by admin | Jan 9, 2022 | Fitness
Best Glute Building Exercises
Think you’re doing all the right things to tone your glutes? You might be surprised.
While squats and lunges are great exercises for the lower body, they may not be providing the stimulus your glutes need to really start firing.
And this is especially valid nowadays, when the majority of the population is sedentary, due to the nature of our modern-day work!
If you’re sitting for hours on end each day to get your work done, the odds are that your glutes have started atrophying.
And that is no good!
Weak glutes mean less lower-body strength and an increased chance of hip, knee, and lower back injuries.
In this post, we’ll outline the best glute-building exercises, so you can make sure you’re getting the most out of your lower body workouts.
So, read on – and get ready to sculpt a backside!
Glute Anatomy
Before we get into any specific exercises for the glutes, it’d be good to understand the anatomy of that muscle group and what functions it has – This is how we can determine the best glute exercises.
Contrary to popular belief, the glutes are not just one big piece of muscle.
The glutes are made of 3 main components:
- Gluteus Maximus
- Gluteus Medius
- Gluteus Minimus
These three muscles work together to realize 3 main functions – Abduction, Extension & Rotation of the hip.
Besides that, the glute muscles help keep us upright, move forward and also aid the stability & balance of the hip!
Fun Fact: The Gluteus Maximus is the BIGGEST muscle in the body! And as such, it needs to be trained properly.
Why Are Glutes Important?
Okay, so far, you learned that the glutes serve a variety of important functions, are the biggest muscle group you have, AND are located right around the center of your body.
Contrary to popular belief, glutes are in fact a part of your core that keeps you stabilized, balanced and helps you generate power through a variety of movement patterns.
This is precisely why glute development is essential!
A set of properly developed glutes will:
- Make you more balanced
- Help during all lower-body movements
- Make you stronger
- Help prevent lower back/knee injuries
- Make you look (regardless of gender)
How To Train Your Glutes

And so, how can you target your glutes and develop them to the best extent possible?
Well, the answer is simple – Choose exercises that target the glutes through all their main functions and overload on those exercises!
Now let us show you our three favorite exercises and then some worthy mentions!
#1 Ah, Yes, Squats!
If there was one single exercise that would be the epitome for lower-body strength, functionality, and development, that would likely be the squat!
Even more so, squatting is one of the most natural movements anyone can do.
During a squat, your quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings work together to move you up and down.
Additionally, the calves, lower back & abs help keep your body upright and stabilized.
So, hey, if you want well-developed glutes and lower body as a whole, don’t forget your squat movements!
Barbell squats, dumbbell squats, squats, machine squats, front squats, sumo squats, cannonball squats, etc, etc.
#2 Deadlifts

The second essential hip movement is the deadlift – This is a hip-hinge movement that promotes hip flexion/extension.
The best part of this exercise is perhaps the strong glute flex you get after a nice, deep stretch of the hamstrings.
Generally speaking, most types of deadlifts target the glutes, but if you want to emphasize them, try deadlift movements where your legs are only slightly bent at the knees.
The best one for this purpose is, without a doubt, the Romanian deadlift.
Make sure to initiate the movement up with your glutes and flex them hard up top!
#3 Hip Thrusts

