Invest In Your Health
The Excuse Eliminator

Yup – That’s how I describe resistance bands. The EXCUSE ELIMINATOR! Why?
Resistance Bands are small, lightweight & portable.
If you’re working out with very limited space, bands are an amazing tool for you. Or perhaps you travel a lot? It’s so simple to pack your bands up and bring your workouts with you.
Resistance Bands are super EASY to find!
Head on over to Walmart or any other major retailer or fitness store. They’ll have them, I’m sure! And amazon – stocked FULL of bands!!
And they’re CHEAP!
I know – I hate the word cheap too – I prefer inexpensive or cost effective. They all work here. They are the most reasonably priced workout gear – that will fit into any budget!
Compound moves = EXPRESS Workouts!
Compound movements get the full body DONE in no time at all! Bands are powerful – and working out with them targets so many muscles at the same time. Your core is switched on the whole time – and you have to work both the eccentric and concentric (the up AND down) of each move. Your workouts don’t need to be long with bands! Get in, add some tension, and get done.
There are 6 workouts with this program … each comes with a full length follow-along workout video:
ACTIVATE – Mondays are all about ACTIVATION and we rock it in this workout!
FEEL THE HEAT – We use the loop band to zone in and really feel the burn in this workout!
LONG & STRONG – A pure resistance workout using long bands. We’re building muscle and getting stronger!
LOAD & EXPLODE – We are circuiting a move with the band to load, then a power move without the band. We’re feeling the freedom and exploding through this set!
TEMPO & TENSION – Time under tension is such a beautiful thing – and we are using it to our advantage in this workout. 3 rounds – each at a different tempo. This is epic!
RELEASE THE TENSION – our final workout of the week. We’re repairing and recovering. We’re releasing – and it is delicious!
Get IN Shape
Real Work. Real Results.
This program is geared to ALL fitness levels. Beginners will love this program – but so will those with more experience. It’s great for everyone to come back to the bands from time to time to fully activate the muscles. They will get more out of weighted workouts from doing so.
Key Program Points:
All you need is wifi
a set of dumbbells, mini-loop resistance bands and an optional step (or bench/stable chair)
Designed for home
or travel workouts with small spaces
Geared to ALL AGES
& ALL fitness levels – especially beginners and those looking to work on balance & stability. Modifications and intensifications are offered through the workout videos
No Pain, No Gain
Sneek Peek the Workouts:

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On Mondays we ACTIVATE! This workout is SUPER IMPORTANT! This is when we wake up the body. We start activating the muscles – and taking…

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Today – we’re bring on the BURN!! Run towards it! Feel the burn and keep going. We want to feel the heat today – it…
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Building STRENGTH with the LONG Bands Today is all about getting stronger! We’re building upper strength, lower strength, core strength – and everything in between…
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We’re BUILDING up the POWER today – LOADING IT UP & EXPLODING! This is such a fun workout and an amazing way to build strength…
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Time under Tension is a Beautiful Thing! We are using TEMPO today to help us get stronger! We have 7 moves, with 3 different tempo…
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We worked hard all week – now let’s release! You earned this! Today is all about recovery. Yes there’s still a bit of ‘work’ splashed…