The Power Of Introspection And Why We Need To Know Ourselves

The Power Of Introspection And Why We Need To Know Ourselves

The Power Of Introspection And Why We Need To Know Ourselves

Who Am I? And Other Questions We Tend To Avoid Most of us automatically assume we know ourselves. Our experiences tied together with our memories, perceived tastes, fears, and hopes form our ego and our idea of ourselves.

Still, most people have sides of them that remain unexplored given the tendency of humans to avoid deep thought and thorough honesty with themselves. Unfortunately, we are the person we lie to the most sometimes.

For example, aside from generic job interview questions most people simply don’t have a good overview of their shortcomings. Because let’s be honest, no one wants to think about what they’re not good at. However, questions like ‘’What am I bad at?’’ or ‘’What am I good at?’’ can serve as a foundation for your self-development journey.

Questions like these don’t arise automatically or out of the blue. We need to set the scene for these questions to be examined in a truthful and honest way. And setting the scene for this kind of self-analysis employs a not-so-secret technique that is becoming increasingly rare and avoided, and that technique implies being alone with yourself.

Solitude And Its Benefits

Without great solitude, no serious work is possible.

—Pablo Picasso

Living in the age of informational abundance and the internet, being alone is hard to come by. After all, all your friends are there simply a click away on this little magic rectangle you keep in your pocket, called a phone. However, studies seem to show that voluntary solitude has been linked to a great number of benefits like lowered depressive symptoms, well-being, and greater life satisfaction.

Even throughout time and across different cultural segments, detaching oneself from the business of daily life and practicing voluntary solitude most often in nature has been shown to be a common form of anxiety relief and a tool one uses to get to know themselves better.

Ancient and not-so-ancient writings show that being alone facilitates inspiration and insight and serves to erase the never-ending inner chatter most of us have. Once all those voices that delegate your daily life have been muffled, then you can begin to look inside yourself and find answers and guidance coming from the best of all places, your gut.

Confidence Comes With Knowing Yourself

Confidence comes with being able to spend time alone voluntarily and having a good time doing it. Spend enough time alone, and you’ll find that you’re the most reliable person you know. You’re available to yourself 24/7 from the day you are born to the day you die.

Can you then think of a more trustworthy person than yourself? Once you start trusting yourself, you inadvertently begin building greater levels of confidence. The real type of confidence that’s gifted only to those who spend enough time getting to know themselves and their abilities.

Confidence can rarely be faked, and on the accounts that it can, it’s hardly sustainable. And let’s be honest here – When you know it’s something that will serve you for the rest of your days, what’s the point of faking it, rather than building it from the ground up?

Knowing Yourself Is A Journey With No End

Human desires are like the horizon – you’re walking towards it but never getting any closer. The same goes for the desire to know and improve yourself. You may need to re-examine your shortcomings and your strengths once in a while. Maybe you’ve improved on one point but weakened another.

This isn’t necessarily bad. It only serves to show that you’re indeed further on your journey and making progress. There is one thing to remember on this journey to knowing yourself – one never arrives. Because personal development is a never-ending journey that lasts a life time.

Final Thoughts

We all have the power to change our lives and do amazing things. But we need to be honest with ourselves first in order for that to happen. Introspection is a powerful tool, but it can also feel like an unnecessary burden when you’re trying to get through your day. The key is finding the balance between introspection and action so that you can make changes without feeling overwhelmed by self-reflection. It takes time, practice, and effort, but though that’s the case, you should remember that even small steps build momentum over time.

The Mindset Of The Performer

The Mindset Of The Performer

The Mindset Of The Performer

Artistry Was Actually Never Hard To Obtain When you hear the word “performance” your first association probably isn’t about mindset. Big stages, spectacular shows, colors, music, and people who are extremely talented are probably what you imagine. As it turns out though in order to achieve all of this and more, you need to think in a specific way.

Having the right mindset is essential up from the forming of ideas to the very last moment on stage. Here we explain in the simplest terms what being a performer means in terms of the state of mind.

What Is It?

Let’s break down the general definition of a performer’s mindset first. People who adopt this way of thinking are mainly driven by recognition and appreciation. To them, the end result matters not only because of their personal relationship to it but because it influences those around them as well.

