How To Develop A Business Idea

How To Develop A Business Idea

How To Develop A Business Idea

As humans looking to exceed our own expectations and improve our personal development, business ideas are something that frequently comes to mind. And though starting a business may first seem exciting and motivational, it is in fact a point when ANYTHING can and will happen. Essentially, creating a business is one of the best ways to test your personal traits.

To start and sustain a business idea, you need the right business model, a budget, planning, strategy, a great team and much more. In this article, we’re going to give you tips and tricks on how to successfully launch and develop a business idea.

Take notes!

Study The Market & Competition

Oftentimes, an idea comes to mind that seems really promising from your own perspective.That instant rush of motivation gets you to start doing things right away, but one thing is often ignored  This is namely the fact that just because you have a thought, doesn’t mean it is true.

Before you engage in your next best idea, try and study the market – Is there demand for this? Is the niche too broad? How long in the future can you sustain this? Do people really need it? Try and find out as much as possible of what already exists, regarding your idea.

Create A Game Plan

Whatever it is that you are trying to develop, there is a logical, method-based way to get from point A to point B in a straight line. Granted, there will be twists and turns along the way, but this is when you have to get back on track. Analyze your idea and all of its requirements, whether that is technology or staff members.

Get Your Finances Right

Creating a financial plan when starting a business is one of the most (if not the most) important things to do. Nearly any idea requires a certain amount of money, especially in the starting phase when the business is coming to life. Once you have your game plan down on paper, analyze all aspects that will require capital and create a rough financial plan for what you’ll need to start up.

At the end of the day, if it is out of your budget, do the things for your future business that do not require as much capital, while saving up money on the side.

Do what you can, with what you have!

Look For Investors

There are sometimes ideas that are too good not to be created, but yet require a massive amount of money to even just get started up. If you have one of those ideas where you have a completely clear vision and a constant flow of thoughts and ideas about the business, you may as well have found your gem.

This is the type of ideas that you strongly relate to, and may attract investors just with your passion about it. In case this sounds familiar to you, sit down and create your own presentation for investors – Make it simple, concise, straight to the point.


Starting up and developing a business idea may first appear to be exciting, but is actually a thing that involves a lot of effort and time. As a businessman, you have to be able to analyze the market, study the competition, and understand your exact vision. Last but not least, once everything in your mind is clear about the business idea, you have to create a detailed plan of action that includes all steps and financial needs, towards achieving the end result.

At the end of the day, you can predict all you want, but it will be the community that will decide whether or not your product or service belongs on the market!

How To Eat On A Busy Schedule

How To Eat On A Busy Schedule

How To Eat On A Busy Schedule

Many of us are trapped in the busy city life, where time is tight, everything is rushed and there is little to no time for you to give your body all the essential nutrients it needs. Without a doubt, daily life-induced stress, combined with malnutrition can lead to a serious downfall in performance, both mental and physical.

This daily life-induced stress inevitably leads to burnouts and one of the best steps to deal with it, is to learn how to fuel your body on a day to day basis.

Is Nutrition Really Everything?


Now, nutrition isn’t really everything there is to managing stress from daily life, but it can be a powerful tool to do so for a couple of reasons. First off, food is not just nutrients. Though the common belief about food nowadays is mainly related to the caloric and macronutrient content, that is not all there is to nutrition.

Besides being the body’s fuel for performance and recovery, nutrition is a form of art, enjoyment and pleasure. This can bring about a more relaxed, content state of mind which will have a positive impact on your perception of daily-life stress. So how can you take care of your nutrition consistently, without having to spend countless hours in the kitchen, or all your money on ordered food?

Read our best tips below, as we give you insight on easy, seamless, efficient meal-prep you can use on a busy schedule!

#1 Pick Food Sources

sustainable nutrition plan

Nutrition isn’t all that hard and its main purpose is to give the body all the essential nutrient it needs to sustain optimal functioning of all bodily systems and processes. The two essential nutrients for the body are protein and fats, as they play major roles in all internal processes. Besides protein and fats, you have carbohydrates, which are not essential, but good to consume, especially if you are mentally and physically active.

Here are our best picks for whole foods, which you can place at the core of your daily menu:

  1. Beef
  2. Pork
  3. Dairy products
  4. Eggs
  5. Sweet potatoes
  6. Normal potatoes
  7. White/brown rice
  8. Broccoli
  9. Carrots
  10. Kiwis
  11. Bananas
  12. Mangoes
  13. Coconuts
  14. Oats

#2 Cook in bulk!

Cook in bulk

If you are looking to save as much time as possible and be efficient with your nutrition and food budget, cooking your own food is your best bet. Furthermore, to catch up with a busy schedule, you have to think ahead of time and prepare your food for the next couple of days.

