Living a quality life is about finding a way to turn things around when life gets difficult. It includes turning fear to peace, blame to remorse, diversion to clarity, and times when we can be thankful for everything right, particularly when too much seems to be wrong.

When things are difficult, it’s normal to lament or be fearful and we may make mistakes that we could later come to regret. When we get off track, though, I believe the key to living a good life is figuring out how to get back on track, through the doubts and fear. These nine questions will assist you in making positive changes in your life and improve the quality of your life if you remain persistent with them.



We can get so wrapped up in the affairs of life that we forget who we truly are. That said, we each have something special about us that no one else has. This worth stems solely from the fact that you are who you are and it has nothing to do with your achievements.

Ask yourself this; who are you when no one else is around? That you left alone with nothing but their thoughts? Essentially, it’s the best version of you when you’re being true to yourself, bound to your inner highest self, and not giving a damn about what other people think. What does your energy look like, and how does it feel to be you?

Once you get in touch with your inner energy and figure out what makes you on point, interact with this force, embrace it, and let it shine to the world.



Life is easier when you have a sense of purpose (Find your meaning of life). Even at the end of someone’s life, research has shown that having a project that gives you a sense of meaning gives you the feeling of happiness and content.

It keeps you occupied and engaged as well with the bigger picture grounding your focus on the most important things. According to one study, people over the age of 5o (with purposeful projects) had a longer life and feelings of content as the purpose impacted both their physical and mental health.


Monitoring Strategies

Last, do you have a plan for getting things back on track when things aren’t going as smoothly as you’d like? In tough times, what makes you reach out, apologize, fix ties, or find something to be thankful for?

What makes you turn it around when you’re on the verge of being irritable? What makes you change your perspective, reclaim your strength when you’re feeling down, and choose to do good in the world and your own heart? Improve your problem-solving skills and learn how you effectively fit in this world.


There’s no easy formula to create a quality life, considering your loved ones too. It’s always a work in progress and you don’t want to loosen your grip once you start getting it right.

Other stuff to pay attention to include; working hard and smart, having an easy approach towards life, doing the stuff that makes you happy, fostering healthy relationships, standing for your principles, and sticking to your values.


Introduction to Acupuncture

Introduction to Acupuncture

Introduction to Acupuncture

The basic principle of Traditional Chinese Medicine is that there are two opposing and interwoven forces within our bodies. Yin and Yang represent the entire person. In Chinese philosophy, Yin represents the cold, tranquil or passive principle, and Yang represents the active, energetic or hot principle.

So what is it and where does it come from?

Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical procedures in the world, it was first used over 2000 years ago in China. In this family of procedures, the body is stimulated, and the energy flow is balanced. Today, acupuncture is practised by hand or by electrical stimulation using tiny metallic needles placed in problematic areas.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is built around acupuncture, which is based on the belief that our bodies contain two opposing forces that cannot be separated.

By maintaining a balance between yin and yang, a healthy state can be achieved. The flow of vital energy may then be stimulated through channels known as meridians. Meridians are pathways along which vital energy flows. Around 2,000 points along the body are connected by these meridians.

Twelve main meridians and eight secondary meridians are identified. Western medicine is still unclear as to how acupuncture works, but several studies have shown that it can be effective.

Having said that, let us proceed to the next question: Does it actually work?  

In the National Institute of Health’s opinion, the answer is yes. The effects of acupuncture have been demonstrated in many areas of health care. The list includes postoperative nausea, side effects of chemotherapy, osteoarthritis, low-back pain, headaches, menstrual cramps, addiction, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma. The study revealed that acupuncture was able to provide pain relief, improve function and mobility of joints due to arthritis inflammation, and served to complement standard care.

It is also commonly used in fertility and with emotional issues.

Some may doubt the effectiveness of acupuncture, but once they have experienced it, they are believers. According to some studies, acupuncture works by regulating the nervous system. Since acupuncture induces stimulation of the nervous system to produce its effect, endorphins and immune system cells are released at specific sites on the body. Acupuncture is also thought to affect brain chemistry by changing the neurotransmitters in the brain.

According to studies, acupuncture was a benefit to those taking part, and as someone who has used it, I can attest to its beneficial effects.   In spite of acupuncture’s classification as an alternative medicine treatment, and despite its unknown mechanisms, treatment has been proven to aid in maintaining optimal health.

Does acupuncture have any benefits for those who are otherwise healthy?

Absolutely. Since acupuncture is based on the belief that vital energy flow must be maintained in order to remain healthy, it acts as a tool for realignment.