Therefore, many times, their opinion is at least somewhat based on the response others have about their achievements. Now, although this has its cons, it can also be rather positive. For instance, the connection people with the performer’s mindset have with others is often well built and respected.

The reason behind this is that they deem other people’s criticism just as important as their praise. This shouldn’t, however, lessen the importance of self-evaluation and opinion. Believing in yourself is, in fact one of the most critical aspects of this mindset. As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re probably right,” and this couldn’t be more relevant for performers.

Performing & The Growth Mindset

In order to fully understand why these two mindsets are connected, let’s first explain what a “growth mindset” is. It’s the basic idea that intelligence, creativity, and success are products of hard work instead of innate qualities. People with this mindset believe that what they have achieved is because of their devotion and that therefore, everything is possible.

Once you adapt to this way of thinking, the concept that there are some things that you can’t do, that there are mountains that are too high to climb, simply becomes invalid. As opposed to people with a fixed mindset, with enough hard work and dedication, those with growth one can achieve even their wildest dreams.

That means that they can sustain almost a constant state of change and improvement which allows them to be better performers.

What Are Some Of The Benefits You Can Extract?

As most of you would have guessed, there are many  positives that come along with the performer’s mindset. Let’s start with the most obvious one – you’re in touch with your imagination and creativity. Being any sort of performer, you thrive when you have new ideas and an opportunity to showcase your abilities, and this mindset is perfect for putting you in situations where you have just that.

Suddenly talking with agents or booking a show isn’t an impossible feat, filled with fear, but an exciting time for which you look forward to. Another benefit the performer’s mindset has is that it teaches you to love to share your knowledge and skills with others. You can be a great artist, but you also need an audience, and the more you use this mindset, the more you start appreciating this.

That, in turn, means you’re not afraid of being seen and/or judged. Criticism is a tough pill to swallow for most people, but performers know that it can be very useful. And even if the people you share your talents with aren’t acclaimed critics, you’re conscious of their opinions regardless. This forms beautiful relationships in all sorts of aspects.

Finally, but definitely not less importantly, you enjoy new moments and difficulties. The entire motivation you need to dive headfirst into a specific thing is that it will be a challenge. This means that fear rarely holds you back from experiencing what you truly want to, which is incredibly valuable.

Take-Home Message

So what is the performer’s mindset? Well, it’s a valuable ideology that provides you with everything you need to show your talents and strengths. It nurtures creativity, helps you find your way of expression and connection to your audience, and makes you less afraid to go after your dreams.

Even just from these points alone, one can agree that the performer’s mindset is extremely beneficial, not to mention tremendously fun. So, don’t wait for a second more and start thinking of ways to adapt it to your lifestyle!

The Power Of Word Of Mouth

The Power Of Word Of Mouth

The Power Of Word Of Mouth

Word of mouth marketing is a term that many of us have heard before. Not surprising because word-of-mouth marketing has been around for as long as businesses have existed.

Social media has taken over the modern business environment and now many companies are trying to gain as many likes and followers as possible to whom they can later market to.

But here’s the thing!

Having 100 loyal and quality clients could prove to be more profitable than having 10,000 followers who are only interested in getting deals and winning gifts. And that is what word of mouth marketing does for your business -provides quality customers.

But what exactly is word of mouth?

Understanding word of mouth marketing

Excessive Need For External Validation

Imagine you were out shopping and decided to check out a store. When you stepped into the shop, the customer representative received you with a smile and proceeded to show you around the shop.

You then found a great product which after using it, found that it worked perfectly and exceeded your expectations. Chances are high that you would tell your friends and advice and ask them to try out the product. If they also liked it, they would share it with their friends.

This is word-of-mouth marketing and is simply the best marketing there is.

Why you might ask?

Well, because people trust the recommendations of their friends and loved ones more than any commercial or ad.

Why word of mouth marketing is important

Placing The Goals

The first reason why your business should use word of mouth is that people trust those closest to them and are more likely to act on their recommendations. It is the most effective type of marketing. Moreover, it is unlikely that word-of-mouth marketing will end after a single interaction. It starts with one person who tells two or more people who in turn continue telling other people.