Preparing your main products in bigger amounts (meats, grains and potatoes) is your best bet, and you can then use those as core products for different meals, where you add side foods such as vegetables, sauces and other side products which can enrich the meal.

#3 Pack It Up!

Once you’ve established the core products of your daily menu and cooked them, all you have to do is pack them up and put them in the fridge for later use. Whenever you’re going out and about, all you need to do is take a food box with you and then, you can consume that any time, anywhere, without having to order food.

Home-cooked food is the best and least expensive option!

Don’t Forget Though

In the beginning, preparing your own food may seem time-consuming, especially if you are not used to cooking. However, once you establish a concrete system, cooking all your food for the week will take just a couple of cooking sessions. This in turn will save you time, money and on top of that, will allow you to consistently provide your body with all the essential nutrients that it needs.

And so, are you ready to make a change for the better?

How to get better sleep

How to get better sleep

How to get better sleep

Have you ever wondered how to wake up fresh and ready to crush your day? Have you ever felt your energy level dropping to the ground after being awake for only 3 hours? Today you are going to get all the answers you have always had about sleep.

But first, let’s answer a simple question…

Why do we sleep?

You have a response for that, right? You will say something like “I sleep because I don’t wanna die” and you will be right.

Well, generally… There are a couple of theories that exist to answer this question, however, the explanation is not quite simple: The truth lies in a combination of every one of these theories.

  1. Psychical recovery – this is the moment where our brain recovers.
  2. Physical recovery – when we sleep our body recovers and builds certain tissues (muscles).
  3. Reorganize the memories and information that we accumulated during the day.
  4. We save energy – when we sleep we need less energy.

If you are not convinced yet, whether to take these important 8 hours of sleep, here’s more…

What happens if we don’t sleep enough?

To answer this question we have to examine the consequences of sleep deprivation. According to a survey, which shows that if you are only sleeping 2-3 hours less than the optimum amount of 8 hours you will have 24% more hunger throughout the day. The increased appetite leads to overweight and risk of many other conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease in the long term.

Another big issue with sleep deprivation is that we don’t recover optimally. Even if our diet and training plans are on point we’ll have a hard time making these gains. Furthermore, our productivity will decrease as well. In other words, our body will suffer, our mind will suffer, our relationships will suffer. If that isn’t enough to make you get these important 8 hours every night, we have one more thing to convince you to get more serious about it.

Short sleep duration will lose you money!

That’s right. When you had a bad sleep you will have trouble making the right decisions. You are not focused enough and you miss opportunities. Missed opportunities lead to losing money.

After knowing all the consequences of bad sleeping habits, let’s jump straight into some tips that will help you.

How do we actually get better sleep?

The truth is that the quality of your sleep is affected by a variety of factors, some of which you may not even know matter that much… However, there are fundamental truths about sleep, which will do the job if you go by them, so let’s have a look!

  1. Create a routine

Going to bed at the same hour every night and getting up at the same hour will make your life easier. You should train your brain to “shut down” and wake up at specific times. By doing this, you teach your body when it is time to rest and when it is time to progress.

  1. Invest in a good mattress

We spend ⅓ of our lives sleeping. With that being said, we shouldn’t compromise the good mattress because it has an important role in the quality of our sleep.

Bonus: The pillow is also a nice investment, so spend your money wisely for a comfortable one.

  1. Remember the 3 keywords
  • Cold – 17-18 degrees is a perfect temperature for sleeping.
  • Noise – It should be quiet in your room.
  • Darkness – It must be fully dark when you sleep, so buying dark curtains is a smart idea.
  1. Take a hot bath before sleep

It helps in reducing body temperature, which is important for sleeping.

  1. Reduce caffeine consumption

Don’t drink caffeinated beverages after late afternoon because your sleep will suffer.

  1. Don’t look at your phone, laptop, TV before bed

The blue light is damaging your sleep, so reading a book is preferable.

Final thoughts:

If you are finally ready to get the best sleep of your life and say goodbye to insomnia and low-quality sleep, follow these tips and come back here to thank us later!

Sleep tight.

How To Improve Your Gut Health

How To Improve Your Gut Health

How To Improve Your Gut Health

Gut health is of major importance for our overall well being because it correlates with the brain and it also breaks down the food we consume, which is later turned into vital nutrients. If you have missed the first part, where we explain everything about the importance of our gut, click here (insert a link to part 1) to learn more.

Expensive prebiotic supplements shouldn’t be your go-to option when you experience gut problems. The good bacteria your body requires don’t have to come from pills. In fact, consuming healthy food can impact the amount of “good” bacteria we have in our digestive system. Today we are investigating further into the topic and we are offering some great tips on how to actually improve your gut health.

