How Does Caffeine Work

How Does Caffeine Work

How Does Caffeine Work & Training Performance

In a world broadly influenced by fitness and nutrition, the search for ingredients that improve performance is something that will never stop. But even though many new companies can try and sell you on new, promising products, there are a handful of substances that have been proven to work time and again.

When it comes to improving athletic performance, caffeine has been one of the most used ingredients.

But How Does Caffeine Work?

Globally, caffeine is one of the most consumed stimulants, due to its innate ability to boost mood and energy levels. However, oftentimes this stimulant is used in all the wrong ways, as the modern-day way of life is unnatural and you need energy when you’re supposed to sleep.

There is a compound called “adenosine” that builds up throughout the day and when it binds to certain receptors, it has a unique effect – The mind & the body relax, leading to a feeling of drowsiness. And well, if you want to avoid that in a situation where you need to be active and alert, coffee seems to be the answer!

In the brain, caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors which makes you feel more alert, making it a perfect choice. Now, though the mental fog will fall off when caffeine starts peaking in your blood, this clear focus is just one aspect of training performance. Additionally, caffeine ramps up your central nervous system which is perhaps why it is proven to enhance both strength & endurance performance.

Recommended Doses

If you’ve had a good cup of coffee followed by a workout, you know what we’re talking about when we say that caffeine really is effective at enhancing athletic performance.

However, due to its nature, you can easily go overboard and experience unpleasant side effects, such as:

  1. High blood pressure
  2. Dizziness
  3. Headache

For this reason, you should stay away or at least be careful with products that contain high concentrations of caffeine and always stay below the maximum recommended daily intake.

For most individuals, 200-350 mg of caffeine per day would be normal and would not lead to any side effects – This is the equivalent of about 3 cups of coffee, or 1 dose of a stim-based pre-workout supplement.

Which Products Contain Caffeine?

Which Products Contain Caffeine

Though caffeine is mostly associated with coffee, it can actually be found in a variety of other natural products, such as:

  • Yerba mate
  • Tea leaves
  • Guarana

Nevertheless, coffee is one of the most accessible and abundant sources of caffeine, so you can primarily focus on finding quality grains! If you don’t do that, well, someone else will and then you’ll see an advertisement for the newest, most effective stimulant-based supplements!

This is due to the fact that caffeine is put at the core of many stimulant-based fitness supplements, such as:

Energy drinks

  1. Energy drinks
  2. Pre-workout products
  3. Isolated caffeine tablets

These are the products that can make it more likely for you to go overboard with the intake, so don’t abuse these supplements and stay safe! Ultimately, your best bet would be to have a solid cup of coffee, at least an hour before your workout.

That way, blood caffeine levels will peak right in the middle of your workout, granting energy and focus for superhuman performance!

Building A Garage Gym Part 1

Building A Garage Gym Part 1

Building A Garage Gym Part 1

The Pros & Cons Of Having Your Own Training Spot If you’re like me, you probably love going to the gym but hate having to wait in line for a machine or, even worse – The bench press on a Monday.

And, if you’re REALLY like me, you’d probably rather avoid paying the massive membership fees at an elite gym. So what’s the solution? Build your own garage gym! In time, it’s cheaper than paying all membership fees, and it’s a great way to get fit in your own home.

Plus, there’s no need to worry about crowded gyms when you have your own private workout space. In this two-part article series, we’ll cover everything you need to know about home gyms – Pros, cons, and what equipment you need!

The Advantages

Let’s be honest. We’ve all had the thought of a garage gym – It just sounds awesome! And well, truth be told, there are probably too many advantages to it. This is perhaps what pushes many people to build their own gyms. So without further ado, let’s have a look at the biggest advantages of home/garage gyms.

#1 ‘Merica-Like Freedom

Merica-Like Freedom

As we’ve mentioned, we all know the struggle – You hype yourself up on a Monday to go for a push day, only for the bench press to be overtaken by five other dudes. Certainly, waiting for all of them is not just distressing but also robs you of your quality pumps due to the significantly longer rest times.

And while longer rest times may mean better performance, being independent and free in your training space is a must. This is where home gyms shine because they allow you to calculate your rest times precisely and not have to load/unload the bar for someone else. The most that can happen is for your wife/husband to share the bar with you, in which case you can be nothing but proud.