Last but not least, we have hip thrusts!
There aren’t really many exercises that can target the glutes like hip thrusts, mainly because this movement focuses on the primary function of the muscle group.
The gluteus maximus is the primary mover in this exercise, meaning that the hip thrust is quite a direct glute movement, unlike the squats and deadlifts, where the glutes work with surrounding muscle groups in synergy.
The best part? As an exercise, the hip thrust can easily be overloaded on as the glutes get stronger and stronger!
Besides… It also brings a variety of hormonal and motor-movement pattern benefits in bed, too 😉
Worthy Mentions
Though these 3 are our main choices for glute exercises, there are some other movements worth mentioning!
Here are some other movements you should consider including in your training routine:
- Sprints
- Leg kickbacks
- Fire hydrants
- Side leg raises
Take-Home Message
When it comes to your glutes, you can’t have enough of a good thing!
So if you’re looking for the best exercises that will help build muscle and tone up your butt, these are definitely worth trying.
And don’t forget – strong glutes are important because they support us when we move, which is key in preventing injury.
If you want more information about how to develop the body of your dreams or need some guidance on the form so that you can do them safely, let us know!
Our trainers would be happy to work one-on-one with you to create an exercise program tailored just for what YOU need.
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Health, Fitness
Quality Of Life
- What Exactly Is It And How To Work On Achieving And Bettering It
- Today’s world is very different from country to country and even city to city.
- Depending on where we are, our interests, aspirations and ideologies vary, and that’s normal.
- This is also true for what we strive for and what makes us happy.
- Overall, however, most people want to be healthy, have all the necessary comfort, and do what they want, when they want, as long as it’s beneficial for them and their loved ones.
- Some of these things depend on the individual while others on the society they’re a part of.
- With that in mind, people often compare their happiness to that of others.
- There are a few ways in which it’s common to compare how good our lives are, both as individuals and as a group, and the most common one is, well, the quality of life!
What Is Quality Of Life Exactly?

Quality of life is a highly subjective measure of one’s happiness.
It includes but is not limited to health, overall satisfaction, ability to do the things one loves, status, income, emotional wisdom, and more.
It does not have a specific measure (like a standard of living, which is calculated by income), but most people use emotional well-being (for day-to-day experiences) and life evaluation (for overall perception and opinion on one’s life).
There is a lot of controversy about how happiness should be calculated not only because of its individuality, but because of the current events in one’s life when asked how happy they are.
That’s why people with terminal illnesses, for example, may report better quality of life than those who recently had a fight.
Because of this, most people tend to compare happiness based on countries – that way, both situations are in similar quantities, and more importantly, the things that don’t depend on the individual are the same for everyone (think of healthcare, education, environment, etc.).
According to the statistics, the countries with the best quality of life are Canada, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, and Australia.
It’s a common saying that happiness is contagious, and it makes sense that this effect can be seen in the happiest places, but this doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t strive for it even if they’re not from the countries mentioned above.
How And Why To Improve It?

Many people don’t focus too much on what makes them happy, both short and long term, or how they can change their circumstances for the better, which is why they struggle with balancing the many different aspects of life.
The most important thing is always to ask yourself if something makes you happy and why, and then how you can keep it, better it, or change it.
Once you have answered those seemingly simple questions, you will have the right focus and can start improving your quality of life.
Even though happiness is subjective, the fundamentals for most people are the same – health and comfort, loving relationships, work-life balance, keeping hobbies and finding new ones, etc.
Here it’s important to mention that countries with good healthcare, education, and housing, usually have a better overall quality of life.
Striving for a nicer, happier life is maybe the best direction one can aim for, but that must not be done through a mindset of lack of happiness.

By positively changing your life you impact your perception and that of others, ultimately making the world as a whole a better place.
Evaluating and improving the quality of life is essential to living your own truth and making your world what you want.
Although not everything is under your control, it’s important to try and make a change in the things that are.
By looking at different aspects of your day-to-day experiences and life as a whole, you can find parts of yourself you would want to pay more attention to or appreciate more.
Self-reflection and realization are processes often connected with understanding one’s quality of life, and we believe they’re one of the most valuable things one can do both for themselves and their close ones.
Even though happiness is subjective, truly understanding yours and investing in it is always a good idea.
So we encourage you to stop living a life of patterns and start focusing on always learning more and improving your quality of life,
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Fitness, Health
Lifestyle Optimization Pt 2 – Making The Right Food Choices
In part one of this article series, we learned that our modern-day ways of living had robbed us of movement, thus bringing the global fitness levels to an all-time low.
Well, luckily, more and more people are becoming aware of this, and with the help of fitness training, the trend is slowly beginning to change.
Besides the deprivation of movement, however, we’ve also seen a drastic shift in our eating habits.
Both combined have led to abnormal changes in body composition across all ages and demographics.
Now, in this second part of the article series, we’ll shed some light on food choices and how you can make the best such for the goal of optimizing your overall quality of life.
Ready to learn? Let’s dive!
Food Habits, Currently