Now that you understand the importance of word of mouth, how do you use it in your business?

How to leverage word of mouth

Word of mouth marketing is all about connecting with your customers and less about “collecting” as many of them as you can.

Here’s how.

Make something interesting

like yourself

If you make something average that doesn’t spur the customer’s interest, they are not going to see the need to share. Only interesting content or products are worth sharing. But how do you make something interesting?

You can start by doing market research and finding out which products are on the market. Then brainstorm with your team and find something you can create that will wow the market while also providing solutions.

Provide value

People will only share a product, experience, or service if it offers value. Think about it for a second! Would you share that time you experienced a mediocre service at a restaurant or would you share your best experiences? Chances are it’s the latter. So whenever you offer a product or service always make sure it provides value to your customers.

Arouse emotion

For something to be unforgettable and worth sharing, it should arouse certain positive emotions in the customer.

People are less likely to share something basic or average. Instead, they share something out of the ordinary that sparks a high level of emotions in them.

Final thoughts

Word of mouth marketing has the highest success rate of any type of marketing. This is why your business should leverage on it if it hasn’t done so already. Remember, to succeed at WOMM, you need to create something worth mentioning, offers value, and arouses positive emotions in your customers. Get those things right and you are golden!


The Psychologists From Centuries Ago That Still Matter

The Psychologists From Centuries Ago That Still Matter

The Psychologists From Centuries Ago That Still Matter

Some Of The Most Influential Minds That Keep Impacting The World Of Psychology Psychology is the study of human behavior and state of mind.

Throughout the years, we have come to many different conclusions about ourselves and how our brains work. The field of psychology is where all that valuable knowledge is stored. Although psychology is a quickly developing science which talks about many different subjects, certain ideas were so revolutionary that they changed the collective worldview of future generations.

Some people’s insights were so unique and their work so diligent that they still have a massive influence centuries later. In this article, we have listed some of the pioneers of psychology in the previous centuries, that have had a great impact, that still matters!

Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

He is the first person to discover and start using the scientific method. He was also the first to believe that grand theories and ideas should find their beginnings from more minor facts. He believed that these methods could be used when talking about human behavior.

The true character of any individual can be found through observation, and once you have gathered a considerable amount of information, you can deduct the individual’s future behavior. This was later recognized as the inductive method – the notion that specific facts which can be tested should lead to a general rule. He changed the way we collect and process information, which started the biggest trends in 17th-century psychology.

Rene Descartes (1596-1650)

Known as the father of modern philosophy, Descartes was an astounding thinker in many fields. In psychology, he is most well known for his theory on dualism, in which he splits the world into two separate parts. One is the physical “realm of matter and energy” – the one which is quantifiable and can be researched.

The second is the “mental realm,” which cannot be measured and holds our behavioral and mental traits. He is also the pioneer in a field called rationalism – the concept that everything should be doubted until it is proven.

John Locke (1632-1704)

He is the person who introduced the concept of Tabula Rasa – the belief that the mind is a blank slate at birth and that every individual is formed thanks to their environment. Locke was a strong defender of the nurture side to the “nature vs. nurture” debate precisely because of his belief in Tabula Rasa.

Because in his eyes, every behavior, thought pattern, and inclination was learned, he believed that the first few years since birth are the most important ones for human development. He is also one of the biggest contributors to the liberal theory, seeing as he strongly believed in the natural right of life and freedom.

Imannuel Kant (1724-1804)

Immanuel Kant is famous for many things. He revolutionized the way we understand knowledge. Before him, people generally agreed that the minds are simple mirrors for the outside experience, and thus everything we knew was a simple reflection of our environment.

Kant said that our minds are responsible for all of our perceptions and that therefore they are the ones that shape our knowledge. He is also famous for trying to unite empiricism and rationalism. He believed that both experience and reason are equally important and that we should work with both of them all of the time. He explained why, by saying that all experience is subjective but using solely reason would only lead to illusions.

Gustav Fechner (1801-1887)

He is the German philosopher who founded psychophysics and formulated the Fechner law. This law states that the sensation a human experiences is proportional to the magnitude of the stimulus and is connected to Weber’s law. Fechner also conceptualized that the mind and body were two parts of the same thing instead of two completely separate systems.