#2 No Distractions

No Distractions

If you are like me, every time you go to the gym, you are in THE zone and are focused solely on your workout. After all, this is why we put headphones on – To zone ourselves out of any and every distraction. But well, the truth is that oftentimes, we’ll encounter distractions at the gym, whether we want it or not.

For instance, there will be at least one guy, every now and then, who asks how many sets you have left, only to keep talking for 5 minutes, explaining how he used to squat four plates eight years ago. And guess what? That’s totally NOT the case with a home gym! The only thing that can distract you is, again, your loved one’s gains. 😉

#3 Your Own Playlist

Your Own Playlist

Most times, we go to the gym with headphones on – This is where truly motivating music plays. It is oftentimes that you take the headphones off just to hear the speakers blast some liquid, chillstep.

In such situations, you may often catch yourself drifting away on the bench press. However, if you have a home gym, that changes. A home gym allows you to play whatever music you feel like listening to, at whatever volume you like.

The Disadvantages

All in all, having your own gym is a 95% good idea. However, there are some disadvantages to it, too. For instance, you don’t have as much equipment – Some of your favorite machines will likely be in a lack, and you will mostly focus on free weights.

Another thing is that training all by yourself is quite risky. Why is that? Well, because you don’t really have the chance to get a spotter. This is further accentuated by the fact that we perform at least slightly better in front of other people (regardless of how zen you are and how much you think you do it just for yourself.)

On a third note, we all know that a public gym can create some of your strongest friendships or even a relationship if you’re lucky enough to get into one with your gym crush. Last but not least, gym equipment is quite expensive, so for many of us, it will take quite some time to create a gym that meets most of our training needs.

Final Thoughts

In the end, building a home/garage gym is a worthwhile project that can yield some great results. A garage gym is not only your personal space but also a place you can go to get away from all of life’s distractions and focus on whatever you need to accomplish with your body in an hour or two.

But with this in mind, another question pops up: What equipment do you actually need for a home gym?
And well, this is exactly the question we’re going to answer in part two of this article series, so stay tuned with us!

Muscle building Nutrition | Part 1 – Let’s Talk Calories

Muscle building Nutrition | Part 1 – Let’s Talk Calories

Muscle building Nutrition | Part 1 – Let’s Talk Calories

There are 2 important aspects to focus on when the task at hand is to build as much quality muscle as possible. The first aspect is training and the second aspect is nutrition, the latter of which is closely linked to nutrition. Quite simply, if you don’t focus on giving your body all the nutrients it needs to recover from the vigorous, muscle-building workouts, you will gain less muscle.

In this series of articles, we’ll tell you more about the important nutritional considerations to take into account when trying to build muscle. For this first part of the series, we’ll talk about one of the biggest factors in muscle-building nutrition – Calories.

What Are Calories

Choose Your Carbohydrate Sources

By definition, a “calorie” is a measurement unit, used to measure the amount of energy in the foods that we consume. Each food product has a certain caloric value, which is determined by the ratio of the 3 main macronutrients. Those 3 macronutrients are protein, fats carbs, which have 4, 9, and 4 calories per gram, respectively.

Your caloric intake is important because there is a number of calories that your body requires daily, to sustain healthy functioning of all systems, as well as maintain body weight.

Calories in VS Calories out

The number of calories that your body needs to maintain its weight and healthy functioning is referred to as your “Total daily energy expenditure (TDEE)”.

Your TDEE depends on a number of factors:

  1. Gender
  2. Age
  3. Height
  4. Weight
  5. Non-exercise activity
  6. Exercise activity
  7. Food consumption

The reason why this is important is that if you consume FEWER calories than your TDEE, you will LOSE weight. This is called “eating in a caloric deficit” and the loss in weight happens because the body does not get enough energy from food (hence, deficit). Oppositely, if you consume MORE calories than your TDEE, you will gain weight (this is called “eating in a caloric surplus”)

Now think about it – If you want to BUILD muscle, you can’t make something, out of nothing, right? Even physics can tell you that you cannot create energy, you can just transform it. And guess what, the muscle you’re trying to build actually has quite a solid energy content! In a sense, the extra energy you give the body from food will go towards building that extra muscle on your frame.

This is the exact reason why sports science points out that building muscle is OPTIMIZED when you consume food in a caloric surplus. This begs the question, though…

Can You Build Muscle In a Deficit?

