Why Do Some People Dislike Surprises?

Why Do Some People Dislike Surprises?

Why Do Some People Dislike Surprises?

How Our Brains Respond To The Unexpected Surprises are usually considered a good thing. We have surprise birthday celebrations, some of us plan surprise visits for our friends, even gifts are based on this idea.\ So if they’re such a big part of our culture, why do some of us dislike them? Here we explain what surprises are, how our brains perceive them, and why people have such opposing opinions about them.

The Definitions

Firstly let’s define a surprise. A surprise is any event, living thing, object, or environmental change that the individual did not expect to see. They can be positive or negative, intentional or not, and long-lasting or short-term. Anything from finding an unexpected gift from a loved one, to getting a sudden paycheck cut, can be categorized as a surprise.

They also vary in time and intensity.

How long a surprise lasts and how strongly we feel about it is tied to the explanation we are given considering the event itself or the conclusion we draw ourselves.

Some Examples

Although there are some things that are objectively more surprising than others (seeing a plane parked in the street as opposed to finding out that your roommates used all of the coffee), the level of surprise we feel lessens when we receive an explanation.

Once we understand that the plane is a prop or that they decided to make coffee cake, everything begins to make sense again. The longer we cannot find an explanation for something unexpected, the more lasting memory the situation creates. If you see a pot of flowers inexplicably flowing in the middle of a room, you will definitely remember that image for longer than coming home to find out your kids have rearranged some furniture.

How The Brain Processes Surprises

Now that we understand what surprises are and how they work in the outside world let’s figure out what happens in our brains. Surprises “happen” in the nucleus accumbens, a part of the brain that deals with the perception of different situations. It is also important to note that this is the part that also deals with our pleasure and reward systems.

The other part of our minds which is active when something unexpected happens is the amygdala. Its job is to help us decide whether this is a positive or negative situation and for our bodies to start releasing the respective substances, most often dopamine and oxytocin.

There are studies that show that our brains seem to enjoy the unexpected. Researchers from the USA compared the activity of the reward pathways in the brain in both random and organized situations. According to that study and some further research, our brains are more active when they don’t expect the stimuli as opposed to when they do.

This means that the dose of chemicals we receive is higher when we experience a surprise. Another important aspect is that surprises magnify all other emotions. Because our brains are highly active when we experience something unexpected, all of our emotions are simply stronger.

Why Some People Dislike Them

So why do some people say that surprises really aren’t their cup of tea?

When faced with a surprise, some people feel awkward and confused, as if a big amount of pressure is right on top of them – these are all symptoms of anxiety. For many people, events like these mean the loss of focus and flow in their day. If the brain doesn’t know what to expect, it can’t keep us out of harm’s way, which is exactly why some of us feel uneasy when we think about surprises.

Unexpected situations are known to cause stress which is why there are people who worry every time there is the possibility of such an event occurring. Some choose to keep certain things about them private – like birthdays for example – so as to avoid surprises as best they can.

And when we understand that this is because their brains experience a massive amount of stress just thinking of the unexpected things that may happen, we really can’t blame them. There is also our unique experience with the world of surprises.

If there were multiple times we were unexpectedly disappointed, it’s normal for us to connect them with something bad. Hence every time we think about them, we reinforce the belief that they aren’t a good idea.

Final Thoughts

Although it’s commonly accepted for people to like surprises, there are those who do not. Our brains are wired the same. However our experiences are unique. This is why some people don’t enjoy the unexpected.

Not only that, it would seem that the people who don’t like surprises seem to have them connected with a source of anxiety – an emotion more complicated than simple reward centers in our brain. Regardless of which group you fall into, we should all respect each other’s opinions and act accordingly with others.

Objectively speaking, surprises are neither bad nor good, and both types of people have their reasons for enjoying or not enjoying them.

Do YOU like surprises? Share our opinion below!

Why Do We Like Mysteries

Why Do We Like Mysteries

Why Do We Like Mysteries

The Information We Miss Is Often The One We Are Most Interested In Throughout history, we have always been fascinated by mysteries. Questions we don’t have the immediate answer to just seem to be more interesting than the ones we could figure out momentarily. Here we explain why it is that we enjoy mysteries so much and what sorts of mysteries there are.

The Basics

In the simplest terms, a mystery is something we don’t understand or have an answer to right away. They are mainly fueled by our natural curiosity, which is the same driving force thanks to which we have developed a lot of our skills.

From an evolutionary standpoint, we need to know certain things (where can we find food, is this place dangerous etc.), so when we are presented with something implying it will provide us with more knowledge, we intuitively start to like it.

The promise of knowledge is simply alluring to us.

