Functional Fitness Block 1

Functional Fitness Block ONE: Intervals

INTERVALS is our protocol in this Functional Fitness BLOCK. We’re playing with work to rest times. 3 sets of work – decreasing work and rest time with each set: Set 1 = 60 secs work to 30 secs rest Set 2 = 40 secs work to 20 secs rest Set 3 = 30 secs work to 15 secs rest

Recommended Weekly Split:

No matter how you chose to use the blocks … either stand alone, add on, or a mash-up from different months … This is our recommended weekly split calendar.

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat/Sun
Pull Push Rest Core Functional Skills Rest

That said – you’re welcome to create your own calendar and do what works best for you and your clients.

ABOUT The Functional Fitness Program:

Welcome to the Functional Fitness program … An ever-growing, unbranded fitness program, designed for coaches to download and easily share with their clients.


What Is Functional Fitness:

Squat.  Lunge.  Hinge.  Walk.  Rotate.  Push.  Pull.  These are the 7 functional movement skills we use in everyday life.  Functional Fitness trains all of these movements in a unique, fun, challenging, and inspiring way.


Why Functional Fitness in Important:

By mirroring the movements of daily life – like squatting, reaching, or even carrying a heavy object – building functional fitness can help increase the quality of life and reduce the risk of injury.  Functional Fitness basically makes daily life easier.

functional fitness block 5

Block 5: Asymmetrical Training

About Asymmetrical Training:

Most workouts that we do use bilateral exercises, which require us to pull or push with both arms and/or both legs simultaneously.  However – in this block we’re changing things up!  We’re going asymmetrical and focusing on one side at a time!  This is a fun and super effective protocol that will challenge your clients in a whole new way!

There are so many benefits to asymmetrical training:

Many functional movements in life are actually asymmetrical!  Think even walking  – one foot is ahead of the other and the arms are swinging in opposite directions.  Asymmetry!  Using this block of asymmetrical training with your clients will really help them make their daily life movements easier, stronger & safer.

Reduce dissimilarities –  We typically have 1 side of the body that is stronger than the other.  When we train both arms/legs together, the stronger one usually kicks in and does most of the work.  Not in this block!  We’re targeting both sides separately – so both sides need to kick in equally!  Your clients will love this!

Asymmetrical training  works core strength & balance to the max!  This is because when working 1 side of the body, the other needs to kick in and stabilize.  The body is forced to engage the core to maintain balance.

And lastly – asymmetrical training forces clients to really focus in!  Only 1 side is moving, so they get a deeper mind-body connection in that movement.

Give this protocol block a go with your clients – they’re sure to love it!

ABOUT The Functional Fitness Program:

The Functional Fitness program is an ever-growing, unbranded fitness program, designed for coaches to download and easily share with their clients.  Every other month a new block is released.  The program keeps growing – and the challenge gets better and better!

What Is Functional Fitness:

Squat.  Lunge.  Hinge.  Walk.  Rotate.  Push.  Pull.  These are the 7 functional movement skills we use in everyday life.  Functional Fitness trains all of these movements in a unique, fun, challenging, and inspiring way.

Why Functional Fitness is Important:

By mirroring the movements of daily life – like squatting, reaching, or even carrying a heavy object – building functional fitness can help increase the quality of life and reduce the risk of injury.  Functional Fitness basically makes daily life easier.

Recommended Weekly Split:

No matter how you chose to use the blocks … either stand alone, add on, or a mash-up from different months … This is our recommended weekly split calendar.

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat/Sun
Pull Push Rest Core Functional Skills Rest

That said – you’re welcome to create your own calendar and do what works best for you and your clients.

Function Fitness BLOCK 4

Functional Fitness Block 4: Drop Set!

About the Drop Set protocol:

Tone and build beautiful lean muscle with the drop set protocol!   Here’s how it’s done:

  • Set ONE: Perform 10 reps with a MEDIUM weight.  Complete all exercises in the set top to bottom.  Then …
  • Set TWO: Perform 6-8 reps with a HEAVY weight – and IMMEDIATELY drop to a LIGHT weight for another 12 reps!  Do this 1 each exercise, then move to the next.  20 reps back to back – 8 in HEAVY weight, then 12 in LIGHT.

Drop sets are SUPER POWERFUL at getting clients results – and they will LOVE the feeling of the burn!  When we drop to the lighter weight right after a heavy set … it’s extending the work in the muscles and it’s such an awesome burn!   Using this high-intensity training method, we’re essentially fatiguing one group of muscle fibers with the heavy weights, then by going lighter, we recruit a SECOND group of muscle fibers that weren’t working for us before. The more muscle fibers we recruit, the more beautiful lean muscle our bodies are able to form.

Recommended Weekly Split:

No matter how you chose to use the blocks … either stand alone, add on, or a mash-up from different months … This is our recommended weekly split calendar.

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat/Sun
Pull Push Rest Core Functional Skills Rest

That said – you’re welcome to create your own calendar and do what works best for you and your clients.

Function Fitness BLOCK 3

Recommended Weekly Split:

No matter how you chose to use the blocks … either stand alone, add on, or a mash-up from different months … This is our recommended weekly split calendar.

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat/Sun
Pull Push Rest Core Functional Skills Rest

That said – you’re welcome to create your own calendar and do what works best for you and your clients.

ABOUT The Functional Fitness Program:

Welcome to the Functional Fitness program … An ever-growing, unbranded fitness program, designed for coaches to download and easily share with their clients.


What Is Functional Fitness:

Squat.  Lunge.  Hinge.  Walk.  Rotate.  Push.  Pull.  These are the 7 functional movement skills we use in everyday life.  Functional Fitness trains all of these movements in a unique, fun, challenging, and inspiring way.