Consider Volume

Is it really that binary? If you eat in a deficit, you will lose fat and if you eat in a surplus, you will gain weight, and there is no in-between. Well, as a matter of fact, it is not really that simple – You can be out of a caloric surplus and still gain muscle. HOWEVER, those gains will simply be SUBOPTIMAL and in this case, we’re looking for something OPTIMAL.

Gaining muscle in a caloric deficit is possible for a couple of groups of people:

  1. People who have a lot of excess fat
  2. Beginner trainees
  3. People who come back to training after a layoff

And so, if you are someone who is just starting out in the gym and has a lot of fat to lose, don’t worry – You can tone up the muscles during your fat loss diet! Nevertheless, advanced trainees should focus on their long, bulking period when food is being consumed in a surplus.

Again, that surplus shouldn’t be too big, as it may lead to excess fat gains. The recommended daily caloric surplus is about 250-300 calories. In doing this and training progressively, you will be able to create the right muscle growth stimulus, while providing the body all it needs to recover and grow stronger.


If you are trying to build muscle but are ignoring your nutrition, you are doing something wrong! Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of your recovery plan, as it technically provides all the important nutrients and energy value, needed to grow your muscles. One of the essential principles of muscle-building nutrition is to eat in a caloric surplus.

In doing so, your muscle growth will be optimized, thus yielding the best results possible. For the next part of this series, we will go over the two essential nutrients that make up a big portion of your caloric intake, namely protein, and fats.

See you in part 2!

Morning Routines for a Successful Day

Morning Routines for a Successful Day

Morning Routines for a Successful Day

Everyone desires a successful day as being successful is one of the humans’ highest wishes, now that we live in a world beyond just survival. While it may seem hard to achieve, it is highly possible, all you need to do is condition your body and mind to do certain things. Your mornings can determine the dynamics of your whole day, which is why it is a good idea to practice the right morning routines. In this guide, we will discuss the morning routines you can use to kickstart your day and make it YOURS!

What does it mean to have a successful day?

successful day

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are all the same except for what is done on each of these days. Yesterday may have been rough, tough, or unpleasant, and today may not be looking good, however, tomorrow can be better depending on what you do TODAY. A successful day isn’t necessarily the one during which you made a lot of money or achieved something amazing.. It is often one which you can look back on and smile because you feel fulfilled and satisfied.

Having a successful day means that all plans made for the day were accomplished and you are fit to progress by looking forward to the next day. A successful day starts with an accomplished morning ritual, as the beginning of the day sets the tone for the remaining part of the day, as we mentioned already.

If your mornings are usually boring, inactive, degrading, the rest of the day will probably carry this vibe on. If your days haven’t really been fulfilling recently, you need to look into the things you do in life and more importantly, in the mornings. On this note, here are four-morning routines for a successful day.

Four Morning Habits For A Successful Day

So what does a morning routine for a successful day really consist of? Well, a set of mental and specific habits, which you too can develop!

Let’s see.

1. Early rise from bed

Early rise from bed

Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction.” Rising early from bed is one of the practices that will enhance a successful day. Since “An early bird gets the worm,” it means that if you want to achieve all your plans for the day, you need to wake up early and get to them – This will help you get everything done quicker, with more ease and earlier, leaving you a window of time for yourself.

Some people get their days messed up because they don’t get up early enough. Getting up early provides you with enough time to prepare for the day, and creates stability for your mind. Furthermore, sunlight governs many processes in the body and the spectrum of light during the earlier hours of the day, close to the sunrise, are highly beneficial for us.

2. See to personal hygiene and immediate chores

A healthy body leads to a healthy and refreshed mind which will lead to high productivity; hence, seeing to personal hygiene is vital. When you are clean from head to toe, your hygiene is taken care of, and your clothes are neat, there’s a sense of calmness that clouds your mind. Being clean prevents you from becoming a nuisance to those around you.

On the other hand, immediate chores such as tidying up where you slept, washing up dirty plates, or putting dirty clothes in the laundry may help with keeping a healthy and organized mind. As above, so below, as within, so without.

3. Warm-up for the day’s activities

Warm-up for the day's activities

To achieve proper wakefulness and prepare yourself for the days’ activity, there is a need to warm up for the day. Warming up includes exercising, meditating, eating breakfast, greeting those around you, watching the morning news, engaging in some light inspirational reading, playing some brain-tasking games, or other activities that keep your mind active.