A different but just as important side is that mysteries make this information gap easily seen. There are a lot of things we don’t know and don’t have an interest in, but mysteries take advantage of our curiosity and show us exactly what it is we don’t know. This, alongside the fact that most of the more common mysteries are connected to crimes or love, which are some of our essential interests (survival or reproduction), make them irresistible.

As a bonus, the more information we have about the context, the easier it is to spot this information gap and the more we are motivated to fill it. The structure in which we are presented with mysteries, usually is also important. While most of the time we go chronologically when we experience something mysterious (be it a crime movie or a magic trick), we usually see the outcome first.

This is yet another surprise our brains have to make sense of, which sparks our curiosity even more. Finally mysteries have the potential for epiphanies which is one of the best rewards for our brains.

Types Of Mysteries

There are some differences when talking about mysteries.

They can be big or small, have an answer or not, be presented by someone, or simply out there.

So let’s have a look at the different types!


For starters, they can be fictional. Here they can be portrayed through paintings, theater, or even music. The easiest example for them, however, is mystery novels – in them, we are presented with a problem and clues to finding its solution.

Regardless of whether the setting and environment are based in the real world or not, the basic premise is the same, and it works so well. Books like these are some of the biggest best-sellers in the world. Crime fiction makes us use our cognitive abilities and predict the possible outcomes of both future and past situations. Not only that but our personal judgment for each character is vital when trying to figure out what happened.


A different sort of mysteries are those which constantly surround us. Questions like how did the universe start or what exactly is our subconscious have been bugging the minds of some of our greatest scientists for centuries.

Whether such mysteries are in a specific field of study or more generalized, similar to the age-old question of why we are here, they keep being a part of our lives from time to time and will likely stay with us in the future. These types of inquiries are less likely to be characterized as mysteries simply because their scope is too big.

We often find ourselves being too focused on our day-to-day lives to really start looking for the answers.


Here we are talking about the magic tricks done by magicians, as well as the logic puzzles you can buy yourself. What these have in common is that you have a physical representation of the problem you’re facing. Not only that, but you are encouraged by the one presenting you with the mystery to solve it yourself.

The only difference between the two is that when you see a magic show, the presumption is you won’t be able to solve it, which often makes it even more interesting.

Final Thoughts

Mysteries are all around us – in the form of art, items, or deceivingly simple questions – they are a part of our daily lives, as much as we allow them to be. Logically speaking, this makes all the sense in the world, seeing as how our curiosity has pushed us to evolve in a more complex matter.

If you just look around you, we are sure you will find some very immersive mysteries just waiting for you to figure them out.

Why Gut Health Is Important

Why Gut Health Is Important

Why Gut Health Is Important

“Gut health” relates to the function and balance of bacterias in some parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Optimally, organs like the esophagus, stomach, and intestines all work side by side to allow us to eat and digest food without feeling any discomfort.

However, there are more than 70 million people in the U.S. struggling with digestive diseases. The food we consume is broken down in our guts, where it is turned into nutrients, ready to enter our bloodstream.

Yet, this won’t be possible if we have an unhealthy digestive system. A healthy gut contains immune cells and healthy bacteria that fight infectious “pests”, such as viruses, fungi, and bacteria.

Having a healthy gut is extremely important for our general health and well-being because it communicates with the brain with the help of nerves and hormones.

But how do you know if you have an unhealthy gut?

Signs Of An Unhealthy Gut

  • Sleep Deprivation and Persistent Fatigue

An unhealthy gut is a guarantee for sleep disturbances.

Poor sleep and insomnia potentially lead to chronic fatigue and a decrease in our productivity.

Serotonin, one of the hormones of happiness, is actually produced in the gut.

For this reason, having an unhealthy digestive system leads to producing less serotonin, which makes our life miserable.

  • Food Intolerance

When we have difficulty digesting certain types of food, we experience food intolerance, which is completely different than food allergy. (It is caused by a reaction of the immune system)

  • Accidental Weight Change

Caloric consumption is the primary reason why people lose or gain weight, however, unintentional weight change could occur for another reason. When we have an unhealthy gut, it harms our body in a way that it has a problem absorbing nutrients.

Furthermore, our body’s ability to store fat or regulate blood sugar is also damaged. Having decreased nutrient absorption increases our appetite and urges us to overeat.

  • Irritated Skin

An unhealthy gut does not only harm us from the inside but externally as well.

Inflamed gut leads to “leaked” proteins from the gut to the skin, which causes irritation and itching.

Moreover, a bad digestive system could potentially lead to skin disorders such as eczema.

  • Autoimmune Conditions

The impact of the gut on the immune system has been tested many times in the past.

Researchers have found that an irritated gut is related to systematic inflammation, which changes the proper function of our immune system. This leads to autoimmune diseases where the body doesn’t protect itself versus harmful “enemies”, but it rather attacks itself.

