afternoon snack, but you’ll make your joint-saving quota of boron at the same time.


Helps you breathe deeply.

Your lungs are assaulted every day by cigarette smoke ( even other peoples) , air pollution, pollen, and other air-borne nasties.

On top of that perhaps you suffer from asthma, emphysema, or similar lung condition. If all you want to do is take a deep breath, then grab an apple.

A five-year study of more than 2,500 men from Wales found those who ate five or more apples per week were able to fill their lungs with more air than men who didn’t eat apples.


Experts believe you might be getting some special protection from the antioxidant quercetin. Unfortunately, eating apples can’t reverse a lung condition you already have, but you just might add a new line of defence against further damage.


Pantry pointers

Buy apples that are unbruised, firm, and have good colour. Take them out of their plastic bag and store them in your refrigerator – loose in the produce bin or in a paper bag is best. And since they will absorb odours, keep them away from strong-smelling foods like garlic and onions.



Allergy to Whey Protein

Allergy to Whey Protein

Allergy and intolerance to Dairy and Whey Protein – maybe you need a functional nutritionist?

There are some people who develop allergies to dairy and therefore to any product containing milk or milk proteins or sugars.

Intolerance is slightly different, where one may be lactose intolerant and find it difficult to digest or absorb the product or get undesirable symptoms if it were taken, but this is quite different to an allergy where one should avoid the product all together.

Such cases usually start during infancy and studies have recorded that there are 2-3% of babies who are allergic to milk. However, in some cases babies have a high tendency to outgrow it upon reaching a certain age, although there are some who are better to steer clear from milk all their lives.

dairy product

One such dairy product that some of us are either allergic to, or have an intolerance to is whey protein.

What causes this allergy to whey protein or any other milk forms? Health experts claim that the allergy is the response of the body’s immune system to one or several proteins primarily found in the cow’s milk. And since casein and whey are the two major components of cow’s milk, some people develop a particular allergy to whey protein. This is basically due to the inability of the body to break up the sugar lactose in milk.

Allergy to whey protein can directly affect and cause distress in the digestive system, and other parts of the body such as the skin and the person’s airways. It can also lead to loose bowel movement and can pose a very serious life threat in some rare cases. When a person has an allergy to whey protein or other milk products, they often suffer characteristic systems such as irritability, abdominal pain and vomiting, recurrent wheezing and skin rashes.  People who are extremely allergic to milk should be extra careful on taking any types of food produce. This is because milk is basically present in many types of food, even when you least expect it. They should be diligent enough to thoroughly read the labels and determine if the particular product contains any allergen and then avoid it.

Some nutritionists have recommended nondairy products as the primary alternative to milk and whey protein products. However, by entirely eliminating milk in the diet could mean the possibility for some, of suffering from calcium deficiency, which would trigger a host of health complications. Lactose intolerants should therefore be encouraged to eat more green leafy vegetables and seafood since they are excellent alternative sources of calcium. Vitamin D should also be included in the diet since it is an established fact that calcium will not be properly absorbed in the body without it.

Individuals who are lactose intolerants and allergic to whey products are often faced with a number of difficulties and it can be particularly stressful. This is mainly because they will not enjoy the freedom of eating certain foods like other people do. The best thing to do is to train them to get used to simple diet changes but at the same time ensure that all the dietary requirements are sufficiently met. Luckily these days there are many plant based alternatives for many dairy products and they are more often than not fortified with the required nutrients so missing out on favourite foods or nutrition should not be necessary.

One of the bigger questions may be why does one person become allergic to something while another is perfectly fine? Why does one get a mild intolerance, yet another must not touch it at all fr fear of a dangerous reaction?

We are all very individual in our genetic make-up and composition and lifestyle.

composition and lifestyle.

If you have any strange symptoms or are worried that you may be intolerant or allergic to dairy or in fact any food, its always best to consult a trained nutritionist, dietician or functional doctor, naturopath or a practitioner in functional nutrition. These skilled practitioners can carefully help you pin point exactly why you function the way you do whenever you eat something particular. This can help you learn about yourself, your habits and lifestyle and maybe even find the root cause of the issue and, if not eliminate it altogether, help you to ease the problem considerably.