Despite feeling and appearing quite healthy, our vital energy flow can be out of balance. Therefore, acupuncture is as much preventive medicine as it is a treatment. Getting your meridian points checked and balanced before it needs repair is like having your car receive a tune-up.

So get yourself booked in and prepare to rev up that amazing engine of yours

Disclaimer Note: It’s important to note though, that just because something is natural does not mean zero risk. While many Chinese Therapies are very low risk there still may be complications, contraindications and contra-actions.

The internet is full of information on how you can cure yourself with natural remedies, Chinese medicine and more, but we recommend that you seek out a Qualified Natural Health Practitioner, Chinese Medicine Practitioner or TCM Doctor or Acupuncturist expert and always consult a Doctor before trying any new things. Never stop taking any prescribed medication without speaking to your health practitioner first.



How To Train For Strength

How To Train For Strength

How To Train For Strength

When physical development is at stake, you just cannot ignore strength as a fundamental physical property to develop. Especially if you are in the game of weight training, developing proper strength is essential towards optimizing progress in the long term. In this short article, we’ll give you insight on how to structure your workout plan for the goal of developing strength.

Understand Rep Ranges

One of the most important things to do before creating your workout plan, is to understand rep ranges. That is, understanding what the body does and how it is stimulated under different loads. In weight training, we generally have two types of rep ranges:

  1. Powerlifting rep range (1-5 reps)
  2. Bodybuilding rep range (6-15+ reps)

The powerlifting rep range is where you exert the most amount of force by activating the fastest muscle fibers. This is the rep range where you create stimulus for the development of maximum strength, as well as explosiveness. If you’re looking to gain strength as much as possible, THIS is the rep range you have to work at.

The bodybuilding rep range on the other hand, is still a zone of high-exertion, but it is not nearly as close to your maximum strength capabilities. This rep range creates a stimulus for the development of strength endurance, while maximum strength gains are a secondary adaptation.

Chasing looks? This is the rep range to be at for the most part.

NOTE: It is always a good choice to combine both rep ranges, but have the balance in favor of the one that reflects your goal most (i.e if you want more strength than looks, do mostly 1-5 reps)

Choose The Right Exercises

Muscle building Nutrition

When it comes to strength development, exercise choice is a crucial element of the process. This is because, well, some exercises are simply not suitable for high exertion, heavy loads and one rep maxes. Just think for a second, how stupid would it look to attempt a one-rep max on the vertical lat pulldown machine?

For the most part, you should resort to free-weight, compound exercises, whether you’re strength training in the 1-5 rep range, or bodybuilding in the 6-15 rep range.

Those exercises are namely:

  1. Bench presses (flat/incline/decline with dumbbells or barbells)
  2. Squats
  3. Deadlifts
  4. Rows
  5. Overhead presses
  6. Lunges

All of these movements engage multiple muscle groups all at once, which ultimately allows you to lift really heavy weights, thus creating the best stimulus for strength and muscular development.

Working Volume

Weight Loss

Using the appropriate strength exercises, within the goal-appropriate rep range is crucial, but how much should you actually do?

Training volume is basically the total amount of weight lifted in a given set, exercise or a workout and is measured using this formula: Weight * Sets * Reps = Volume (i.e 100 kg for 2 sets of 10 reps = 2000 kg volume). Now, since we all have a different level of training and ability to adapt to new stimuli, there is no such thing as a concrete, optimal training volume.

Instead, you should follow these general rules of thumb:

  1. As a beginner, start off with ~5 challenging working sets, per muscle group, per week
  2. As you advance, bump that up to 8-10 sets
  3. After some time, go up to 15-20+ sets

By starting with a low number of total sets, you will get to know more about your threshold, recovery and adaptation capabilities. Through time, you will increase the total number of sets, as well as the weights used, leading to stimulus for more progress, over time. This is applicable for both rep ranges (1-5 reps & 6-15+ reps).

What About Rest Times?

If you’ve lifted heavy weights at some point of your life, you know how demanding it is to do that. By nature, high intensity (heavy weight) is strenuous for the central nervous system and the muscles. For this reason, taking proper rest between sets is crucial, if the goal is to maximize performance from set to set.

Generally, if you’re training in the 1-5 rep range, rest times may vary from 4 to 15 minutes, depending on the level of exertion – The higher the exertion, the longer the rest. Oppositely, if you’re in the bodybuilding rep range of 6-15 reps, about 3 minutes of rest in between sets will be sufficient.

As to rest in-between workouts, you should allow each muscle group to rest for 3-4 days before smashing it again with heavy weights.