Some autoimmune conditions are:

  • Celiac Disease
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Crohn’s disease

Other signs of an unhealthy gut are:

  1. Abdominal Pain
  2. Bloating
  3. Loose stools
  4. Constipation
  5. Heartburn
  6. Nausea
  7. Vomiting

Influence Of Gut Health On Our Bodies

The microbiome within the gut is created from trillions of bacteria, other microbes, and fungi. It plays a major role in our general welfare because it helps controlling digestion and benefits our immune system A disproportion of healthy and unhealthy microbes within the intestines might lead to obesity, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and other disorders.

We suggest eating a wide assortment of fruits and veggies to help support the growth of healthy microbes in your gut.

Takeaway Message

A healthy gut is important for maintaining a balance in our body and its proper functions. Immune cells and healthy bacteria have a vital role in our body because they are connected to the brain. We hope you understand how important it is to keep your microbes and healthy bacteria’s under control, for your overall wellbeing.

In part 2 of this article series, we’ll tell you the fundamental, actionable tips to instantly implement in your daily life and make your gut happy!

Why It’s Okay To Change Your Mind

Why It’s Okay To Change Your Mind

Why It’s Okay To Change Your Mind

Get On The Self-Improvement Train! We can all agree that society’s a pretty complicated thing.

In our current fast and complicated environment, we constantly find ourselves jumping through different vicissitudes in our current fast, complicated environment. This often leaves us questioning exactly how we feel and what we think about specific circumstances.

However, when we don’t have time to give ourselves the full answers, we sometimes neglect this process altogether and just run to the next thing. This way, we may form conclusions that could be untrue and present themselves as a problem in the future.

Not only that but lacking the time necessary to process everything completely means that it’s more likely to make the same mistakes when faced with a similar situation.

When analyzing anything thoroughly, it’s common to end up changing our minds regarding specific aspects of it because of the new information we now have. This is a completely naturally occurring phenomenon and yet some people find it difficult to accept.

Here we explain why it’s not a bad thing to change your mind and moreover why we think it’s actually beneficial.

Why Do We Avoid Change

Much like any decision we make, and in fact, everything else that we do, there is a reason for it. So why is it that we avoid change, really? What’s the driver behind this tendency of our human nature?

Let’s have a look!

Too Much Ego

Firstly there’s the topic of ego.

For the purposes of this article, when we talk about ego, what we mean is the feeling of pride and stubbornness in someone when it’s in irrational proportions compared to the gravity of the situation. Some people have a hard time admitting they’re wrong even when they know it would be better for them in the long run.

The reason behind this is actually pretty simple. In today’s age, we are taught that to be correct is the biggest goal one must have. This idea is reinforced in schools, at home, and in pretty much all social situations ever since we were kids. Because most of our early lives are spent being surrounded by people preaching this mindset, we see it as normal and ignore the consequences it actively or passively has on us.

But you see, admitting you’re wrong isn’t actually that scary or that bad. In fact, it proves growth and intelligence as well as humility. Being wrong is synonymous with being human because we grow and change throughout our entire lives. Once you understand that, it’s hard to expect to be correct all the time.

And that is a truth that will make you happier in the long run.

Fear Of Change


Admitting you’re wrong about something will likely lead to some sort of change. And we all know how scary that sounds. However, this process is also the only one through which you can improve your current state.

Generally speaking, we as humans love routine. We find comfort in the fact that we know what’s going to happen when that will be and what it will lead to. Anything that’s incorrect, or not according to plan pops this cozy bubble which is why we feel distressed in similar situations. The initial emotion we just described is often enough for us to try and avoid change, however, that’s not the whole story.

Once you admit something’s not right, you now have to actually put in the work to fix it. This is when a completely different emotion takes the stage. We’re talking about the fear of failure – a constant quiet state of panic that we won’t achieve what we’ve set out to do.

Battling this is hard every time, but we get proportionally better at it with practice. Generally speaking, the more we try to better ourselves and the state of things, the more confident we get in the future. Not only that, but by having the bravery to change something big about yourself or your life, smaller and less important switches are much much easier.

What Does Change Bring To The Table

Alright, let’s assume that we do get out of the usual pattern of predictable living and decide to completely overhaul our mindset.

Well, if we do that, what are the benefits we reap from it, past the stage where we’re afraid of diving in the unknown?

Let’s find out!

Personal Development

By changing yourself in the direction you want to, you are constantly improving who you are. Think of it like molding clay – artists start with a general idea and reshape the material until it fits their concept. We work in basically the same way with one very important difference – our ideas are always evolving.