- If you have an objective look at how modern-day eating habits go, you’ll see a pattern – We’re constantly being bombarded with highly-processed, delicious, well-marketed foods.
- Even more so, the convenience of our world has allowed us to get these exact food products delivered to us, without the need to do something more than stand up from the chair to greet the delivery guy and take the order.
- This junk food bonanza has totally shifted the human species from the natural ways of feeding & nourishing the body nutritionally.
- Now, granted, we won’t preach any “diets” here – All we’re vouching for is for everyone to pay attention to what we like to refer to as “nutritional culture.”
- Think of “culture” as all the ways of life of a population that are passed down from generation to generation, including the most crucial one – Eating!
Evolutionary-Appropriate Eating

- Besides the proper nutritional culture that states “eating is a form of self-care that needs a reasonable, balanced approach,” there is another thing we like to refer to as “evolutionary-appropriate eating.”
- This term may sound fancy but think about it – Given the complexity of the human body, we can say that this exact organism has gone through a LOT during its evolution.
- And one of the things that shaped it as it is, is namely the way of eating.
- And trust us when we tell you this – The body has existed for perhaps hundreds and thousands of years, and it’s only been exposed to such an abundance of unnaturally processed foods for a couple of decades!
- So, you see, there is certainly a correlation (and perhaps causation) between the recent rise of packaged & processed foods and the epidemic of diseases.
- Now you may be wondering – What is it that one can do to counter this?
- And the answer is… Eat evolutionary-appropriate foods!
- Consume the WHOLE foods that our ancestors hunted for and grew.
- Choose local rather than mass production.
If a food product is mass-produced and has a marketing department behind it, avoid it because it is likely to heavy a ton of additives that you don’t really want in your body!
Choose These Foods!

Alright, let us be a bit more specific here and give you our list of food products to place at the core of your nutritional habits.
- Grass-fed & Grass-finished Beef (meat/organs)
- Pastured pork/chicken
- Eggs from pastured chicken/poultry
- Dairy from grass-fed cows
- Root crops (potatoes/sweet potatoes/beetroots/carrots)
- Fruits & veggies (avoid mass-production, focus on local!)
- Olive oil (avoid using for cooking)
- Bee honey
- Wild-caught fish
- Wild-caught seafood
Combining all of these foods and bringing balance across your macronutrient profile will provide you with all the energy for your daily physical activities, as well as everything needed to maintain the healthy functioning of all your bodily systems.
Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean you should totally exclude your favorite ice cream or junk food – Just bring the balance in favor of the nutrient-dense, high-quality food products!
Final Thoughts
The key to understanding evolutionary appropriate nutrition is recognizing the importance of consuming foods that are natural, healthy, and nutrient-dense.
With a little bit of knowledge about how unnatural modern-day mass-produced nutrition is, you’ll be able to find your own path towards making better food choices that can positively impact your physical and mental well-being.
So here’s for a wrap on this article series – Move as your ancestors did. Run, jump, climb, crawl, dive and swim. Lift some weights even!
And focus on whole, minimally processed locally grown foods!
Optimize your lifestyle. Stay healthy.
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Fitness, Health
Lifestyle Optimization Pt 1 – Becoming More Active
If you’ve been feeling off mentally, physically, and emotionally as of late, the odds are that one or more things in your lifestyle need some proper optimizing.
And well, the truth is that most people feel that way nowadays, whether it is chronic or just from time to time.
This is without a doubt because the cities we live in make life relatively easy – We tend to live sedentary lives, and while doing so, we can easily get junk food delivered to our doorstep.
It almost seems like the cities were designed to deprive us of our natural ways of moving and eating.
With this in mind, we’ve decided to share our take on this in a 2-part article series, with the goal of helping you optimize your lifestyle, which will, in turn, lead to a better quality of life overall.
In this first part, we’ll get through one of the most important aspects of lifestyle optimization – Becoming more active!
But first, let’s answer an uncommon yet important question.
Is Fitness An Achievement?