Strength development is at the core of your overall physical development, as it places a solid foundation that improves your potential in the long run. If your goal is to develop maximum strength, utilize compound movements in the 1-5 rep range, with plenty of rest between sets. On the other hand, if you want to gain some strength but more strength endurance and muscle mass, the 6-15 rep range is the ballpark.

Ultimately, your best bet would be to combine both rep ranges and favor the one that resonates more with your goal. This will allow you to create a more functional, better overall physique.

Is passive aggression good for you?

Is passive aggression good for you?

Is passive aggression good for you?

Everybody has got a friend that just acts out passive-aggressively. You don’t blame them, nor do you want to judge. Maybe sometimes you do it, too. But what does it actually say about you? Let’s first talk about the different communication styles and differentiate one from the other.

4 Styles Of Communication

4 Styles Of Communication.

Passive communicators typically avoid expressing their true emotions or feelings as not to engage in confrontational conversations. It’s an excellent method for not hurting someone’s feelings, but there is always a chance you will fall into a pit. Many people that express themselves passively fall into depressive moods, feel anxious, and can’t get a grip on real emotions.

Aggressive communicators are mainly focused on the Ego and step into a conversation thinking not for the other conversationalists’ emotions or thoughts. People that communicate like this often leave others to feel afraid, insecure, intimidated, and in general discomfort.

Passive-aggressive communicators are the ones that present themselves as passive but, at a certain moment, reveal anger simultaneously. Most people communicate like this because they feel powerless or don’t stand up intellectually to the level of the conversation.

Assertive communicators are the healthiest communicators of them all. They clearly state their attitude and feelings while taking in mind other people’s thoughts and feelings.

The Passive-Aggressive Epidemic

As we’ve concluded that passive aggression isn’t good for us, then comes the question – why are there so many people that communicate like that? Think about It – in many cases of having to meet new people or engaging in conversations with people that you already know comes a moment when one of you becomes passive-aggressive.

There are a few reasons for that.

So, let’s start with…

Understanding Anger

Understanding Anger

One of the basic and most typical of human emotions is anger. We are taught that anger is bad in an early stage of our lives. It’s either in school or at home we need to suppress the anger in order to be socially approved. All this leads to hiding your anger and pushing it in the closet so as not to offend someone or seem not normal. This kind of social pressure leads to an unhealthy emotional base for conversations.

You’re Sugarcoating It

Anger doesn’t just vanish after you’ve suppressed it. It’s there, and it’s building up. The result is you being confused as to how you are supposed to speak with others so you start to express yourself in alternative ways which leads to passive aggression.

It’s Simply Easier

It is way easier to be passive-aggressive than assertive. Learning how to communicate is something that you build step-by-step in your younger years.

If It’s not tough at the right age, there are quite a few symptoms that can show later in life. Sulking, Indirect communication, and emotional withdrawal are the results of the lack of social knowledge.

You Feel Like You HAVE TO

At a certain point, you feel like in order to reach a specific stage in your professional growth you can’t be assertive because people see it as a weakness.

This becomes a model of approach in your life, and you cannot let yourself seem weak by being Mr. goody-two-shoes.

It’s… Rational?

Often in our lives, we like to rationalize things that seem to be a part of us without thinking they actually may be bad. In a scenario where we procrastinate, don’t feel like doing something or we’re overall lazy we use passive aggression as a tool to seem like the victim. This is a severely common practice in our modern society, and If not stopped at an early age, it becomes a life-altering behavior.

Nevertheless, Remember…

Though passive aggression is normal and in fact, quite common, it is a form of anger that people don’t want to show outwardly. They may not say anything at all, but they will get their revenge in other ways by doing things like withholding affection or refusing to help with tasks around the house.

If you’re feeling passive-aggressive and need some emotional balance, try these three quick tips:

  • 1) take care of yourself (nourish your body and mind)
  • 2) make time for self-care (take a bubble bath or read)
  • 3) practice mindfulness meditation techniques such as deep breathing exercises when you feel the rage boiling up inside.

Stay ZEN!


Is Psychology A Science The Way Physics Is

Is Psychology A Science The Way Physics Is

Is Psychology A Science The Way Physics Is

What Are Some Of The Differences And Similarities Between The Two Psychology is quickly evolving and can be seen in multiple areas of our society. People are finally learning to accept its usefulness and leave some harmful stigmas at the door.

Misconceptions, however, can still be seen and can sometimes change the perspective of people who could otherwise benefit from what psychology has to offer. They include that therapists can read minds, that it only deals with crazy people and others but most often that psychology isn’t a science in the first place.

The way this misinformation spreads is pretty simple.

