With so many different types of massage accessible nowadays, it’s easy to become confused about which one is which and what they’re all helpful for.

The great news is that Tui Na massage, like most other forms of massage, works by rubbing, kneading, or applying pressure to your muscles to achieve a therapeutic result. Tui Na differs however from other forms of massage in that it is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Therefore its method is slightly different.

As a TCM modality, Tui Na is said to have originated in ancient China some 5,000 years ago. Today, it is regarded as a primary kind of medical therapy in China and the foundation for other therapies that exist in Western society, such as shiatsu and acupressure. It is very commonly used by acupuncturists as well. It is very similar in the way that acupuncture targets specific acupoints, but practitioners use fingers instead of needles to apply pressure to stimulate points.

TCM views your body as a whole, not as discrete parts operating independently, but as a continuous organism that is inextricably linked not just to itself but also to the cosmos and all that exists within the universe. It is truly holistic.

A Tui Na massage focuses on your body’s same muscles and regions as conventional massages, but you can see how the holistic approach immediately distinguishes the therapy.

Furthermore, TCM is characterised in part by meridians (energy and nutrition channels) and theories such as the Theory of Five Elements, which aid in determining your specific diagnosis for treatment reasons. All of this is taken into account during this specific massage.

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Suppose you experience discomfort in your neck and shoulders. In that case, one meridian that is likely to be damaged is your ‘Gall Bladder’ meridian (‘Gall Bladder’ is noted here to differentiate from the scientific description of the organ itself). Knowing the TCM meridians will alert your Tui Na practitioner that a few points on your feet or lower legs may also benefit the therapy.

Also, if your practitioner is familiar with the Theory of Five Elements, he or she may advise you to utilise a point or two on your wrist and hand. Other forms of massage would not necessarily address the same spots or utilise the same logic.

Tui Na massage is not inherently superior to other massage techniques; it is just applied differently. TCM massage is frequently utilised as an adjuvant to acupuncture, cupping therapy, Qi Gong, and/or herbal medicine in Western civilisation. Therefore your Registered TCM Practitioner may incorporate some Tui Na in your treatment. Be careful to locate a trained therapist who is educated about the various TCM techniques. As with everything, Tui Na can be carried out incorrectly and it is important to experience it with a trained professional to remain safe and reap the correct benefits.

SO why not try it out, I am sure you are going to love it

This post is for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only and does not replace therapy, treatments or advice from a registered or licensed medical doctor.