Why Functional Fitness is Important:

By mirroring the movements of daily life – like squatting, reaching, or even carrying a heavy object – building functional fitness can help increase the quality of life and reduce the risk of injury.  Functional Fitness basically makes daily life easier.

Function Fitness BLOCK 2

Recommended Weekly Split:

No matter how you chose to use the blocks … either stand alone, add on, or a mash-up from different months … This is our recommended weekly split calendar.

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat/Sun
Pull Push Rest Core Functional Skills Rest

That said – you’re welcome to create your own calendar and do what works best for you and your clients.

ABOUT The Functional Fitness Program:

Welcome to the Functional Fitness program … An ever-growing, unbranded fitness program, designed for coaches to download and easily share with their clients.


What Is Functional Fitness:

Squat.  Lunge.  Hinge.  Walk.  Rotate.  Push.  Pull.  These are the 7 functional movement skills we use in everyday life.  Functional Fitness trains all of these movements in a unique, fun, challenging, and inspiring way.


Why Functional Fitness in Important:

By mirroring the movements of daily life – like squatting, reaching, or even carrying a heavy object – building functional fitness can help increase the quality of life and reduce the risk of injury.  Functional Fitness basically makes daily life easier.

21 day wakeup workout challenge

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
10 Good Mornings

10 Push Ups

10 Curls

10 Crunches

10 Lunges

30 sec Plank

10 Squats

10 Shoulder presses

10 Jacks

10 Twists

10 Side Lunges

10 Bicycles

15 Good Mornings

15 Push Ups

15 Curls

15 Crunches

15 Lunges

45 sec Plank

15 Squats

15 Shoulder presses

15 Jacks

15 Twists

15 Side Lunges

15 Bicycles

20 Good Mornings

20 Push Ups

20 Curls

20 Crunches

20 Lunges

60 sec Plank

20 Squats

20 Shoulder presses

20 Jacks

20 Twists

20 Side Lunges

20 Bicycles


21 Day Heart-Pumpin’ Challenge

For the next 21 days (and beyond!) let’s take control of our heart health.  Heart disease is the number one cause of death – but in so many cases, it is preventable!  Move your body, every day, and your chances of having heart disease decrease drastically!

The 21 day Heart-Pumpin’ Challenge will help boost your heart rate, increase your cardiovascular fitness, turn you into a fat burning machine, AND even extend your life!  All good things, right?

Here’s how the challenge works:

Each day, for 21 days, I’ll be posting a new cardio focused workout.  These are all bodyweight exercises – no equipment is required.  Anyone, anywhere can do them.  And – there will be modifications and intensifications offered – so everyone can be successful, no matter what level.

Week ONE – We start off with workouts at moderate intensity.

~   30 seconds of MODERATE intensity followed by 30 seconds of rest – per exercise.

~   1-3 rounds, depending on fitness level.

Week TWO – We progress to intervals of high intensity.

~  20 seconds of MODERATE intensity, then 20 seconds of HIGH intensity, followed by 20 seconds of rest – per exercise.

~  2-4 rounds, depending on fitness level.

Week THREE – We blast to the finish line adding in short bursts of SUPER HIGH intensity!

~ 30 seconds MODERATE, right into 20 seconds HIGH, finish with 10 seconds of ‘GIVE IT ALL YOU’VE GOT’ intensity (total 60 seconds), followed by 30 seconds of rest – per exercise.

~  3-5 rounds, depending on fitness level.

PROGRESSION!  We’re starting slow, then building and progressing.  We’re getting stronger in our cardio – blasting a million calories – and having so much fun!!

Take control of your heart health with us:

Choose healthy eating options, most of the time.  Limit alcohol and smoking.  Take steps to control your cholesterol and blood pressure.  And MOVE your body, each day.

We’re so excited to have YOU in our 21 day Heart-Pumpin’ Challenge.  We start on Monday.

And – spread the word!!  Share with your friends and loved ones that you’re taking control of your heart health.  Invite them to join the HEART PUMPIN’ party.  We’d love to have them!

21 Day Playing with Planks Challenge


Plank Challenge













High plank






(3 attempts … take average time as base)

10 Shoulder taps


High Plank

base + 5 sec


Repeat x2

10 Foot Taps



High Plank

base + 5 sec


Repeat x2

12 Downdog to Plank


High Plank

base + 10 sec


Repeat x2

12 Side plank openers


High Plank

base + 10 sec


Repeat x2

16 Hip Dips



High Plank

base + 15 sec


Repeat x2






Low plank






(3 attempts … take average time as base)

10 Side punches


Low plank

base +5 sec


Repeat x3

10 Leg Lifts



Low plank

base +5 sec


Repeat x3

12 Pike to plank


Low plank

base +10 sec


Repeat x3

16 Side Dips



Low plank

base +10 sec


Repeat x3

20 Plank jacks


Low plank

base +15 sec


Repeat x3





High plank

3rd week baseline:






Low plank

3rd week baseline:





10 High low



Low plank

base +5 sec


HIgh plank

base +5 sec


Repeat x4

12 Knee to Elbows



Low plank

base +10 sec


HIgh plank

base +10 sec


Repeat x4

15 Plank to beast


Low plank

base +15 sec


HIgh plank

base +15 sec


Repeat x4

20 Thread the needle


Low plank

base +20 sec


HIgh plank

base +20 sec


Repeat x4

25 Mountain climbers


Low plank

base +25 sec


HIgh plank

base +25 sec


Repeat x4

Final challenge …

BEST of 3 tries:


High plank





Low plank