Because psychology is just now gaining the respect and focus it deserves, many people used to be told by older generations that there was nothing tangible in it, that it was all just theories shared by people with no real proof. This is, however, far from true, and in this article, we explain why.


Firstly let’s look into our trusty dictionaries and make sure we understand what the terms we’re talking about actually mean. We have used the definitions from the Oxford English Dictionary because it is deemed the most reputable source for this sort of information.

  • Psychology (as defined by Oxford English Dictionary) is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.
  • Science (as defined by Oxford English Dictionary) is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Even just by that, it’s pretty clear that psychology is indeed a science, not only because the word is a part of its definition, but because it covers all the conditions that must be met when defining a science. To make things even clearer, we have compiled a list of differences and similarities between psychology and common science.

Not As Much Physical Proof

Because the subject psychology focuses on (the human mind and behavior) is not a physical item, it’s hard to expect that everything explaining it would be. The same way you can understand what a bone is made of by using a microscope (a physical tool testing a physical item), psychology uses questions to understand how we think. This does not mean that it has no empirical proof, just that there is more to it than that because of the focus of its study.

Different Degrees

Universities often offer two Bachelor’s degrees when it comes to psychology – one in Arts and one in Science. This is because although their core studies are the same, they focus on different options for future development. Students that obtain a Bachelor in Arts have more considerable freedom in connecting psychology to different disciplines – business, education, law, and media are just to name a few.

They often choose the Arts option because they are interested in multiple fields and would like to explore them with the help of psychology. However, people who want a Masters’s degree in psychology tend to choose the other option. A Bachelor in Science gives you a more focused look at experiments, research, and applied psychology courses.

It is often deemed harder than the Arts degree, but if you are interested in dealing with healthcare, industrial-organizational psychology, research, or furthering your studies, especially in medical school, this is the better option.

Different Professions

Make fun of yourself

There’s a lot you can do with a psychology degree. You can be a therapist, a counselor, a researcher, a psychiatrist (after you receive a medical degree), and more – these are what psychology is known for and what people associate it with. However, you can also become a teacher, have a role in media, deal with human resources, organize various events or help the law system and still be a psychologist.

The vast options you are presented with when you finish your studies is part of the reason why some people believe psychology isn’t a regular hard science. Variety, however, shouldn’t be considered as a bad thing, seeing as it helps you specialize in exactly what you want to do without lowering its seriousness.


Alright, well, with the differences out of the way, let’s have a look at the actual similarities between the two.

The Scientific Method

Scientific Method

This is the bread and butter as to why psychology is a science. The methods this field uses always include and are often governed by the scientific method – the process of systematic observation, measurement, and experiment leading to formulating a hypothesis which is then tested and modified if needed.

This is how all of the knowledge we now have about the human brain and behavior was gathered. All of the empirical evidence psychology relies on (theories and subjective beliefs are not part of this) has been obtained through the same sort of critical and analytical thinking, experimenting, and deciphering all sciences use.

Also, psychology students are taught in pretty much the same way as all other future scientists – the quality of their work is assessed by its reliability and their thorough understanding of it. Designing and collecting research, formulating and conducting experiments, analyzing and cataloging data, and presenting it all in the form of finished scientific labor is essentially what they teach you to do in every university’s psychology department.

This is precisely why psychology should be considered science the same as any other.


Inner Motivation

Most of what we use as proven theories and tested methods in psychology came into being exactly because of research. Scientists spend years, sometimes decades, formulating, deciphering, and cataloging data from multiple sources to develop self-standing statements and facts.

Research is a vital part of psychology because it gives it the reliability it needs to be used correctly. Research is also the only way you can get in touch with as many people as possible to make sure every minority in a specific topic is accounted for.

Connection With Other Sciences

Psychology works hand in hand with many other sciences. Its relationship with biology for one, is how we understand our brains and their connection to our emotions. Neuropsychology for example deals with the structure and function of the brain and nervous system and their correlation to our behavior.

Psychology and physiology also work together – they explain why and how some of the functions of our body are impacted by our state of mind. Together, they can answer questions such as why do we have trouble sleeping when we’re under stress, how do our bodies respond when put under mental pressure, and more.

Psychology is also beneficial to studies in philosophy, sociology, education, law, and more. All that being said, it’s hard to disagree with the statement that psychology is indeed a science. It uses the same tools in gathering information, forming theories, and educating people as hard sciences and thus should be treated as such.

Learning more about psychology and its many sides will allow you to form an objective and structurally sound opinion about it as well as share it with the ones around you, which is how most information is learned.