Many people nowadays consider that becoming active and having good habits as a whole is somewhat an achievement.
But with the above-said in mind, we concluded that the modern-day lifestyle has taken us away from our natural movement & eating patterns.
Therefore… If or when you start moving more, eating & sleeping well and improving your levels of fitness… Is that an achievement, or just something you get back to?
Well, that’s certainly some food for thought, but for now, let’s have a look at the different types of training one can do to get back to the natural fitness that we’re all supposed to have and enjoy.
Types Of Training

If you know a thing or two about the human body or have heard about certain sports achievements of fellow human beings, you know for a fact that the body is capable of a LOT.
- This is perhaps due to the myriad of environments the human body has been through and had to adapt and thrive in.
- And well, whatever the case may be, facts are facts – We have access to an incredibly capable configuration of muscles and bones.
- Now, generally speaking, most types of training/exercise fall into two main categories – Aerobic & Anaerobic.
- Both of these utilize different components in the body and lead to different adaptations (end results of the training stimulus).
- So let’s analyze each type of training so you can determine which one fits your goals better.
Anaerobic Training
- First and foremost, we have the most common type of exercise – Anaerobic training.
- The term “anaerobic” is derived from the 3 Greek words – An, aeros & bios, meaning “no,” “air,” and “life,” respectively.
- In simple words, anaerobic training activities do not require oxygen to use up the energy needed to execute the movement.
- Generally speaking, anaerobic training activities are of high intensity and short in duration.
- Think weightlifting, sprints, HIIT training, etc.
- This type of training engages the fast-twitch muscle fibers, responsible for power output, maximum strength and… Visual muscular development!
In terms of hormonal stimulus, visual changes to the body & the development of strength, explosiveness, and strength endurance, this is the type of training you’d want to opt for.
Aerobic Training
- On the other hand, we have Aerobic exercise, also referred to as “cardio training.”
- This is opposite to anaerobic and thus, requires oxygen for the energy to be used during activity.
- Aerobic training activities are of low intensity, but as compared to anaerobic exercises, they are way longer in duration.
- Think of aerobic training as any activity that isn’t strenuous but is long in duration.
Aerobic training activities include but are not limited to:

- Jogging
- Running
- Rope skipping
- Swimming
- Cycling
Aerobic training activities don’t really have a prominent effect on visual & strength development, but they can help you increase long-distance endurance by optimizing the work of your heart & lungs.
Which Type Should I Choose?
- To further clarify what we’ve said so far, think of the two types of training as… Two types of training with different results!
- Ultimately, there isn’t really a “better” type of training if it’s not put into context.
- What we mean here is that both types of training have their advantages, simply because they produce different end results!
- Both have health benefits.
- Both help you develop certain physical properties.
- Both allow you to enjoy the freedom of movement.
Ultimately, your best bet is to do both on a regular basis, with an emphasis on the one that resonates more with your goals.
Do you want to be stronger, more explosive, and improve your body visually? Go for anaerobic training and do some cardio (aerobic training) here and there.
Do you not care about looks and strength as much but want to be a beast over long distances? Go for aerobic training and do some weights here and there.
Try This!
If you’re someone who just wants to get off of their butt and get a little from everything that the body is capable of, try this simple workout routine 2 to 3 times a week, with at least two days of rest between each session.
NOTE: “Close to failure” means that the set should be challenging and get you close to the point where you can’t complete another rep unassisted.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps/duration |
Rest times between sets |
Rope skipping |
1 |
4-5 mins |
Squats (Either bodyweight, barbell or machine) |
5 |
6+ close to failure |
2.5 to 3 minutes |
Horizontal or incline bench press (either with barbell or dumbbells) |
5 |
6+ close to failure |
2.5 to 3 minutes |
Deadlift (Either with a barbell or dumbbells) |
5 |
5, close to failure |
3 minutes |
Rope skipping/other cardio activity |
1 |
20 mins |
This full-body circuit will give you the best of both worlds – Plenty of stimulus for strength, explosiveness and visual development, but also a great deal of cardio endurance!
Sooner or later, you’ll be addicted to seeing improvements in how you look, perform and feel!
And trust us – When this happens, you’ll be HOOKED and will look for ways to further improve this.
When that happens, reach out to us at _______
And until then, remember that movement is just one part of lifestyle optimization.
The other, even more important part is to make the right food choices.
We have that covered, too, so follow up with us over on the 2nd part of this article series by clicking HERE!
See you there!
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Fitness, Mind
How to be organized at home
Little Things That Help You Stay On Top Of Your Game
We’ve all had those days when our organizational skills seem to have just wandered off somewhere.
It’s like they have decided to take a holiday, leaving us with just pieces of plans, which often makes us feel powerless.
These days are completely normal and happen to everyone from time to time.
After all, we can’t always be perfect… Right?
However, if you have more trouble organizing your day-to-day life than you would like to, it may start hindering your overall experience and feelings.
If you’re having trouble staying organized, keep reading as we provide valuable tips and tricks on becoming more structured, organized, and orderly in your day-to-day tasks!
Without further ado, let’s jump right into the topic with the first and most important tip!
#1 Give Yourself The Best