There’s no other way to progress than through this continuous act of change. The good thing is that the earlier you realize this and start doing it, the more skilled you’ll become. The quality and quantity of these changes of perception are highly dependent on how you see yourself and how much you’re willing to invest in them.

All of us can say that we find more intricate and sophisticated people to be more interesting. What we sometimes forget, however, is that they’re like that because they have developed a lot through the years. By putting in the work to change things, you are on the same road as them, becoming the best version of yourself you can be and smiling through it.


Positively changing your life comes with both short and long-term benefits. And we’re not just talking about the positives that come with the switch itself. By taking care of yourself in this manner, you will likely gain massive amounts of self-confidence.


Well, because your brain is learning that it should focus on self-improvement, seeing as this makes us happier. Not only that, but it’s reaping the rewards at the same time. Relying on yourself for these personal changes means that you’re the only one who takes credit when you finally achieve them.

It’s no small feat to kick bad habits or put the effort to do what makes you happy, and when you see how much you’ve improved, your conviction grows. By doing this, you’re putting yourself in a positive circle of wanting to improve and achieving it easier.

Take-Home Message

We evolve constantly. Our mindsets do too. And because of this, we constantly shift from one idea to the next. It’s a complicated and sometimes tiring process, but it’s what’s needed for us to become who we truly want to be. By admitting that you’re not always right and that you can change your mind in order to be not only correct but happier, you are opening yourself up to a world of possibilities.

Once you remove the walls around you, telling you to only go in the same direction, you can see how much the world has to offer and can choose your own path. This is possible only when we allow ourselves to change our minds and to think ourselves better for it. Now that you know all this, what’s the first thing that you’ll change in your mindset and your life?

Comment below and let us know!

When Should You Go To The Gym?

When Should You Go To The Gym?

When Should You Go To The Gym?

You want to be a badass, right? You want to be the guy or girl at the gym who is always killing it, setting personal bests, and looking good while doing it. The thing is, there’s more to being a badass than just hitting the gym hard.

In order for your hard work in the gym to pay off, you need to make sure you’re hitting it at the right time. So when should you train? Well, there’s a lot of debate over when the best time to work out is. Some say mornings, others say evenings.

But of course, much like anything else, there are a variety of factors to consider, so let’s have a look!

Circadian Rhythms

Your circadian rhythms are the physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a roughly 24-hour cycle. They’re regulated by the hypothalamus, which is part of your brain. The hypothalamus responds to light and dark signals it receives from your eyes.

These signals help to set your body’s natural clock or circadian rhythm. Now, considering the fact that this natural rhythm of the body controls the biochemistry, as well as the activity of the central nervous system, it’s easy to conclude that at one point of the cycle, we’d have performance.

In this review, it is suggested that muscle strength exhibits a circadian pattern. The research demonstrates that maximum isometric strength varies during the day and peaks in the late afternoon (4 to 8 pm). So here’s for a first checkpoint – Circadian rhythm-wise, it’d be best to do your strength workouts in the late afternoon.

Muscle Glycogen

Alright, so the first thing to consider is the phase of your natural cycle, which you are at during the workout (just what we discussed above.) But that’s just one part of the story! The second important consideration is – Do you have fuel to get the best workout possible? The primary source of fuel for heavy workouts in the gym is the so-called ‘muscle glycogen.’

Essentially, muscle glycogen is the stored version of carbohydrates (the body stores whatever it doesn’t use.) If your muscle glycogen is depleted, you are likely to have a suboptimal workout. And well, unfortunately, muscle glycogen and blood sugar are at their lowest in the morning. So if you’re planning to start doing your strength workouts in the morning, think again!

Because that might hinder your performance. Have a meal or two with quality carb sources in the hours leading up to your workout!

Recovery Time

The third and perhaps most important consideration is this – Are you recovered from your previous workout? As you may or may not know, during weighted workouts, we inflict micro-damage to the muscles and also ramp up the nervous system. All components engaged in strenuous exercise need time to recover before they can get their peak output and capacity back (with some more of it added, which we call ‘gains’)

With this in mind, you’d want to optimize the recovery times between each workout in order to perform at your best every time. Generally speaking, you’d need 48 to 96 hours between each training session for each muscle group.

What this means is that if you train your pushing muscle groups on Monday at 4 pm, you’d be best off doing this workout again later on in the week, on Thursday or Friday.

The Verdict

So, when is the best time to go to the gym? The answer isn’t always clear-cut, but hopefully, this article has given you a few things to think about. If you want to get in shape and don’t mind sweating it out during prime-time TV hours, then evening workouts might be right for you. But if you prefer peace and an earlier bedtime, mornings may be better.

Ultimately, it all comes down to what works best for your schedule and fitness goals. Just make sure you stick with it – consistency is key! Are there any other times of day that work well for you? Let us know in the comments below.