Invest In Your Health
Strength and mobility

Did You Know?
At around age 30 we start losing as much as 3 to 5 percent of our lean muscle mass per decade thanks to aging?
Reverse the clock. Keep your muscle. Stay strong and balanced.
There was a simple, low-impact & low-intensity program that could:
- Benefit your health & heart
- Improve your balance & mobility
- Strengthen bones & muscle
- And help you lose or maintain weight
- Would you be interested in learning more?
Key Program Points:
All you need is wifi
a set of dumbbells, mini-loop resistance bands and an optional step (or bench/stable chair)
Designed for home
or travel workouts with small spaces
This is a low-impact
low-intensity program Geared to ALL AGES & ALL fitness levels – especially beginners and those looking to work on balance & stability. Modifications and intensifications are offered through the workout videos
No Pain, No Gain
Sneek Peek the Workouts:

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Today is STRENGTH day!! We’re working & challenging our muscles to help us get stronger. Yes – to look better and more toned, but also…

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It’s all about CONTROL!! Stability is the ability to control our bodies during movement. That’s the challenge today – to control our bodies as we…

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360 DEGREE TOTAL CORE TRAINING! We’re training more than just abs in this workout! This is 360 degree core training. We’re working the tummy -…
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Let’s kick off PHASE 2 with STRENGTH! We’re upping the intensity a bit today – all moves are big moves working multiple muscle groups. Upping…
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360 Degree Core Training – next level! We don’t just train abs in our core training! We’re going all the way around – back, tummy,…
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BALANCE DAY! Balance is all about controlling the body without movement. Holding strong – feeling the wobble – and powering through it. We are starting…
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BALANCE DAY! Balance is all about controlling the body without movement. Holding strong – feeling the wobble – and powering through it. We are starting…
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MOBILITY! Mobility is learning to move more efficiently, pain free! The main benefit of mobility training is it helps…