Healing herbs for healthy skin

You’ve probably overheard people discussing natural skincare. Organic, Vegan, Cruelty free, Botanicals, but what is natural skincare, exactly? Well simply put, natural skincare is defined as using natural elements in skincare products, such as roots, essential oils, flowers, and herbs and for the most natural to avoid animals products and synthetics that my be harmful to our skin, our health, animals and the planet.

People are always looking for new skincare products, and a lot of interest in the planet and health has meant that natural skincare products have been increasingly popular in recent years. Many businesses are beginning to offer natural items to their clients, as part of doing their part for patient and climate but as entrepreneurs, this is also as an opportunity to make an ethical business.

Different degrees of natural

Even though the term implies natural, natural skincare products are not usually made entirely of natural components. The majority of them are made out of natural ingredients combined with natural preservatives, emulsifiers, and surfactants.

Therefore if you want to go completely naturally you need to seek out cruelty free, vegan, synthetic free, parabens free, soil association registered and many more labels. Because of the fact above, numerous people who have tried a natural skincare strategy have decided to produce their own products or to purchase from often small and local known ethical suppliers to ensure that they are only using natural items on their skin.

Names like Chamomile and Rose are popular skincare components since they have healing properties when used topically and appear in many cosmetics. You’ve probably heard of the benefits of carrots, cucumbers, and garlic too, but here are a few more herbs you may not be so familiar with.

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Even though the herb is a prolific and invasive growth in most gardens, the oil it produces is recommended to treat sunburn, small burns, and other skin inflammatory issues.

Oils – Poultices

Lycopene, a component included in the oil, aids in the healing and growth of healthy skin cells. Its blossom can be applied to the skin as a poultice or combined with olive oil. When constructing a poultice, wait until the consistency has cooled before applying the crushed steaming flowers to your skin.

Tea and Salads

Calendula can also be purchased as a loose tea and is great for the tissues of the body internally and externally. Calendula aids in the removal of toxins from the liver, resulting in radiant, healthy skin. To stimulate blood flow and assist the body to expel toxins through the skin, consume the leaves and flowers fresh in salads and rice dishes, or drink hot infusions.

Facial steam

To help shrink pores and clear acne, infuse the petals in a basic face wash or add them to a facial steam.

Head to Toe

To brighten fair hair, soak your tresses in a petal infusion or use it to relieve sore feet in a foot bath.


As referenced above, another plant you can grow in your garden is Chamomile. Chamomile is commonly used in natural skincare products for its soothing, smoothing, and healing effects. It works well for treating dermatitis and other skin irritations. Many skincare products incorporate it because it contains anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains antibacterial and fungicidal effects, similar to garlic.

Calming Skin and Sleepy Tea

Benefits of Green Tea

You may have consumed Chamomile tea, sometimes people have it alone or with lavender to help them relax and sleep but it can also be applied to the skin as a compress as Its very calming in nature.

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Removes Toxins

Chamomile tea induces sweating, which aids in removing toxins from the body, resulting in healthier and brighter skin.

Steam for Acne

To treat spots, use Chamomile in a facial steamer or rinse your skin with a Chamomile infusion to soothe, heal, and prevent acne scarring. Ensure your steamer or infusion is not too hot.

Bathing and haircare

Bathing with Chamomile teabags or loose tea or even a Chamomile oil softens and soothes sensitive skin. Try rinsing your hair with a Chamomile infusion to brighten and gloss your hair if you have blonde locks.


Linseed is another name for flaxseed. It becomes a gel-like consistency when crushed and soaked in hot water and can be used as a compressor poultice. It’s a fantastic treatment for boils, sores, and a variety of other skin problems.

Linseed tea

You can also make linseed tea by putting a teaspoon of whole flax seeds in a flask of boiling water and steeping overnight. The next day drink the water it will hydrate your cells and you will see a great improvement in skin health over the weeks. The seeds can also be added to smoothies.

Horse skin care – Inside and out

If you work with horses, you’re probably aware that boiling linseed is a common addition to their diet for keeping them in good shape, especially during the winter months.


Purslane is a plant that is high in Vitamin E. This means it aids in the health and suppleness of your skin. It can be steamed or boiled before eating, just like spinach. When reduced to a mash before applying to the skin, it can also be used as a poultice.

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Sage is an excellent herb for calming the nervous system and boosting energy. Sage’s potent antioxidants can protect the skin from free radicals while also slowing the effects of ageing.

Facial steam for Acne

Use sage leaves in a facial steam to completely activate the herb’s antimicrobial effects if you have acne.

Oral skincare / tissues

Place 4-5 leaves in a cup of boiling water, cover, and steep for 5 minutes to make sage mouthwash. Swish this restorative mouthwash around your mouth once it has cooled.

Tea Tree Plant

Finally, tea tree oil is antibacterial and antifungal, similar to garlic. Tea Tree oil is effective in treating a variety of skin infections. It’s especially good at getting rid of toenail fungus.

Knowing a little about these herbs can hopefully help you choose a skincare product because many of them are utilised in cosmetics. It serves as a small guide to selecting a natural skincare product but please as always do your own research. There are far too many natural herbs and oils to list here, so many, such as rose, aloe vera, lavender, frankincense, nettle and many more, but that makes it all the more exciting that you can go and research online and in books, asks herbalists and naturopaths and you will find a wonderful array of natural healing options at your fingertips.

Closing note: Please remember to always consult a professional before starting any herbal or essential oils regime.