First things first – before you start working on the parts of yourself you want to improve, you have to make sure that you’re covering all of your basic needs and desires.
Changing habits or making new ones is always tricky, and it can turn out to be almost impossible if you aren’t providing your body with what it needs in the first place.
Things like getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and sustaining a proper balance between work and social life may seem like they don’t have a lot in common with improving your organizational skills, but that’s not true.
If you have all of your basic needs covered you will be able to focus on your more complicated aspirations.
This is the only way to ensure that you will have the energy you need to improve and actually start working.
Start from yourself.
#2 Write Everything Down

- Next up, we suggest you keep a journal where you write down your responsibilities, ideas, and even tasks you’ve completed
- Having everything in one place makes it easier for you to keep track of your next move.
- You can do this digitally or on paper. Both have their merits. A digital itinerary means that you can easily alter, add or remove events and their specifics.
- However, if you have a more classical approach, writing everything down may be the better option for you.
- It’s worth noting here that writing everything down pen on paper does wonders for the brain.
- If you have done it, you know that it brings a sense of peacefulness when you see your plans written down in your own handwriting.
- Even more so, some people find the action of writing itself incredibly therapeutic.
- Regardless of which of the options you choose to go for, the core benefits of keeping a journal are the same – Everything is in one place, which makes forgetting something improbable, and allows you to structure your days more effortlessly.
#3 Reward Time

Another idea is to implement some sort of reward system for yourself. Things are best learned through positive reinforcement, so try and think of little ways to make yourself feel good when you manage to keep to your schedule. For instance, every time you organize a part of your day or stick to a premade plan, you give yourself a small gift – it can be anything from enjoying a piece of chocolate to watching an episode of your favorite show.
Another option, if there’s something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, is to give yourself a point after each achievement – gather enough points, and you receive the reward. It can be something like purchasing a new phone or traveling somewhere for a few days – pretty much any big thing you know you’d enjoy but also want to feel like you’ve earned it.
Through this method, you can start teaching your mind that organization is a positive instead of a tedious concept and that if you follow your own rules and are consistent about them, you can achieve whatever you want to.
#4 Share With Loved Ones
- Finally, you can start sharing your adventures with friends and family.
- After you’re sure that you’ve made a positive change and are more organized, you can start sharing your newly learned skills with other people.
- Make some plans together or maybe even be the one responsible for organizing a bunch of your friends.
- Most things are more fun if you involve the ones you love, and by being organized, you can do so with ease.
- Taking the initiative and planning something for you and the people you’re close to is a surefire way to show your appreciation for them and maybe even surprise them with a plan for something you both have been dying to do.
- As a bonus, organizing something like this yourself assures you that your hard work was worth it, making you even more confident in the future.
Final Thoughts
- Organizational skills are essential regardless of what your job and social life are.
- Being able to rely solely on yourself for your plans gives you freedom as nothing else does.
- Being a good organizer also boosts your self-esteem.
- Not to mention, the opinion others have of you will surely benefit from this change, too!
- Maybe the best part of having good organizational skills is that you will be able to fill your days to the brim with things you love to do.
So… Start. Now!
by admin | Jan 7, 2022 | Fitness, Mind
Attracting The Right People
Your Uniqueness Is Your Strongest Quality
We all know that relationships are a massive part of our lives.
Family, friends, love interests – we deem these people so important we often identify ourselves through them.
That’s not to say this is a bad thing seeing as they have a sizable influence on each of us, both as we grow up and when we’re adults.
The people we surround ourselves with can make or break not just our daily mood, but how we view the world in its entirety, as well.
These are just some of the few reasons people are so important for each of us, but one question remains a mystery for many people – How do you attract the people who are right for you?
Let’s find out!
Get To Know Yourself First