6 Tips To Improve Your Gut Health

  1. Change Your Diet

Getting rid of high sugar, trans-fats, and processed food should be your priority if you want your gut to thank you. Consuming more lean protein such as chicken/turkey breasts, beef topside, fish, and quality fibers (oats, whole-grain bread/pasta) will benefit your digestive system. In fact, eating a high-fiber diet has been proven to alter our guts in a positive direction.

  1. Keep Yourself Hydrated

Drinking 8 glasses of water per day may sound like the most annoying thing your mom used to tell you, but it is actually true. Keeping your body hydrated has been shown to have a positive effect on the balance of the good bacteria in our guts.

  1. Don’t Rush When Eating

Keeping a slow pace when consuming food is of major importance for the health of your gut. For this reason, chewing slowly can help you digest your food better and absorb all required nutrients. Maintaining a healthy gut and reducing digestive discomfort is guaranteed if you stick to this condition.

So, next time when you are trying to eat as fast as you can, slow down for a second, and think how your gut will react if you continue at the same pace.

  1. Sleep More

Getting enough uninterrupted sleep is a complicated process for a lot of people, especially those with kids out there. However, not getting enough quality sleep can have a great impact on your gut health. Try to prioritize getting at least 7-8 hours a night.

Not only it will help you maintain a healthy gut, but you will also be more productive throughout the day.

  1. Eat Fermented Foods

Fermentation is a process where the sugar many foods contain is broken down into bacteria or yeast. One of the foods, which is easy to get and cheap is yogurt. Yogurt is rich in lactobacilli, which is a bacteria that can benefit your gut health. It was proven that people who consume a lot of yogurt, have more lactobacilli in their gut.

These people have less chance to experience gut inflammation or any other chronic conditions. However, keep in mind that there are many sweetened yogurts out there with a lot of added sugar, which are not beneficial. Always search for a natural yogurt with no artificial sweeteners.

  1. Eat Dark Chocolate

We can almost see the smiles of all chocolate lovers out there. Polyphenols, which are plant-based molecules that are rich in fiber, are found in dark chocolate. They travel to our intestines where microbes use them for fuel. Other foods and beverages that are rich in polyphenols are:

  • Blueberries
  • Green Tea
  • Cocoa
  • Broccoli
  • Almonds
  • Onions

Takeaway Message

A disrupted microbiome, which is found in the gut, can lead to many chronic diseases. There are a lot of lifestyle changes that you can make and with some effort, you can maintain a healthy gut. Avoid artificial sweeteners as much as possible. Eat plenty of vegetables and fresh unprocessed foods. Beans, legumes, and whole-grain foods should also be in your diet.

What are you waiting for?

Your Gut Health is in your hands now. Go and make the most out of it!

This is a guide for finding a therapist to help with mental health issues.

This is a guide for finding a therapist to help with mental health issues.

This is a guide for finding a therapist to help with mental health issues.

Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing a Therapist

A key element of therapy is finding the right match between the patient and the therapist. Keeping in mind that therapy is work, sometimes painful, can be helpful after you find someone. The benefits of therapy can also be life-changing and rewarding.

Choosing a therapist is a complex process. What are the steps?

  1. Make an appointment with your general practitioner to rule out any possible medical causes for your symptoms. Psychological symptoms can often be confused with physical ones.


  1. If you are not in a country that provides free mental health care, such as the UK does, and you have not been able to access other charitable or support groups, find out what mental health coverage is available in other ways, for example, privately. You may need to consult your medical insurance if you hold it.


  1. Get two or three referrals before making an Specify age, sex, race, or religious background if those characteristics are important to you.


4.Call to find out about appointment availability, location, and fees. Find out if they take your insurance or if they charge by income.


  1. Make sure the therapist has experience helping people whose problems are similar to yours. Don’t be afraid to ask about experience and qualifications.


  1. If you are satisfied with the answers, make an appointment.


  1. During your first visit, describe those feelings and problems that led you to seek help. Find out how the therapist reacts and what options you are given for treatment. Do you feel comfortable with your choices? Are you able to express freely? Do you feel safe?


(I can’t remember how many times a client said that they had chosen me and my clinic because during and after us chatting, they felt safe – but it’s a lot) so ensure you feel comfortable to be yourself and speak openly. These feelings may evolve as you chat and even change afterwards, so time your time to evaluate properly.

  1. Be sure the psychotherapist does not take a “cookie cutter” or ”one size fits all” approach to your treatment – different psychotherapies and medications are tailored to meet specific needs. You are an individual and your therapist must show that perspective.


  1. After your initial visit, take some time to explore how you felt about the therapist. Is there a connection? Do you still feel comfortable or has anything changed?


  1. If everything meets your approval, schedule your next appointment.  If not, go back to the list you gathered in Step 3 and start over again.

I wish you much love and light, I believe you will find your happiness. Blessings.