Remember that as soon as sunrise hits the horizon, you’re bound to get out of the state of drowsiness and into the fully awake and alert state that allows you to seamlessly go through your day.

4. Go through your to-do list

Before sleeping every day, it is advisable to keep a to-do list for the next day. Keeping one helps to plan your day and keep you focused to achieve a successful day. In the morning, go through your to-do list to remind yourself of the things you need to achieve for the day and set new goals if need be!


There are certain habits you can adopt in your morning routine, but in the context of having a fully successful day, you must remember one thing… That is namely the fact that success and happiness are an internal state.

So maintain that state and stay open for more physical and mental growth, progress and wellbeing!

Modern Psychology

Modern Psychology

Modern Psychology

Psychology is a field of discipline that strives to understand the mental activities of individuals/groups. The goal of this field in the modern ear is geared towards improved mental health and wholeness. Like most scientific endeavors, psychology is broadly vast with a different categorization of ranging expertise.

The significance of psychology is golden, bringing us to the clear concept of what psychology is in the modern era.

What is Psychology

Psychodynamic Psychology

Psychology is the study of the human mind and its operational functions. Being scientific in its approach, it tries to probe into the relationship between mental activities and behaviors in any defined context. Also, psychology has a lot to do with the features or attributes possessed by a particular individual or group. Besides that, you can consider psychology as the convergence of both mental and emotional states, and how it controls behaviors.

Notwithstanding, these definitions are relatively limited, as the modern science of psychology has been improved and expounded. The modern science of psychology is broken down into different facets; into seven schools of thought (each composed and categorized with its principle governing theories) which give us an overview into their philosophical comparison for the help of specialization and easy comprehension. These modern schools of thought include:

1.   Biological Psychology (Biopsychology)

Biological Psychology

This facet of psychology deals with the approach that probes into the physiological study of specific mechanisms. This further deals with the degree of influence about neuro-transmitters, and cognitive-behavioral abilities of individuals or groups (how we think, act and feel).

2.   Behavioral Psychology

Behavioral Psychology

Behavioral psychology relies heavily on cultivated behaviors. This aspect of psychology gained much significance in the early part of the twentieth century, and it provides the philosophical framework for how new behaviors are learned, adopted, and reinforced.

Practitioners of mental health make use of behavioral psychology to help their patients in many ways. These include varieties of mental illnesses such as but not limited to Anxiety disorders, Insomnia, Mood disorders, etc.

3.   Cognitive Psychology

This aspect or school of thought in psychology is based on the thought processes of individuals or groups, and how these thought processes largely determine behaviors.

Among many varieties of studies under cognitive psychology includes thought patterns, memory, decision making, and mental complexes. In a nutshell, cognitive psychology generally deals with the entire or collective mentality of an individual or group.

4.   Humanistic Psychology

Humanistic psychology and its philosophy dating back to as far as the 1950’s probes into the influence of motivation, and its mental stronghold on thought patterns and complementary behaviors. Practitioners of this school of thought in psychology are involved in the investigations of norms and values, meaning, human potentials, spirituality, etc, all in the means to understand with a holistic approach, the basis of human existence.

5.   Cross-Cultural Psychology

Just as the name implies, this aspect of psychology is cross-cultural in its approach. It studies how humans behave depending on the variety of cultures. It gives us the philosophical approach on how behaviors can be affected and shaped by either environmental, inherent, or genetic factors. A great example is cases where various cultures impact certain behaviors and the perception of life in general.

6.   Evolutionary Psychology

This school of thought in psychology is associated with the proponent of evolution (alongside its theories) and how it provides a detailed explanation of some specific processes in physiological activities. This aspect of psychology deals with studies in sensation perception, consciousness, motivations and emotions, cognition, language, and many more.

7.   Psychodynamic Psychology


The ideology behind psychodynamic psychology is contingent on the usefulness of the unconscious mind, interpersonal relationships, and early childhood memories to treat mental illnesses. Sigmund Freud as a renowned psychologist is the founder and an established author in this school of thought regarding psychology in general. In modern psychology, this field continuously evolves and grows into multidisciplinary sections.

Final Thoughts

The understanding and methodology of psychology may have changed over the course of time, but it is always based on certain aspects of the human experience and behavior.

Psychology will continue to evolve, and so shall we.