You can’t know if something is good for you if you don’t know who you are and what you want.
To make sure you understand yourself on a level where you’ll have the correct opinion of other people, you need to know the answers to a few questions about yourself first.
- What qualities do you appreciate and look for both in other people and yourself?
- What are your ideologies concerning certain essential subjects and the world as a whole?
- What character traits do you want to improve and some that you won’t let change?
- What do you look for in relationships, and what are you bringing to the table?
Some of these may not be as easy to answer as others, but all of them are equally important to find the right people for you and maintain the relationships you build.
Start from yourself.
Reduce The Negativity Around You

This is certainly easier said than done, but that shouldn’t discourage you, really.
Whichever way we turn it, we don’t have an unlimited amount of time, and negativity in any form is at the very least a waste of it.
This, however, can be a great motivator to start enjoying life more and work on making every day better for you and the people you cherish.
An easy way to start is by questioning whether a specific action or person is making you feel okay in this exact moment and in general – by evaluating an exact situation, you have a clearer perspective on what the thing in question brings you.
From that point on, all you have to do is stay true to your feelings – this might be difficult but is worth it in the end.
Be honest about what you’re thinking and feeling, and make sure the person opposite you understands you correctly.
By removing some of the negative emotions in your life, you have more time to dedicate to your ambitions, plans, and current experiences.
Embrace Your Quirks
This is where the magic happens.
Everyone’s unique, and everyone has their own amazing individual thoughts, emotions, and traits, which is precisely why life is so colorful in the first place!
By staying true to what you love and embracing what you want to become, you are pushing to make your dreams a reality and attracting like-minded people in the process.
Think of this – you have undoubtedly found it impressive when people are genuine to themselves.
This is exactly because they’re unapologetic about who they are and what they believe in and build their very own paths in life.
Sure they might be weird from time to time, but they’re honest, and because of that, you can always trust them and their actions, which is valid for their opinion and feelings for the people they surround themselves with.
Accepting and acting the way you actually want to is a complicated process, but it’s what turns you into the person you aspire to be and that, by definition, surrounds you with the right type of people.
Start Looking!

Once you have all this down, this final step is actually surprisingly easy.
You can start interacting with people that have similar interests to you and make new relationships from there.
Hobbies are great for many reasons, and this is one of them – going dancing, enjoying a sport, or wine-tasting are all social activities and most likely filled with people just like you.
And the best part is once you’re honest about what you want, you waste no time in anything short of just right.
Sure, relationships can sometimes be difficult, and building new ones may sound a bit intimidating at first, but it only gets better once you start.
Key Message
Finding the social circle that’s right for you will undoubtedly make your life much more happy and easy while also helping you turn into who you aim to be.
By being true to yourself, you let everyone around you know who you are and what you’re looking for.
Attracting the type of people you want happens only when you’re honest, and that honesty is exactly the reason behind the magnetism itself.
With all of this being said, we believe it’s high time you go out into the world and indulge in your uniqueness and liveliness – the right people for you will be there to cheer you on!
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