Mental illness signs you should not ignore

You’re far from alone if you or someone you love is dealing with mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, over 7% of adults in the United States (almost 17.3 million individuals) have had at least one major depressive episode.

Furthermore, according to a survey conducted in the journal JAMA Network Open in September 2020, the rate of depressive symptoms in the United States tripled after the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the spike in these cases, a survey conducted by the Geneva-based organization found that fewer than half of the world’s 139 countries have mental health programs.

Just to state an overview, mental health is a state of well-being in which a person recognizes his or her faculties, can deal with everyday pressures, works productively, and contribute to his or her community. Chronic medical disorders, brain injury, PTSD, drug misuse, a childhood history of abuse or neglect, or a lack of stable relationships are possible causes of mental illness. Otherwise, others are maternal such as schizophrenia.

So what happens when you delay treatment once you realize a pattern of these symptoms? It gets more difficult to address the issue until the symptoms become grave, it will be more difficult to get them under control, which is why it is important to pay attention to the warning signs.



Have you ever found yourself worried for hours on end and unable to stop? Not being able to handle the fears, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, can be a symptom of an anxiety illness. Insomnia, random headaches and discomfort, very sudden and rapid thinking, or getting quickly annoyed are several other symptoms.

See also  Modern Psychology


Forget to lock up your bike, lost your keys, and you have to wait for your roommate to get home? According to the Australian Department of Health, being stuck in bad days for more than two weeks may be a symptom of depression or anxiety. Being unable to function in a position where you will usually be able to perform is a significant warning.



We’ve just had those moments where we’re enraged and unable to control our emotions. Rage outbursts, especially uncontrollable ones, could be a symptom of stressful events, substance dependence, psychotic illness, OCD, depression, or Irritable bowel syndrome, among others.

Although venting can be healthy at times, no one can be forced to hide their pain when a loved one passes away (Vent to someone). However, it must be monitored, as it can cause permanent harm if left unattended for too long.


Mental health is a challenge you shouldn’t perceive as a negative thing (Effective coping). Take it as something to fuel your personal, social, and professional goals.

Shun away from toxic people (even your parents, you can love them from a distance if so), negative events, and ways of entertainment such as music or films that could trigger mental-related issues.

Down the line, don’t suffer alone if you struggling. Seek professional help, surround yourself with positive people (Online communities to cope), and strive to create positive events. You’ve got one life to live, so why waste your time on stuff and people that don’t make you happy?