This led him to panpsychism – the doctrine that the universe is created and governed by the mind or the soul. He also proved that physical stimuli have an effect on the human psyche. From that discovery, he started being an avid believer that the brain can be studied mathematically and that psychology, therefore, should be a quantified science.

Final Thoughts

Psychology has always been an interesting science, and by extension, psychologists have always been fascinating people. Most of the notions we connect to the field today have their foundations because of the people listed here! There truly are some genius minds, and it’s a wonderful thing that some chose to specialize in this enchanting field of study.

How do you like psychology, and which do you think are the people that most influenced this field of study? Comment below and let’s discuss!

The Solo Journey: What Is It And Why Do It?

The Solo Journey: What Is It And Why Do It?

The Solo Journey: What Is It And Why Do It?

What Is The Solo Journey?

Most of us like to travel. Travel can take many forms, from a weekend trip to a whole year of vagabonding and hitchhiking. A lot of the time, however, we travel with a companion, friends, or family.

After all, the saying goes:

‘’If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.’’

However, there are a number of reasons you might want to consider traveling alone.

Silence And Solitude

Our lives are filled with noise and stimuli. From the morning commute to talking with co-workers, friends, and family. Rarely do we have moments of silence and solitude. It’s exactly in those moments, however, that we have the opportunity to slow down and reflect.

Traveling alone in the wilderness has a rich history in ancient traditions in which people sought self-knowledge, healing, and spiritual insights. The truth is that most likely, humans did not evolve to sit in traffic or live in megapolis cities.

We use the same bodies and minds our ancestors used to hunt and gather in the wild. Experiencing a retreat in nature by yourself can have immense benefits on our mental well-being. Let’s explore some of the key benefits of traveling alone.

Learning To Deal With Loneliness

There’s a negative reputation that comes with loneliness. We’re social creatures, and we need human interaction in order to survive and to thrive. However, we discover that occasional voluntary periods of loneliness can calm your mind and untangle the web in your head. Even going on a long walk in a park can be an interesting journey into self-exploration.

Once you’re disconnected from your daily routine, you’ll find the overwhelming feeling of calmness and concentration. Finally, you have some time to escape the noise and understand your own rhythms, dreams, and fears. Loneliness and solitude give you the ability to come face to face with your own insufficiencies and confront them when there are no distractions around you.

Detaching Yourself From Technology

Like most of us, you probably spend a large amount of time sorting emails, scrolling in social media, and chatting with friends. We’re spending most of our time online rather than experiencing the world around us. The average US adult spends 3 hours and 43 minutes on their mobile devices.

If you think about it, most of us have a tendency to get lost while scrolling or surfing the web. Websites and tech companies analyze our activity in order and try to provide us with customized lists of content they know we’ll want to indulge in.

We’re at the point where there is more content to consume than we have time. Traveling alone and in nature forces us to reset. It makes us remember how we don’t need to be constantly engaged in consuming. It shows us that sometimes it’s ok to be bored and that we don’t need to always be satiated to the fullest. If you’ve ever been on a hike, you’ll know that just a piece of bread has the ability to taste ten times better than any five-star Michelin restaurant.

Sometimes, happiness hides in removing, not adding things.

Final Thoughts

It’s undisputed that nature has healing powers. Seaside’s, forests, mountains, or fields, no matter the landscape, the magic qualities of being one with nature are abundant everywhere. Harnessing them and choosing to occasionally detach ourselves from our daily hustles can bring a lot of benefits to our well-being.

If you decide to give solo wilderness travel a try, remember to be well prepared and do your research. The best thing you can do is to start small. Don’t overextend yourself with a month-long mountain climb. Go to the nearest park or forest in your local community.

Once you start gaining experience, you’ll find that the benefits will soon follow. Deprivation doesn’t always have to be negative. Abstaining from technology and the busyness of our interconnected world will bring your body and mind back and give it a gentle feeling of nostalgia for times long lost. When humans used to sleep under the open night sky and were one with nature. So, if you’re feeling depressed, distracted, or anxious.

Give nature a try.