How to Set Correct Goals for You

Many people fall into the cycle of setting goals that they never complete. This could be because they have no idea what they want, or in other cases, don’t know how to attain their targets. A wrong approach towards goal setting is a major cause of these challenges. Whatever you set out to achieve, it is necessary to know how to set the right goals and pave your way there.

In this article, we will help you learn the importance of creating goals, and more importantly how to set correct goals for YOURSELF. So let’s have a look right away!

The Importance of Goal Setting

Inner Motivation

Effective goal setting is a crucial step in shaping your desired future and developing the motivation and discipline to put in the actual work. Here’s why goal setting is important.

  1. It Improves Focus

Goals help to present a clear picture of your plans and enable you to focus on the important aspects of your journey.

Without goals, you lose direction and so, goal setting may help you recognize the areas you need to improve on and determine the actions and path needed to bring you closer to your aim.

  1. It helps you track progress

To measure how much success you have attained, you need to set well-defined goals. It is easy to get discouraged when you feel you have not achieved enough, but tracking progress makes you notice those little strides which is a confidence booster.

Goals are practically an approximation of the end result caused by your action, so tracking your actual results opposed to your goals, is important!

  1. It Curbs Procrastination
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A clearly envisioned goal gives you an inner drive to actually get up and do what has to be done. Those clear goals will keep you accountable and motivated to get things done at the appropriate time. Without a doubt, goal-setting is a great way to beat procrastination for the better, so make use of it!

How to Set Correct Goals and Achieve Them

Placing The Goals

To realize your goals, you need to know how to set them. Take a look at the following steps to aid you in the process.

  1. Determine your vision

Your vision is the final destination and goals are the steps that take you there. If you pursue too many goals at the same time, you might not achieve any significant final end result, because you’re trying to be the jack of all trades! So, before setting that goal, determine if it is something you want and would be willing to commit to.

  1. Create SMART goals

Set Correct Goals s

Once you have streamlined your purpose, make sure your goals fit into the SMART criteria. In essence, your goals should be;

  • Specific

They must be clear and precise, you should know the why, when, how, and who of all your goals. Generalized goals are a recipe for failure.

  • Measurable

Include milestones that can be measured and evaluated in some way that will help track your progress.

  • Attainable

Ensure your goals are challenging and achievable, as setting impossible goals will only leave you disappointed.

  • Relevant

Your goals must be consistent and in line with the direction you want your life to take. This is important for motivation.

  • Time-bound
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There must be a deadline for whatever it is you desire to achieve. This keeps you on your toes and generates results quicker.

For example, instead of saying “I want to get fit (general)”, use the SMART rule to say “I will exercise for 30 minutes 5 times a week for the next 6 months”.

  1. Write them Down

Making just a mental note of your goals might not be sufficient. You have to make them real by writing them down or creating vision boards.

The more you see your end goals, the more you are motivated to work towards them.

  1. Create an Action Plan

This is an important and yet overlooked step. An action plan helps you break down your goals into smaller bits so you develop the best strategy for each step.

You can go back to your action plan from time to time to track your progress and determine areas for improvement.

  1. Schedule and Commit

Setting deadlines for your goals conditions your mind to know that you are fully committed to the task. If the time frame is too flexible, you will never come around to accomplishing that goal. Use a timeline to create milestones and try your very best to stick with it.


Goal setting combined with proactive steps and maximum effort gives you a smoother path to success.

Do take the advice here and consider it, as it may help you realize thoughts that can help you set the correct goals towards achieving your ideal future.